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I find it super weird because she'd get free healthcare (pre and post natal) and child benefits (post natal) in Austria. All I can think is that she wanted bub to be born in the USA either for citizenship, or so that the biological father doesn't end up on the birth certificate.


Agree, and I cannot fathom why she did not take advantage of the free prenatal care available to her in Austria. There is something deeply wrong with her entire situation.


I really wish there were some Austrians on this board to weigh in on why Ileana would want to come to the US. To me it doesn't make sense. I have some theories that would make more sense, but I'm not knowledgeable about the Austrian CPS system.


My grandmother is Austrian and came to the US as an adult. I watch this show with my mother and the first thing she expressed was confusion as to why Ileana would want to come here when there is so much help in Austria. None of us are familiar with CPS however (I don’t know much about it here either), but there has to be some underlying problem that isn’t shown. I mean, could you imagine meeting a strange man and flying across the world to move in with his with your baby? Unless I was running from the mafia or something…Nope. Still wouldn’t.


Ilena seemed to be very "online" so maybe she got so wrapped up on the idea of starting over in a new place, maybe she's impulsive 🤷🏽. Hers is really a sad story.


That’s a possibility. She seems almost naive to me, which is odd because she’d mentioned living on the street and you’d think she’d have more street smarts. I agree it is very sad, for the wife as well.


Maybe this IS her way of being street smart. They spent more than 6grand on stuff for her after she got here, and about 3 grand before she got here. So she might be smarter than we all realize. Like a con.


Good point. The preview on the end of the second episode when the wife was crying in the car and saying Ileana wanted the camper remodeled and all that, Ileana seemed so entitled. Editors of reality tv usually portray one side as a predator and one side as a victim so who really knows the truth? Of course Danny is a predator all around but Ileana may not be as innocent as she was first made out to be.


Yeah….I’m thinking this is more a sister wives type of situation but the legal part (they think) would be “adoption”.


I don’t know if you are familiar with the show Seeking Sister Wives but there was a couple who wanted to bring a sister wife from Brazil on a 90 day fiancé type thing and the husband divorced his actual wife to marry the Brazilian woman to bring her here. I honestly think this will be propositioned at some point.


This is a story for sure. I think I’d rather watch a show about her. Why did she make this choice? What was so bad there that made you come here to live with a strange middle aged man and his obviously very resentful and sad wife. There has got to be a thousand things we don’t know about, other than just homelessness. I don’t think she would do the right thing being a reality “star”, but I would still love to hear her story.


Yep. I also think she didn’t think that far ahead and thought that being adopted would mean she’d get to stay, and I think that’s Danny and Christy’s understanding too


And if she did, she probably thought “Well, I’ll take the swag if nothing else.”


How is she transporting it all back to Austria?


His claim that he's adopting her is 100% a scam to get her over here as a sister wife because he wouldn't be able to get her over here on a K1 or CR1 (spousal) visa because he's already married. Because in Ohio, there's no way that I'm aware of that he could even legally adopt Ileana. As far as I know, there are only a few ways in Ohio where an adult can adopt another adult: a)The adoptee is permanently physically or intellectually disabled. b)The adopter had an established parental/step parent/foster relationship with the adoptee when the adoptee was a minor, and as long as the adoptee consents to the adoption. c)The adopter is the current spouse of someone with an adult child that they wish to adopt, as long as the adult adoptee consents to the adoption. As far as I know, you can't just grab some adult rando off the street in Ohio and legally adopt them. So, Danny doesn't meet any of those criteria. Ileana isn't physically or intellectually disabled, he didn't have an established parental relationship with her when she was a minor, and he's not currently married to her mother so that he can adopt her as a adult step-child. I don't know if this fool thinks he can just declare that he's adopting her and that makes it so ala Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy and then Ohio would recognize her as his daughter and so would immigration, but any adoption attorney would tell him to GTFO, or move to Michigan where you can adopt anyone over 14 as long as they consent to it.


This makes so much sense. Ileana flew over on a tourist visa and no adoption process has even been initiated. I dont think she is in on it because who in the world could be persuaded to travel here in their third trimester unless they were deceived too? Damn, the more you learn about this situation, the more of a real piece of shit he becomes. Holy smokes.


A la Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy. Dead.


For real I laughed so hard.


Best comment.


Lmao this comment about Michael Scott is golden. [Here's a link to Michael declaring bankruptcy.](https://youtu.be/C-m3RtoguAQ)


I think that is the whole reason for Danny to legally adopt Ileana; so that she can get a residence visa in USA. Having a child in USA won’t give her a residence visa. Whatever is going on with them, it’s super shady.


She would have better luck having the baby in Ohio and citing abuse as the reason for leaving. DV flags your file and assists with the process. Unfortunately, a family member had ex husband call ICE to deport her and take kids and an immigration lawyer explained the DV process. I was so incredibly amazed to hear of this process. I so agree the shadiness is real!


Mine and husband's theory: bf she supposedly hasn't spoke to since January is already in the US either as a part of her plot to leave or just a back up. The birth of the baby will aid with citizenship and Ileana will disappear on them citing Danny and Christy's marital issue as the reason or just up and leave one day with the help of immigration or women's resources. Also why tf are they paying for her appointments? Danny says "only the best for you." Like you're in Ohio buddy, she's in the same waiting room as the Medicare and Medicaid group. He's only paying to show off to her and it's moronic.


Did you see how nervous she got when he was talking about the security cameras? I totally think she is planning to leave in the middle of the night or something. I don’t think she was ever planning to go live with them in the first place. I think she was trying to ghost them but when they showed up at the airport she was stuck.


I don't think that Ileana would have tried to ghost them. The girl had no money and only 1 suitcase of belongings. Danny catfished Ileana in the sense that he was pretending to be rich. I think Ileana thought she'd hit the jack pot but was disappointed when she saw her living conditions and found out that they didn't have much money after all.


I don’t think she was going to just take off on her own. I think it’s possible she had someone else in the US she was talking to and used Danny to get her here. Her lack of communication with them throughout the flight and when she landed was strange. Agree that Danny catfished her. I really hope she gets away from that freak.


Ooooooooo…..yes! She was silent for a while, but then they showed up. She didn’t seem to expect that.


I sure as hell didn’t either 😂


Ileana can come to the US without a visa and stay for 6 months. Then leave for a few days, come back again for 6 months. Its enough if she takes a trip to Niagara Falls in Canada. She just can't work here, and doesn't get health insurance, etc. I think she's very passive, doesn't want to work; looking for somebody to support her. She was looking for adult adoption, not for sugar daddy. So she doesn't want to put out to be kept.


I think you've gotten the closest to the truth about Ileana so far here. Something incentivized her to advertise for an adult adoption to begin with. She's not innocent. She simply presents herself somewhat decently.