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Hi!! I’m a cna at a big hospital in our medsurg area. I work at night so I can’t say much during the day but definitely voice your concerns and anxiety with the staff! We are there to help. I love making sure people are comfortable. Bring your comfort items! Have family bring your favorite blanket, anything. I can’t say for other hospitals but we have comfort items too like ear plugs, eye masks, tea. Books, stuff to draw in. You can always call ahead and ask them to run down what’s gonna go on.


Earplugs!! When I had surgery a few years ago it was just considered ‘day surgery’ so I only stayed overnight on the ward but not in a room. The speaker that alerted the nurses to call buttons was _directly_ over my bed. I was still loopy from the anesthesia and started crying because it was too loud. My dad brought earplugs when he came to visit and it was a HUGE help for sleeping. While awake I could put my headphones on, but I can’t sleep in them. Also, bring a robe or some comfy clothes of your own. Can help with feeling safe and cozy having something familiar. I haven’t had kids but I can imagine that part of that anxiety is having a new human to care for. Hopefully, since this time it’s just you, that won’t play as big of a part and you can just focus on resting and healing!! Good luck, and I hope it goes smoothly!


Plan out a decent amount of choices for entertainment or something to occupy you! Go through your music and put together some playlists, make sure you have them downloaded because often hospital WiFi is crap. If you have a tablet, try downloading a show or some movies you've been meaning to watch, plus make sure everything is charged up. Honestly, not all surgeries are created equal and routine surgery is still overwhelming and anxiety inducing, but isn't the same brand of anxiety inducing as giving birth. The sheer amount of hormonal changes that go on, plus having an actual baby to look after immediately is a whole experience in itself. It might end up being not as bad as you think!


I gave birth a few weeks ago — because I was induced we had a specific day/time we were going to the hospital. I’ve had a few surgeries in the last 6 years and realized that I was just as nervous for *being* in a hospital as I was for giving birth! Fortunately, the nurses were all amazing and that helped me calm down and adjust quickly


Labour and birth comes with its own crazy powerful hormones which intensify your emotions. There’s every chance that it will be better this time around.


Earplugs and eye mask are a must. I prepared to be too cold while in the hospital, but I didn’t prepare for the possibility of being *too hot* (which I was). If I had to do it again, I’d get a little battery operated or usb rechargeable fan.