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You used buffed in the wrong way. And no, it wasnt nerfed.


CR is still very strong, especially in arena. With MX/ CR and miniclip/entrenched it is arguably one of the top 3 set ups


Holy Smokes! I’ve been running the CR since its Debut and never thought about that Load Out Combination before! 🤯 I think it’s my New Favorite! 👏🥳🤙💯🤝


Max load out for this is: Cryoburst (get the frost bolts!!!) Entrenched postion (better if you take left side of the tree but ricochet isn’t bad) Miniclip (doesn’t matter how you get it, you never actually reload) Number tree (everything, coup de grace is a must, tailgun helps but sometimes you can’t get it, fullisade is a top choice) Fire tree (you want the regen, get them all if you can) Slayer tree (as much as you can get- execute is a must) Withering glare/evil eye. Eagle eye is nice but you’re running low on options… Power tree (the more the better but don’t pick these over anything above) Curse and wither. You don’t need the others in this tree. I always take the extra hearts (vitality) and run and gun if I can but not at the expense of anything above Ideally you want tome of frostfire and tome of strength but agility/furor/ballistics aren’t awful. Obviously avoid tome of thunder since you aren’t taking any lightning traits.


Didn't get you, please explain. I didn't understood short forms.


MX is modified xyclon. CR is Christmas rifle. Get elite traits miniclip, dig in and cryoburst.


Why miniclip? Seems odd for a large clip weapon. Not being a smart ass


Miniclip with MX/CR. Needs entrenched position as well to be effective. Run it with frost bolts. Basically you are rapid firing frost bolts with no reload (70% chance to not use ammo from MX, 40% chance from entrenched position= 110% chance you don’t “use ammo”). It’s not effective with smite or reload traits but highly effective with frost bolts, coupe de grace. Focus on fire rate and forget about reload traits


I just played Virtual Battle Ground for the first time with that setup and set a New Record at Wave 228 (Slinger Got Me). It wasn’t until after Wave 200 that the First Boss actually got a First Attack off on me and it Cuts through Elites like Butter! But if this Load Out is “Top 3” then what other combinations are better?! 🫡🥳🤙


Depends on your situation. SP/BR with smite/pandy/voltron/uniorb is probably the single strongest option. MX/FM with that same setup (fire rate/number tree) is pretty awesome for stages, especially if you have penguin/ullr hatchling/jollysnowhoof.


what other traits do you prioritize for the SP/BR combo?


Everything smite. Reload 50% dmg, miniclip, freeze, fire regen, power tree, slayer tree. Im no expert on this set up as its rather new to me but those traits seem to be doing pretty well as a base




I find the Soulstice clip works better then mini clip. Mini clip is great with rpg