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Exactly this. I'm on Vyvanse and since the shortage started I've been rationing it by only taking it on weekdays, so I can see exactly how stark the difference is in my focus, executive function, and mood on the days I'm unmedicated and it's fucking awful. It feels like a real-life [*Flowers for Algernon*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowers_for_Algernon).


Even worse is it's designed to be taken every day to maintain a level. Skipping days interrupts this and causes other bad side effects especially in the first day or 2 restarting. It's bad for you but when you're not given any options it's defeating. Doing it long enough makes you feel like you're riding the bipolar rollercoaster.


I've been stuck switching back and forth between the generic and the name brand, depending on what I can get each month, plus skipping days to conserve. I can definitely feel a difference between the two different medications each month, and it's terrible. It's probably not good for the brain to be doing what we have to in order to survive, but what else can we do?


I just read that story recently. I cried.


My god, I’ve never heard someone describe it as like *Flowers for Algernon* but I’ll be fucked if that isn’t accurate.


Raw dogging since birth. I'm 35. I'm a hell rider. Fuck this condition.


Lol same, I'm 28 and only just now contemplating talking to a doctor about medication or something


I contemplated that for years got disqualfiied from college back in and graduated before I went and saw a doctor becuase the one time I went I was told I needed to change my insurance city or some shit and It felt like too much work


I've just heard things about ADHD drugs, like it dampens your creativity, so I've just always been afraid of being put on some medication that feels like it restrains my creative abilities. But after struggling with deadlines and being late at enough jobs at this point I think I need to at least try something besides just dealing with it


maybe burnout faster but true I do feel less creative day after adderL




I thought most ADHD meds had a side effect of weight loss not weight gain?


I lost 25kg since starting Vyvanse, ymmv obviously :D


I've been unmedicated since 5th grade because my dad didn't like how it was making me act, saying it was making me docile or something and as a result of being unmedicated for so long, I'm currently 26, I feel like I'm a lesser human being.


I have deep disdain for parents like that


I cut my father's from a slack, I talked with him about it and I got it from him but he doesn't have it nearly as bad as me so he didn't really understand at the time and he was just worried that it was going to make me a zombie. He apologized for going about it the wrong way.


That's good. I'm glad he was able to apologize, and to be clear I wouldn't think he's a bad person. Your comment originally made me think of the types of parents who neglect their children because of their beliefs and ideology. But I misintepreted you, sorry if I came off the wrong way.


To be fair administering psychiatric meds to your child, especially during early or pre-internet days (scarce information), must’ve been scary as shit. I’d too be second guessing everything if I saw my kid’s personality shift entirely.


Unmedicated, every second is all the time and time is all but every second. I cannot fathom what time is. Edit: My conscious seems to think that I need to think every thought at the same time, thus making my mind race like an athlete that skips every other step and still moving faster than light. It’s a cycle of thoughts that I keep repeating without stops. About 10 years ago I was picturing it to psychiatric care that I was simultaniously on board of 300 lightspeed train and jumping inbetween the trains, unable to choose what train was in the moment.


Glad to see I’m not the only one who seems to have every thought at once and no fuxking downtime


This is the one thing I wish I didn’t had. It’s a menace.


Definitely can be a specially when it’s screaming things you don’t want to think about and won’t shut up mixed in with them


* Sad "Ha-ha"* Up till 29 had no access to medication, even with early diagnosis. It's rough to think of all wasted opportunities, especially at HS, cause barely had control of own life. Best metaphor could think of is stepping trough mirror, from person you are to person you know you can be. Really fuck it. It's infuriating to know that at many places people cannot get medication or even diagnosis.


Current state for me as no meds ever worked and the doctor just gave up on the diagnosis and is now saying I don’t actually have adhd (I do lol)


Haha what is medicine? 🙂🙂


My parents don't believe in this shit 🤡 Yes, I have adhd but can't help it


This was actually the turning Point of my Life. I stopped using any Medication in April 2021 and a few Days, after my Mom found out, she put me in a Mental Hospital (Fun Fact: Not even the Boss of the Mental Hospital knew, why she put me there) In the following Months I realised more and more what Monster my Mom truly is and that I have to get more Contact with my Dad (they're divorced). Because I stopped taking them immediatly (Had to take 5 a Day for 5 Years between 13 and 18) I lost about 10kg, cause of not having any appetite (I didn't had any Problems with some sort of eating disorder or smth). I'm now 20 Years old, live medication free, broke up Contact with my Mom and Uncle and I love my Life. I'm vibing theough it the past weeks


Ugh. I developed a cardiac arrhythmia last year, and can’t take stimulants anymore. Not even caffeine. It’s so frustrating to know what I’ve lost, and trying to struggle through without them. Appreciate your meds, kids!


I was unmedicated until Spring 2023. I cannot explain the absolute difference. It’s like normal me can’t regulate emotions or stop hyperfocusing. I was on edge ALL THE TIME. New me can make plans. I remember things. I don’t have anxiety over trying to not to forget things. I sleep better. I get more work done. I’m a better parent. It’s great.


I don't believe in afterlife hell, I lived it, I felt it.


I’m actually about to ask my doctor about medication, what hoops do I have to jump through?? I’ve already been diagnosed for years, I’m just worried that my doctor won’t believe me