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the gingerbread robot will automatically pick up all gift boxes after a certain amount of time.


Ye but I don’t have him :( I’m not spending money in the game so I guess it’s will be hard to get him


Cr is great my guy


Yes it’s looks likes that’s why I asking how to use it


Miniclip/dig in/cryoburst. Be sure to get frost bolts and coup de grace. The rest you can play with. I usually get fire traits/slayer/curse and maybe a movement trait to or two


You use mini clip with the CR and not the other one that increases fire rate by 66% and doubles clip size?


Correct. But this only works with MX. you can use tome of furor but i prefer frost fire and strength. Furor would be my third choice


Mx+ mini clip is for the first meteors, is that what your talking about?


Can you give some details about your gameplay? Usually I stand in the corner, I’m the beginning the CR is very week and I stuck between zombies and can’t arrive the airdrops. Any tips how to use it correctly?


Movement is life with that weapon. The more you move the better you will do. If you have frost jacket to epic you will get hit, move through frozen zombies, and get your airdrop. I will say getting miniclip and frost bolts should be your number one priority


I don’t have the jacket :( have S legendary +4.. thinking of salvage it and make frost jacket because I’m not paying money in this game so will takes me a lot of time to get 2 S tier legendary 🤢 So you just keep on running in the map? You never get in the corner? I need to get use to this game play because usually when I had crossbow.. I’m 1.8 cp without any specials bots only doom spawn, I try to beat level 62 who has 2.8 recommended and if I don’t get good airdrop in the beginning I keep fail


Freeze jacket is an absolute must for stages, challenge stages, and vb


And btw you don’t take the DMG traits?


I will take damage traits but I don’t prioritize them. I see it at as 30% fire rate=30% dmg, freeze = 40% damage (because of frost penguin at Legendary)


Op listen you are only +2 and you need Ginger bread is all man I'm 4 mill what's ur attack


When it’s time to get a S tier robot o think penguin will be your best bet especially since you use MXonce penguin is lvl’d to legendary it’ll give you 40% increased damage to frozen or slowed enemies and for Mx that’ll be everyone inside your bubble. Ginger bread is great for the CR but penguins is great everywhere. You can equip both so it’s not a big deal but I’d get penguin first especially if you like to switch your your weapons from time to time


I'm interested in this too. I am in the same situation and it seems like cr is not that great so far.


We just need to learn the correct tactic with the correct traits..


You have to run around… I’m a lazy player and prefer to stand around and shoot versus with the CR you literally have to move nonstop to get the item drops. Currently loving the frost meteor