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I burned out before I finished my masters degree, during my dissertation. :( I'm proud of you, though! <3


Almost did it too, thanks for support


Remember to take care of yourself!


None can take away your achievement from you! Can grats mate, well done.


I just finished at 40 while working (Bach degree) and I feel like I can’t even work now. It’s so weird.


What makes you feel that way? I took have gone back while working, to get my previous degree completed. It's tough, but just going on step (class) at a time and enjoying as much of it as I can!


Oh I loved schoolbut now that it’s over it’s like work alone has no goal - just endless monotony


I’ve always felt that way about work, supposed to start working in September, just finished teachers college. I’m worried it’s going to be the same endless monotony that I felt in factory work


Nearly burned out during my dissertation too. In the end I pushed through and hyperfocused because never having to deal with my professor again was quite the strong motivator.


Spite is a fantastic motivator.


I wanted to go for masters. But I felt myself getting damn near burn out just getting my undergrad in electrical engineering.


I burned out at 2.5 years, took a year off. went back reinvigorated for a new major, burned out in 1.5 years and took another 6 months off. Decided to try to just put my credits towards an associates at a community college for something, then burned out again in 4 months, and just decided it wasn't gonna happen. On the plus side, companies see that you attended a school for 5 years and assume you have a degree, even if you don't list a degree on your resume. I've always made sure they know if they give me an offer, especially if they run a background check, but I've never had a company back out at that point.


I feel you on this one. All my research was done, just had to write, completely crashed.


Felt the same way, managed to write only after 2 days of sleep deprivation. 0/10 can't recommend.


I'm in that situation right now with my bachelor's. My social ineptitude also didn't do me any favors. Currently just contemplating if I even want to exist anymore.


Literally me rn idk how imma do it tbh


I burned out almost immediately, because I was still burnt out from highschool and didn't take a break. Just a couple of months break and I was straight back into the burnout zone at university, which was then a slow 4-5 year burn until the burnout became unmanageable. It's great you got through undergrad! But yes a shame about the masters. I'm back to my bachelor's degree now, years later (and thankfully diagnosed now too)


same here 4 years spent on phd, that i didn’t get🙃




Exactly what happened to me! It's a tough time.


Me too, I should not have done five years of college in a row, but I had reasons.


Any change, or motivation to go back and finish?


Maybe, but it's gonna be a while before I consider that.


I managed to pull through and it enabled me to get a better job, better pay and 5 min commute compared to 2 hours 😅


This was my biggest fear after finishing uni with adhd depression :') I'm glad I didn't go through with it, but I hope things are better for you now.


It was not easy. We're doing life on hard mode. Be kind to yourself, and be proud of whatever it is you do accomplish.


The really fun part is afterward when, despite knowing deep down that you _shouldn't_ feel this way, you perpetually see yourself as an imposter who doesn't actually deserve the qualification (which you 100% rightfully obtained through hard work and perseverance). Welcome to the club - none of us think we deserve to be here 😀


In my last year, this doesn't help


Imposter syndrome is normal, and it passes


I went back to uni for a third attempt in my mid 30’s and when I got my first essay back I was despondent as I received a D. Except that a D meant a distinction. I took 4.5 years to get through a 3 year bachelor of Performing Arts, but I finally stuck through to the end. I didn’t manage to get the 4th year to get my teaching qualification, which I still regret. I still downplay my drama degree to people.


I'm back in school after getting a visual arts degree to finish my teaching qualification after 13 years


Well done. Hope it isn’t too stressful for you. I think the more teachers with adhd the better, because we understand how students in the spectrum tick. I’m 57 in a few weeks and feel like it’s too late to go back to do my B.ed & take on more debt for effectively 8 years of teaching. I work as an education support in classroom 2 days a week and afterschool craft club, then design and make costumes for school productions about 12 hours a week.


30k in debt because I will fail every class if I have to work full time and go to school full time smh Also congrats lol


Luckily my education was *technically* free, still worked half time to get experience and buy stuff other than absolutely necessary for survival


Feeling this hard right now, I'm handing in my thesis next week 🙃 Congratulations on finishing it, it's not easy!


Congrats, that's so cool! You can definitely be proud of that! 💪 I'm writing my thesis right now and my time plan is in ruins because I am way too slow at everything lol


I pushed through probably 20 years of pure grade A burnout from the end of highschool all through college, specialization and masters degree. I threw everything out the window after I almost died from COVID, because my immune system was shot. Now I don't do much all day long. Might start streaming.


Finished caring about grades at the second year in uni finished caring about graduating 2 days before graduation


How has your health developed?


Took about 3 months of physical therapy to be able to walk/function, because I spent one month in a coma, intubated, and my muscle mass just vanished.


Oh that’s severe. I am sorry it happend to you. Has your breathing& immune system improved or did it stay bad? Since I had corona, my immune system got bad. I still catch every virus and my adrenal gland is impacted. There isn‘t a week where I am not catching something. But when I catch no virus, I can work normally for the mist part (thankfully).


>breathing& immune system improved or did it stay bad It's normal now. Colds are just like always and COVID itself now acts like a strong cold.


I’ve been struggling through a year of burnout and depression, trying to get through my Masters in another country, and found out yesterday I won’t be able to finish. Who knows what the future holds, but at least I can see my dog next week.


Atleast you got your honours through the burnout and depression, im struggling to get that and I might have go back for another half a year to complete it and it’s depressing me more


The last 6 months was brutal desire to *__BURN IT ALL DOWN__* kind of anxiety, but I finished well anyway with meds and support. Then I actively wondered “what now?”because I was so driven to finish and so burnt out by the end that I have painful avoidance of networking and selling myself.


>Then I actively wondered “what now?”because I was so driven to finish and so burnt out by the end that I have painful avoidance of networking and selling myself. Did you solve it? Studying can be a huge obsession - after the goal is reached, a vacuum is created. I'm finishing my masters degree in 2 months and that feeling you describe is slowly creeping in..


I fell into a short term depression and then had to relocate to another state that was undesirable. I literally went off my meds to help me distract myself from it and found a new goal. But if anything I learned just how much I used distraction and obligation to avoid … whatever, usually emotional hurt and feelings of worthlessness if I’m not constantly working at something. Now I’m in talks with an organisation I’d like to work for that’d be far healthier for me.


I tried for about... 10ish years. I mean really really tried, and struggled, and pushed, and a ton of depression. In the end, i didn't make it. Didn't get diagnosed till about 3 years later, and now i just don't have the will to go back. It is something that still bothers me sometimes. So I truly am proud of all you who were able to beat this bullshit condition. I know that you basically climbed a mountain wearing Goku level weighted clothes. But you came out on top, and that is something genuinely amazing


Graduated with a 4.4, due to effective strategy of picking easy courses and/or the best professors. Once in a blue moon I wonder, if I had gotten honors if was medicated during my college years....ah well.


If I can ask, what kind of medication and do you take supplements?


Sure, after trying a few, Vyvanse 40mg works best for me, and no I don't take supplements.


Vyvanse 40mg here too, although I've stopped using it for 3 months now. After first 4 days, I started to feel better. Food taste better, happier, music is more enjoyable. I think it's a too strong dose. Kinda felt like the roller coaster was numbed. How's your sleep?


Hmm, getting to sleep can be tough, but actual sleep itself is fine. I know if I don't focus exclusively on sleeping I can be up till 3. If that happens too often, I will eventually take a day off from my meds and all the drowsiness & exhaustion will hit me...hard; but afterwards I feel a lot better the next day. Other than that, If I have any noticable issues it was when I took an anti-depressant (Bupropion) along side it. I couldn't figure out why I suddenly felt worse till I read that Bupropion can cause Vyvanse side effects to increase. Once I got off Bupropion, I've been fine since.


Took me 7 years to get my degree in math and physics...hang in there


Congrats! I have one year left and have recently been diagnosed. I wonder what student I could have been if I was diagnosed earlier. I‘m doing okay but I missed some exams and papers because I simply forgot 🙃


I’ve done it three times and have yet to see results. I work incredibly well inside a university setting, high scores and everything, but when it comes to actually finding practical uses for what I learnt I flounder.


I work the opposite way


I don't have much words of encouragement, but the fact you did finished it is nothing short of doing something of a good, even more good of a job. So from one ADHD-er to another, be proud, and life isn't gonna get easier, but it'll keep on going, so knock its teeth in


Thanks <3


Congrats! I almost failed an associates unmedicated. You went way further than I could have!


I managed to make it as well and it only took me an extra 2 years of repeating the same courses.


Well done dude.


I burned out half way through my PhD but I still have a master. Except I have a strong imposter syndrom, so I have a job in a totally different field. I think I will never be able to use my degree


I'm soooo struggling the further I go in. I'm at the end of my 4th year now, and I *still* have two more years. I'm fucking tired. I want a break


I burned out before I finished college


Developed OCD, depression and occasional panic attacks that make me gasp for breath until I feel dizzy.


Congrats OP! Take that well-earned recovery period.




Lol ditto


I feel this energy, just finished my 2nd year of extremely inconsistent medication, its a mriacle i finished the year. Congrats on finishing ^-^




I'm doing it now, but I'm receiving the accommodations that I deserve. There's no "reward" for suffering through my education. I love learning and what my fields of study are.


I graduated college despite not getting diagnosed and medicated until after the fact


I burned out in the middle and somehow managed to pick myself up and finish. Absolutely worth it proffesionally but it took a tol.


Same. Won last weak. Took me twice as much time as other's though. And I don't think I will be working in the field as the market is too demanding on my mental health 😅👍


Finishin my first year, hopin i'll achive your might someday, Great work ya did it!!!


What I've been waiting for has arrived


I know that pain I got 2 months to do my bachelor's and I'm basically at page 1 out of 40


Still better than I did and if I managed to make it you'll make it too


Thank you, I need the encouragement. Also congrats on you making it


I hope you don't plan on working in science afterwards. Was always a dream of mine but a nightmare at the same time. I couldn't manage always planning and writing my own stuff and the constant pressure of doing it, to not fall through the highly competetive net :(


I like science on surface level but I won't survive actual research work.


yeah :,)


Holy shit, congrats. I'm still trying to get bachelors even though it's been 8 years and several self-offing attempts. I admire your tenacity.


I got my Bachelors Degree after 5 years and am currently in my 4th Masters Semester. Only have the Master Thesis to write but my brain seems to have stopped working.. I'm literally doing anything else but not my Master thesis.. I haven't even started to write yet. Wanted to start 2 months ago but I just have a blockage going on at the moment. Everytime I sit down and tell myself to start, I'll read some stupid paper for 5 minutes, then my mind begins to wander off and I remember some other thing I wanted to do and start doing that. It is really bad at the moment and I hate myself for it, but I don't know what to do.. it's just such a big task. Just this morning I had a small breakdown feeling all shit, because I wanted/need to start working this fall and wanted to move to another city with my wife, but here I am, sitting in front of my laptop doomscrolling and remembering that I wanted to change the bed sheets and bring out the trash. I'm so sick of myself


Congratulations! It's a huge achievement OP!


I remember slowly walking out of the graduation room completely dissasociated, running on autopilot. When I got home, I sat on a bed and stared on the wall for the next 4 hours. I took me 2 weeks to stop shaking...


I fear… but I also fear not being able to… I spend 50% of my time wondering if I should just drop out of college and the other 50% wondering if I’ll even be able to finish it if I stay


I'm starting (again) in October, wish me luck :S


Same, but finding a job in my sector has been hell so far


I slept for 7 days .... bruh


This is probably me when I get my results, but I have to sort out an admin issue where one of my units isn't being applied to the degree, and I'm wondering now if I'll ever chase that up 🫠🙃


Try computer science on mushrooms


Bro I don’t even have my AS. My first semester was in 2018…


Starting this fall new major at the same university that kicked me out years ago. I think I know how to deal with ADHD now. Also the old major was considered hardest and now Im gonna study the easiest. The reason is I hit hte glass ceiling and need degree now to move forward in my field of expertise.


Burned out four times already! 1 and a half year to go!


THATS POSSIBLE? I dropped out my first year.


Meanwhile, me thinking that finishing school without help was good enough. Gotta give me some props tho, I didn't grow up in the country I graduated. Glad for you, it must feel great.


The only thing that is keeping me in the last semester is the amount of money I've wasted on it until now.