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Chaotic evil: wipe the counters with a dry paper towel and leave the crumbs on the floor. As long as there's nothing in there bad for pets you can let them eat the crumbs or just wait to sweep until you feel up to it. Wear house shoes or flip flops around the house to avoid having horrible grit on your feet. Brought to you by the not-at-all-functional gang


This is what we do lol. Won't be caught dead walking around my house without my birks.


Or you do this right before your robot vacuum starts in your kitchen. 😉


Bold of you to assume we are functional enough to have a house that is tidy enough for a robot vacuum cleaner to function properly. Also those things are kinda expensive.


I got mine from iRobot and it's $30/month for 2 years and it comes with free supplies. All of them. It's called iRobot select. As a fellow poor person, this works for me because I don't have the money to get a housekeeper or any kind of outside help. But knowing my floors get vacuumed once a day changes everything. It makes things feel much cleaner. I also work from home so when it goes off, at the same time everyday but somehow still surprises me, I can stop what I'm doing and just do a panic clean up of the floor to make sure there's nothing on there, even if that means tossing things on the couch or my bed or the counters.


Thanks so much for sharing this, I have no doubt many will find it invaluable!


Prime day and Black Friday are THE days to get a lil robot vacuum. It was still pricy for me (about $150) and i kept putting it off because I was like, “I have a vacuum, I need to stop being lazy and use it.” But when I finally got the thing, it was a life changer for me. I wholeheartedly recommend every ADHDer get one. I can’t live without mine!


Vacuuming the kitchen is such a game changer. Gets all the noodles and stuff in the corners that the broom won’t get


im in this photo and i don't like it


I do this, but my cats are picky so I have to follow up with Mr. Roomba


Yeah I usually have to sweep stuff up myself, but just not having stuff on the counter is relief enough for me usually.


Omg I do this…. Don’t tell anyone


You're no longer alone :з


Yep! Clean top to bottom and wear those sock swiffer things too so you don't step in crumbs haha


Sock... swiffer things???




Oh those look like sensory hell lol


LMAO I love you and how genuine you are in the reality, that's badass. I got weird sensory issues with shoes so maybe I could do something similar with socks/slippers but I know my partner won't notice and he'd bring crumby feet into our already crumby bed (I call it a nest and yes I do need my 1am honey bagel nightly) My mom doesn't have to worry about crumby floors cuz she's got two dogs so she just does the counter thing. I'm not wealthy enough to have a furry friend yet so this peasant's gotta clean the crumbs; regardless if they're on a counter or floor 🥲


I mop my walls. I make sure my mop head is clean and it’s the first thing I do when I make my mop water. It cleans all the grimy kid finger prints and splashes of who knows what is on there. Cleans so much easier than using a rag. 


How often to do this? I need to do my walls but I have a swifter!


I do it maybe once a week or two but I have 5 kids and my walls get dirty. My goal is mop every night… but ya know how that goes. So if I mop the floor I will check the walls too. I have a spin mop thing so it gets most of the water out before doing the walls


That's pretty clever...I think I'm gunna have to invest in one of those cuz they seem to be the easiest/cheapest way without killing my back. I usually save old shirts to turn into rags or retired sponges for washing the walls but it's a nightmare to do. I'll happily mop my walls if it's easier than this lol


Wiping down counters and trying to get all the solid little crumbs and things has always just grossed me out- and cleaning them out of the rag? Ick.  Not an issue if I’ve used the handheld vac to get all that up first!


Exactly!! It feels so simple but it's really game changing imo!


I once went in a show home and they had a built in vacuum right at the counter level with a hose built into the wall. BOOM, I never felt guilty about doing it again. Not that I ever did lol, but it just convinced me that neurotypicals are not as ingenious as us ADHD’ers. It’s only a matter of time before these are common as milk in the fridge.


Oh my God have you seen some of the older fancy houses that haven't been modernized? Some literally came with wall outlets you just pull the vacuum hose out of, suck up whatever, then shove it back in the wall. I think the dirt would be trapped in a separate bin in the wall or straight to a garbage chute. I hate modern houses for many reasons; give me what people in the 50's-70's thought were peak design cuz they were obviously right!


I think stuff they did in the 50s went out of fashion when capitalism decided the good stuff was too pricey!


The worst part is that a lot of the practical style fads were pricey for their time but made a lot of sense. I *highly* doubt a lot of those ingenuitive gadgets would cost much extra to include in a house build today. They certainly cut costs on a lot of the materials for houses now- I'm sure they can slap a lazy susan back in the fridges and vacuums in the walls!


My partner suggested this and it is GAME CHANGER. I enjoy using the lil loud monster to get everything lol


It's my favorite! It turns cleaning into more of a run game imo. I'll start on the counters then the couches. I'm fairly certain my partner has caught me scuttling across the floor all hunch backed chasing crumbs. He tells me to use the big vacuum but that defeats the dopamine chase lol. Plus it really is convenient for all the little crumbs around the counters and corners- I'm not gunna lug the big vac out for the countertops, babe!


We have special little vacuumcleaners for exactly this purpose. We call them "Crumb thieves"


I would like to see the [crumb thieves](https://youtu.be/MXlr1G0IVsc?si=IqIhtkUt5ZA3_nXz)


Also squeegees! Squeegees for literally everything. They're magical. Dirty counters? Squeegee! Tile, laminate, or wood floors? Squeegee! Pet hair all over furniture? Squeegee! (Ever hear of the lily brush? Literally just a repackaged and unmarked squeegee lol) Carpets or rugs that you don't want to vacuum? Squeegee! Normal squeegees are great for a lot of stuff, and they have much bigger ones you can use on floors. It gets out more stuff than vacuums, too. I find I avoid cleaning my floors a lot because I really don't like using brooms (all the gross just sticks to the broom! And cleaning the broom itself is hard to impossible!) and I don't use the vacuum nearly often enough because it requires picking up the mess on the floor. Which I should do, but it's too much effort. But the floor squeegee can go around objects a lot easier than a vacuum can. It's my new favorite discovery ☺️


I'm definitely gonna have to try it but I feel like I may not be using it to its full potential... I'll be YouTubing clever ways to use squeegees tonight I think lol


I mop the kitchen cabinet doors. I have one of those mops that has a spray nozzle attached for the cleaner and honestly if I didn’t the doors would just stay greasy. Helps twofold; it’s much quicker than using a rag and also…I’m too short and the mop helps reach the top cabinets 🤣


You're the second or third person in this thread to say they mop their walls! I kinda wanna get on this train cuz I'm tired of using rags for such a huge chore... Do you have a link for the lil gadget you use? Gotta do some researchin'


I’m in Australia so I’m not sure if the brands will be the same but this is the one I have. It’s been a game changer on actually cleaning things. If I had to get a mop bucket prepped every time there’s no way I’d be mopping. Ever. It’s so easy to swap the mop pads/heads over that I have one for floors and one specifically for walls and cupboard doors hahaha. https://www.bunnings.com.au/sabco-superswish-spray-mop_p4480508


Kinda similar (but not so noisy) is my favorite teeny tiny kitchen broom and dust bin. I love using it to get all the small bits of crumbs off the counter tops. I keep it on a hook and use it *all* the time. I have one at my pottery studio too. https://a.co/d/053wJJxD


I remember walking into my mother's kitchen thinking she'd gone fruity cos she had the hair dryer out blowing in the drawers. Turns out it was on the other side of that fine line over in the genius section - you don't have to take all the stuff out to clean the drawers, just blow out all the dust or whatever, then it's easy to suck up off the floor.


Lolol that's so clever! I have certainly taken a dust buster to my drawers too, I don't have a hair dryer or else I would have to try out her trick too.


It's funny to me as I often use the garden blower to blow the dog hair and dust out of my car before vacuming and it never occured to me to do (the significantly less violent version) of this inside 😄


You were on the exact path of genius, though!! Have you seen the videos of people vacuuming their cars then putting something that vibrates(massage gun, sander, really anything that won't damage the carpets) on the floor boards as they vacuum to see the difference of dirt collection?? It's another really cool hack I want to try sometime. I think it's super satisfying to see those videos of dog owners/groomers blowing out thick coat dogs with a vacuum so I'd image your technique is similar in satisfaction!


Yes! I definitely want to try that one also cos my car is in an absolutely unfathomable state currently. 2 hounds + winter + farm = 😬 - honestly not sure at this point whether to attempt cleaning or just burn/bury and start again (not actually going to burn or bury cos environment) The male is a big meathead who will back up to my husband when he's got the air compressor on for a blowout (pressure wound down so it's not dangerous of course) and a hard bristle bannister brush comb rub down - makes it look like it's snowing in the workshop lol


Oooh maybe look into one of the Dyson hand held vacuums! They can be a little pricey but I got my mom one during a holiday sale. It's got all the attachments so it can be a regular floor stick vacuum, a short handheld, and the extra brushes make it a perfect vacuum to clean the car! My mini black and Decker is nice but I'm never afraid to use my mom's Dyson on my car whenever I pop by for a visit lol. We all appreciate an indoor snow globe via dog fur but not forever😅


Game Changer: https://a.co/d/03j5TUeK


I've seen these and they're super cute, but always wondered how well they ACTUALLY work??


They work really well, surprisingly.


Ohhh thanks! I might have to invest in one then 😊


mini hand vac was a complete life hack for me


What vac do you use?


Just a pretty basic black and Decker one! I think it was about 20$ when I bought it a couple years back from either Ross, Big Lots, or Bed Bath& Beyond. Gets good battery life and strong suction as long as the filter isn't too dirty!


All I keep thinking about since reading this, is getting a hand held vac!!! Thank you!!!


Of course! It's a game changer for certain. I hope you try it out and enjoy it!


I vacuum the dust off my desk, but any surface that food might touch, because *someone* can't stir the pan without bits of food landing on the counter? Nope. I don't prepare anything in my kitchen that warrants sanitising surfaces.


Then where do you prepare food?


I think I'm a lil confused by your comment. Are you saying you have a roommate or partner that dirties the kitchen counters so you don't prepare food in there? Tbh I used to have somewhat severe OCD tendencies so idk if I'll ever give up the level of importance of a weekly sanitize or disinfecting. I don't judge anyone else for doing otherwise, just personal preference in my tiny apartment with my troubled mind lol.