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Lucky for me I get this gross feeling if I haven't brushed and a fresh feeling in my mouth to remind me that I've brushed. The worst thing is if I'm in the shower I wash my hair and a few seconds later I go, "did I already wash my hair? What step am I in the cleaning process?"


Same! The layer on the teeth! Also, I literally have a checklist inside my shower just to make sure I did all the things


Do you tick them? How did you make it waterproof? Id just have a whiteboard or something but I don't think the marker will be convenient to use in the shower.


Most of the time I just eyeball it and it helps me remember. I have a glass shower stall so it's taped to the outside of it facing in


Well I do have a spreadsheet for work that list down my weekly task. It might help but I also forget to do some of them too.


Change up how the list is presented sometimes. Which will get old fast after like 2 months. But like every other week once it stops working and the novelty wears off? Turn it into a different kind of lists or print it on something different I don't know. Again. It'll work for at least two to four months. And then the novelty of the novelty will wear off and you're back to being fucked


I won't say it will or won't work but the idea of changing my list fills me with anxiety. But the list might be fine. It's just that the raw data for my reports often don't come at set intervals and Sometiems they don't come on time or at all. So my system might be fine but when everything else is put of order it's a bit hard to keep track.


I've always thought my working memory is worse than anyone I've ever met but I'm not at the point where I need a checklist in the shower, I'm pretty rigid in my shower routine though I always go in the same order.


1) same 2) idk, I wash my hair first and don't rinse the shampoo till I wash the rest of my body, and I can feel that there's shampoo on my head, which reminds me that I did it


Ohh clever. Maybe I should try that and see if works for me. Or I start trying to dry my hair with a head full of suds.


depends on the person and type of hair šŸ˜­... for me personally a head full of suds is a feeling uncomfortable enough for me to notice


Long hair? I have short hair so it's noticibke but not that noticible.


Same. I can't not brush my teeth I hate the sensation so bad.


Is it weird to not really get a gross feeling when you donā€™t brush? Like I feel fresher after brushing but when I donā€™t I sorta just donā€™t feel any different for the most part but maybe thatā€™s cause I forget so often


Guess that means you're eating healthy! E.g. veggies never really do much to my teeth, but sugar makes them feel gross.


Oh probably I guess, Iā€™ve never really had too much of a sweet tooth and Iā€™m pretty conscious now of the sugar I take in for diet reasons


For me I brush right before bed mostly and start of the morning. If I feel gross it's not gonna hurt to brush again though. I heard it's the enzymes that keep the gross feeling away and they come out less when sleeping or napping. Maybe you just have a bacteria free mouth?


Maybe, could it possibly be a genetic thing too? My dad has weirdly good dental health with never having cavities or anything and so far I havenā€™t had any dental issues besides needing my wisdom teeth out


Possibly! Be we need to ask a dentist or an orthodontist or anyone in the know. Sorry I can't give you a better answer than my best guess.


Pretty sure I've ended up shampooing my hair like 3 times on several occasions because of this


It's worse becuade these are all routine actions we do everyday so when we try to remember if we did it wr can't be sure if the memory is from today or yesterday. We'll for me at least.


I brush every weekday morning without fail, because I can't stand the idea of rolling into work with gross breath. Weekends are a Wild West shitshow of whether I remember / can be bothered, though.


People dont brush every day?! Thats should be mandatory, gl to all ur teeth guys


friend i think you might be on the wrong sub if people forgetting to brush their teeth surprises you


Sorry for having ADHD lol.


Didnā€™t see the sub sry. But really, set an alarm or smth, better the few min than thousands of moneys to the dentist.


LOL set an alarm, no kidding wrong sub. Please google what adhd is because it's a whole lot more than just being hyper and/or distracted. Have a good one.


Dude, for future reference, saying" set an alarm" unironically in this sub is pretty much illegal for like a very good reason.


Sometimes I have to look down to make sure I put on pants before I left.


Please, how do people brush their teeth? I've been doing it like twice a week all my life and that seems like a problem


In all honesty, me too. IDK man. I really don't. I guess I'm lucky I hate soda


I made a bedtime routine (took a while but mostly works now): Go to the toilet, brush teeth, take off clothes, go to bed. This is the one routine I've been able to keep in my entire life, due to me despising the gross taste in my mouth when I wake up if I didn't brush my teeth and waking up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet if I don't go before bed. I do forget in the mornings most of the time, but so far I haven't had any holes or other issues and the dentist always tells me it looks like I'm taking good care of them so I figure I'm fine. Maybe it's because I'm brushing very thoroughly before bed.


I did lose a few teeth when I realized I flossed wrong and have cavities in between teeth as well . I think as long as u avoid eating sweets u are okay but Iā€™m curious if u go to ur dentist regularly and if not u will loose some teeth and implants are hard I canā€™t eat much of anything until a month so I lost weight bc I barely eat since I got sick of all the soups I ate


I don't know I'm just thankful for my mom's strong teeth that have survived until 34 in me


In the shower. Just better hope I shower


Morning and night. While you have your morning pee, brush.


Wait, is that where those migraines come from?


This just reminded me to go drink water šŸ’€


I put my brush and toothpaste and floss in the shower.


Personal question... how do get into a frequent shower routine


I dunno. I never really had that issue. I actually need to take a shower to get into the right headspace to begin my day. Itā€™s like Iā€™ve conditioned myself. My parents always made me take a shower as a kid. And I like the hot water. Some tricks Iā€™ve used for other purposes that have led to showering: join and go a gym on my way to work. I have to shower afterwards. Or sports (bjj/judo) after work so, again, shower required. I went undiagnosed for a long time so I just developed a lot of compensating strategies. I just knew I was ā€œlazyā€ so set up systems that made it harder to fail.


i got into a shower routine when i got an office job and the anxiety of my coworkers possibly thinking i smell bad overrode my adhd lol


What about days off?


excellent queation! days off are the wild west


Same lol


Honestly, this shit kind of works for me too. I leave toothbrush in the shower and next morning grab it and put toothpaste on and do it for like 30 seconds while showering. Sure it's not the most ideal amount of time or place, but I figured I'm going from once/twice a week to this it's better than not doing it at all. Now my other getting ready problem is deodorant, I'm not an a-hole I always put it on every single day because I don't want to be stanky but I had to toss a stick in the car because there has been a day or two where I legitimately forgot to put it on at home and in the car and had to wait until store open to go walk back out and take care of things.


I will literally grab the bristles on my toothbrush to feel if they are wet (used recently) or not. There's no way mindlessly going through a morning routine is real.


this is my problem too! I don't forget to eat but I DO forget to drink!!


I don't usually forget, But it's not something I do instinctively, It's a conscious action, So sometimes I decide not to because I'm insanely tired and just don't want to (And then attempt to do it the next morning but usually forget.)


Sometimes I forget how to use my hands! šŸ™ƒ


If ā€œmy well meaning friendā€ means ā€œmy partnerā€, then this is correct.


Oh, shit, thanks for reminding me that Iā€™m thirstyā€¦ genuinely.


I saw someone with a tire cover for their spare (think rear of Jeep type of spare), that displayed a goose and stated 'peace was never an option' lol..


You bust your friends knees?


Refer to title caption šŸ’šŸ’„