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If someone could just follow behind me putting things I use away, that would be a dream come true


Yes, daily support in cleaning and laundry please. Not a small task but without a doubt what I wpuld need most. Also, if something needs to be done or repaired around the house, researching the steps to do it and setting up all the materials and tools needed would be wonderful. The practical plan making is where all my DIY dreams come to die.


My 7 year old has promised to build me a robot helper to do chores when he's older. I live in hope. Surely, AI plus the articulated humanoid combat drones the Pentagon funds could surely do some cleaning and laundry. Just need the prices to come down without things going all *I, Robot.*


Put me on the wait-list for their creation. I'd pay good money for that.


Literally. I can do my job duties but can someone PLEASE just keep my desk cleared off/put my things in their proper spot? Because I can’t get any work done if I spend all day doing it


That sounds like a dream. Especially since when i need the thing I always look where it's supposed to be first and never where I put it last 🤣 The dopamine hit when it is where it's supposed to be the first time you look tho 😍


Dana K White (from A Slob Comes Clean) has a rule that you put things away where you will look for them first. So now our nail clippers live on my husband's desk instead of in the bathroom. That's where we always find them now. It doesn't work if you like an aesthetic living space, but with our neurospicy household, it is so much more functional. 😊


My very NT mom likes things in certain places but my brain doesn't like her organization choices so I leave my stuff one place and she moves it to her favored place. Then I have no idea where it is and have to ask her, annoying her. I get the "if you would just put it where it belongs in the first place" spiel a lot. I did put it where it belonged. You moved it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We're a bit chaotic. 😆


Dishes. All day long, doing the dishes.


For me the entire realm of kitchen stuff. If it was clean I might go in there and cook, would be good to have a dinner chef who keeps clean 😅 I’ll sort breakfast and lunch in the clean kitchen


Yes! I would be so much more willing to prep and cook if the rest of it was handled. I used to love cooking. If someone else could make my coffee, that would be amazing too. 😂


I struggled for a while with the feeling that I needed coffee in order to get up and make myself coffee. I’ve switched to caffeine pills. Set an alarm 30 minutes before you want to wake up, pop one, go back to bed, and wake up feeling awake. They have less caffeine than a cup of coffee, so if you still like the taste/smell/routine of coffee you can still enjoy half a cup after.


my sister used to take caffeine pills and hers were 1,000 mg (I know that's insane) so anyone taking caffeine pills PLEASE CHECK THE LABEL!


I hope that’s *not even legal anymore. Mine are 30mg, which is like a can of coke.


Yes. This is a good one.


This is the only answer. I feel bad using paper plates but I don't have a dishwasher and I just cannot keep up with it. Standing there, stuck in one place, with almost 0 stimulation just smelly dirty dishes and the sound of the water running is my personal hell.


At least you can compost paper plates! You can feel a little less bad if you do that.


Just unloading the dishwasher and putting dishes away would be enough for me


Gave this task to my kid and it has to be done to get tv. Do not regret it.


Keeping track of all the periodic *stuff* that needs to be done and making me do it. I need an oil change. I need to get my teeth cleaned. I am certain that I've missed a bunch of maintenance tasks for the house, but what are they? I have no idea. I need someone to track all this stuff and remind me: this Thursday you're taking your car in for an oil change after work. Next Tuesday at 10 you see the dentist. And so on.


My dentist always books the next appointment immediately after one, so I always have one in the calendar. If the day doesn't work, I have to reschedule, but at least I remember that it is time to go.


My gynecologist started doing this and it's been great, especially because they are notoriously difficult to schedule if you're too close to your desired time frame. Want an appointment in June? You better be calling before March. Having one on the books already is great. I recently had my first mammogram and went to a place that only does mammograms. It was covered by my insurance, so I didn't have to pay and didn't need to stop at the front desk afterwards to check out, I just left. By the time I was at my car, I had a text saying they had scheduled my next mammogram for 2025 !! and it was just the concurrent date at the same time. That is so smart and to me seems to be a sign that the place is run by women.


I'd like this but for work: the three things you must do today so you don't get sacked.


Every time I change my air filter I say “hey siri, remind me in 3 months to replace my air filter” and then I forget about it until the notification pops up. Then I say “hey siri, remind me when I drive past Lowe’s that I need a new 20x20x1 sized air filter” It’s the only way I keep up. That, and my house starts to get dusty.


same here! I sort of manage by putting all the appointments in my calendar as soon as I make them AND writing them down on a little piece of paper that is taped to my monitor (i.e. all upcoming stuff on a small post-it note, not multiple post-its) appointments that aren't recurring are a bit harder but sometimes I go through a phase where I gamify getting it all done.


I made a Google spreadsheet for tracking periodic stuff. House tasks, dentist/doctors appointments, bills, car stuff. Also human stuff, like remembering to call family every so often. Then I set a reoccurring reminder on my phone to check it every 2 weeks. I have it bookmarked on my phone's home screen, and downloaded for offline use. It's been game changing.


Someone who could reply to all my emails and texts that I keep putting off because I’m not in the right frame of mind to give a thoughtful reply


I’ve used ChatGPT more times than I can count to craft my work email responses. It can be anywhere from “Give me some responses to choose from,” to, “Here’s my garbled stream of consciousness, re-write it for clarity with a professional but friendly tone.”


Ugh I even have templates to copy and paste and I’m still not on top of it. Classic “message comes in and I see it but can’t thoughtfully reply in the moment so I save it for later and later becomes a day, a week, etc” situation. Never tried ChatGPT for drafting emails, thanks for the tip!


Someone who can manage the family. Like not necessarily a house cleaner but a house keeper. Like Mrs Hughes in Downton. A meal planner and grocery person. Make appointments and calls and just have all of my information Someone who can sort and organize and help decorate my home Someone to sort my mail and help me know what to keep and what not to keep (I’m in my 40’s how do I not know this shit yet) Someone who can organize my digital files (specifically family pictures) and backups!!!! Sadly I am someone.


I would love to turn over my digital pics to someone to organize into print books.


My phone does this, it'll grab photos in groups based on things like location or who is in them and then give me the option to buy and customize a book. It's a feature of google photos.


Oh my god yes. I am the unofficial photographer in every aspect of my life, I have over 27k pictures on my phone and I just want them organized.


Oh my god, what a blessing Mrs. Hughes would be (specifically). Someone kind and trusting, taking care of me and my family. The relief I would feel not having to be 'someone' also! I may pretend I am her to keep this house standing, just for her calm demeanor! **be Mrs. Huges**


I'm more like Mrs. Patmore -- bossy and easily flustered 😂


A house manager (or family assistant if you have kiddos) is the term you’re looking for. Sometimes a PA. But either way this person exists out there and could be amazing!


I honestly just need someone for one hour a day. It doesn’t take that long to open my mail, emails, call back the doctor to make an appointment, and put away the laundry. But those are the things I struggle with the most for some reason.


I’m the same way. There are some cities that have companies that offer this sort of support. Major metros on the east coast USA primarily IME. I’ve really benefitted from it. I pay for outsourced laundry and get admin / household support too for a few hours per week. It’s made a big difference for me but I’m know I’m very fortunate to be able to do that.


I am so here for this fantasy of having a Downton character in my life despite my lower middle class household, it's actually really lovely to think about. I'm going to try to summon my inner Mrs Hughes next time I need to tackle scary life responsibilities because she would be so kind and nonjudgmental about it and she would always be thinking multiple steps ahead, not to mention making sure not one word of it was gossiped about to someone like O'Brien. Ugh thank you for this idea!


I just need someone to tell me what to cook for dinner. They have to know all my husbands limitations, Low-fat, low-carb, and low-salt, and what foods he doesn't like, and come up with a dish every night.


Chat gpt can do that for you!


You have just saved my life, that's probably the biggest argument my SO and I have


Ah I keep forgetting to try this! Do you have to be super detailed with input to get decent suggestions?


My boss recently taught me this!


Chat gpt is an excellent suggestion. The free Supercook app is another. I only 'stock' my virtual pantry with food my husband can eat, therefore the app only gives me recipes that adhere to his restrictions and preferences.


Hmmmm, maybe I'll have to try out that app


It's kind of life altering to see the list of ingredients you have turn into full recipes without having to go to the store. I can summon enough focus to cook or shop, but not both on the same day.


Going to check out the app. Sounds perfect.


Switching to a meal kit delivery service was a huge time saver for me. There’s enough choices where I don’t get bored, but not so many that I’m overwhelmed. We save so much money and have greatly reduced our food waste. What I love the most is that it’s taught us how to improve basic cooking skills, and we spend that time talking, not on our phones, listening to records. It’s become my favorite part of the day.


Meal kits have changed my LIFE. They seem so expensive at first, but now the price of groceries is crazy that it’s worth it. I don’t have to plan out multiple meals to use up the huge bunch of cilantro I bought for one dish, or get angry when the spinach I bought Monday is bad by Wednesday. I don’t have to go back to the store just for one or two things I forgot I needed. It’s also helped with kitchen mess and clean up immensely because most things are already pre portioned, so I don’t dirty measuring cups and spoons. I do Purple Carrot and their rice even comes precooked, so I don’t even need to get out my rice cooker or dirty an additional pot. I no longer have to argue with my boyfriend about what we both want/ can agree on for dinner. I eat so much healthier than always falling back on boxed Mac n cheese, again haha Agreed our food waste is better, but I do feel bad about the amount of plastic waste it produces.


Honestly, I need someone to be able to get into my head and figure out what isn't giving me the ick that day, then go do the shopping and take it to my house so that my husband can start cooking. We work so hard to make a weekly meal schedule and stick to it, but nothing can combat randomly getting the ick in the middle of the day and not wanting to eat chicken.


Scheduling my appointments and making me go.


Me, too. I got out of going to dentist appointments during the pandemic and still haven't gotten back to it. Why don't I call? Why don't I call right now? If I could just tell someone to call my stylist or dermatologist, that would be amazing.


I specifically chose businesses that have an online booking option. That way I can book my dentist appointments, hair cuts, healthcare appointments, etc. when the whim hits at 2am. It makes it so much easier to do.




There should be an app that matches up people who can make phone calls with people who can't. But for real, do you have a friend who could make the call for you? I hate calling and making the appointments for myself but I think if I had a friend who needed me to make an appointment for them, I would have less trouble doing it. My friend who always waits too long to go to the doctor somehow ended up being a vaccine appointment savant in early 2021, and she was on those websites and calling on multiple phones getting everyone appointments as soon as they opened up for us.


You should call. Right now. It will take 5 mins tops. You'll feel SO much better. Good luck. (But also.... I do not follow my own advice, so 100% will never leave my dentist who books before I leave. Do i know what my schedule will be in 6 mos? No. Is that still easier than calling? Yes.


“Making me go” this is the golden ticket. Like my intrinsic motivation is so dependent on external factors. I deliberately use those to get my butt off the couch. Make plans with friends where I won’t bail because I already have been flakey; pay a trainer when I can to show up at my place and get me to workout. My ADHD’s luxurious preferences don’t match with my bank account 😂 Like princess needs to find a way to get it to work without having people do it all for her. But, I’m a great delegator, only if I had the staff to do so 🤣


I need 1000’s of photos and emails deleted, plus all my passwords saved and recorded as what they actually are.


I use Keeper for my passwords and it’s been amazing! Works great on my phone and they have a chrome extension for laptop use. Do the important ones first - email & banks/financial. The rest I migrated over as I used/created them.


Thanks I appreciate this


The new Outlook update has an AMAZING “sweep” feature. You can hook up non outlook emails to the app too (I’ve connected my Gmail to it now) Now when I get a new email I can click on the sweep button and set different rules. You can unsubscribe from junk emails right there, and tell it to delete all previous and/or future emails from them. Hundreds of unread 30% off emails from a clothing company I bought from once, gone in seconds. For reoccurring emails I like to get, such as appointment reminders or billing stuff, I set a sweep rule that it only keeps the latest email and automatically deletes the previous one when a new one comes in. Or you can set a rule like it only keeps messages from your bank in your inbox for X amount of days and then automatically goes back and deletes them once they get too old. You can set your own custom rules, but they also offer a bunch of easy presets in a popup when you press the sweep button, so it really only takes two clicks to start to clear out hundreds of old emails at a time and make future ones more manageable.


Thanks this sounds magical


Ugh same! SO many photos that I need to get through.


Meal planning. Or ... does MEALS count? Then the whole process. I love to eat healthy food, but the whole process from planning - organising to get the ingredients (and have them not go bad before we use them) and then getting in on the table? UGH. I swear making a (SIMPLE, dinner only!) meal plan fries my brain, even if I try for 3-4 days. I takes so much out of me that I have less left over for... anything else, really.


Hire a professional organizer and help me sort out my bedroom and bathroom situation.


I want this but for my kitchen. It is so badly laid out and I am not currently in a position to get it redone, but someone to just come in and organise it would be amazing!


There’s this podcast called Organize 365 and I used to listen to her while I decluttered. She had a series of 15 minute podcasts where she would break apart each room into small 15 minute decluttering exercises, such as your kitchen counter tops, Tupperware drawer, cup cabinet. I would put it on and she’d talk through the process from the start, encouraging you to toss things you don’t need, and telling you how to properly reorganize and store things. I remember listening to it when I moved into a new house because she even explained what drawers and cabinets made the most sense to have dedicated to certain things. Looking at Apple Podcasts real quick, I can’t seem to find those 15 minute exercises anymore so I’m wondering if they’re now part of some paid subscription or exclusive on her website now or something. But would be worth looking into because it helped me sooo much with getting my kitchen organized. The 15 minute guided exercises were so ADHD friendly


I haven't done this, but one of my friends did and she said it was amazing. She paid a ton of money for someone to come help her Marie Kondo her house. It took a long time (months!) and was very emotionally draining but she says the result was 100% worth it.


Someone who can prioritize and synthesize and simplify my life. But it wouldn’t work because of my need to be in control 😅


Taking out the trash and recycling


I need someone to knock me out at night so I can have a decent sleep schedule 


Find me a seagull I could have as a pet


This is the unhinged content I come to reddit for.


I’m the only person I know who loves them lol whenever they come over at McDonald’s I play seagull sounds on my YouTube 😂


Reading the comments on this post is overwhelming even though I want to know what people have said without using AI. Anywho…if no one has mentioned it yet, I’ve recently discovered that Taskrabbit has personal assistants you can hire! I’ve hired a handyman there and have been extremely satisfied with his work. When I saw personal assistants, though, my brain just froze. Do y’all know how many ways in which that would help me? (I’m certain you do.) Frustratingly, I recently lost my job, and at the moment, I don’t have the discretionary funds I normally have. If my current situation allowed, there would be one of them in here right now, doing the stuff I need to have done so I can focus on my job search 100% of the time. Oh, and prodding me when I need to refocus.


Small task: closing cabinets and putting stuff away when done using it. My husband would love me to have a personal assistant! Monumental task: food planning


I need body doubleing help w/ organizing a couple of rooms in my house.


Washing and putting away the dishes after I cook/eat. Or maybe just doing all the food related tasks, I’m living on PB&J because I can’t deal with cooking most days.


Open and sort all my mail 😩


And tell me what to do with the mail. I get so overwhelmed with mail and if I should keep something that I unintentionally squirrel it away. I can thank my parents for this fun quirk (they also have adhd).


I commented on another comment, but this exists! Search "virtual mail sorting services" and find one where you live. They'll scan and send you your mail, shred what you don't need and forward you the important stuff.


Press the start button on the dryer instead of the wet clothes sitting and marinating in there. Putting the clothes in the washer instead of just letting it wash its own insides.


Ugh the number of times I have to rewash my clothes because I let them sit too long in the washer after forgetting them. Sometimes I do so the benefit of the fancy machines with apps that can update you on a load.


All things transportation-related. I just want to get in and arrive, not worry about if I need gas or air in the tires or an oil change or navigating through road work. I don't hardly go anywhere these days but I'd still like a driver who maintains the vehicle for me. Edit: and if I'm traveling, handling all the paperwork for that like bus passes and holding my hand through the subway and making sure I don't miss my flight.


I need them to defrost my “black hole” chest freezer and make it adhd friendly as well as my, “I don’t know what I have” side by side fridge freezer bc it’s really working against my brain…


If they have them where you are located, this seems like a good job for a TaskRabbit.


Go get my mail. Open it. Sort it. Show me the ones that need my attention. Shred the rest. File the insurance and homeowners stuff. For some reason, mail will always be a huge source of anxiety for me. I don’t want it and yet the rest of the world still wants to communicate important stuff like jury duty this way.


This exists! Search "mail scanning service" and find one that works in your country. A lot are geared towards small businesses and people who travel a lot, but no reason you can't make use of it. In my area, they average $7-15 dollars a month depending on what features you want.


Food prep


Personally - someone to give me food and water because I forget to eat. Someone to grab my hands and just peel me off the couch so I just sit there paralyzed for hours. Professionally - I own a business but I need someone to do the admin stuff (taxes/bookeeping) and the social media posting. So.. I need an employee. lol. I just can’t afford one yet.


Meal prep. Having to think about meals, make a list, buy food, put groceries away, remember what meals I planned, make food, store leftovers, remove leftovers, clean the Tupperware i inevitably forget. I’d love to unload some of that on someone else. I’d have so much more mental capacity as well as a much better diet if I didn’t have to be I charge of feeding myself 3-5 times a day for the rest of eternity.


"If you could go ahead and just write that down...." would save my life in a thousand ways a day.


Laundry!!! It is my nemesis. Every single step of it. Takes me eons. Loads run through multiple times because I forget about them. Clean clothes sit in baskets waiting to be folded for 5-7 business days and don’t even get me started on actually putting them away. A forever struggle that I will never get ahead on lol




Meal planning, grocery shopping and mise en place. I love cooking, I do not like setting up to cook


A lady's maid to help me with cooking and cleaning. I'm so exhausted at times that I can't complete a recipe fully. Like main dish and maybe a side. Or just the main dish. It's overwhelming.


Plan family get togethers and vacations. Also pack for me


Dishes. I live in a house so clean you could eat off the floor... that just so happens to have a giant pile of dishes in the kitchen, stinking everything up. The dishwasher can only handle so much, and I hate cleaning by hand so much I will go days without something I need just to avoid the chore.


Make my breakfast and lunch or else I don’t eat. Keep track of my favorite meals or else I forget what I like. Clean the bathroom.


Clean out my closets.


I love stand up but I'm so under a rock on who is current/popular. I need a personal chef right now to cater to my restrictions and arfid.


Groceries. I am tired of placing a grocery list order and picking up groceries every single week. I can’t imagine if I still had the physically go inside the grocery store.


I need someone to manage my policies and legal stuff. Insurance, loans, wills...I avoid it all like the plague. I make my husband do it or only the bare minimum gets done.


You like standup? Me too, which folks do you want to see? To answer your question, I struggle socially. The most basic aspect of this would be someone telling me when it’s ok to interject with my opinion or feedback.


The person I was hoping to see was Josh Johnson. I was on the email sign up to get notice about sales and frequently been looking for it. The one time I'm not on phone the notice came through and tickets sold out in 10 mins. the added show sold out right away too.


Just vacuuming. Or maybe meal prep.


I just need reminders about when to take my afternoon meds. I’m really bad at consistently taking medications I need or want to take from around 12 onward. I’ll skip caffeine and plan to take my afternoon booster, and totally forget about the booster, then I crash at 4pm. When I was taking an evening med, I’d totally forget to take it at my scheduled time. Phone reminders don’t work; my phone is often on silent and the vibrate function doesn’t work well. My watch reminders don’t work either because all my phone notifications go through it so it gets lost. I’d like a pop up on my computer to remind me, honestly. If anyone knows of any cute apps I can use, let me know!


Oh my goodness I would love an assistant


Someone to tell me what to do and when. That's small, right? I manage fine, but the amount of effort it takes me is not normal.


Someone to have expectations of me at specific times. Like if I say I want to paint around 1 and then play games around 6, or whatever else I want to do in my free time that day, then that person reminds me and helps me gather stuff to get started if I need or take my phone to charge while I start so I'm less likely to stay on it instead. Because I do fine with having set times for tasks at work, or making plans with other people, but when it's for myself I just can't.


My son and I have a screen printing and embroidery business. He does the screen printing, and I do the embroidery. He deals with the customers, and I maintain the books. I haven't reconciled the books since Feb. I occasionally have a personal customer or two that go through me instead of him because they only want embroidery and they're acquaintances of mine. I often forget about these orders because my son doesn't remind me of them since they didn't go through him. Then I'm scrambling last minute to get their stuff done. I need a personal assistant to keep me on top of this stuff.


Scheduling. My work, the rental property we have, haircuts, doctor appointments. All of it.


Making my emails clearer and less essay like and rambly!


doctor’s appointments!!!!


Administrative tasks and financial planning/organization. If I can't get into an important online account because they need me to call customer service first, they could call on my behalf and go through the whole process until they get me access again. If I had that support, I wouldn't have gotten jerked around by Paypal's useless and predatory customer service model that seems like it's designed to tire me out until I give up trying to get back the $800 I lost from being hacked. I can't handle explaining the same problem to a different person for 6 months straight and the stress of it triggered a breakdown that left me even more dysfunctional. I've been forced to be a "high functioning" person who somehow secured independence and food and housing with absolutely no family or friend support (while also supporting a disabled spouse who lost their ability to work) out of sheer survival necessity but I have been slowly unraveling and I don't know where to turn for this sort of personal assistant help. If anyone knows of how I can access something like that in Canada please tell me because I don't have the assistant to make the call for me to find out more!


Deal with my mail and anything health care and bill related. 🙃


FWIW, the app Bandsintown is fantastic for the specific problem you’re having! For me, I’d love to have someone tell me to go exercise lol. Also maybe someone to apply to jobs for me


I’d pick meal planning (and by cheating I’d add the grocery shopping). Others if I had no limits: -appointment scheduling (and intake form filling), calendar management. I can follow through on almost anything if I have an appointment, the forms are filled out and I manage to put it in my calendar properly!! -picking up behind my family and I. We all suffer from an inability to do this. -dog walking, specifically scooping. -Laundry, washing but most importantly folding and putting away -generally organizing


Right now it would be really nice to have someone take care of switching my driver's license from my old state to the new one. I have to call my old MVA, wait on hold forever, check on some old tickets I paid off two weeks ago now, and see if there's anything else outstanding before they can release the hold or block on my license. Then, once that's cleared up, I have to go to the license office, wait in line, etc and get my temporary paper license from the new state while the send me the actual license. Luckily, I've already gone through a lot of the hoops for them already, getting proof of residency, and many other documents together, and all that stuff is in a folder in my bag.


Someone who could tell me what I need to be doing at any given moment. “Take a shower. You have 10 minutes to eat breakfast. Go run that errand now”


Laundry - or at least physically push me down the stairs if needed to throw the fucking clean clothes in the dryer instead of ignoring it & re-washing them again the next day in an infinite loop until I’m completely out of clothes AND laundry detergent. (Yes I know how wasteful this is. Yes I only wash on cold. Yes I hate it too.) Edit: typo


All of them


Just so my laundry. I don’t care that it’s not a frequent chore. I get dopamine from completing other chores.


Feeding me, maintain my schedule and routine—especially for sleep, and running basic errands and house maintenance! Or homework. My assistant can either do all my homework and I’ll do everything else outside of my actual job or vis versa. This really needs to be a two person setup. Now that you ask


Follow behind me and clean up trash I create. Also, when I'm leaving the house, if they could follow me and pick up the items I intended to take with me but put down while looking for something I misplaced.


i'd have them help handle and organize my disability case. everything about it stresses me outtt. so many important papers in a giant stack on my nightstand, no idea what else to do w them, idk what i should be keeping. so many doctors/specialists with different office locations names, so many appointment dates to keep up w and log, ever-changing meds/dosages. i have an attorney but her only job is essentially giving me vague advice and representing me once my court date comes. i can hardly keep up, her assistant rarely answers or calls me when she's supposed to, when i *do* call myself it takes her forever to realize who i even am despite this whole debacle being ongoing the past 2 years. its driving me crazy. i know a girl who comes from a wealthy family that was effortlessly approved for depression *alone*. meanwhile i have the physical health of an elderly woman along with a boatload of mental health issues/illnesses. like come ON. the US is a jokeee


Water, Linus. Thank you, Linus.


If someone could just order my contact lenses for me I could start doing exercise again.


Laundry. Just do the damn laundry, cause I hate it. Every. Single.part.of.it.


Sending cards and gifts. I have a stockpile of cards for in-person stuff, but I am so bad if anything needs to be mailed.


I would have them schedule my day and todo lists. Not having to decide anything would be amazing


It's still that ironing I've been banging on about since before Xmas. And actually all the years before that if I'm honest with myself. I know I don't HAVE to, but some things just need it and I want to wear them.


If fantasy could become reality, I'd have a live-in psychic, constantly telling me what things I'll end up forgetting about or throwing away. That way, the amount of clutter in this house would virtually disappear. 🥲 A girl can dream.


Do my workouts for me ♥️ Jk. Cleaning AND organizing my most-used hobby items would be really helpful.  


right now, i need them to redo my resume and make it look better than the one on indeed.


folding laundry 10000%


Make the calls and schedule the appointments.


Can someone do my laundry please?


Making appointments for me


I made a post on here a while ago asking if anyone used a virtual assistant. I ended up getting one. She manages my personal inboxes, books appointments for me and the kids, organises hotels, orders and sends gifts / cards, and manages accounts to things or subscriptions. It’s well worth the money.


I just need someone to clean my kitchen and be my chef 😭


Screening my email for me so I don't miss the really important ones, like offers to interview for jobs...


Figure out what I should make for dinner every night. Absolutely loathe that chore.


I was someone to handle my billing. Literally I tell them how many hours I worked and at what rate and then they send my clients the bill for me (texting and Venmo, it’s simple… which is extra infuriating because I still resist doing it) so u don’t put off ACTUALLY RECEIVING the money I already earned by working. I’m months behind on invoices for some clients.


Make my schedule. Like just tell me what to do, and when. I can do all the stuff just fine, but I cannot organize my time in a reasonable way.


Decorating and organizing my house, buying furniture for my kids rooms. Calling contractors and setting up house projects that need to be taken care of. Dealing with my health insurance company to navigate medical bills I know they should cover but someone made an error along the way somewhere.


Find me recipes that I would like and write a grocery list for me with everything I need.


Plan and prep my meals lol I need snacks forever all the time


All the boring bits of parenting!


Someone to deal with making phone calls for me that might result in an argument. Like having to call for a refund or to dispute something.


Respond to my text messages and calls for me. A message manages to distract me when received, then I forget to answer it for a long time which can offend the other person and weighs heavily on me. That ping can have a very detrimental impact on my life.


The school run. I hate how it breaks up my day, I hate going out in the crap weather. And something about it being a transitional space between school and home means my (neurospicy) kids are often grumpy for it too. 😬


CLEANING. on a regular basis.


Laundry. Specifically folding and putting up clothes.


I need a handler. For life. Every part of it.


Cleaning toilets. Washing my hair?


I need someone to manage my budget for me so bad. I’m terrible at keeping track of things and paying bills and planning ahead.


Man I was mad when I saw that I missed Tom Sandoval and the most extras when they were at a restaurant 20 mins from me


Sort through and shred my mail and put away clean clothes from the laundry.


Making phone calls/appointments. I am okay making appointments if I can do it online, but if I have to make a phone call? I’d rather have a tooth pulled.


Make my phone calls for me. I’m terrible at phone calls. Please help


Keep track of my schedule! Tell me when and where my family needs to be daily, please! And remind me often!


The fucking dishes.


Handling the final cleanout of the house I haven't lived in for almost a year so I can sell it


Stop me from making frivolous purchases by asking me if I really need that thing.


Someone to follow me and write things down as I remember them. So I don't forget the thing I can't do rn.


Eating- the planning, the motivation, the portion control. I love it when I go on retreat and o don’t have to think about any of that.


Reply to all the texts that are sitting unanswered.


I just want a housekeeper. But appointments. Making and reminding me about them.


Putting away laundry as it's washed and dried. I always forget to put stuff away until I'm piling another clean load into the hamper. Next thing I know, the damn thing weighs 40 pounds, and it's a multi-hour project (that may span days).


Scheduling medical appointments for my son and I


Putting gas in my car. I hate it and it’s not something I can just put off (for long).


I need to go finish paperwork for a scholarship I’m creating at my old university. I have the money. It’s nearly complete. I just do t want to do the paperwork. For some reason it’s insurmountable. And very stupid. It’s been hanging over me for like 18months.


Someone to manage my food and diet and nutrition like a household executive chef. It caused me great trouble and for some reason it’s very difficult for me to put it together efficiently in a way I can keep up with and will actually eat. I have many chronic illnesses and getting that sorted would significantly improve my quality of life




There is a website that I used to be signed up for (I want to say Songkick but I can't be certain) where you tell them your favorite bands and they send you an email when they're coming to venues near you.  How to tackle your inbox so that important emails are seen in an appropriate amount of time is a whole 'nother monster that I can't help with, lol 


Yard/lawn work. Definitely the mowing but also I’d really like assistance with wedding and trimming


Breaking down packaging and figuring out what’s recyclable Opening mail Telling me what’s in the fridge and where


Cleaning out my email inbox. Texting friends back for me and handling the scheduling for meetups. Buying gifts and presents and wrapping them. I just need them to go get the gifts I know I want to give. I end up not wrapping things because I just can’t and don’t care enough to do it lol


A person to take all phone calls always. That would be the dream 🥹




In my current house my laundry room is in the basement. My bedroom is on the main floor but my closet is upstairs. I loathe putting my clothes away so much. I'll end up doing 5 loads and then take a week to put clothes away. In my dream house my laundry room would connect to my walk-in closet in my bedroom.


Meals + dishes If I didn’t have to decided on what to eat, check ingredients, prepare it, cook it, and do the dishes, but life would be a thousand times better. Stayed at an all inclusive resort and realized how much time was wasted around meals bc all of it is a thousand tiny decisions that should take 20min but for me take 1-2hours


calling/setting my appointments. they talk down to me until i get an attitude and none of it helps anyone.


Handling any situation that requires initiating contact and phone calls.


Make sure I get all of my meds and that my prescriptions are correct and sent to the right places. 


Meals and paperwork! If the food is in front of me I’ll eat it. Or even if the ingredients + recipe is in front of me, I’ll make it! (Cleaning up is another story). Otherwise I’ll just starve or order in lol. With paperwork, I mean applications and forms. The biggest hurdle for me to even think about grad school is the horror of the application process lol. I’m willing to deal with the mega stress of coursework, but trying to figure out the entry requirements and filling out the forms feels like too big a mountain to climb.


Take care of my car.


Keeping me on task and managing my time


OP, you can do that with AI! I swear to god, AI has saved my ADHD brain from total meltdown. Between ChatGPT and learning no-code automation my life has gotten so much freaking less executive disfunctiony. Some day OpenAI and Make are gonna pay me to pimp their wares. 🤣 Still doesn't get the laundry done, but it's not hard to create an automation to track events and notify you.


I would have them keep track of pantry/fridge/household stuff so I didn't have to try to remember what needs replacing


- Bring meds + water in the AM right when I wake up. Sometimes I struggle with opening the pill bottle and moving to take the medication so having someone do of this for me would be helpful. BONUS: Create weekly menus + grocery shop.


Help cleaning and someone to show me how to paint a room. My whole house needs a fresh coat of paint and I’ve got so many ideas but I have no hope of getting started unless someone else is at least there. I did manage a small outside wall. It was bumpy so being neat didn’t matter, I did the obligatory 2 coats. I was so so chuffed. It’s been a week and the tree overhanging it now has berries so it’s covered in purple bird shit 😂😂


Update my resume that I've been trying to update for 3 months. 😭


Reminders/alarms. My phone doesn't work. Notes don't work. I'll forget to check or forget to write it down.


I need someone to sit down & create meal plans for myself & my family. Just give me the list, I’ll shop for it all. I have my own coffee shop to buy food for, & my own household to buy & cook food for, & I just found out I have prediabetes so now my routine of starving myself all day to binge 1,200 calories on frozen mac + ice cream at 10pm isn’t going to cut it anymore. But I don’t have any fucking brain space to sit down & weed through all the new foods & recipes I have to make for myself, then meal prep ahhh. It’s so overwhelming