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Yeah as much as I find Danny without any redeeming qualities, I don't believe he is smart enough or has enough self restraint to actually plan anything this elaborate. He's an immediate gratification dude. Plus this will allow him to play the victim.


You just know this dirty birdy is gonna pitch this shit. He's had this on his mind from the jump!!


I was thinking around the same lines, that she would be covered by his insurance if they were married.


Even marriage would require an adjustment of status to her current visa. In the current covid climate its going to take several several months and most likely past the stay of her current visa. This case would never make it past the USCIS even if they did get married. They would have to prove that they fell in love incidentally which is never going to happen imo. The anchor baby thing only gives the baby rights, not the parent, iirc.


What if Danny signs the birth certificate?




Can he and Christy get divorced that quickly?


Yes in Ohio you can dissolve your marriage in a month. Don't ask me why I know this.


Oh my god really? In California they won’t approve a dissolution until you’ve been separated for six months. So what most people do is when they file the divorce petition they just backdate the date of separation, otherwise they’re stuck still married for at least six months.


But don't both people have to be on board?




But Christ and Danny are still together as of now and bigamy isn’t allwed


The wife has put up with so much BS why would she draw the line now?


How do we know for sure?? Maybe they’re separated but haven’t filed the papers yet. I dunno. I really hope so though. ⛑


I don’t think he is that smart and it sounds like he has been acting like a selfish jerk for a long time… he has had multiple infidelities according to his wife… I could see him being dumb and asking his wife for a legal divorce to marry the “daughter” so she could stay and wanting his wife to still stick around and pretend.


Wouldn't she have to leave the country and apply for a K1 visa to get back? At least according to 90 day fiance.


K1 Visa is a fiance visa, so she would need to be engaged with someone for that particular visa... Then get married and adjust her status to become an immigrant. Right now that process is taking about a year to get approved due to covid and backlogs.


No, he's just stupid. Thought he'll bring her here, adopt easy, and get into her panties easy. There's no way to complete an adoption in the 6 months a tourist can stay here. Ileana is Austrian, she does not need a visa to enter the US, but she needs to leave every 6 months.


Okay so wait. If she has the baby here does that mean the baby is an American citizen? Does she have any rights to stay here then if so??


Anyone born in the US is automatically a citizen. I don’t know what that does for Ileana, but her baby will be a US citizen if born in the US.


I'm pretty sure it does nothing for her, even as the parent.




They'll promise they're just looking after the baby until she gets back. Then if/when she gets back to America she'll find out they claimed she abandoned the baby and had her parental rights terminated. Maybe they'll even have Danny put on the birth certificate for "insurance purposes".


They legally cannot keep her babh, it goes wherever Ileana goes.


They legally cannot keep her baby. The baby is also an Austrian citizen and will be deported with the mother.


My brother’s best friend had a baby with a Mexican drug dealer who keeps getting deported and sneaking back and getting deported again. He didn’t get to stay because his baby was born here I don’t know why it would apply to a woman and not to a man.


If she has her baby here it would anchor her to be able to stay. Also, her and her child would be covered by Medicaid.


No one uses the pejorative “anchor baby” any more. It’s really gross plus a simple google search shows that you’re wrong in what you’re saying. Here’s what a Wikipedia article says about it: “Statistics show that a significant, and rising, number of undocumented immigrants are having children in the United States, but there is mixed evidence that acquiring citizenship for the parents is their goal.[29] According to PolitiFact, the immigration benefits of having a child born in the United States are limited. Citizen children cannot sponsor parents for entry into the country until they are 21 years of age, and if the parent had ever been in the country illegally, they would have to show they had left and not returned for at least ten years; however, pregnant and nursing mothers could receive food vouchers through the federal WIC (Women, Infants and Children) program and enroll the children in Medicaid.[29] Parents of citizen children who have been in the country for ten years or more can also apply for relief from deportation, though only 4,000 persons a year can receive relief status; as such, according to PolitFact, having a child in order to gain citizenship for the parents is "an extremely long-term, and uncertain, process."[29] Approximately 88,000 legal-resident parents of US citizen children were deported in the 2000s, most for minor criminal convictions.[40]” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchor_baby


**[Anchor baby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchor_baby)** >"Anchor baby" is a term (regarded by some as a pejorative) used to refer to a child born to a non-citizen mother in a country that has birthright citizenship which will therefore help the mother and other family members gain legal residency. In the U.S., the term is generally used as a derogatory reference to the supposed role of the child, who automatically qualifies as an American citizen under jus soli and the rights guaranteed in the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The term is also often used in the context of the debate over illegal immigration to the United States. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/adultsadoptingadults/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Did I write "anchor baby"? No. My dad immigrated to america and had 3 babies with my mom. Don't put words in anyone's mouth. It's gross behavior.


I dont think that is correct. I personally don't have deep knowledge on the topic but an admittedly fast Google search seems to state otherwise.


as a general rule, one should be skeptical of any sentence that contains both “anchor” and “baby”, irrespective of whether the author of said sentence goes by the handle JoeExoticOfTheWest


Plenty of parents with American born children have been deported.


But more HAVE been able to stay.


Yep my friend was sent back to Greece after he did time for possession of marijuana and he had two minor children here. He wasn’t here illegally he had been here most of his life, he had been married, then divorced, but he never filed to become a citizen so when he broke the law he got kicked out of the country and he can never come back even to visit.


As far as I know you have to be a legal immigrant or a citizen to get government benefits in the US. And even legal immigrants have to wait for like 5 years before you apply.


No you can get medical in some states regardless of immigration status. I don’t know about Ohio, but California definitely gives Medi-Cal to anyone who needs it who financially qualifies.