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I am expecting a HORRIBLE reason.


Horrible = Entertaining


It's def bizarro how there are zero current articles about the show out and zero word from a&e etc...I'm pretty sure most of us here believe it has something to do with that shit-stain Danny...but there are so many creepy fucked up and even criminal weirdos just like him (or at least very similar) on a&e and TLC and everywhere else we watch this type of trash. So what the fuck happened for them (a&e) to pull it? I just hope we get a real answer asap and i hope no one fucking died or was horribly abused etc for the answer to be revealed to us. Ugh! Give us some closure a&e! Dang! Edit: a typo. Changed abuser to abused. Xo


Maybe it just had an abysmal rating showing for the first three eps and the network pulled it simply for that.


I feel like that’s too reasonable a reason. Since A&E basically said “what show?”, there has to be more to the story.


Yeah! A&E scrubbed it from their own site immediately after the 3rd ep aired on tv plus it disappeared everywhere else...and even if the reason is just "low ratings", we usually get a bunch of articles/blogs etc stating such, ya know? Shit gets cancelled all the time for low ratings and it's all over the internet that that's the reason. I just want to know the reason whatever it is asap so I can stop thinking about this nonsense haha.


I thought I was hallucinating. I got one episode in on the AE app and suddenly it disappeared.


I read that somebody on Twitter was talking about how Danny basically admitted to human trafficking and threatened ileana that if she didn’t fulfill his needs then she would have to repay him all the money he forked out for her. And A&E got wind of it and knew they couldn’t put their name behind that kind of thing because it’s essentially human trafficking


Can we get a link?


https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdS8WDCH/ here’s a video i made about it showing the Facebook page that has the twitter posts!




I’m looking for the twitter thread. Sadly watched all his tiktok like a week ago.


I think it actually is canceled. It’s off of Hulu now! Now I want to know why and I need to know right now lol.


Fr! There is more to this creepy ass story.


Ok, my teenage daughter & I watched the first episode of this show and both had a visceral reaction to watching Danny…The guy’s an obvious predator/dangerous criminal & shouldn’t have a platform. I love my trash TV, but gotta draw the line somewhere. Who wants to watch this filthy ass misogynistic perv anyway?!?! I know we can’t be the only people who aren’t disgusted by watching this dude ugghhh ETA: Cancellation is appropriate, I’m sorry. This was def a One & Done for me. Creepy AF🤢


in the live chat lounge a woman who said she knew someone on rhe show said it was canceled and it had to do with Danny but provided no additional detail.