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How does anybody just "go to sleep" like that unless they are exhausted from heavy labor or a long trip or something. I have to lull myself into oblivion by reading or watching dumb crap until my brain finally fizzles out.


I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to get 8 hours of sleep a night. I'm supposed to get 8, 5, 6, 6, 12, 4, but not in any order, it's more like rolling a dice and once every six days I get three dice or something It's better this way there's so much more time for activities


Should’ve used standard array instead


Ok but what about point buy, you can be much more precise that way


I forgot what it was called 😅


Melatonin pills. It does seem to reduce the falling asleep time by few hours. Though not always, but regularly enough.


Unless Melatonin gives someone anxiety by worsening their depression-anxiety loop to the point of not being able to sleep at all. How do I know this? *Nervous laughter.* I hate Melatonin.


Or migraines. Having melatonin trigger migraines is fun. Or whatever the opposite of fun is.


Melatonin is counterintuitive in that lower dosages tend to be more effective. It's usually recommended to start with 1mg or less, which you have to specifically look for. (In the US) it's usually marketed in 5mg+ which is unfortunate.


That's interesting, probably depends on location as 1mg an 1,9mg ones are only ones easily available where i live.


Same here. the ones I use for sleeping are 1mg. it feels like they quiet my brain nicely. The 1.8mg ones from the same brand are advertised to be used for long deep sleep, the 1mg ones that I have are meant for 'falling asleep quickly'


I bought some melatonin at Target when I visited the USA years ago to combat the jet lag on the trip home. I'm so used to only being able to get about 1-1,5mg and nothing more from drug stores that I didn't really register the dose on label. I never used it after the flight either, I just stuck the pill bottle in my little 'in flight essentials' pouch. so when I went on a long trip with my parents the year after and offered some of the melatonin to my family, my stepmom immediately took two pills bc she's also so used to the low dose that's available in our country. We all decided to take two, the plane took off, and... we all slept the full 12 hours of the flight. The pills were 10mg each...!! Incredible. We had missed all our meals and were so thirsty and completely out of it.


300 mcg is far more effective for me than 1 mg+


Look for kid's melatonin. It's usually only 1mg.


That sucks, though atleast it's worth a try. For those who haven't tried it before.


Melatonin pills make me feel like shit. It kept me awake all night because I hated the way it made my body feel.


That happened to me when I took melatonin. My bad dreams, anxiety and tiredness got worse after it initially got better. After quitting it all got better. That all surprised me though, cause my doctor told me it wouldn’t have any bad effects.


I tried melatonin a few times. It always gave me *intense* nightmares, and I’d wake up feeing like I had actually physically experienced them- like sore/crampy legs after a dream full of running. It was so unpleasant.


It gives me vicious nightmares. Not necessarily every time but often enough that I won't take it anymore


Melatonin does nothing for me, it’s like sugar pills. The only OTC that works for me is Doxylamine succinate. (Zolpidem at the 10mg split between 2 5mg pills also works wonders and I never have the bad side effects everyone else seems to have, but it’s very hard to get so I gave up long ago, especially when you’re afab and at the dose I need… I had a doctor literally say the dose I needed was “for men”, and then hybrid (indica and sativa) thc gummies also work wonderfully but a) I moved away from where they were legal and easy to get, and b) I have to periodically take time off from them as my tolerance for them goes up very fast). All this to say, otc doxylamine succinate is my favorite, I try to only take it two nights in a row and then stop and see if my sleep schedule is better, but when anxiety is high or I have something important the next day (which automatically means my brain will not let me sleep normally) it always works to put me to sleep.


I have Bipolar 2 and ADHD When I'm hypomanic it's practically impossible to sleep and I've stayed up for days at a time. Marijuana is an acrual life saver for this. Even just CBD gimmies take the brain down from 200 MpH to like 30.


I wish I had something to slow my brain down from its constant 200 MPH. It’s very hard for me and I am always having to find new ways to trick my brain. Right now I use AirPods in bed and I listen to the same playlist on repeat and it only works if I sing along in my head. That mixed with the 3 off label sleep medicines I’m prescribed. And weed. Nothing slows my brain down except meditation. Not standard meditation but like playing a video game or watching an interesting tv show or movie. Then I’m more likely to slow my brain down. Can’t do that for sleep. Isn’t it fun how crazy brains are!


Marijuana is super duper illegal where i live and "gängens(the gangs) största(greatest) inkomstkälla(source of income)(the reason i wrote it like this is because of a meme)" Buying any would be giving money to the guys who put chilren on the frontlines of their conflicts


My best advice is workout regularly, and take some magnesium glycinate; helps me knock out fairly easily even after looking at my phone, tv, computer, etc.


Yeah no, it's a myth, this thing is like a lottery ticket, you have it or you don't. Two of my kids will fall alseep within SECONDS after hitting their pillow, it's like lights out, show over. It doesn't matter if they had a good or bad day, if we stayed home or were out and about. They hit that pillow right, they are out cold. I will stare at the freaking ceiling for hours then. And my other kid, the unlucky one in these matters, will give me a jumpscare by asking ME why she isn't asleep yet. Like, do I know?!


I like your kid. The third one you described.


I fucked up my sleep schedule for so long that now at 10 pm I just fall asleep usually with my phone or PC in front of me


For me? Cannabis My sleep was awful my entire life and I never really understood it because I hadn’t yet realized I had ADHD. Nowadays I realize it either work myself to the point of exhaustion, or vape a little bowl for sleep. After smoking, I can fall asleep within minutes


I solved this problem in my teens. My fucked up sleep was affecting my school and life, until one fateful hot summer day I discovered that pointing a loud fan directly at my forehead turns my brain off. Now I rarely struggle with falling asleep. Staying asleep is a different game though. I can knock myself out at like 7pm, and as long as there is no sun when I wake up, I can usually get back to sleep. If there is even a small amount of light peeking through the window, my brain decides it's time to be awake.


weed does the trick.


This is literally my playbook. Wake up at 6, work my ass off all day, do shit after work, drink myself to sleep watching some random bullshit until my mind finally shuts off.


Me reading sleep advice on my phone while watching a film at the same time XD




Please don’t call me out like that dude 😅


Me seeing this post while watching a YouTube video at the same time


I like heavy bass and pacing before bed


i think it's rude that you keep posting about me


Are you also me?


Sorry, but the ADHD meme gods have spoken. They said you're the chosen one.


Seriously . They like ; get good sleep (hard) eat healthy (hard) exercise (hard) you'll be cured ! (Not)


I am puddle


I am a potato and a puddle. I am mashed potatoes.


Lololol. Yes, I don't mind them saying try to be healthy, but don't act like it's going to have any effect.


You fools, my own brain is the stimulation itself.


I was about to go "What is my brain is stimulation?"


The power of daydream.


My brain is like a toddler. The most effective way of making it go to sleep is to make it run around in circles for 30 minutes. 🤣


Omg, that is such a great way to describe it.


Part of my sleep hygiene is no video games but who the hell has two hours to totally disconnect like that?


And when exactly else am I meant to okay video games


Exactly! I get home from work, do chores, prep dinner, eat dinner, wash the dishes from dinner, and wouldn't you know it I now have like 2-3 hours max before I need to sleep! If I can't play games during that time I literally can't play them at all. I heard someone describe adhd sleep deprivation as a result of trying to capture every second of free time before it's gon, which feels pretty accurate


Revenge Bedtime Procrastination is a great term for this too, I am so very guilty of it


I've found it helps to set a routine so that sometimes you can break it. If I follow good sleep habits for most days then a day off won't kill me.


Excellent point


Yeah, my brain can't be left alone that long. Nothing good comes from that.


The common sleep advice is the opposite of what works for me.


Ditto! I can’t sleep unless I’m on my phone right before I close my eyes.




Set app timers on your stuff. Then feel guilty when you cancel the timers.


Then get so used to swiping away timers to the point where you're hardly even aware of them.


omfg why did you have to call me out like this


I stopped setting alarms or notifs bc I knew they'd be useless


Looking at my phone in bed is how I wind down and get tired enough to sleep (>_<)


I'll do all those things... When I'm forced to in hell


this deserves more upvotes.


Also me: literally reading on my phone until it falls out of my hand.


No literally. I can’t fall asleep without some type of noise like a fan or a video. I’d probably love living near an airport or train tracks


Absolutely. Ive had heavy sleeping problems when i lived in a very calm Village. And i never figured out why. Now ive hot a new flat in a small town and this flat is near train Tracks and in the groundfloor/First Floor (don't know what it's called in english) is a bar thats Open every night. The noises and voices and the music help me to sleep very fast and very well


Maybe not an airport, but trains can actually be pretty soothing at night depending on if it's an area they're required to use the horn or not. The steady thumping they make as they roll by can be pretty relaxing background noise.


Yeah I used to live near a train station where freight trains would occasionally pass. The sound of the train tracks were really relaxing


I live next to a semi-noisy street, if it is completely quiet I'll actively listen until I hear a car pass again, it feels disconcerting to have a please be quiet 100%. whenever that does happen I feel like my ears start ringing.


Just take your meds . . . Oh wait


Lmao9 now I realized 1,5 hours late that I forgot to take my meds again I have a "take your meds" note pinned on my notification bar.. but I think I got used to it so my brain doesn't notice it anymore🥴😭


I only go on my phone after getting into bed just to pass the time until my brain tells me 'I'm ready'




My sleep schedule is fucked rn (help)


I actually find the opposite to be true: playing a video game or watching a YouTube video before bed calms me and helps me sleep


2 hours? No. Five seconds. Take or leave it. I know what I got.


What the fuck am I supposed to do for the next 2 hours ?


I read this in Dennis’ voice from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia


I stand by this.


Work till five, commute, cook and eat dinner. If I cut out everything for 2 hours before bed, my effective free time drops to barely anything.


… I should probably get diagnosed


welcome to the awaiting-confirmation club!


What are you supposed to do then? Looking at a wall for two hours?


Listen to yourself breathe 🫠


So I should probably stop giving myself the tonnage of judgment directed at myself for my sleep routine going against all advice and just give myself some goddamn grace and do what I can to manage it within the reasonable bounds of the brain damage I have?


I am literally too bored to sleep


Reading before bed keeps the white void in my head filled and distracted long enough for my body to be tired enough to not be able to read any more. That's what I then call bed time.


I mean, wtf are you supposed to do an hour or two before bed? Stare at a fucking wall?


I'm lucky that I have no trouble sleeping. If anything, I sleep too much...


I read on my phone or watch youtube before I fall asleep. It tires my eyes and I watch content that is kinda repetitive, similar, so it doesnt really engage me. I also have a cup of coffee before bed if Im feeling stressed out 🤣


Gotta have distractions until I am literally passing out. I'm currently practicing this lmao


And the alternative most often given, 'just go read a book'... Like I told my psychologist, I wasn't born with the 'just flip a switch and be able to concentrate on reading a book' switch


My friend suggested reading before bed because it helps him. And I pointed out that I'll either be stuck reading the same page over and over getting frustrated or I'll read 500 pages in a night without realising that I've been reading for hours and there is nothing in between. I can't just read a chapter.


I can't sleep without sitcom people yelling on the TV. I've been conditioned to sleep through conflict.


I tend to fall asleep to streamers playing horror video games. I have no idea what that says about me, lol


Only way for me to fall asleep is for my body to reach the limit and can't stay up. I would fall asleep standing up in that condition because I would be so tired. If I don't reach that level of exhaustion, I'm not falling asleep


Reading a book actually works great to help me fall asleep


Fr if I try this I’m so bored there’s no chance I’m sleeping


The literal only thing that has ever made me sleep without issue is melatonin, except I can’t take the pills and most liquids or gummies are too disgusting to consume. The only thing that’s consistant and not gross is sleepytime tea w/ melatonin and that requires me to perform the task of making myself tea.


but I'll be too bored to go to sleep then


I have insomnia, the sheer amount of doom scrolling is what keeps me sane during the more restless nights. Noone can take that away from me.


Most people have the intellect of a parakeet, they just throw a blanket over their cage and conk out. We're built different.


I'm not a scientist, nor a doctor. But I suspect that taking stimulants can sometimes improve sleep in ADHDers. Before taking stimulants, my sleep wasn't satisfying. You ever see a character in a cartoon getting out of bed all sleepy and well rested, then energetic? That was never me. Basically I struggled really hard trying to get out of bed, I couldn't stay awake and fell back asleep super easily. Didn't matter if I slept little or if I slept 8hrs or 10hrs or whatever. And after finally waking up (after being forced to bc life or after finally having been able to pull myself up) I did not feel rested or refreshed. And throughout the day, I could go or fall back to sleep very easily. Sitting on the couch was = literally feeling my eyes unfocusing and drifting to sleep. For the longest time I thought I had a sleep disorder, but my psychologist at the time kept saying I just wasn't a morning person. 🫠 I also tried every trick in the book. EVERY trick. Wake-up light, no electronics, blue light filters, sleeping glasses, Alarmy, no phones, no caffeine from a certain time, subreddits, spraying myself in the face with water to wake up, putting my alarm on the other side of the room, melatonin, sleep analysis apps, sleep cycle apps, etc etc. Like many ADHDers I also felt like I needed stimulation (YouTube videos) to fall asleep and distract and exhaust my weird ass brain until it finally succumbed to sleep. Years later I went on my ADHD diagnosis journey and started methylphenidate. My sleep is now actually restorative. I wake up way better.


Literally can't fall asleep unless I have a YouTube video with interesting but just boring enough narration which I can half listen to so my brain can calm down to the point that it lets my body relax and realize it's actually bed time.


I read 'title is simulated' and stayed really confused for a moment.


Either I’m still tired right now, or my allergies are kicking my ass again, because it took me way too long to realize the username didn’t say “plankton”.


I have to get lasik surgery and I’m dreading having my eyes closed for 24-48 hours off and on. I NEED STIMULATION AT ALL TIMES!!!


Inattentive type here. If I necome understimulated for a few minutes, I will become sleepy and can fall asleep no matter the context. Except for the times I can't sleep.


They want me to develop insomnia? 


I *have* to do things like this right up until it's time to sleep, otherwise I will have trouble falling asleep. (Except maybe playing fast-paced video games, because that does get my system too wired most times.) Usually when I try to do "relaxing" things before bed, it only backfires and I end up incredibly anxious and again, not be able to fall asleep. 🙃


But how can anyone do nothing for 2 hours before bed. I mean, just sit and do nothing, who does that? Do these people have kids? Lives?


I can't sleep without doing that kind of stuff before bed. If I'm not blasting music while sleeping, then I'm not sleeping.


Yeah, because I definitely have the attention span to sit with a book for a couple hours when I have controllers for three different consoles on the coffee table next to me


If I game or read harder I’ll be more tired It’s like a chart 📈 from gaming 📉phone down face in pillow then I’m out


I take sleeping meds then keep doing fun things until I’m drowsy. Sleep just seems too boring otherwise.


Do some embroidery. Twenty minutes should be enough to unwind.


I even pee while scrolling social media on the smartphone (Im a man)


I used to sit in bed for hours without falling asleep to going lights out within 5 minutes of lying down even if I was mentally stimulated a minute before getting into bed, it's a gamechanger


That sounds like some bad advice, like the blue light theoretically can effect you but even then those 30 extra minutes won't change anything


Usually I just get more stressed if I didn't stimulate my brain enough before going t bed. Luckily I still fall asleep quite fast although the quality of sleep itself sometimes suffer.


Me: *stops doing something* Me 1 second later: *existential crisis initiated*


jokes on you, its 5am and ive been doing nothing since 11pm (aside literally just now getting on my phone) and i STILL cant sleep. ...though maybe thats anxiety hard to tell


I use my phone before bed every night and it makes me more tired and easier to sleep lol. Also I have constant background noise from my air conditioner and fish tank and it's very soothing. I cannot fall asleep in silence


I personally never have a problem sleeping, I think it has to do with a good diet and quality of the life your living. Edit: I've had many nights in the darkest time of my life where I tried to go to bed but the thoughts of sleep wasn't good enough for me and my brain constantly racing at night kept me awake. It's all a spiral and it's up to you and you alien to crawl your way out of the spiral.