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Depends on a ton of factors, such as what those plugins actually are, server version, and what type of server you’re running (survival, minigame, etc). That’s why the “calculators” vary so much, they’re at best a pseudoscience. You’re going to be limited by your internet speed though. 60 mbps is pretty rough if it’s a 1.20 survival server.


the upload can get a bottleneck, but still works for a smaller amount of players. the server <-> player - game traffic is normally in the kbps range. don't give the server too much ram! it could perform even worse than having less ram! but that is a testing thing, i would begin to start the server with 6-8gb of ram.


Make sure you’re not allocating 64GB to the minecraft server itself. 16GB is the most I’d ever give to one server, the returns of giving more ram diminish after that, and actually there’s some negatives the more you give.


Honestly you could do 100 players or even more although I would say 50 max because of your upload speed cap.


As some people has already mentioned, hardware is good, but your internet speeds are going to limit how many players you can have. Given that you are probably using residential internet download speeds are prioritized as homes usually consume -download- content and not upload that much. Your single core performance is pretty good, so I would crack the compression up so you can have more players with less internet consumption.


Probably 50+, maybe more, hard to tell really, 60 on the upload isn't a lot though


Now I'm more confused. Because I dropped it to 10 simple spigot plugins. And i thought 60Mbps upload was good since most internet service providers only offer up to 50Mbps. I have fiber so i have 60Mbps upload with 1Gbps downlaod. can someone explain better please, and thanks so much for the replies. 😀


Are you sure you have a 480mbps connection and not a 60mbps connection? What does speedtest.net say?


I think your right. Speed test says 1000Mbps download and 68Mbps upload. It confused me when service provider said 60Mbps and i thought it was the same as 60MBps, but its bit not byte. I guess it's time for me to upgrade to the 1Gbps plan.


60Mbps can handle at most 60-120 players (1.18 and up, at non crazy render distances, max 8-16 chunks or so), and most ISPs are shit, where I live you can get good ones for 10$ a month 1Gbps or 25$ per month 10Gbps


1. too much ram, JVM starts eating rocks above 8-10GB 2. 60MB upload is pretty low and is gonna be your bottleneck otherwise, it depends on the type of server, server version, server software, plugins and optimizations. any calculator is a slightly educated guess at best, so just start small and put your resources into areas that need them first. edit: if this is a SMP-type server, use Chunky to pre-generate your world chunks (for each one, overworld, nether, end). I normally do 10,000x10,000


Really? At 60MegaBITS /s it should quite easily be able to handle 40-50 players. Rule of thumb 0.1Mbps per player. (Unless you’re running with a ton of mods). I guess though then the question is, how many players do you need.


That rule of thumb is super outdated. I’ve been doing this for almost a decade now and saw that number often when I was just starting out. You also have to keep in mind that it’s not a dedicated connection. There’s presumably other machines on the network that will also sometimes be using that upload bandwidth.


It’s not that the JVM “starts eating rocks” at higher ram amounts. If the ram is needed you could throw 30 gb at it with no problem. The problem occurs when you give it too much extra. The JVM will use whatever you give it, even if it doesn’t need it. The extra gets filled will old data it doesn’t need, and once that fills the garbage collectors must clear it. Those clearings run on the main thread, so every time it runs your server freezes until it’s done. The more data you have to clear, the longer it’ll take.


Thanks for the awesome explanation, I never understood why people said to not throw more than 16gb of ram at a server, but this makes a lot of sense now.


Realistically you want as little as possible without using 100%. Even 16gb is way too much for most servers. Hermitcraft uses 6gb for example. I think they upped to 8 while docm was running his world eater. But 6gb usually. And with java it's nearly impossible to get an accurate count on ram used because like op said it just uses whatever you give it. Best to start lower than you think you need and up it until it's enough. I don't think I've ever ran a server with 12gb, let alone 16. Even with a dedicated machine from hetzner


Does chunky work with modded biomes and structures etc… for forge


Yes it does.


first of all, players will cap at out 100 to 200 players no matter what you have. Second of all your upload speed needs to be bumped, 60 is low. Third of all you have way to much RAM, you will never use that much. Fourth of all get rid of that i7 and buy the latest i9 or whatever new naming scheme they have for the top performance, high clock speed the better.


Upgrading the CPU will have negligible benefit in this situation. Minecraft servers are predominantly single threaded, so not even worth investing in higher core count. Not to mention saying ‘get an i9’ is not necessarily even better. The 10900TE has the same clock speed as OP’s current i7! OP, - allocate less RAM. You’re just taxing your system and slowing garbage collector by going over 8GB. - try improve your up speeds. - look at using a performance-oriented fork of Spigot, like Paper.