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This is my entire life (in the past few months) in one sentence


This is my entire life in one sentence.


I don't think so, there are parts when you actually have an obsession


Omg, yesterday was so bad for me. Huge dopamine crash, my distractions were no longer distracting and I was mega depressed. Hopefully it won't take long to find a new fixture


I need a new hyperfocus song... Please...


How does merry go round of life sound. It certainly works for me 😂


one of the best songs in human history


Exactly, I play it on loop


Otonablue by Atarashii Gakko! I've been listening to it multiple times a day for the last year or so


Spent my mana with that one already, unfortunately. But it's a great fucking song!


I saw Darude perform recently so I've just had Sandstorm on loop since, can highly recommend


Look up Eurovision. You're bound to find at least one song in that contest that works.


I gotchu. https://youtu.be/J9Q3i5w6-Ug?si=AtY2ZdOUb7kJQW29 And /r/twrp is super wholesome if you did the music.


Aaaah, this one was my favorite earworm for a long time. Love it! Also, good taste from everyone around here


Me right now. I've lost all motivation, and it sucks.


Lol. Try kerbal space program. Last night I sent a satellite to one of the inner planets! 


Is it any good ? , got it for free from Epic games and just got it cause of cute characters on the cover


It’s very good, makes me lose track of time building rockets, testing them until they work, and going on a mission. Pro tip: listen to space songs like Star Man or Rocket Man for a great time 👍


Seems fun, looks like a made a good choice and thanks for song recommendations


Np! Hope you enjoy! :)


Or the soundtrack for no man's sky, also a great space game but the no man's soundtrack is fantastic as well.




I love it when it hits on work stuff. So rare though. I need to learn this difficult new thing at work and as I went over the first few hurdles the hyperfix hit so hard I worked from 9am to midnight for 4 days and cancelled 2 evenings out with friends. Also couldn't sleep cause I kept thinking about it. It's subsiding now but I'm going to ride that horse as much as it can give me. But I will keep my results secret untill two weeks later so that a) people don't think I'm insane and worked so much b) people don't think what I did was so easy I did it so quick.


Alright, alright. Let's slow down with the frequent call outs, good?


I've been in a spiral for about a month now, since my last fixation ended. It's been really fuckin hard.


Weeks and even months in between hyperfixations suck so bad…


Me everytime I wake up


Videogames helped me a lot cos there's always something new. Or a creative hobby like art so you can have something new to work on.


thank god for vi from arcane coming in clutch when i needed her 🫶


Me... waiting days for my doctor (aka Benevolent Dictator) to send new Rx script to pharmacy...


My k-pop obsession of choice released a new album and I hated it. Now, I’m sad


Ugh, I hate it when I'm at that point in my hyperfixations... Personally, I'm at the opposite side of the cycle. Shadow of the Erdtree drops tomorrow, and I've been looking forward to it for years. Who knows how long the fixation will last, but for now, I'm filled with anticipation. I wish that your time in this dopamine desert be swift, and that you find a new hyperfixation soon.


Think i ran out of subjects to fixate on, they only last 1hour-2weeks then they're in the void to never be cared about again


Feel this …




Have you tried researching UAP and NHI?




My latest hyper fixation is on the fact five years ago the Pentagon confirmed the veracity of three UFO (now called UAP) videos taken by the navy. Then last year whistleblowers came forward and there was a congressional hearing where it was claimed we had “craft and biologics” (translation: UFOs and alien bodies) in government facilities. Also, it’s not like this is the first time this has happened. There is a long, 80 year history of lifelong high ranking military members retiring and coming forward with this stuff but they are always treated as crazy. It is a deep deep rabbit hole that leads to so many wild places, the greatest mystery novel manufactured by mankind


I've heard and read about it. How to go deeper in the rabbit hole? Please share link?


just got diagnosed i thought i was broken dude


r/2meirl4meirl if ur not suicidal or wanna live happy life PLEASE DO NOT enter this sub, this the last warning


I need a new hyperfocus mode 😖😖😖


I need a new unique ultraniche music genre that has like 5 authors with a distinct style and each has 3 songs that will light the spark again :/


Time for my renewal, elden ring DLC drops today


I recently bought balatro... bad idea


me too, me too....


Me when 8D music didn’t floss my brain anymore 😭😅


Good god this. I feel like I have a hole in my soul because I don’t have some online game to play on my phone and obsess over. Anyone got good recs? (Been through all the TCGs, lol)


Currently Baulders Gate 3, next who knows.... elden ring?


It sucks when you still have a hyperfixation, but you run out of stuff you can do with the hyperfixation. Like I had a hyperfixation of reading bl manhwas a couple weeks back. I read a *lot* of them. And then I ran out of them to read. Really sucked. Right now I'm filling that void by reading bl novels but they're a lot harder for me to find. (I'm reading "The Earth is Online" rn and it's really good. I also highly recommend Global University Entrance Examination and The Phantom Thief Steals the Dawn, and if you want something a bit more lighthearted and romance-focused, The Northern Grand Duke's Hamster which is an oi)


Well i have been on a really low times. And now im like 5 month into skyrim.


the word is french and called Ennui. And it sucks.


Could do what I do and just do the same fixation that used to give you happiness even though it rarely does anymore


I have been sewing myself some tacky ass Aloha shirts.


I feel like an ostrich, I keep flapping like fuck, but can't take off.


Pushing my 8 month old niece in a new mompush meteor 2 stroller in a mall on a weekday just get free AC and feel what it’s like to be one of those people.


Usually motivation by proxy works for me when I can’t get to hyper fixating


I’ve been buying tarantulas for the last few months and my sister is pissed😂. We have a house together.


Oh my god this has been my last 2 months and I had no clue it could be connected to my ADHD. I’ve finally found a new hyperfixation (Pixar movies this time) and this makes the last couple months of sadness make so much sense.