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I remember being told in elementary school that we needed to write in cursive or else the middle school teachers would fail us if we didn't. Guess what happened. The middle school teachers thought that was the dumbest thing they ever heard. This was in the late 2000s.


American schools aren’t going to teach anything that doesn’t lead to high test scores. Sadly, that’s all they’ve cared about since NCLB.


learned it around 2008 ~ 2010, just did a quick google; apparently as of last month, only 46% of states require cursive to be taught.


I'm 28 and learned it in 3rd grade. The *only* reason I can read/write cursive is because my mom pushed it, and I'm so thankful she did. There are plenty of people my age who can't


In my country they still teach cursive. Why wouldn't they?


Maybe it’s just a meme, but here in the US I see people bringing up the fact that cursive isn’t something that is taught as frequently, if at all, in schools any more…regardless of level.


I’m in Ireland and we learned it for one year in P7 (when we’re 10/11) and then never used it again lol, completely forgot it all


I learned cursive at the same age in the US. I still know all the lowercase letters, but I forgot all the uppercase except for the ones in my name. So I just make up cursive capital letters if I ever need them. The Silent Generation's cursive is a lost art.


Same in Germany. Kids still learn to write cursive


Cursive is kinda useless when smartphones are readily available for most tasks I found more use from learning secretarial shorthand than cursive tbh


I saw it happen; I was the last 3rd grade class to be taught cursive at my school. So that would’ve been the 2007/08 school year. I think the idea was “no one writes in cursive anymore” which is a total lie lol. Almost every boss I’ve ever had wrote in cursive. I’ve heard they started teaching it again in some places? I do think it’s important to teach. There are people alive who remember WWII, of course there are people who still write in cursive.


My school touched on it, maybe around 2005/2006 (4th grade). It wasn't enough for it to stick for me.  My 2nd grade teacher had told my parents that they were instructed to focus on the subjects important for state testing, so I imagine that cursive was not important enough to teach. 


I learned in 3rd grade (06/07) but it was never reinforced after that year outside of my signature. It stopped being a rare luxury to have computers and transitioned into the norm. By the time i graduated highschool papers were starting to be submitted electronically rather than printed.


I started learning cursive in 3rd grade (2002-2003) and my 5th grade teacher required us to use it for our assignments. Every other teacher either didn't care or wanted us to type things like essays anyway. My sister is 5 years younger and I know she learned in 3rd grade too. So, at a minimum, cursive was still being taught through the late 00s. Even if kids aren't learning it now, I don't really see why it matters. I don't know about everyone else, but I rarely write anything by hand anymore. It's all typed. Once you're out of school, I'm guessing the average person really doesn't write much by hand now. How often does cursive actually show up in day to day life besides signatures (which don't even strictly require cursive anyway)?


Learned it in 3rd grade and never used it outside of my signature. We just take so many notes on our computer now.


I learned in 2003-2004, then we never used it again.


They taught it to us when I was in 4th grade, then we never used it again.


I think they stopped during the mid 2000s because we started computer literacy classes and typing courses. But then those phased out too. I will say, though, my Gen alpha relatives are learning cursive and I think that's pretty neat. They came to visit me one day and they were so ecstatic to show me their "fancy letters" that adults use. They're in 2nd and 3rd grade.


The constitution is written cursive. If younger people don’t understand it then they can’t know their rights.


Uhhh... but the Constitution can be readily found online in print. For free...


Right, because it's not like we can find a printed version of it online or anything. We have to go to the capitol building in Washington, DC or wherever it's kept and read it in person 🙄


Right, like they have to keep it true to the writing on the internet. 🙄


That's a very difficult cursive to read in the first place


I don’t understand why learning to write it is still a thing. Read it? Yeah, I get that. But most young people barely handwrite anything. I don’t see any real use anymore.


they still teach cursive in my country, it's a motor skill, really not too much to do with like penning a letter or whatever


Probably around 2008 they stopped teaching cursive in Mexico.


I'm not sure when they stopped teaching it. I learned cursive in 3rd grade (2004ish), but then never used it again in school. Teachers never made students write in cursive and always allowed printing, so I just never used it. I can still read and write in cursive, but I do have to think a little before I write. I assume schools stopped teaching cursive because they stopped making students write in cursive for school assignments. I'm sure that computers and Word also played a role in this.


I was in elementary school from 2004ish-2010ish and I learned it. I have trouble with just a couple letters but I can definitely read and write it. It makes me feel cool like I know a secret language 😂


I started learning cursive in 1st grade (2005) and had to stick with it throughout all 4 elementary school years. I stopped writing in cursive in 7th or 8th grade (2012-2013) because I was lazy lol.


I don't know exactly. But my theory is that when you go to a place like a bank, a credit union, or the Department of Motor Vehicles you need to PRINT all of your information. They want that because people have "cursive" so sloppy it's not readable. I think they want to prepare kids for the future . . . . of filling out hundreds of forms when they are adults.


unrelated to cursive, but another thing they’re not teaching is roman numerals… my 11 year old cousin came over and asked what the x’s and i’s meant on my wall.. and so we sat and she learned all of the roman numerals. how did that one get let go?


I was born in 97 and I was the last year they taught it. I want to say was probably 5th grade


I was taught cursive but I never needed it for anything after 4th or 5th grade.


I learned it in the fourth grade, which was the 2008-09 school year. After fourth grade, I never had to write in cursive again.


I’m born in 1994. I remember being taught in 3rd grade for the first time but it never stuck. In 4th grade my teacher had us writing again but again it never stuck. 5th grade the same deal, a few students that knew how would write in cursive sometimes but majority didn’t. By 6th grade almost nobody was writing in cursive, we had a few lessons because my teacher wanted us to know how but it never stuck, most students wrote in print, cursive was just sometimes to show off that you knew how. By 7th grade we were told to completely not to write in cursive even if you knew how, teachers wanted print handwriting and if you had a computer you even type essays. By 8th grade, it was almost completely phased out and typing papers was starting to become the norm for essays. By high school (late 2008- 2012) it was pretty much non existent, It was either printed or typed papers for essays depending on the class. Majority didn’t even know how to write in cursive and those who did mainly did it for to show how good they could write in cursive, typing papers and even sending emails started to become a thing later on in HS. So in summary I’d say for me, by 7th grade (late 2006-2007) is when teachers started to really dissuade us from writing in cursive.


wtf, I definitely had it in elementary school! I would have thought they would still do it (at least here in Germany). From the middle school equivalent they didn’t anymore in my case, but they still expected you to at least be able to read it, as some teachers used it on the chalkboard. But it’s so funny, my partner recently asked me recently if I learned cursive in school, lol


The funny thing is cursive is my primary handwriting style, and I learned it in 5th grade.


I don’t know personally. But I do know the majority of public schooling is irrelevant and therefore destructive. Who the fuck needs anything past basic algebra? This is my bias and enraged opinion though. My apologies