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Shill on your own time


At least it's not RAID Shadow Legends or War Thunder that many YouTubers paid shills for


Sure but its still incredibly annoying to pollute the subreddit with what basically amounts to a low effort ad


how tf else do I show the game then????


either buy actual ad space or make your own subreddit


> "This app isn't available on Google Play in your region" Welp, dang it


F*** Soft Launch practices


How much are they paying you for this


An good excuse to take a shit for an hour


Did they just RIP DFM and AC soundtrack ?!


The soundtrack was me listening to Spotify and and no, it does not have DFM, the zoom thing is straight out of war thunder


Rly? DFM machinegun and missile lock does exactly that, oh and the damage particles of sparks and soot are a near 1:1 xD [https://youtu.be/9FyKSUgT5OI?t=65](https://youtu.be/9FyKSUgT5OI?t=65)


wouldn’t surprise me if many of the developers for this game were ace combat fans too,


“sToP sHiLliNG” thanks internet for showing endless ads to the point people cant share things they like without being assumed its paid. •^•


I mean this is ACAH the mobile game


Nah, ACE Fighter is mobile AH. This one is more like War Thunder mobile (though idk how grindy this one is).


Havent seen that filling reticle in WT EVER. Neither have I seen the visual damage effects


The filling reticle is just the lock on indicator tho. Compare it to [ACE Fighter](https://www.reddit.com/r/acecombat/comments/qk1oki/this_game_feels_familiar_sry_for_bad_quality_btw/) which even has counter-maneuvers and stuff (also you can see me DFM a Nosferatu at 0:17).


Which is also was in ACAH , as well as the damage particles again are a near perfect match. The only thing that it doesnt have is the godawful camera and maybe not being on rails, something not easily seen in just a video.


AH's version was different, it was a "high precision missile" indicator that only appears when you're already in DFM. This game's (and War Thunder's) version is simply a lockon zone indicator (though it was harder to see in WT because that game zooms way beyond the circle). Also damage particles aren't exactly a reason to call it "AH Mobile". Sparks and smoke flying off the plane when it receives cannon shots is a pretty common vfx in games post PS2-era. The only truly unique vfx AH had was the "plane blood on the screen" effect, which I don't see here either. But I don't play Metalstorm so I can't say if it has it in its graphical settings or not.


Not that they happen, the soot particles and sparks on screen when using the gun are 1/1 from AH at about 0:20 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FyKSUgT5OI&t=65s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FyKSUgT5OI&t=65s) Also the exact muzzle flash used ACAH Was the VERY FIRST AC that did those on screen particlesas their " steel carnage " feature. Prior ACs only did a plane exploding or burning up without "on camera" particles at all , especially not when using the gun.


I don't think so. Metalstorm's particles are of significantly lower quality. And while AH was the first AC that did the "sparks when hit with a gun" thing, it was not the first game. Folks had that since the [PS2 era](https://youtu.be/IEcDStwG3YQ?t=2503). And even if the Metalstorm had the exact same vfx as AH. That would still not be enough to call it "AH Mobile". It's just vfx. Will all of that said, AH is still a better game though.


Its quick, fun, and fairly easy to control! Any game I can get MVP 80% of the time keeps me coming back hahaha. Also I appreciate the uncommon aircraft inclusion.