• By -


30? 50!


Shit, hoped it stopped at 40


It stops. I mean, you stop thinking you'll change it without help.


I'm about to turn 41 and it has not stopped.


Dang it. On the downhill slide to 40 in July and was also hoping this. Oh well, at least I'll get cake.


Nope, perimenopause is around the corner and it gets WORSE! (Sorry.)


50! is 30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000 That's pretty old!


Yes! By that age, I’ll definitely have my life together. Maybe…


I definitely won't care anymore


50? 60!


you're 30.4 vigintillion years old??


Your mom's a virgintillion years old har har har /s


Indeed 😬


30? 40? 50? 60? 70? When the diagnosis is an express train back up the family tree across the generations.


35 for me!


47 for me. Diagnosed a month ago.


Oof.. that hits close to home.. I'm 41 now.. and that really describes my mindset of all those years to a T... But thankfully I'm in the process of getting the diagnosis.. finally ..


I'm so happy for you!! Getting diagnosed was the best thing I ever did for myself


One of the major hurdles with a later-in-life diagnosis, at least in my experience, is that I was so far behind that I still remain pretty overwhelmed with trying to play catch up and get my life back on track. I would also add that getting diagnosed and being medicated is still only the beginning for severe ADHD. Therapy and learning how to adapt to my limitations and work within them is now up against the ever rising tide of increased responsibilities as I am now a father and my parents have reached an advanced age where they need my help with health issues, logistical issues, and sometimes just in navigating this complicated digital world we live in. It never ends, and every time I get a little farther then I have just leveled up and the game is harder. Add to that any changes of insurance causing me to have to change something about my therapy regimen, or a national shortage of ADHD meds leaves me without for extended periods of time, and it just. never. ends.


Where do you go to get diagnosed?


I had my 4th assessment today and it went way faster than the psych had reserved for it and I feel like I downplayed stuff to try to be the ”good girl” again 😵‍💫🫣 I had one of those days where nothing works so I didn’t remember a lot and didn’t want to elaborate too much and be annoying 🫣


I find that it's very helpful to the diagnostic process to take notes with you so that you can really tell them how it affects your life. It's really hard to sit down and come up with an exhaustive list, but you can watch some videos on youtube where people talk about their experiences and it will usually jog your memory regarding struggles you've had. There's a certain irony about putting a person suspected of having ADHD on the spot in a clinical setting and expecting them to have perfect recall about all the challenges they face. My life would absolutely fall apart at the seams if not for the notes app on my phone, so I've learned to incorporate that into my life... now I just have to remember to keep my phone charged, so I have extra cords, blocks, and battery banks in all the key places.


I’ve been doing this, lists/notes for doctors and all other things I don’t want to forget. Went to see a case working and it’s random, you get who you get. So this lady was really nice. Told me her husband was dx at 30. They struggle but so far. I had my list and looked at it and at one time put it back in my purse. Near the end she asked me “you brought a list, did we address everything?” I about cried. Yes, we had. But still. Wow.


When you’re diagnosed, medicated and 31 and you’re still saying this to yourself everyday 🫠




I hear you … 😐




How do I change


Ritalin did it for me. Turned my whole life around in a matter of days.


As someone who only had it for a month last December... This is so true, I was like "Executive dysfunction? Never heard of it" and also got a taste of what it feels like to be a social person for a bit Working on getting it "back" via official diagnosis in the next months 😤


The first time I took it I cleaned my room for 3 days straight and only slept for 6 hours each night. I don't think I've ever cleaned that much in a year, even less during a single week. Wishing you the best in finally getting a subscription!


was really hoping this would be the case for me. alas, it barely helped.


Same. Tried 4 medications, the best I’ve got is one that simply makes me less tired (but doesn’t stop me from wasting the extra energy). 


Ritalin still waiting for it to kick in after 3 mos. When I’ve gone up do dose I’m sick kinda for a couple hours then I get exhausted for 2 and then it all goes away until I take another dose. Staying at one dose for a while I no longer feel sick… or anything else. That said, I feel better and making progress but not with the executive function. That’s almost worse since I was dx and started understand why I was the way I was so I no longer brow beat myself into task submission ;). Not getting much done toward working or other goals but my house is more tidy, I’m eating better, losing weight and have significantly reduced my pain thru diet. If all that is the result of the Ritalin, then it works and I’ll take it. 🤣


I have a diagnostic appt at the end of June and I’m counting down the days (or I would be if I was organized enough to know what todays date is). My whole life has felt like it’s on “pause” for months/2 years at this point and I just want to be normal. Hoping I can get meds and that they help with executive function better than antidepressants


For me it was vyvanse and a therapist forcing my hand to apply for jobs. Like she literally sat with me on a zoom call and talked me through googling places to apply, typing out the emails, sending them, etc. Got a decent job, which led to a better one, which led to all sorts of things. Couldn’t (or wouldn’t) have done it without medication and someone else’s help (in this case a therapist, but CBT and the other actually therapies I tried did literally nothing for me).


Here's my honest answer that not everyone likes.  Work less on changing and more on accepting.  I got diagnosed at 40.  I tried medication and hated it.  I am in therapy and was for a while before diagnosis and meds.  What the diagnosis allowed me to do in the end, with the help of therapy, was just accept that my brain works the way it does.  It can be pretty shitty in some ways, but there are lots of aspects about it that I actually really love.  I'm not sure that even if I could just flip a switch and do it that I'd want to be NT, it honestly seems a bit dull.  I have such excitement and drive and curiosity and passion. I just need some handholding for the follow through lol.    I've found meditation and mindfulness to be very helpful.  It's a slow road, do not expect overnight miracles. Do not get mad at yourself if you stop and start a bunch of times before it becomes an enjoyable habit.  Likewise for journalling.  I've bought several lifetimes worth of journals since my teenage years and it never stuck.  I discovered digital journaling a while back, it fit like a glove and I still haven't stopped long after my hyper focus wore off.  Giving yourself space through meditation and working through your ruminations via journalling is very helpful imo.  To be fair, I do have a lot of privilege and acknowledge that what works for me, might not for everyone due to life circumstances or a different form/severity of ADHD.  I can afford a therapist, I found employment that worked with my quirks, and I have a supportive partner who assists me as needed when I flounder.  But, I do think, if possible, that moving towards acceptance and loving yourself as you are is a good path forward. I really do hope you find something that eases you. 


Know what you want and build habits that make it happen How do I know what I want?


Adderall for me, fuck it if it blows my heart out because is this really living life to the fullest anyways?


There is no change without change


It's supposed to stop when I turn 30?


No, it gets worse! Ask me how I know


Can confirm. Even with meds.


That glorious week when the meds work and you feel great! And then they stop working and you only get the side effects. Lovely.


Hmmm, how do you know?!?!? 🤔


Shit son... this one actually hit me in the feels. So much lost time.


Man, I'm already 39. And it keeping going.


See the thing that keeps you doing it is that once in a blue moon you actually do wake up and fix all the shit in your life thats been building up. Then it becomes even more dangerous, as now you know it's possible.


This. It is the worst.


Oh, I've known something was wrong for decades. Getting someone *else* to believe that is another story.....


My dumb ass will be saying that on the day I die with a lengthy to-do list in my hand. 


Took me until 32


Or 46.


*"Tomorrow I'll finally call a place to go get myself assessed for ADHD."* I said to myself probably every week, for 3 years.


Yeah but I’m now 36, diagnosed and medicated and I’m STILL doing that…


Medicated is great until you hit the max dosage and that's still your modus operandi


I’ve been off my adhd medication for 7 years. Some days are harder than others but if I eat well and exercise regularly my focus is better, until I walk through a doorway and have to figure out why the fuck I am in that room lol. (38 now almost 39). After I take a social loss (loss of job/ relationship etc.) it’s always a real struggle to maintain my executive functioning. I’m not advocating against meds btw, I just found myself having too much anxiety on adderall or vyvanse.


I'm going to start medicating next week and I'm very much afraid of this happening. Is it worth it if it's just a temporary improvement and after that I just become dependent on it without feeling improvements :/


It’s not that it stops working completely, it just becomes less effective. It’s still a night and day difference for me though, I can’t go without it and be a functional human. and it can take a long time…. ive been on vyvanse for over 15 yeara


I had this happen to me with adderall and was able to get my insurance to cover vyvanse and its like night and day.


I've been on Vyvanse for like 15 years at this point. It's never made me 100% or anything, but I can't live without it. I really just need to try a different one.


55 :(


Spent 9 straight years on a cycle of trying to establish an exercise routine and healthy eating habits, failing, wallowing, then trying again. 9 years.... How did I not figure out something about that was off haha


I think that everyone in here is being way too hard on themselves. If you have survived years unmedicated (or even medicated) that alone is a massive achievement. You have already done so much. And I think that's worth acknowledging.


I was slow on the uptake






I've never been treated with any meds. I'm working full time, have a partner and kids and I can make it all work. Am I missing something not being treated with meds for this? I mean, my brain is at 200/mph most of the time and i would really like to make it "relax" sometimes so i can actually take a nap in the middle of the day when i'm tired.. or wake up relaxed instead of my brain going from 0-100 in like 0.2 seconds after opening my eyes for the very first time. It affects my mood, and makes me more tired afterwards.


38 here.


Hey wow, I was diagnosed when I was 9 and medicated and that’s still where I fucking am. What gives!?


Maybe you need to talk to your doctor about your medication. Sometimes you get used to the meds after a while and have to adjust the dosage, change the medication, or complement it with another medication. Also, maybe you could look into seeing an ADHD Coach, although you might have to pay for it. I didn’t know they even were a thing, but in my country, if you’re a student (primary, secondary, or tertiary), the government pays for you to see one. And seeing one has helped me a lot with productivity, time-management, and procrastination (and other non-productivity related things). The way they explained it to me was that meds can only do so much, and if you don’t know how to manage your time and use your ADHD to your advantage, then it’s difficult to make changes. And if you never learned how to do these things, then it’s hard to know how to do them or where to even start.


Right enough of this shit.... Tomorrow it is then!


Medication isn’t the answer. Schools and your regular workplaces weren’t built with us in mind.






Still happening at 60


Agreed. I'm 40 and it's pretty much over now.


I'm also doing this with my fibromyalgia and endometriosis. I cannot go on like this for thirty more years. I fucking can't.


I'm in the same boat my friend 😔


Ouch ... too true too true....




Or 40.... Or 50....


I've told myself many times, But I don't think I've ever believed it. Maybe once or twice, But after a brief while I realised I can't do flipping anything no matter how I try.


This makes me sad how real it is and how I’m pst 30 and feel this still. Does it ever get better? Fuck.


Or 50…




How do I actually do this for real, i'm on attempt #4000


I am medicated, and I’m still doing that. *sigh*


It took me until I was about 36 and then I realized I was in a quagmire and I'm still repairing damage from years of being unmanageable and probably will continue to repair for the next decade.


Try 50


I hate when people in their 20s shit on 30 like this, like your pussy falls off and you instantly morph into a crone, discarded by society.


Shit man. Why ADHD awareness is good to have in school. Kids with ADHD might not even know they have ADHD and just chalk it up to accepted laziness. Better to have them know they have it then spend years wondering why they can’t do anything.


Holy fuck this hits waaayyy too close to home.


40 for me. Medicated now.... Life changer!!


Now I have a house and there's shit that needs doing and I'm fucking rolling


Don’t be afraid to ask for help with tasks ADD friends




I'm not diagnosed but everything I learn about ADHD always makes me doubt if I should ask about it or is just my depression...


Ouch bro






Lmao me reading this at 31…


Omf that hit way too close to home, I literally just had this epiphany a few months ago 😭


I got medication for ADHD when I first got diagnosed at like 8 years old. Thinking back I never really noticed anything different, so eventually I stopped taking it and my parents never did anything about it. Yet they were losing their minds over why I just didn't do my homework Feels like they just forgot I had ADHD or something


Yup. That's where I am. 36 years old and still need to get officially diagnosed.


Try 35


Just trying to ride it out. I did what I could to fix it.


Oh well I’ll visit the doc tomorrow


Hahaha 30, try 44..


Literally my last 24 hours


It's more like 39 for me, but at least I'm not living in hard mode as bad now. I'm thankful for that!


Oh well that's not a meme anymore that's just terrifying


This was me. Finally got diagnosed and medicated at 28..


Wait till your 50


I was going to say 40 but then saw the 50s… 🤨


... dammit


I didn’t get diagnosed until I was 33. This meme hurts.


30? 🤣 Adorable.




34, and feels that way.


Thought it was just my personality all my life and it was just who I was. Finally talked to someone and got tested at 37. Tomorrow finally came. If we aren't trying to improve upon our relationships and ourselves everyday then we are wasting time. Get busy living or get busy dying 😝 ..... But I guess either way you're still dying 🤦🏻‍♂️


Or maybe the expectations of this super-productive, hyper-materialistic world is actually not leaving us enough rest or headspace to get inspired from within to do the things we are actually passionate about. Don't be too hard on yourself friends. Find the beauty in the little things. We will be ok.


I didn't fully realize it until I started learning more about ADHD and kept going "THAT'S a symptom too?!" I actually just randomly stumbled on a YouTube channel about it when a video popped up on my feed and caught my eye. I remember the one about being sensitive to rejection and impaired emotion control had me SHOOK.


Fuck so right. Smh


Cough 50, cough


Close, diagnosed at 29 at the tail end of grad school


Me, but also confused if it's the depression or if I actually have adhd


That Doodlez profile pic though. I almost forgot that show existed.


I’m tired of these mf memes calling out my mf life!


Same but 20


I mean I'm medicated and I still feel like I'm grasping at straws, just that I can focus on the straws a little better I guess


Me but realizing that my second year of college is over in 2 weeks


I hate God so much.


Hey wait, what?


Wait what? This isn't normal?


Wait what? This isn't normal?


I'm 23


Ye gawds I'm 33


Thats it, im forcing my parents to get me a diagnosis.


This is me to a T and I just got the results from my testing and they're saying I don't have it because of how my family responded on the proxy forms. I told them I'm high functioning but the inner toll it takes on me is a lot. Hoping to get a second opinion but it's such a long and costly process.


Dam this hits


The meds will make my heart pop so oh well


Holy crap, how do I not do this?? I’m 20 and I really don’t want my life to pass me by


Or 50


Currently 51


Literally turned 30 last week. Holy heck my dude


please don't be mean to me. I'm trying, I think.


Small correction.... realise you are 60. Meds help, but still.


I had a 5 foot wide quote above my bed in my college dorm room that said “You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago.” It’s cute and a little inspiring, but so sad at the same time. All I ever wanted to feel was good enough. Just constantly wanting to change & be better. But always in this cycle. I’ve learned a lot after more life & getting diagnosed & try to give myself grace. But after almost 30 years undiagnosed, it’s hard to break that mental pattern & be proud of my successes - no matter how small like doing a load of laundry in a relatively timeful manner instead of hating myself for how hard it was to do that or how I didn’t put everything away right when it was done. Edit: Here’s a pic in all its 2013 glory https://imgur.com/toLGH6c Featuring “keep calm and keep drinking” sign as evidence of my undiagnosed alcoholism which eventually got replaced with a sign with the serenity prayer on it when I got sober.


Damn, this one went straight for my jugular.


I just turned 34 and I’m in therapy to overcome my ADHD. I’m doing workbooks, practicing excersizes, and looking into meds. I’ve lost enough time to this bullshit, I’m putting in the work everyday to live the life I want.


It’s still going at 60 I’m sorry to say. I still don’t know what to do when I grow up. Or old.




I keep reading these things and thinking I ought to get one of these diagnoses. Then again, I do not have space in my budget for medical expenses.


Honestly I just hate the process of figuring out which meds work, plus I always end up on the trifecta. Diagnosed mood disorder, ADD, and depression. Seroquel is bliss plus I finally get to gain weight, 50mg straterra, and a 5mg o ability to nullify the adverse effects of the straterra. Yayoo


It is not a meme


Also medicated ADHD... Fuck I hate my brain...


Ah but Wait! You can grow out of your adhd! My coworker said so today! /s


I feel personally attacked.


45 and change. Been in this cycle for anywhere from 3-30 years depending which topic we’re talking about. Family? Dating? Exercise? Work? Home (cleaning, organizing, repairs, renovations)? Monday? This will be the day I make a big effort and turn things around! As soon as I get home from work. Tomorrow will be the day. Repeat. Repeat again. This will be the weekend I change everything and make up for all the failures. Why am I so tired? I’m just gonna sit down for a minute…its too late to start now, maybe later. I needed the sleep, maybe ill feel better tomorrow. It’s Monday already? I gotta get to work. Maybe i should take the day off and get all the stuff done i was supposed to on the weekend? Nah, I better get to work, but as soon as I get home, I’m gonna make a big effort. This will be the day I turn things around, finally!


35 here.............huh


Bruh... I am 35, and this hurts.


ADHD is not a problem...the soceity the problem...they don't understand us therefore they convince us that we are sick...and cauz of u r different u believe in them...wow...I have an ADHD but never felt I have a problem with that. I read and listened Khrisnamurti and realized the whole soceity are sick and they wanna control everything what they don't understand. I'm the normal not them.


lol So based on the comments, it never ends. Cool cool cool…


I'm 33 and I still do this even while meds which shows you I have ADHD because sometimes I forget to take my meds and then other times I do I just end focusing on non chores lol


Oh no this is medicated as well 😭😄😅


I was 42. I wasnt surprised to find out I had adhd. I was surprised by how much of what I thought was just classic me, was actually adhd. To the point that I dont really know who I am. But at least now I can concentrate and do stuff I know I should do and not hyperfocus on some random thing no one needed me to do


29 and still the same :(((


This motivated me to get out of bed and go see a psychiatrist today. I have been suffering with this for so long and gaslighting myself that I'm just lazy. Finally put my ego aside and just went. I was diagnosed with adhd and a lot of random "shortcomings" of mine have all been symptoms. It would have been a lot better if I was diagnosed a lot earlier but at least I made this first step now.


How can I stop procrastinating to get the diagnosis?


The real joke here is that the diagnosis wont save us from this. It just turns it into a new game we have to work out. Write a diary tho, we do so much crazy living, we just tend to forget when the next crazy project hits us.


At around age 12 I knew I would be like that forever, thats when I stopped trying to achieve anything at all.


This does not change at 30


errr. no, 40


errr. no, 40


Can someone tell me if this is accurate.... I've been in a similar loop for the past few months but always chalked it out to procrastination...Kinda worried if I should actually get myself diagnosed?


Literally yesterday night and therefore today I did say this


Ok. So. This is me. I don't know if I really have ADHD anymore but I still have these symptoms. What can I do that doesn't cost thousands of dollars?


It’s stuff like this that makes me happy I make good decisions. My wife thought I was crazy for diagnosing at 31. I’m 35 now and about to publish my first novel.


Luke! No way! Tomorrow I'll try again then! Doh.... seriously thought... fkc.




Man, there are those days, though, where the chips do fall into place and you get on a roll for a few days and it feels like you're really doing it and you're on top of the world for 48-96 hours until something takes a baseball bat to my carefully crafted house of cards. It's like mainlining dopamine. until the crash, that is. It took quite a while to realize that the situation, although good *feeling*, wasn't very healthy and took all those unmanageable days to compare to, which really sucked. Now that I'm well managed, though, I wouldn't trade that for the world.




Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


42. But yeah, same shit, different toilet.


This reminded me to take my meds. Thanks!


How the hell do you get diagnosed?? /srs


Unrealized.... bruh ive known for 15 years still aint got any shit done


I'm 30...


I will get YOUNGER? – How can I catch this ADHD?






Haha, when you’re 30 and finally got a diagnosis and soon treatment this year 😬 this felt like a specific callout


Started around 15, but fully realized this about 20. Had no clue there was a reason. Just assumed I was a POS person, ha.


I don't like this because I'm in it...and knocking on 35...


I’m 49 and wonder if it isn’t too late.

