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She wouldn't have been having the talk with him, the whole reason for the talk was flame princess goes nuts if kissed? So probably wouldn't care


She likes being controlling. I don't think it's true jealousy, but yeah...she's a benevolent dictator. She would want to put her blessing on whomever Finn was dating. You can see it by how she flips out that Tree Trunks doesn't want her to officiate her wedding.


To be fair, I think that's more about Tree Trunks telling her that she doesn't recognize her authority and had brought a scam artist to an event that Princess Bubblegum seems to have done all of the planning for. Like, Bubblegum isn't great all the time, but Tree Trunks should be verbally slapped whenever possible for bringing King of Ooo around The Candy Kingdom. Her stupidity did a lot of damage.


Tree Trunks just hired him for her wedding, he was already running around as king of oo before that, she just had him officiate her wedding


She gave him her fortune years before, thus funding his scams, and KOO only came that much to the forefront of Candy Kingdom politics after his appearance at the wedding.


He didn't become a prominent political figure because of tree trunks, he already was, he just wasn't introduced until that episode


She carries some of the responsibility, the wedding was seemingly the first public event he had ever had that close to the Candy Kingdom.


If anything his street cred seems to tank after the wedding since he starts outright robbing people, it's not until "Mr. X" (ORGALORG) that he makes a comeback and starts campaigning. They make it very clear that it's Bubblegums fault for not campaigning and blowing the entire election off.


They lay quite a bit of the blame on the Candy People and the other citizens as well, they got worked by someone even they should have seen through.


She did make them stupid though


She was still jealous tho. She basically admitted it at the end of the episode when Jake calls her out on it


Jake was poking fun at her and she was annoyed, its a call back to the fact that Jake just thought she was jealous earlier, until she explained the specific reason they needed to stop them from kissing. I think you missed this context and assumed it was true what Jake was saying.


She was annoyed cuz he was right


Okay sure man (you won't change your mind so I'm not going to bother lol)


I won’t change my mind, because I don’t have to! Because I’m an american. I won’t change my mind on anything, regardless of the facts set out before me. I’m dug in. And I’ll never change.


Glob damn jabronies


Makes sense either way and there's no right answer and it doesn't matter anyway cuz she ends up with Marceline. In my experience tho when a character says "shut up" like that to someone's claim it's cuz they're right and don't wanna admit it


Wasn’t Fin like 13 in that episode?


Yea, and part of her wishes she was 13 too and could run around with him. But I guess everyone either forgot this scene or just think Bubblegum has amnesia https://youtu.be/T7GejxRw6DY?feature=shared


her wishing she was 13 and void of all the responsibilities of running a kingdom and keeping her citizens safe does not equal her wishing she was 13 cause she was in love with finn


Cool lemme know when I can get the magic mind reading device that tells me exactly what a character's thoughts and motivations are (It's art, people can come to different conclusions, I don't care enough anymore to keep arguing over bullshit)


when she first finds out shes supportive but only when she finds out its flame princess does she try and stop it which is because as shown in the episode flame princess is extremely unstable and dangerous


She was jealous Finn could be with he wanted to be with. She couldn’t be with Marceline like she wanted because she didn't know how to princess *and* be a gf at the same time & it destroyed their relationship.


She was was jelly of Finn for dating, not because Finn was dating someone


I don’t know why people are downvoting you so hard. This is a valid take


The popularity of AT is soaring, people are coming here to discuss. The downvotes are quite a bit more than just a couple months ago, it’s a little sad


If I had to guess, maybe people think I'm insinuating PB is a pedo or something? But obviously it's not like that. She can be jealous and not be a creep. But whatevs


Her response was “Ooh, a lady friend :)” . Then Jake told her it was FP.




Tbh ppl have the wrong conception bc the commercials intentionally framed it as a love triangle which was really dumb bc this ep was not that at all




Creators stated multiple times that it was planned from the start, just ya know forcing it through the corporate network of CN wasn't easy and they didn't want to potentially compromise the entire show over one plot point, so that's why it became official only in the last episode when "compromising the enitre show" kinda stopped being a problem




They first stated it at around season 3, as an address to the controversy that was caused by CN removing all trailers for that episode from their youtube channel. The Show's creator was asked by fans at a book signing about their relationship and he openly said that "they dated in the past but we can't really state it directly in the show because it's being aired in countries where homosexual relations are illegal, so CN is against it". Also their official comics on the internet refered to them being together since time immemorial. This wasn't opportunistic, it was planned.


True but PB was pretty horrible in communicating her concerns.


*Jake: Aah, he's just smelly from a day of running around with his lady-friend.* *Princess Bubblegum: \[Curious and interested\] Ooh, a lady-friend, do tell.* *Jake: Uh, I shouldn't say. It's his business.* *Princess Bubblegum: \[Sits on the floor to hear better\] Oh, come on, you can tell me.* *Jake: That's his personal biz, you gotta respect the man's p-biz.* *Princess Bubblegum: Okay, you're right, I'll respect it.* *\[Suddenly Jake reveals in an outburst\]* *Jake: Regular Girl! He's hanging out with a Regular Girl!* *Princess Bubblegum: Awwh, how sweet.* ​ THE END.


The whole show just ends there


🎶 *Come along with me*🎶 P. S. General question, how many of you cried rn? i did tbh


🎶*and the butterflies and bees*🎶


🎶 *We can wander through the forest* 🎶


🎶 And do so as we please 🎶


🎶 Come along with me to a cliff under a tree—🎶 Frederator! This party is so crazy!


None cause they wouldn't be having this talk in the first place lol


PB never had any romantic feelings for Finn, and if she was crushing on a 13 year old boy when she’s literally hundreds of years old theirs a huge problem


She 100% had feelings when she got turned into a kid, and she was at least a little jealous of Flame Princess, but otherwise yes her feelings were mostly platonic. Just cuz she's ancient doesn't mean she's immune to the heart flutters. She did well to ignore them in favor of being a good princess tho


I feel like she was jealous that Finn and FP were working out while she and Marceline broke up over something minimal, not jealous that FP is dating Finn per se


Mm I see it as more she's sad she can't be a fun-having and non-kingdom-running princess like FP was at the time. When PB was a kid, she loved running around and pranking with Finn and she would have probably done it forever if she could have trusted someone else to run the kingdom. FP was able to run around with Finn cuz she didn't have rule of her kingdom at the time


Guys 😭😭 PB does not give a shit about Finn's dating business


I don’t think Marceline x PB was a thing in the writer’s head yet tho.


Nah Burning Low was after that door episode, PB and Marceline were already fruity


Oh alright.


when her body was turned into a child, her mind was too. as soon as she ages back up, she tells finn that it was "years ago" and had completely moved on. later, in the episode after finn and FP break up, PB is clearly uncomfortable by how finn is acting toward her. whenever she was an adult, she thought his crush on her was cute, but she didn't have any mutual feelings at all


Shes literally a lesbian, she liked Marcy the entire time


She's bi, not lesbian. She loves Marceline but also was attracted to Finn at one point


I don’t think she was ever attracted to Finn. She cares for him in like a big sister type of way. The same way she cared for his past incarnation (shoko).


Rewatch the lemongrab intro episode. There was a lot of blushing on both sides and a kiss at the end. It was definitely intended for her child self to be attracted to Finn.


Got it right here lol she def liked him https://youtu.be/T7GejxRw6DY?feature=shared


Well she pushed him away the second she turns back to normal. Maybe a 13 year old version did like Finn but definitely not out current PB.


That’s who we are talking about. We know the adult pb didn’t like him like that because he’s a child. The point is that she’s bi. She didn’t magically become unbi when she ages up. It doesn’t work like that.


people can have crushes or what they think are crushes when they’re 13 on the opposite gender and still be a gay or lesbian. it’s okay to think pb is bi and it’s also okay to think she’s a lesbian.


You can be jealous of another taking your spotlight regardless of having romantic feelings, and with PB I see this definitley being the case.


She had feelings once, but for her those feelings ended years upon years ago.


people misunderstood this scene so much and the marketing that framed it as a love triangle did nor help. Pb literally was supportive of finn dating until she found out it was flame princess.


PB was excited about Finn having "a lady friend." She only got involved because of the chance she could destroy ooo.


Nobody: Adventure Time episode storyboarded by Rebecca Sugar:


what is this comment trying to say


Rebecca Sugar was a story board artist for Adventure Time, it’s very easy to tell which episodes she boarded because Finn looks noticeably different in every episode Rebecca was the lead on. His head is more rounded, his hats ears are usually pointed more inwards, and his face is more expressive (especially when he’s upset).


eye lines


The entire situation would have been avoided if Phoebe weren’t a volatile flame elemental. That was the only reason Bonnie was concerned, for the sake of Finn and the planet


like i feel like in the episode they never address how finn just confessed himself to pb and she never gives a real response to that


Cause she’s a 800 year old lesbian who views Finn as a replacement brother to Neddy


You see here’s my two cents on the subject. So PB is the reason why FB was imprisoned in a lamp for most of her life. The Flame King didn’t want an heir who could possibly overthrow him so he let her go free into the wild. Most likely hoping she would die. PB found baby FB and the rest is history. Yes she’s a fire elemental and of course she’d be more of danger to everyone and everything around her. But all she really needed at the time was someone to teach her how to be good and how to control her powers. But she never got that until much later on with Finn being the one to break her out of that “I must be evil” mindset. Now PB is interfering with a relationship with these two and while her concerns in the episode are valid, she really could’ve been more transparent with the whole thing. This whole episode was such a facepalm moment and only served to be one of the dumbest moments PB has had.


Friendly counter argument though, as far as we know PB was one of the first mutant/magical entities to really develop a higher intelligence, when PB was growing and developing her home and the candy kingdom the vast majority of Ooo was unintelligent, uncivilized, or outright deserted. As such PB had a lot to do with much of the development of Ooo, we see proof of this in Obsidian during the flashback when Marcy didn’t care about the glass people because they weren’t intelligent but PB argued that she wanted to save them so they could grow and develop true sentience and later went on to succeed in developing into the glass kingdom. I’m sure that wasnt the only time she interfered with a species of lesser intelligence in order to sculpt Ooo into a more civilized world. (side note imo this is also where she gets her dictator habits from, she’s not used to people being actual people since for most of her life they weren’t and she could just control them.) Now with that in mind, PB finding out about the destructive force that FP was realizing that their was someone out there that could in an instant destroy everything that PB spent the better part of 1000 years creating in a simple fit of raw emotion and that if it happened there was nothing PB would be able to do to stop it… That would be absolutely terrifying and I’m sure anyone would make some drastic decisions to prevent it. Honestly if you take this into consideration 99% of PB’s total dick moves make so much sense and she becomes such a deeper character.


It does and it also does interesting things for Finn’s character as well. Seeing as when the series goes on and we see Finn mature, his opinions about PB mature with him. He doesn’t just immediately throw her into a bad light but after certain episodes like the rattleballs and James, I think that’s when PB starts becoming this character of duality in Finn’s mind. One hand sees PB as being this friend to Finn who he trusts and has great respect for. The other sees PB as a mirthless dictator responsible for crimes so bad that the poor boy had to lock those memories away in a vault. Now I can admit that I at times can be one of those fans that absolutely hates PB. There’s plenty enough evidence in the show- her handling of the Lemongrabs, her bigotry towards magic and magic users, her invasion of privacy on her own candy citizens, her reckless and damaging interference with the Flame Kingdom etc. Yet I will admit she did try towards the end of the show to step back. She dismantled the security surveillance system and even just left the kingdom entirely when she lost the election. A tried and true dictator would have not taken that loss and instead would’ve just had the winning party removed and reinstated herself. She came a long way from what she was. Plus she does value her friends and loved ones dearly even if she doesn’t always have the best ways of showing it. Her sacrifice of the t-shirt for Hambo was a touching moment for her and marcy.


This is a well thought out comment that should be made into a video essay countering all the bad hot takes about PB. The thing about her character that is really incredible is, as you described, all of her actions have background information to support them. One aspect of her character that I’ve been thinking about since watching Fionna and Cake (and seeing Marceline without a Simon) is the fact that she literally raised herself. She was the equivalent of a baby with a brother to look after in a brand new and hostile world with no nurturing influences. This, to me, explains her very matter of fact demeanor towards people. One of my favorite examples of this is during “stakes” when she’s about to turn Marceline mortal and she says “when you die I’ll be the one to put you in the ground”. On a first watch I remember being annoyed she didn’t give her some big declaration of love but thinking about it again, this kind of IS a big PB declaration of love, just stated in that removed way that she has.


I don’t really do the whole video production thing myself, I’m old and quite busy nowadays. But if you(or anyone else) wants to use my comment as a baseboard to expand on and make a video breaking down how PB’s back story is largely overlooked and under appreciated then by all means you’re free to do so. I’m just glad people seem to be enjoying my unpopular perspective on one of the more controversial characters lol.


Somebody didn't watch the show


Adventure Time fans when they have to watch the show before criticising it: 😵‍💫😖😦🤯




I mean I think PB is well aware that Finn has a crush on her, but doesn't really know how to deal with it, because at this point of the show she is in 100% emotional repression zone. This is different than leading her on, as she never (besides when she is temporarily a kid again) gives him the impression that she returns his feelings. I agree with others, that if it wasn't FP, this conversation would never have happened as PB is only having this convo to convince Finn to stay away from FP, BECAUSE SHE IS DANGEROUS. So honestly I don't know if her reaction would have changed, as she's so emotionally closed off at this point in the show, but I guess best case scenario she might have talked to Jake about it to try and help him.


She probably wouldn’t care. The Finn/PB drama was all once sided on his end. She never thought of herself as being a romantic interest for the teenager who defends her kingdom. Finn to PB at this point was, at best a friend, and at worse, an employee.


I really wish the show was 100 hours more. I haven't even watched Fiona and cake I didn't even know how much lore it had so I've just finished watching adventure time for pretty Much the first time and it was really good. It just felt like it wasn't long enough to flesh out anything. I gotta subscribe to HBO MAX just to watch Fiona and cake unless someone here has a rip of it


>I haven't even watched Fiona and cake I didn't even know how much lore it had Soooo much lore and story. It's nonstop story for 10 episodes


I thought it was just a cool idea where all the genders flipped and they did the same stuff I had no idea it actually continued the main storyline


Okay so without spoiling anything it doesn't reaaally follow the main storyline so much as it intersects. But throughout the adventures a LOT of lore and questions get explained and answered. Also it's geared slightly more towards adults there's a small bit of cursing and blood, but they didn't get egregious or edgy with it. It's just a little bit of extra sprinkling. It does get mega dark though.


I hope it actually goes into backstories and stuff. I've already watched a pretty good timeline video and it talked about PB and stuff that happened with marcelene and her dad and how PB was created and stuff and also marcelenes backstory and everything


100 hours more what we all want


Remember to watch Distant Lands first if you haven't already!


The only “jealousy” she had at the end of the episode is the slight letdown of a) being single herself and b) someone no longer having a crush on her. Both are perfectly normal feelings and neither indicates any actual interest in Finn.


She still would not care. She was between 19 and 1000 years old. If she would care about 13 year old dating someone else, that would be weird and... concerning


"You're MY hero Finn"


I don't think this conversation would happen in the first one, but likely she'd feel bad for him and try to let him down gently like that scene in Gravity Falls with Wendy and Dipper.


Probably something like: Understandable have a great day


She would probably try educating and lecture them for like 12 hours or something


…she would be happy for him??? what? she has no problem with him having a lady friend, it’s just that it’s flame princess lol.


Probably more jealousy or manipulation.


She wasn’t jealous, she was concerned with FP literally destroying the planet due to her nature, and she was right to be worried as proved by what happens when they kiss


Episode please


This is my all time fav episode ❤️ I can quote nearly the whole damn thing


I got it: oh... Neat.


Honestly, it was a really good scene. That shit kinda hit hard


She probs wouldn’t care because she’s gay.