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"sliced cheese person isnt real they cant hurt you" sliced cheese person:


Great, now I want cheese. 🧀


Best. Freaking. Response. Ever. Lolol A designer probably spent hours toiling over the design and its reduced to "sliced cheese person." I love you. ❤️


Literally started meds after years of convincing myself and my psych that I could make it work with just coping mechanisms. Holy shit, my quality of my life has increased tenfold in the past week. Skipping it on the weekend frankly feels hard. I love you, Concerta, lol


Sameeeeee to be honest. when I started ADHD meds, i instantly felt like a click in my brain. its almost like the gears started MOVING. my quality of life and mental health has been improved so drastically. some days i want to cry out of pure joy. i finally love life


Does the med affect your menstrual cycles? It’s the biggest reason why I’m stopping strattera.


Interesting. I have endometriosis so I take a BC + have an IUD, so I no longer menstruate, so I unfortunately can’t speak to that. There was no warning regarding its effect on menstrual cycle from my pharmacist or psych, though.


Yo Straterra made me SUPER SLEEPY idk what's up with that??


That got better after a week or 2!


What exactly did they do to effect your cycle?


It made me 1 week late. I only got my period because I took my dose down from 80 mg to 40 mg. Got my period right after taking the 40.


Why do you have to skip it on weekends?


You can build a tolerance to your meds so to minimise that some people will only take them during weekdays or they will have a period of daily use and then like 2 weeks break off the meds 


Thank you. I only started taking it last year summer. I didn't understand why I should take a break if it's a slow and extended release type. I assumed I would only feel the withdrawal effect by Monday or much later if the initial phase also took a few weeks to kick-in.


I got off meds early sophomore year of high school. Not sure why I ever went off, it was a bad decision lol. Back on now.


Once I take my meds I have a 2 hour timer before they kick in. I usually go back to sleep, or make food (because once they kick in eating is impossible), or use it as relaxed morning free time (make coffee, sit on the porch, play a video game, watch Netflix or YouTube, etc). The first sign that the timer is approaching 2 hours is that my brain will always start making lists. I'll just be laying in bed still only half awake and my brain is like "ok, today you need to call -the doctor, -the pharmacy, -ur dad,..." So anyway I find this extremely relatable and I really love sticky notes and index cards with 20 different pen and sharpie colors to write with


That literally happened to me today! Took meds, cooked, ate, then started a shopping list for Costco lmao


May I ask which med this is?


I take Vyvanse 40mg


YES! Me too!! And the vibe of the list making is so different for me, like more excitement and looking forward to doing the tasks I’m making a list about rather than a slog through anxiety over everything I know I need to do and feeling crushed by it.


I’m not on my meds at the moment till I get the all clear on a couple of things. So I’m looking at this like; Just me and my to do list after being caught in a thunderstorm because we were too cool to check the weather forecast.


I feel this. I’m on Day 4 of Adderall and it’s been a life changer. The first day I cried because I was grieving my life up to this point. While I’ve done pretty well for myself, it was always such a self battle all these years. The way I feel now, it could have been that much easier. But it is what it is and I’m the best ME in literally decades now.


ADHD meds saved me honestly. When I first started, it's like there was a \*click\* in my brain. and I felt the gears start moving. it was like a HALLEJUAH moment. It was absolutely incredible. My quality of life, my mental health and productivity have been so improved. I still occasionally get squirrel brain when doing tasks, but i am able to bring myself back to the task and get it done. I've even been getting compliments at work too!!! like its amazing


I just got diagnosed in January and all she gave me was Zoloft. She was going to put me on Welbutrin at the next appointment but they stopped taking my insurance so now I have to go somewhere else and start the process ALL OVER AGAIN 🙃


Might be better off with someone new if that's the direction they were going.


Oh I am! I'm a recovering addict and although I never abused stimulants, she couldn't see past that label and refused to give me a stimulant because she considered herself conservative (whatever tf that means)


I’m also recovering/never abused stimulants. I’m still super worried about going through the process of trying to get back on meds and being turned down. Till then I have all the to do list, they just never actually get completed..


I completely feel you on that one. Unfortunately in my county, there's little to no resources when it comes to mental and psychological help. I have to go 45 mins out of my way for my next appointment. Not a lot of people out here can afford to do that.


is that dorian electra omg!!!!!!!


yup it's them waaaaa but stellar meme op! :]


dorian electra ftw!! :3


I’m starting meds for my adhd for the first time next week and I’m kinda nervous. I’ve been taking the same meds for my anxiety for years but it’s just not working anymore so hopefully treating the adhd symptoms will help with the anxiety🤞🤞




It helped me a lot with my anxiety!


Which med?




What medication are you going on for adhd? I’ve tried concerta and vyvanse but they didn’t work bc I have anxiety so going to try non stimulant


I’m trying Prozac. I’ve heard it can be helpful for people with adhd and anxiety


Can you tell me about your experience of Vyvanse not working for you? What happened?


I feel Vyvanse (at least for me) is a lot smoother than adderall. I'm on a lower dose though. But I like getting things done but feeling like I'm coasting. Adderall I felt like Tigger lol


It just gave me a lot of energy, jittery energy like forcing me to be productive but still having anxiety and nearly all of my adhd symptoms were still there, do you have a similar experience, apparently if you have anxiety then stimulants can make you more anxious and irritated and it definitely did for me


And then you get burned out… and no amount of meds work


Until you hit a point like me today where you took your meds, sat down on your chair and scrolled through Reddit the whole time :D


Omg I forgot to take mine today and was wondering how the hell I've ever accomplished anything.


I'm waiting for a new Dr, because my insurance changed. Would someone tell needs I miss them 💔


I tried meds for the first time 2 months ago they told me to stop taking them as I was getting to many side effects. They really helped slow my head but I was getting blurred vision with it also? I hope they change me to other meds as my head is like an arcade again I've had the same song in it all day now and at that its not even a good one 🙈😂


I feel this. I’m on Day 4 of Adderall and it’s been a life changer. The first day I cried because I was grieving my life up to this point. While I’ve done pretty well for myself, it was always such a self battle all these years. The way I feel now, it could have been that much easier. But it is what it is and I’m the best ME in literally decades now.


Currently in the run around phase of trying to find something that will work for me, was recently/late diagnosed. So far been avoiding stimulants because I’m very sensitive to even caffeine, but at this point I’m getting desperate and willing to try anything (college and just life in general is kicking my butt)


I'd try stimulants. I'm also sensitive to caffeine but have been fine other than they suggested a higher dose and it was WAY TOO MUCH to handle, so I tried the dose we initially skipped and its been great so far.


I'm super sensitive to caffeine as well and honestly it's not the same at all with stimulants. Like at all, I don't get the jittery/anxiety I usually do with coffee, just calm.


thought this was that floppy plastic burger cheese stuck on a jacket and called it a day


I laughed a little to hard


LOL me after returning on meds after 9 long months