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I know some people may not think it’s that deep but I’m wired to hold onto things. 😂😂😂


Okay what villagers do you currently have and I can help you re-get those villagers once you get to that stage The starter villagers there's nothing I can do about those but the rest of them I can help you get them


I have issues with holding onto things as well. 🙂 I find restarting islands on ACNH helps me to deal with that. It's reassuring how villagers I had on my first island have reappeared in later ones, and sometimes I've even found ones I like even more. If you have Nintendo you could make a dream address for your current island before deleting it so you can hold on to the memories while letting the island go.


Well I deleted it before making a dream address for the current villagers but it’s fine. I need to learn to let go.


losing villagers is the last thing that worries me about resetting lol it is SO MUCH work to get back to the point of terraforming!


And finding diys is so hard.


And all of your clothes, furniture, wallpapers, flooring.. and if you’ve already finished the DLC.. ahh I could never do it again!


Oh I cheated. Friend has been playing just as long as I have. Had them keep visiting and dropping recipes for a couple weeks. I am back at nearly 90%.


That's not cheating, that's using your resources! Work smarter, not harder, yes, yes... -Tom Nook


i held onto my island that i didn’t like for a long time before deleting it only because i had good villagers that i didn’t want to lose. one day i finally built up the courage and deleted my island and literally got my fav villager as a starter on the first try and over time worked on my island and went villager hunting and now i am one villager away from my dream lineup and i have a beautiful forever island that i love!! this is a sign to do it!! it will take some time but you will get your villagers back!


What are your villagers and which one are you looking for?


Who is your last villager you want? I have hundreds of amiibos and might have the one you're looking for. If I do, I can get them for you


Why wouldn't you clear your island? I'd never want to lose my actual game progress


It takes too much time and effort to clear my island. It also bothers me too much to look at it.


It's something you have to think about. Fresh start on EVERYTHING. villagers along with relationships with them, item inventory, house and storage expansions, flower progress, diy inventory, fish and bug catalogs, museum, harvs Island stuff etc. I've been playing since release day and I would be torn up if anything happened. But I've also never really terraformed too much. I enjoy the game to be like all the other versions with tons of grass and space outside.


Yeah, it’s a sacrifice.


Restarting would probably take a lot more time and effort....


Not really, I just did it with ease.


Speaking as someone who has done both, it's WAY more work to have to rebuild your item catalogue and get back to terraforming.


Yeah, it maybe. Idk.


if you need someone to hold your items i can do it


I jumped the gun. No items were saved. I am starting 100% from scratch.


That's exciting! If you need your dream villagers, let me know who, I have hundreds of amiibos and might have them and can get them for you


Honestly if you have Molly, Pecan and Faith that would be cool! I also had maple, June and Sasha that I love. Then bill, static and marshal. Oh and Merry.


I know for sure I have faith and pecan and 99% Molly. I have maple, Sasha, Marshall and I'll check on June, bill and static 😊


Yay! 😇


I for sure have molly, pecan and faith. Let me know when you'd like them and I can get them in for you


want some Fuit and tools i have some


While this is super unique I decided to upgrade my switch from the acnh version to the Zelda OLED one and I restated my play through on my new switch. I’m having a blast and I don’t regret it - but I know my island is “alive” on my old switch. I was super unhappy with my previous island given that I terraformed too much and just generally unhappy with the layout so I didn’t grab the game anymore!


Honestly it’s the best thing I ever did!! I actually play the game now, and I’ve gotten way farther than I ever did!


No I can come help you


I was considering restarting my island but decided against it because it’s rumored that the new animal crossing game will come out next year when the Switch 2 is released.


That’s nice!


Just treasure island your villagers


I love restarting. It was hard and weirdly emotional for me the first time, but everytime I’ve set the game down for a long period of time I have restarted and it’s great. My husband has a switch now too, so he let me make an island on his too.


Ur choice tbh