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I'm sorry the NP was weird and I hope she turns out to be helpful and not just cagey. And second, I've been on 50 mg of Zoloft for years and love it, and am about to start Wellbutrin tomorrow! I was diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago at 36. So I'll let you know! I'm super nervous but I'm not sure stimulants will be a good fit, so I'm starting with Wellbutrin first. Good luck!


Thank you! I had to switch over to my state's insurance so I have to go to another practice and start all over again lol but I'm determined 😤


Ugh that's utter bullshit, but way to stay at it! Good luck!


Thank you! It took me 29 years to get an accurate diagnosis, no way am I gonna continue to live unmedicated lol


I watch this pod cast, shit talk sistersives, and the host Ace praises the combo. I am in a similar boat and have it on my list to ask for the combo on my next appointment. Also look into online appointments like talkietry or klarity can save you some money


Thank you! Since me and my fiance aren't married, I can't be on his insurance and my new job isn't offering insurance for another 90 days. I'm very open minded to her plan, it just seemed like she would've treated me differently and listened more had I not have that label...


25mg seems low, but I am not a doctor. I am on both and find it helpful. I was on just sertraline (generic for Zoloft) for several years and adding the Wellbutrin has been helpful. Hopefully the $520 is the eval fee and the med checks aren’t so expensive.


Hopefully! I told her that I'm open to her plan, it was just confusing to have her "confirm" my diagnosis even though my neuropyschologist has already done all the testing and has already told me that I do, indeed have ADHD. I just feel like if she didn't know about me being a recovering addict, she would've treated me differently.