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I’m currently eating a leftover pork chop out of the ziploc bag it was stored in. Im just using the bag to hold part of it so I can eat bites off of it. Like a cave woman I guess lol. I’m constantly grazing on small things that aren’t even good for me so this is peak lunch for me ETA: Y’all are amazing! I have found my people lol


I eat all my leftovers cold lol. Not because I like it that way, but because heating it up is an extra step.


This thread reminded me I put a fake chicken patty in the toaster oven ... maybe an hour ago, hour and a half? I think it might be done by now XD lucky the toaster oven turns itself off.


It eat mine cold as well, but that's because I warm it up and get distracted, so it's cold by the time I get back around to it😭


Yup. Taught myself to like cold pizza because of this.


But cold pizza is actually good


I've been known to pry cold chicken meat off the carcass of a rotisserie chicken without removing it from the fridge to "save time"


Is that not the purpose of the rotisserie


Same. Very, very same.


Use a fork like a crowbar


Ah, good call.


I love cold rotisserie chicken. Squeeze some mayo on a kings Hawaiian role, cold chicken, yum.


OMG, and the ziplock bag even keeps the grease off your fingers. Perfection.


I mean… Why dirty another dish - or even your hands? Way more efficient, and eco-friendly too! Less water and you’re technically “re-using” the bag. A+ big brain move, if you ask me.


I call this move "snack chops".


God, i LOVE eating meat like a cave dweller. Always have.


Hahaha I relate too hard. However, it's been ages since I had anything as fancy as a pork chop :)


Peak cavewoman feasting for me that satisfies my primal urge to tear meat from bone: smoked turkey leg from the State Fair


Man, I never knew this was an adhd thing. I’ve been a grazer my whole life! It makes me feel like life is always a picnic, even indoors lol


That sounds amazing honestly. Id love to have some pork chops to snack on regularly stocked lol




Cold leftover porkchop straight out the ziploc is my favorite meal!


I did the same thing with a piece of cod last night.. & then ate cookies too. Very healthy... =/


hahaha I do this with leftover pizza. Thought I was the only one.


Ok, so I’ve started eating vegetable more regularly, so I’m going to share buy a bag of frozen veggies that you can microwave in the bag/do that Add a little butter and a generous sprinkle of Penzey’s “Buttermilk Herb” spice eat delicious vegetables. The microwave in the bag part is key - one less thing to think about/wash and depending on how much you eat you’ll have a couple of servings at once. ​ but otherwise yeah, cheese, crackers, apples, granola bars - these are the things we live on 😭


I’ve recently started microwaving sweet potatoes thanks to a weird Reddit post about someone who’s coworker thought they were eating them sexually, and I’ve never been more grateful for Reddit lol


LOL I love this story - my similar experience was when someone posted that their therapist suggested that if they didn’t have the executive function to make a sandwich that there was actually nothing stopping them from just eating some sliced turkey, cheese and bread on its own. So silly but until someone else “said” it, my brain was never like, yeah that’s perfectly fine.


I live that adult lunchables life of jerky, cheddar cheese, crackers, green olives and a dessert of dairy-free yogurt. I call it my charcuwhatevery board.


Charcuwhatevery is going into the rotation! I’m so annoyed at having to cook for my family every day! Kitchen is always dirty and I can’t live like this!


I'm a big fan of [Minnesota sushi]( https://discover.hubpages.com/food/Minnesota-Sushi-Or-Pickle-Roll-Ups) But a dill pickle wrapped in a deli slice, wrap that in a slice of American cheese is an acceptable alternative for those 'I can't even' days. This is a thing that is


Dude… Yep. I will grab 3 to 4 slices of deli meat, sloppily chop it into 1“ x 1“ squares, slice off a couple pieces of cheese, and while I’m doing this I have randomly popped a piece of bread into the toaster. I can’t seem to stack it all together with a condiment but somehow this is just fine. Honestly, maybe I just enjoy eating each ingredient on its own, more, anyways.


It's my daily battle, eating something that isn't in a sandwich or on toast. Or just toast. Fuckin' toast, you slutty bitch


Toast is fancy pants. I just bread. I wish I had the patience for slutty bitch toast.


I have a slutty toaster with hungry slots


My favorite breakfast is a few slices of Boars Head turkey, some cheese slices or cubes, and a handful of crackers. (Wheat Thins are my fave right now.) Sometimes I grab some already sliced fruit or banana or apple.


I've upgraded my lunch from dry bricks of Ramen noodles to cottage cheese with a bit of apricot jam. Every. Single. Day.


Try some cookie crumbs or nuts sprinkled on top, it's good


I love nuts! I will try that tomorrow. You have no idea how excited I am for tomorrow's lunch.


Okay, I’m not crazy, but - cottage cheese and barbecue chips. Amazing.


Yuuuussss! I love to roll up some lunch meat and cheese and just num


Oh my goodness this is ingenious!


Wut? Also, sweet potatoes are yummmmmmy.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jdnt43/aita_for_eating_sexy_potatoes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf One of my fav aita posts!


That was amazing thank you for sharing


Microwaved sweet potatoes?!


Yess! You can do it with regular potatoes too! Poke a few holes in them with a fork, and microwave them a few minutes. Can't remember anymore for how long though, since it's been a while since I ate them. Totally forgot about it, but might go for it again this week. :)


Yeah I put them in the microwave for 15 min (till soft) then I mush em, add garlic butter, cheese, corn and this already finished (so I don't have to make it) salad bacon. Minimal food prepping, but a solid meal.


My microwave has a "potato" button


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jdnt43/aita_for_eating_sexy_potatoes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf All the cool people do it!


Spaghetti squash can be microwaved, too! I did that yesterday. First I microwaved it for 5 minutes to soften the peel, then I cut it in half and scooped out the seeds and then I microwaved a half for 10 minutes. Added some butter, salt, pepper, and parmesan. I made spaghetti squash in the oven a few weeks ago, and microwaving is so much easier and faster and it tastes just as good to me.


I love frozen broccoli out of the microwave! Except I buy the big bulk bags that last me like a month bc it's cheaper in the long run, and use a plate. 5 minutes in the microwave and it's perfectly soft. Yes it does create dishes this way but it's pretty easy to just rinse the broccoli juice off and give it a quick wipe with a cloth. Plus, y'know, health and stuff lol. Raw fresh spinach is also great to have on hand for me, I like to add it to sandwiches, wraps, eggs, etc. I find myself eating a lot of that type of stuff bc it's easier to limit carbs and up my veggies/protein with a sandwich than it is with like, pasta.


For sure! I was going with a bigger bag for awhile but noticed it wasn’t as “easy” for those times when I’m so hungry I can’t think straight, so I decided that for me it was worth the extra money to buy some to just toss in the microwave but I do try to buy in bulk as often as possible as long as it isn't tooooooo much of a correlation between buying stuff that’s less expensive/not saving any money because I never ate it :)


Lol yeah I feel that. That's why I like buying frozen stuff as often as I can - much less likely to go bad before I get around to doing something with it. And what I do buy fresh, I buy smaller quantities of, so it's not much of a loss if it goes bad. Like with the raw spinach, I buy the smallest bag available so I'm more likely to use all of it.


You should buy a few of the silicone zip lock bags and a big bag of broccoli. If you ever need a happy little dopamine, take some of the broccoli and put it in the silicone bag for the times when your executive function fails you. Prepping groceries to be lazy later is my favorite thing and it's so satisfying!


I don't think I could handle frozen broccoli. I'm gipping already at the memory of it being soggy and sad


That's boiled broccoli. Sadness indeed. In the microwave you have the option of taking it out when it goes that brightest green color. Perfect for just a bit of crunch and no soggy mess. Then you learn your serving size and perfect bright green time and repeat every day. Or is that just me?


I love frozen edamame, if you get the salted kind you don't have to do anything to it and it's delicious


I drink the naked green machine juice and its delicious and makes me happy I get some veggies. Sometimes drinking my food is easier for me


This just reminded me I bought frozen veggies like 2 months ago..




You can add a step and stir fry these veggies with some eggs.


A can of green beans dumped in a bowl and microwaved with a dash of salt was my go to for a long time.


Microwave in the bag rice and these microwave veg packs are a regular dinner for me. If I almost can't be bothered but can get the oven on then my stress day go to is microwave wholegrain rice mixed with cold sweetcorn from the tin and vegetarian chicken dippers (bought frozen and put in the oven). Maybe a dash of sweet chilli sauce. Bonus is that my child likes it too.


I've eaten 2 things of crackers today. And string cheese.


Olives, pickles, crackers… this is all fine.


"I'll just grab a few ritz crackers." So much shame when I toss the wrapper out....


Pro Tip: buy the fresh stack size. You will still eat too many crackers, but not as many.


I like Ritz crackers with houmous. I feel like the flavour combination goes so well! And since the houmous has nutrition I don't feel so bad about my huge Ritz cracker consumption!


It's Triscuits for me. I can easily polish off a box if I'm having a bad enough day.




I remember when charcuterie boards were still called cheese trays


We call this adult lunchables.




You have a stomach of iron. Please teach me your ways


I'm so confused. Is 30-40 olives normally bad for health?


Olives are REALLY salty so probably not the best for you, but they are delicious


Ooooh ok, the salt. I was thinking "Olives sound healthy and vinegar is good for you", kk thanks mate.


I feel called out lmao


Lmao never felt so seen in my life before!


I'm in a ramen hyperfocus. I never was eating healthier 👌 Can you imagine the millions of different toppings?!


During lockdown I attempted to make my own noodles. They weren't brilliant but I gave it a go! Then I found out that you have to make 100 portions of noodles per day for a year to become a noodle master. Fucked it off after that


Have you tried mixing 1-2 slices of "cheese" into the broth? The orange kind that looks like rubber and comes individually packaged (each slice) in thin plastic foil. Since it is so highly processed, it can actually dissolve in hot water, making it suuuper creamy. My favorite ramen topping, tho maybe not so in line with eating healthy :D


Btw I believe that type of cheese is called "American Cheese" lol. I never really liked cheese ramen but it's a really popular topping for people, and some places like H Mart sell cheese flavored ramens too




It's so hard to go there without leaving with $50+ of random snacks you totally didn't need and then you eat them all in two days lol


The little laughing cow foil wrapped wedges work great in ramen too! I like the spicy one.


add an egg, then you have a reasonably complete meal


I keep finding olives in my fridge. I don't even like olives all that much, but for some reason, brain has decided it's *important* to always have a jar of olives


*It's a fancy party, Britta.*


i don’t like olives at all, yet i also keep at least one can in the pantry haha. *you just never knowwwww*


I put a lot of cheese in my dinner today, I have a lactose intolerance but for some reason I convince myself I can handle it, but now my stomach is in pain 🙈


Get and take lactase supplements! They work!


I think I got them before then forgot they existed lol. Thanks for reminding me 🙂


Try a lactase supplement! :) I have lactose-free melk, but eat normal dairy products as well (yoghurt, creme fraiche, soft cheese) with a lactase pill. There's a sticker leaf on the door of the fridge (held by a magnet), and when putting groceries in the fridge, I'll label lactose containing products with a sticker so I won't forget to take a lactase pill with it. Or only eat hard cheeses (Gouda) instead. They contain so little lactose that most lactose intolerants can eat them just fine.


Oh my god stop 😂 i've been so bad about this lately. I get home late and I'm too tired to cook. So it's usually like... baked frozen fish planks and cold green beans eaten straight from the can. Of course... I also can't even use the kitchen half the week because my roommate and her boyfriend are constantly taking it over. And they both have school-age kids, so I know feeding them is the priority. God I need to move out. Being single sucks for housing affordability :( What were we talking about again??


My easy meals (besides olives, duh) are: PBJ on freezer waffles Scrambled eggs with frozen broccoli. Like heat the broccoli up first. Chef Boyardee ravioli cold out of can. Preferably with a fork. Wheat thins with laughing cow Thin triscuits with babybel and honey mustard. Add red pepper hummus if feeling fance. Sometime I go through a phase of whipped cream cheese with this ridic corn salsa from H‑E‑B on top. Scooped up with wheat thins. Not triscuits. Wheat fucking thins.


Screaming at the fact that you clarified that you heat up the frozen broccoli before eating 😂


Like I feel sometimes like I have to over explain things to make sure t ideas come out clear ya know?


I know! I do the same 😅


I can't manage that many in a sitting but still, I've done this with about 10. I've been training myself to open a can of chickpeas as some olives mixed into half a can of chickpeas is filling, reasonably nutritious, and so easy.


Thanks for the new idea.




I eat a container of hummus with a spoon on its own and call it a meal. I love prepacked ready to eat stuff.


So I've been counting calories for the last two months because I need to lose weight. I can't bring myself to cook AND count calories, so I just have few dishes that are satisfying and have the right number of calories and are easy to make (or are ready-made). For the last few weeks I've been eating the same thing for lunch/dinner. I'm officially addicted to Thai soup with noodles 😂


Vegan sausages, directly out of the fridge. No frying neccessary. Can recommend!


Tofu with ketchup right out of the container! Just drain the water and eat right up!


Oh man I laughed so hard at this it brought tears to my eyes. I’ve been there. And then wondered why I had heart palpitations before realising I ate like 8 grams of salt in one sitting. Literally looking at this while also googling bulk purchase protein bars because a protein heavy breakfast to help my meds just isn’t happening unless it comes in a packet that I can store in my bedside drawer.


I have had MANY popcorn dinners. Truffle salt with brewers yeast or a cheese topping. Peanut butter off the spoon. Keep string cheese in the fridge for quick snacks.


Currently eating Smartfood for dinner!


What about shredded cheese right out of the bag, hunched over like a goblin with the door open?


You’ve inspired tonight’s dinner!


no but this is me with pickles. straight out of the massive jar, with the vinegary pickle juice straight after


as someone who despises olives, ew. as someone who considers popcorn and m&ms before bed “good enough,” you’re doing great sweaty.


Yes!! Damn this sub is awesome.


Timely! Yesterday, I made a super healthy dinner for the family, but the kids wanted seconds and I didn't have the heart to say no, so there wasn't enough left for me. I was happy to sit with my tortilla chips and hummus and call that dinner. :)


Hummus and carrots is one of my favorite dinners!


I got hyper fixated on olives when I was in third grade. One night before a field trip to the apple orchard (my fav trip, we did it every year), I stayed up late and ate an ENTIRE large jar of olives. The next day I threw up all over the bathroom when I got to school; pimiento was all over the floor. I missed the field trip because I got sent home. Looking back, my parents should have definitely pushed harder to have me tested for SOMETHING lol still love olives tho and continue to eat them out of the jar with my fingers 😂


Personally I think olives are a great choice!


I ordered Dominos and would probably feel better if I’d just eaten a jar of edit: olives


As a former bartender, I’m pretty sure 70% of my diet was olives and maraschino cherries.


Sigh. I so wish I was someone who cooked. And like, enjoyed it and knew how to do it and then ate the food I cooked. I can basically do all those things but only one at a time.


Dinner tonight is pickles. Not even angry about it.


I do the Desi version of this by demolishing a third of the jar of olive achar.


Still seems better than my MO of handfuls of dry cereal directly from the box. Perfect nutrition, perfect dining experience, unregrettable!


Especially when it’s Cinnamon Toast Crunch and you get cinnamon sugar in places you didn’t think it was possible to get it!


Ah, so you’ve been watching me.


I ate an entire bar of Tony Chocolonely for lunch today.


Thank you for buying fair trade chocolate, at least


I mixed it up and had artichoke hearts and cheez-its.


Nice, thanks for reminding me about the can of olives I have in the cupboard—think I’m gonna crack those babies open tonight!


Yall need to make your favorite meal on productive days and just freeze in left overs for the days where you don't want to do anything. This way you'll actually enjoy your left overs.


You have productive days?? I get like productive hours, sometimes. If I’m lucky lol


You guys have productive hours?


I do this but then I forget the frozen meals are actually there until I'm trying to cram groceries into the freezer.


Yup, I can say I have never regretted a single olive dinner!! 😋


I ate about 15 HUGE green olives not 5 days ago at like midnight in bed.


Lol. Just ate five olives straight out of the jar standing with the fridge door open.


Fresh apples and cheese cut in cubes, olives and crackers 😋 yum!


God, I could really go for 30-40 olives right now.


I actually was horrified to recently find my olives in a Tupperware had GONE MOLDY. I love olives! 😩 But clearly I had forgotten about their existence despite being able to see them every day on the top shelf of the fridge. My poor choice dinners are a bar of chocolate or these “healthy” cool ranch Doritos that are made of chick peas (eating both as we speak). Gonna top that off with my second mozzarella string cheese of the day. My moderately wise choice dinners are ramen, frozen dumplings, this obscenely good “southwestern” yogurt dip & carrots/cucumbers/celery, grilled cheese, and soup. Made broccoli & cheddar soup last night and was very proud of myself for sneaking in carrot then puréeing spinach into some of the liquid with my blender.


My peeooopppllleee!!!


I'm so confused. Is 30-40 olives normally bad for health?


10 olives is about half your daily recommended salt intake!


Ooooh ok, the salt. I was thinking "Olives sound healthy and vinegar is good for you", kk thanks mate.


My acid reflux would have a strongly worded conversation with me if I decided to go to town on a bunch of olives.


Following Oatmeal with peanut 🥜 and fruit Eggs in the microwave with a bagel and cheese Cereal


Would never get off the toilet! But wd love an olive dinner.


Olives, string cheese, and pepperoni are my trifecta 😩


Currently eating a salad of all the ingredients i planned on cooking tonight. Delicious. Do not recommend if you're planning on cooking meat.


Lol 😂 well I may or may not have been eating olives for breakfast this week


Hey at least you ate breakfast!!! That’s def a win in my book


I love ‚em with the Paprika filling


Yes! See also, packages cheese slices and/or a sleeve of crackers.


there is a facebook group called EXECUTIVE DYSFUNCTION MEALS!!!! this fitts so good there! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1221668001587229


I hate olives- what now. Will i have to die of hunger?


Two days of Gatorade then I think I had soup yesterday or today. I distinctly remember eating pepperoni at one point too lol ADHD people really need a food delivery service that delivers 3 meals, 7 days a week type plans and doesn't bankrupt us lol


Literally me with the olives. Castelvetrano if you haven't already discovered that magic, get cracking.


laugh/crying. Omg. its the "30 to 40" that gets me. Like, its specific but not totally specific. Stop at 40 though. I don't like olives but I have eaten 30-40 grapes for dinner a few times. It never ends well.


You will certainly not regret!


I've deffo done this


I laughed so hard at the last line that then I had to read it to my whole family.


I was so stressed today that I ate two Greggs pasties for lunch and spent the afternoon feeling even rougher than i did before. (Cheese & Onion and a Steak Bake, in case you were wondering)


Eating bacon right out of the pan I cooked it in…


I just had a Bird's Eye creamed spinach Steamer for dinner. And about a quarter cup of peanuts.


Ive been having this strange hyper fixation for olives lately so this is pretty accurate lol


Geez. Call me out. 😅


How is this not ok?


it's more than double the recommended salt intake for the day, mainly.


I don’t ever regret eating 30 to 40 olives straight out of their jar :) :) :) Seriously, I’m not kidding!


This is maybe the 4th time I’ve seen this meme and EACH TIME IT CRACKS ME UP. Love it. The truth of the absurdity of 30-40 olives, straight out of the jar, never fails to delight me with its gallows humor.


Oof I can’t do olives. They taste like expired Robitussin grapes.


Literally standing here in the fridge eating sliced cheese like a heathen…


For my dinner tonight I was craving the smell of toasted sesame oil? I don’t even like the taste. But it smells so good. So I made myself some rice and chicken and veggies and tossed a lil sesame oil and soy sauce and seasoning… took a bite. Remembered that I didn’t like sesame oil and made my boyfriend finish it 😂


This made me laugh so hard. My partner and I have been eating olives every night for the last few nights as a snack and saying “good fats!” In a funny voice when we do.


This is the “healthy” version of chips 😤


Me but with Cherry tomatoes and grapesssss 😂


Literally anything that sits in a glass ready to eat is a meal to me. Who needs proper dinner times anyway. Ps: those pre-grilled, pickled olives are divine.


Yes. My lunch yesterday was tagliatelle with chilli oil and black pepper, because I really really couldn't be arsed. And for dinner? A bowl of bolognese mince, some cheese, and some crisps. I dunno, it's technically food right?


Finish with a side of handful of shredded cheese, don't forget the single slice of ham. Tbh I get the feeling I'll be doing this with pickled daikon once I get around to making some - the sushi place near me puts like two slices in the salmon bento and I've been absolutely obsessed with it.


This is hilarious and extremely relatable 😂 I would give you an award if I could


Oof. My “dinner” the other night consisted of 90% of 8.5 ounce bag of potato chips and the entirety of a 5 ounce package of pepperoni. What’s annoying is this definitely still did not meet my calories needs for the day and made me thirsty as can be from all the salt… I’ve always struggled to eat properly and right now I’m mega overwhelmed. My roommate who liked cooking graduated. :( I can’t wait to be done with college in two months and move in with my boyfriend since he likes cooking and is good at making sure I eat enough.


Oh wow I did this exact thing for dinner last week. Fingers and all


I have done that, black olives though. And about 4oz of shredded mozz cheese on the side 😂😂


Protip for this is eat them with chopsticks...at least then you keep vinegar off your fingers. But yeah I'm in this picture and don't like it


Cannot do olives, but when I was in college I went through a phase where all I would eat were microwaved potato’s with sriracha mayo. I would have it for breakfast lunch and dinner


One of my go to comfort foods is to chop up a potato, throw it in the microwave until mostly soft (I like a little crunch 🤷🏼‍♀️) and then douse it in butter, bbq sauce, and shredded cheddar. I’ve had more than one depressive episode where I had it for both lunch and dinner.


I can convince myself that peanut butter out of the jar (with a spoon) is a decent meal "because of the protein" lmao.


I'm laughing because I eat olives with rice when I can't be bothered with cooking. (Asian household so there's almost always cooked rice in the house.) I bought some umeboshi and nori so I have more "normal" things to pair with rice when I just don't have the action points for meal prep.


My choice is pickled corn so...


All week my breakfast has been a spoonful of almond butter which I eat while driving to work lol


Yup Pickles And parts of a big sausage one by one With garlic sauce if I'm feeling like effort


Love it 😁


Omg the sodium content though. Also, olives are gross