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I’m finally healing from that program 8 years later. Left on my own accord after my second year. At the time it was Princeton Reviews top acting conservatory for several years running. The faculty has changed and some core teachers that made that program special are no longer there. So i couldn’t say what the current state of it is like. But it was miserable in terms of atmosphere and workload. It felt like they wanted to turn you into a blank canvas, stripped of what made you special in the first place. It’s a cut program, so you get to know which teachers are for you and which are against you. And if you don’t kiss the ass of the ones that don’t like you- good luck. I did make some friends for life, but i’m sure you can get that at any program that promotes you to share your deepest secrets and literally strip down to your naked self. (like literally) I never visited the school before jumping into the program. The place is designed by a prison architect, so there’s that. It’s hard and cold. And grey. All my memories are vailed with a grey tint. Overall, fuck that place.


I’m sorry you had that experience, I’ve heard many stories aligning with what you’re describing from past alumni. As someone who is currently attending I feel I can confidently say they have improved on those fronts regarding stripping you of what makes you, you. I’ve had no experience nor heard any abusive behavior or trauma dumping being required in classes as of recent memory. I think they’ve begun to come to terms with the issues of the past, and are at least working towards correcting that. It is also not a cut program anymore. The training is good, you will improve and build confidence as long as you trust in yourself and the work. the workload is heavy, so it will definitely be a true test of how much you like acting. Again sorry to hear you had that experience, but I do believe Purchase’s BFA doesn’t operate as it once did before.


I have no idea except it is very well respected. Congrats !


Thank you.


I currently attend. Expect large workloads. I find that the school prides itself on the level professionalism that they push on students. Some of the faculty are quite old, hence newer students considering the faculty "abusive". It is just a slightly more harsh approach to teaching. Come with your work prepared, and you will be alright.


All due respect, it doesn’t sound like you really know what you’re talking about. I can respect that you may be one of the students who is insulated from the darker sides of that place, as those students exist, but myself and the other alum here are not talking about intense course loads or harsh feedback. We’re talking about personal manipulation, sexual coercion and assault (by teachers, and students who have then been protected by teachers), racial comments by teachers, bogus spirituality used an excuse for gaslighting, etc. Again, your experience is your own and that’s valid, but to dismiss that of others so quickly is very shortsighted, especially since neither of us in this thread talking about the abuse are “new students.” We were there before you. But this is an attitude that people like Ronni make a life out of fostering in people. In the words of Edie Falco: “I’ll donate to Purchase when they pay for my years of therapy.”


As someone also currently attending and having heard some of the horror stories from previous alum, I think OP isn’t trying to deny any claims anyone is making here. They may just simply be stating their experience with the program. To my knowledge the things you’re describing aren’t happening within the program ( at least between faculty and students.) It seems to me there has been a cultural shift within the program and their approach to how they teach, and I’m very sorry those things happened to you and other company members in the past.


Please judge it on your own vs some of the very strong opinions below.  It’s an incredible school. I went to a different SUNY school and am from NY.


which other SUNY has a renowned bfa in acting?


I was talking SUNY in general. SUNY schools are great! I didn’t go to college for acting. You truly don’t have too. I did go to another SUNY school but for communications. I majored in communications and double minored in English and dance.


I auditioned for it back in 2005 and didn’t get in but it was a great reputation! Plus the area is GORGEOUS. I live near the school.




Has* a great reputation. Sorry not was lol


Just keep in mind it’s not NYC. It’s in Westchester county which is $$$$ area. And it’s on the boarder of Greenwich CT. It’s about a 45min train ride to midtown NYC


I went to the SUNY Purchase BFA Acting program and transferred out in my second year due to abusive professors that are still there. There is still a morsel of good training there but it is a chaotic and cult-like environment and I have born witness to the many mental breakdowns it has caused. Happy to elaborate/dm. Edit: My second *year*, not semester


Can I ask what school you transferred to, if it was into another BFA acting program?




We do not tolerate bad faith behavior, such as combatitiveness, provocation, derision, participating at the detriment of others, etc.


Bro what?? I don’t think you know who I am… I left of my own accord years ago, and thinly veiled personal comments on an anonymous reddit forum are…. Well why don’t you message me if you want to have a conversation.


I've heard that Purchase lately is more for writers/producers/directors and less for actors.


lol i disagree. ESPECIALLY on the writing front lol. a lot of the writing faculty are great, but a lot of the students we have here writing, are writing some bullshit


Wow! That's a big deal man... they've got an amazing program. What I find weird though is the fact that you got in without knowing what the school or program was like lol