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And even did it with 2 1.x teams. That is worth a praise on it's own.


How is this abyss with Zhongli btw? As far as I've seen it's super difficult


I haven't tried the new abyss yet. But I think that it will be like other previous "difficult" abyss for people who have been doing it for quite awhile now, i.e. it is just in the adjustment phase at the start where people are still familiarizing with the new enemy lineup (placements, spawn points, types of enemies, etc), and then it gets easier. I'm mildly curious if I can still bring Phys Zhongli - I've been consistently using him in abyss for a long time now. But tbh I'm not actually sure if I'll have the motivation to do it this time, which will probably be the first time since I started doing abyss.