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I had the same issue and realised I don't want to chew anything in the morning. I also don't want to make smoothies. I ended up finding pre-made chocolate protein milk that actually tastes pretty good.




OMG YES!!! I just had this convo with my partner yesterday. (Not breakfast, but still). I had been working all day, tired, scattered, plus hyperfocused on a project I needed to complete. I was hangry. Bless him, he offered to fix a bowl of leftover pot roast for me and I'm like "no, it's too much effort." Blank stare. He said it would just take a minute for him to heat up and I go "No. It's too much effort to chew. I can't handle chewing right now. It's too much work to sit and eat. I'll just grab a protein drink." I know stuff like that makes me sound off my rocker. Luckily, he just takes it in stride.


Yes!! This was me last night!! The stupid thing is though, I'll make food for others, but even if I make it for myself I'll be like mmm... no thanks. Morning mouth does not like the effort. It's one of the things I love about this sub though. I've been struggling for YEARS to eat breakfast, and I'd tried all the tips but just couldn't get anything to stick. Saw something on here about high protien helping ADHD brains and started eating plain cold steak (🤷‍♀️ apparently this was okay to chew?) But wasn't able to eat enough for my needs and also wasn't always a hit. Them I realised the issue was I don't want solid food, or even smoothies. Water & juice are fine and apparently so is chocolate milk even though I don't like milk or sweet things. I just roll with it now. It's easier and I'm healthier than trying to force myself andbthen get disappointed.


When I was breastfeeding, I got hungry *again* (after eating double the amount of calories I usually consume) and just started sobbing because I couldn't handle the concept of eating anything else. I just wanted to be done with tasting things for the day.


Protein shakes FTW. The only thing I have found I can make work in the morning, no matter what because I can make it sort of ADHD-proof (very little prep, right in my face so I don’t forget, etc.). 1.) I got a protein shake brand where I just have to add water. 2.) I bought 3 shakers to always have a clean one even if the dishwasher hasn’t run through. 3.) In the evenings, I fill a shaker with the correct amount of powder and set that on the bathroom sink. 4.) In the mornings first thing I do is to add water and use the shake to wash down my meds. 5.) With that I actually manage to make it through my and my toddler’s morning routine without 3 mental breakdowns along the way By now, if there is no shaker sitting on my sink before going to bed, I will realize I forgot something and will grumble my way back to the kitchen to prepare it.


That’s 100% what it is for me. Even if I make the damn meal I still don’t want to put it in my mouth. Smoothies work wonders if I actually make the smoothie. Thanks for the tip!


I might try this... It's super expensive here, but surely I could use protein powder and milk and make my own.


I just saw further down you said you don't like milk but saw that someone suggested soup, which could work too! I don't really like milk either (or sweet things) but I managed to force myself to drink these for long enough they're now okay for me. I'm lucky I'm able to pay the ADHD tax and get the premade. You can often get sample packets from places which may be a good place to start. I also found they do a protien water mix as well.


Which brand do you like? I usually just get Nesquik single serving bottles of chocolate milk because they have 14g of protein and no added vitamin C which messes up my meds


I also do these shakes and I get the chocolate fairlife ones from costco! They aren't super chalky like others can be


We just discovered the Fair life ones and they're awesome! Bonus, they didn't need to be refrigerated. I can totally leave a couple in my desk drawer, my car, my purse, etc.


I'm in Australia and I've found the Oak Protien Plus are the best for me. They need to be refrigerated but have a long shelf life so I have 2 at work in the fridge and generally a few at home. It has 30g protein, 28g carbs and 1295kj/309cal. There are a few other brands here as well but I think they taste watery but my friends can't tell the difference. It's worth shopping around. I need to pay the ADHD tax and buy pre-made but I don't drink coffee so I figure $3.80AUD ($2.50USD) is still reasonable for a meal serve that realistically lasts me all day.


maybe you just don’t like breakfast food. it sounds silly but when i was in college i suddenly realized that i can eat whatever i want for breakfast. Now everyday I usually eat a salad or a small turkey sandwich or a cup of a soup. It’s much easier on my stomach as i’ve found that a lot breakfast foods are super heavy and filling or downright greasy and that’s why it would make me nauseous


I wonder if soup would work for me…


I eat everything BUT breakfast food for breakfast. I’ve been this way all of my life lol. And I eat it later than others, usually more of a brunch time.


I think this is brilliant. I follow the same rule- eat whatever food as long as it’s balanced (some protein, some veg, etc). But I love breakfast foods so this also gave me the excuse to eat omelettes for dinner and such 😊


I used to eat those Cup O Noodles for breakfast but I overdid them over the years and now they no longer taste like dopamine 🥲


I did cotton onto this for a while and was downing caesar salads with chicken and eggs every day. I know I can eat whatever I want, I'm just not sure what to have and then I don't want it anyway lol


This is how I am. If I eat breakfast, it's usually a half a peanut butter sandwich.


I’m like this. My now husband was absolutely shocked the first time he took me to breakfast and I ordered a cheeseburger. I do not like breakfast foods. Now that I have kids I’ve gotten in the habit of making breakfast more often and waffles have grown on me. But if I see bacon, I want a BLT.


I'm kinda the opposite. The only thing I can stomach when I wake up is breakfast food, but traditional breakfast food is usually low protein/high carb which is horrible for blood sugar, so I usually just end up eating nothing or plain Greek yogurt 😬


Are you sure youre not actually nauseous if the thought of food is offputting? Morning is when reflux is generally at its worst from lying down sleeping, so you could look into things to help that and see if it makes a difference (e.g. raising the head of your bed) Edit: also, what do you put in your breakfast burritos? That sounds like a good idea for an easy breakfast


This was me! I worked with a dietitian because of other eating stuff which led to an ARFID diagnosis, and breakfast was the first thing we conquered. Taking Pepcid at night and forcing myself to eat breakfast for about a month didn't make me like breakfast but it took the disgust/discomfort I felt away for the most part. Some days are still hard but the hard work really did pay off. I'm now breakfast neutral :)


I don't think so. I sometimes think it's a cortisol thing, which could be a similar idea. For burritos, I can't really remember lol. I know it was mince, eggs, peppers, onions, and some form of homemade seasoning. I also thought they were a good idea, maybe do a smaller batch than me and see if you like them. :)


I’ve always struggled with eating breakfast. Typically a protein shake wouldn’t hold me over for long, but now that I’m on vyvanse a fairlife shake keeps me full for several hours. I’ve been chugging one when I take my medicine and that keeps me from the forever struggle of making myself eat in the morning


I don't really like milk is my issue. So I normally throw some protein powder into a smoothie, but then if I don't want a smoothie, that's out. I know I feel fantastic when I get anything into my system, it's just trying to get it into my system. lol


There are some protein powders that are meant to work with water. I haven't tried any yet but I know they exist. Do you like milk alternatives? I make mine with pistachio milk


I hated breakfast for a long time, and would wait til I got hangry and nauseated to eat. Idk if it'll help you, but I started eating lunch foods for breakfast. Idk why knowing I can eat tacos or pizza in the morning liberated me, but it did. I spent ages trying to make myself like traditional breakfast ¡


Yeah, I'm trying to avoid the angry and nauseated - that normally leaves me ordering a take away to get calories into me immediately. My concerta really dulls my appetite, so I want to get something into me first thing in the morning. I have successfully had caesar salads for breakfast. I might see if there are any other lunch things I might fancy.


I saw an article or something that because of the deregulation of some chemical in the brain while sleeping, it can cause you to not want to eat in the morning


I tried to find it but I can only find articles telling you that you need to eat breakfast every morning 🙄


I've read a bit about cortisol screwing with your hunger in the mornings (which could be right, I have a high-stress job and also stress myself out needlessly). Somewhat ironically, eating a high-protein breakfast is great at regulating cortisol. lol


You could try getting morning sunlight and evening dark time for some help with cortisol regulation! Or paced breathing before sleep


Remember, you don't have to eat breakfast food for breakfast. You're also allowed to eat something unhealthy if you need to eat


Thank you for this comment. I struggled ever since I was a kid with eating breakfast, as I usually can't eat until at least two hours after I wake up. I'm usually nauseated in the morning, and my nausea has gotten exponentially worse on Vyvanse. I hadn't been eating at all until mid-afternoon. Yesterday I told myself I needed something in my stomach, so I had a handful of chips with my meds. Plain, crunchy, salty - it helped significantly with the nausea. But I was so hard on myself because "that's not a healthy breakfast" as per societal norms. Sorry for the rambling. All that just to say that I appreciate hearing that it's okay to eat something unhealthy, because at least I put food in my body.


And with that, if there is cake, that almost always becomes my breakfast. lol


Next morning birthday cake is the best breakfast! I was just talking about this yesterday and my MIL was aghast. I was like, donuts are the same thing!


Other than eggs, breakfast foods in America might as well be desserts. There is no societal norm when it comes to healthy breakfasts. lol


I read somewhere recently that "'fed is best' isn't just for babies." Fed is best.


My struggle was I don’t really like breakfast foods that much so I always skipped it. Then my coworker gave me a mind blowing piece of advice: any food is breakfast food if you eat it at breakfast time. I eat a frozen tamale or a Costco meat and cheese snack pack every morning now like clock work. 10/10 would recommend.


Those meat and cheese packs are so good. I tend to toss them into a bowl with a bunched of pre-shelled spicy pistachios (or if feeling less healthy, spicy cheetos, lol).


I actually like breakfast foods and if I have the time can make the best breakfast. I'm trying to focus on protein though, and fruit or veggies if possible. "health" and all that. lol


I successfully lost a ton of weight doing intermittent fasting before covid . I stopped eating breakfast for the most part even though I gained the weight back but I make sure I have a high protein shake when I take my Vyvanse . I’m into caramel right now- I get the Walmart version and it has 30 milligrams of protein .


Can you please tell me about Vyvanse. I am desperate. I have done intermittent fasting with ridiculously successful results and then years of binge eating. Do you have to eat to take it?


I take vyvanse too! Any specific questions? :) I know for me I saw a change! Although I am also autistic, so it didn’t take away all the stress that I once thought was ADHD, it took away the biggest thing I always saw- my leg bouncing!!


My ADHD seems to be under control? better? mostly manageable? I am not sure if the constant bingeing of sugar is ADHD or a food addiction or an eating disorder or Lyme disease? I went kicking and screaming into using Adderall, and within 48 hours I was crying because I waited so many years to try it. I have some guilt that all of these women can't get a diagnosis, and I flat out refused mine, from a kind and reputable Psychiatrist for years. I do not want to go on Diabetes medication. I know what the problem is. So I was wondering if the Vyvanse would be better than the diabetes medication.


You definitely need to have a lot of protein when you take it in order for it to work effectively. I just do the shake and then eat usually at lunch. If I’m very hungry,I’ll eat some thing about ten or so -usually a protein bar. This year has been exceptionally stressful as my son graduated, but I’m noticing that I’m not craving things like I used to and I don’t obsess over food like I used to


Does it have to be taken in the AM or is it just once a day? Also, thank you for sharing.


You need the protein when you take the meds so they will be the most effective. Many people also recommend being conscientious about having plenty of protein throughout the day. Also - avoid vitamin c until the evening as it works against absorption.


Same, dude. Idk like, the vibe is off or something. Nothing feels right for breakfast and I honestly don’t even know what that means but that’s how it feels. 


When the vibe is right, I'm great. I can get on the vibe. Smoothie day, no problem. Full Irish Breakfast - let's go. But more days than not the vibe is off and it's a cup of tea and a concerta lol


The only thing I can tolerate in the mornings is a Little Debbie snack cake. If I don't eat it, I feel sick. I'd prefer not to have the sugar and calories, but it's what works for me so I refuse to feel guilty about it.


That's actually awesome. 💖


I cannot stomach even the THOUGHT of breakfast food first thing in the morning. I love bacon and eggs and all that, but not for breakfast. Best I can manage is some kind of snack bar, smoothie/protein shake/yogurt and granola, pastry/muffin or a bowl of cereal. And typically not until after 10am. I have a coffee and my meds when I start work around 9, then I eat a light breakfast or snack on my 10:30 break. It’s not ideal, but at least it’s something. I’ve never been able to eat early in the morning, even as a child it was all-out war to get food into me before school.


I'm kind of the same, but my concerta demolishes my appetite, so then I can't even eat lunch. There was a while where I was subsisting on just a massive dinner every day, which isn't good.


I find Concerta also reduces my appetite but I don’t get sick if I do eat, fortunately. I just don’t feel hungry, but I know I’ll be hangry all of a sudden in my last hour of work and it will consume every thought in my head so I need to eat lunch or I’ll be absolutely miserable later.


Ugh! Story of my life! I was told I needed to have breakfast in order to take my Adderall XR. I do not eat breakfast. All I want in the morning is coffee. But I do use about half milk, so there's that. I've cut my coffee to one cup per day (since I'm taking a stimulant) and have a banana as my "breakfast." 🤷‍♀️ Guess it's a decent happy medium for me.


I am now begrudgingly making myself a protein shake. Thanks for the reminder!


haha... and I'm sure you'll have a much better day having done it! :)


I cannot relate. I love breakfast so much, that if I wake up early and eat at like 6am, I will have breakfast part II at 10am. Love it! Give me all the breakfasts!!


It is so sad, I drive to McDonald's and say, "The regular" and they recognize my car/voice. It is too embarrassing, if I want second breakfast I go to a different fast food place.


What do you order at fast food places for breakfast? Can you imitate that at home? I bet you can make an egg sandwich that’s so much tastier than what McDonald’s can do!


Of course you are intellectually right. Like every addiction it is so much more than the food. It is the anticipation. Driving there. Knowing the fat and sugar is coming. All the things an alcoholic feels about drinking. My family bought me a breakfast maker, an all in one machine that cooked the egg, and the sausage, and toasted the English muffin, at the same time. There was even a space to toast a hash brown. They were so excited to give it to me. I never took it out of the box. 1. Buy ingredients. 2. Open box. 3. Clean machine. 4. Remember to take said sandwich with me. 5. Put all parts of the machine in the dishwasher. 6. Run dishwasher 7. Buy soda. 8. Remember to get refillable glass. 9. Buy reusable straw, and a thousand other things. They were crushed. My thoughts, "You took my ritual that gives me dopamine, and gave me dozens of chores for each and every breakfast. My NT relatives, you have no idea why I go to McDonalds." Like an alcoholic, I don't think switching to non-alcoholic beer is going to work. I need a whole new plan.


Thank you for explaining this. I hope the best for you


I second eating what you may actually enjoy and could be hungry for. There is nothing saying you have to have "breakfast" foods or even healthy foods. Some food is definitely better than nothing. My partner and I got in the habit of making eggs and bacon because he was depressed and wasn't eating and because I am always low on protein. We have continued to do it and I was concerned that bacon was fatty and unhealthy. I've been seeing a dietician and she said it's okay as long as it's not all the time (we do it once a week) and eating it is better than not eating at all both for metabolism and hormones. For me adhd is greatly affected by my hormones so anything I can do to help regulate, I do.


This is so relatable to me. No advice, but I’m going through this same thing rn and am hoping to try some of these suggestions. Anyways, just wanted to say you’re not alone


I always want sweet in the morning and regular breakfasts just are not going to happen. Cereal is the most consistent thing I can stick with. Do what works for you.


I also hate breakfast. I got turned onto overnight oats because they’re not too creamy like yogurt, and I like the texture to munch on. I made almond joy oatmeal with shredded coconut, sliced almonds, and chocolate chips. I add some yogurt for fat and protein, and I also add flax seeds because I need to use them up. I eat those more consistently than I eat anything else. It helps that the prep happens at night, when I am most able to do a task like that, and it is also a pretty light task to pour everything into a jar and shake it and put it into the fridge for tomorrow:


All this to say, maybe you need to find something that is appetizing. I put lots of chocolate chips in mine because I like it that way. If I’m having a good morning, I will make French toast with cinnamon raisin bread and add pumpkin pie spice. If I’m not “hungry” I put together a smoothie I really really like. If you don’t “want” to eat your food, you won’t eat. I am the same way. I had to put some time into it, but I eventually found appetizing enough foods that convinced me to me to eat. And like other people say, it doesn’t have to be traditional breakfast food. You could have ramen or canned soup or ice cream or whatever.


I tried overnight oats for a while but they never filled me - even with protein and flax. Everyone in the office could hear my stomach grumbling by 11am lol


I use steel cut oats and I usually make enough to continue snacking on for the entire morning. I take the jar to work with me and it stays next to me until lunch lol. Or I bring a banana or clif bar or something if I can’t take the jar. Otherwise I agree, I wouldn’t be able to just eat a little bit and then go on with my day until lunch time.


I wanted to use a separate comment to suggest Ensure shakes. They’re designed for people who have trouble meeting their nutritional needs. They range between 250-350 calories, and have varying amounts of protein so you know you are getting enough energy. I don’t remember if they have fiber, but I found some fiber supplement gummies at Walgreens and that helped me feel well rounded.


I've recently been better about making breakfast (I went on a trip with some friends and we all made breakfast together every morning and so I started associating it with being in a beautiful place with friends having a good time and kept it up at home by myself) but prior to this streak it's been *such* an issue for me. I think maybe because it combines 1) one of the first things in the morning, and it's hard to get out of bed and start doing things; 2) pre-meds; 3) feels like a lot of steps even if it's just defrosting/microwaving. Sometimes just eating a protein bar feels like a lot of steps and I can't manage it, TBH. I've had good luck with protein shakes. I can grab one and take it back to bed or on the porch and sit with it like a coffee.


My therapist helped me realize that I just don’t like breakfast foods, and don’t want to have to cook anything in the morning. She asked me why did I feel I could only eat breakfast foods for breakfast and it blew my mind. So I stopped. I now eat my left over dinner that I really enjoyed the night before for breakfast (I like cooking in the afternoon/evening). I’ll have a cup of ramen with extra freeze dried veg and protein thrown in (seriously freeze dried ingredients have been a life saver for me). If I feel fancy, maybe I’ll have make a hotdog on a pita in the air fryer and eat it like a taquito. I’ve also found I eat more bagged salad in the morning. And because I end up eating a much larger meal (like you I used to get nauseous eating in the morning, for me personally, in hindsight I wonder if it’s because I was force feeding myself food I didn’t actually enjoy), I’m fuller for longer in the day, and only feel up to a small dinner by the time I get there, which has also helped reduce my snacking. And I know I always saw taking something out of the freezer to thaw as a chore, I want it now. It takes too long to de-thaw, etc. but I can remember to pull it out in the evening while I’m making dinner and thinking about what I’ll eat in the morning, so it’s ready to go in the am for me so it’s faster when I don’t have the energy to do anything complex.


I have Boost powder & Metamucil in a glass of milk 95% of mornings. It’s all I can handle.


This might be weird but for me, I want to eat less in the morning if I was hungry when I went to bed. Eating a filling dinner or eating a snack if I'm hungry before bed has helped me feel less nauseous in the morning. Used to be a bigger issue when I was medicated because it would suppress my appetite during the day. I would wake up hungry at night, not want to eat because it is the middle of the night, then be nauseous in the morning. Starting the cycle over again.


I wonder is this it. Maybe I'm too hungry to make a decision.


It is an easy one to try out. Might take a bit to adjust but I'd give it a shot. Of course be aware if you have GERD you might not want to eat too close to bed time as that can be a trigger.


I drink 6oz-8oz oatmilk + half scoop of Chocolate Vega all in one with my meds. I'm on a very small dose so 10mg of protein in the AM hits the sweet spot. then by 10a or 11a I'm ready for actual food. (vega is food replacement shake or a protein shake powder, depending on the variety) idk what I'd do if I was forced to eat an egg at 7am with my pill. *ick*


*I have 26 breakfast burritos frozen in the freezer that I meal prepped and cannot stand the thought of defrosting.* This, my friend, is familiar and telling. My solution to this is night-before prep. Take a burrito out of the freezer before bed so it's thawed by morning, cut up fruit for yogurt or cereal if that's your jam, fill up a kettle and place your oatmeal packets and a spoon next to the stove, etc. For me personally, I also have my coffee supplies all lined up so, at the time of day I am most likely to fall victim to ADHD inertia, I just have to push a button and the elixir of life is on its way.


I don't like to have breakfast. I haven't been able to figure out why, except maybe that I fill up with coffee. Anyway, my doctor finally convinced me to eat something with my meds and I started having 1/2 a granola bar (which is one bite) or a small handful of trail mix (with M&Ms), a couple of wheat thins, a graham cracker, or something else small. The things I just listed depend on which one I am currently liking. I go through phases on which one I have. I guess my point is that it's really just one good size bite of something enjoyable to eat. Then meds, then, back to just coffee.


overnight oats (chia, oats, vegetal milk, pb, , pumpkin seeds, sometimes fruits) are the best breakfast on the go for me. I can prep it in advance, its pretty quick even if I do forget it till the morning of. i dont need a lot to be ok. Also often will just grab a hard boiled egg and a smoothie if I dont have time.


Is this PDA by chance? I have a PDA profile and the more I think I “have” to eat, the more impossible it becomes. I drink Boost when I get up so I can take my meds.


You don’t have to eat breakfast? I’m never hungry in the morning and I’ve been like that my whole life. Just make sure you have a healthy lunch and dinner. Do you feel you need to because of meds? I take vyvanse (and in the past concerta) on an empty stomach and it has never bothered me.


I’m exactly like this! The thought of eating ANYTHING during the first 4-5 hours I’m awake is nauseating. This, even when my body is informing me that it’s hungry and needs calories plz


I'm the same way. This is what works for me, not sure if it works for anyone else. I don't even attempt to eat breakfast until after about 10am. That's usually when I get hungry. Anytime before that I can't eat without feeling nauseous. For reference, I get up for work at 7 and I don't count my chai latte as food/breakfast but I do use actual milk so I probably should. I don't eat "breakfast foods" for breakfast hardly ever. I love eating eggs and breakfast burritos and stuff, but I only love them at dinner time. For breakfast I eat whatever I'm in the mood for, just to get myself eating. This could be anything from some fruit and peanut butter to a piece of lasagna. I also do eat hard boiled eggs sometimes. If I really have to have breakfast at a normal/earlier time I drink my breakfast. Protein shake or smoothie with protein powder added are my go tos. Finally, I don't often have ice cream in the house, but if I do I will probably have some for breakfast. Mostly because when I was little I promised myself I would do this when I grew up. In the summer I make my own ice cream with extra protein, which makes this less bad for me. But sometimes it's just regular Ben & Jerry's or whatever. The one part of this that I feel is universal and will definitely apply to you is that it's based on the principal that perfect is the enemy of good. I can't do protein at breakfast the "right" way. I can only do it my way. And I've been told I have to have protein for breakfast. So these are my solutions.


I'm not a huge egg person. I can eat them occasionally when we go brunch. But I never eat eggs when I cook them (for others). Come to think of it. I just never eat eggs at home. I used to do cereal but they are pretty carb heavy. Right now I'm on a vanilla Greek yogurt with vanilla granola. ( yeah I'm basically vanilla).


Never liked breakfast, don’t eat anything until at least 10.


I can’t eat before taking my meds because I need my meds to be able to make food.


I am the same. I am a bit underweight and my boyfriend often insists I eat breakfast because he is worried about that - I have to choke it down. My personal advice to you is don’t eat it if you don’t want it - plenty of people who are healthy (and neurotypical) just don’t feel hungry in the mornings. If you get side effects from taking meds on an empty stomach, can you take them at a different time of day ? In general I think the importance of breakfast is a bit over hyped - if you get enough good nourishing food in 24 hrs, do we have to do it within such a precise timetable? (Bracing myself for people who actually understand biology to contradict me here - I’m open to this) Also I feel so alienated by people (not you OP) who prepare breakfasts, it is unimaginable to me ha ha


I actually saw a ADHD coach talking about this recently. So, did you know the ADHD brain weighs more than a NT brain? This is because we have more synaptic connections between neurones. Now, synapses are actually, a gap between neurons, so you have two neurons and then you have this thing between the neurons and then either side of that THING is synaptic gap connecting it to the neurones and when a signal is passing a synaptic gap it turns briefly into a chemical signal, jumps the gap and turns back into an electrical signal. I can’t remember what that THING is called, basically each one of those THINGS is a cell that has more cells in it, and each one of those cells has a mitochondria in it.     Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cells. When you eat something, your body takes glucose and shunts it straight to your brain, because glucose is the main food source of your brain, your body too, but your brain uses a LOT of glucose. That glucose penetrates the cells, goes into the mitochondria, and then the mitochondria distributes it around the cell to feed it. Now, stay with me here. Because we have more of these synaptic gaps filled by this extra cells that is itself filled with cells, so our brains weigh more than Neurotypical people. To explain this, I need to explain synaptic pruning. Sorry about the science lessons.   So, when you’re a kid, your brain creates loads of synaptic connections between your brain because you’re in Mass learning mode. Your brain has to make intuitive connections to work out the world, to work out how social connections work, to work out how to exist. To do that your brain has just tons and tons of synaptic connections. Synaptic pruning Is a process that the brain goes through when you’re a teenager. Your brain starts to prune those extra connections because you’re becoming an adult, your brain is maturing and you should now have all of the information you need to act as a competent adult. For people with ADHD, we go through synaptic pruning but our brains continue to make almost as many synapses as they did when we were children, with the process slowing throughout our lives which is why our brains are so busy. We have loads of extra cells that normal adults don’t have, loads of extra brain matter that normal adults don’t have and this has an actual physical effect on causing our brains to weigh more. This means we need more glucose to feed our brains. Brains go through all of these different processes at night to restore it for the following day and it needs glucose to do those processes. So by the time you wake up in the morning, whatever glucose you eat last night is long gone and your brain hasn’t had the glucose it needs to go through the processes. This causes you to feel sick because that glucose should’ve carried your whole body and your brain through the whole night and it hasn’t so your body which has been in fasting mode for several hours wakes up with no glucose to keep it going until you can put food into it. And that causes your body to feel nauseous.     The ADHD coach I saw talking about this recommended glucose foods before you go to bed and then a glucose drink first thing in the morning to feed your system and wake you up. I have coffee with honey, which is a great source of glucose. I hope that helps. And I hope it made sense.


I wish it didn't take me decades to learn this, but I have to work with my habits and annoying brain. I will absolutely not make breakfast if it involves more than 2-3 steps. Like, I won't even make a smoothie. Breakfast for me is always either leftovers from dinner the night before, or a pre-made protein shake. I almost never have breakfast food for breakfast.