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I couldn’t get into this episode. The art style was a No for me and I wasn’t interested in the story


The characters just don't feel like them either. Felt like a show on Nick Jr.


What episode is this?


i think it was the water park episode


What does that even mean? Why don’t I know that? I should know that. Do you know what season?


Water Park Prank, season 6


Your brain deleted it because its worse than the computer glitch episode


At least the computer glitch episode looks hella cool


Maybe. For me i get headaches from the style actually. Glad other people enjoyed it though :)


I unironically love the glitch episode.


Computer glitch was a great episode animation was a fun change of pace too.


Same. It doesn’t deserve the hate.


I like that for you, and wish i was more open to the experimental episodes like that


Id agree that this one blew yeah. Art style took me 10 minutes to get used to and by the time i got used to it i just couldn’t stand the story they were going with. Probably the only episode in the whole anthology that i dont enjoy


Art style took you 10 minutes to get used to, and then there was 1 minute left


And that would've been the regular end credits


This is the only episode I skip when rewatching the series.


But it's vital to the plot! /s


Vital to the plot, lethal to the brain




Is this the one of the cycle of life?


I was on the comedown of an acid trip, really excited to watch the newest episode of AT and it was this one. Made it sooo much worse


Fuck, that would be the worst. Shoulda watched Food Chain. That one is a trip.


The Food Chain song is great, and Brazil and Latin America have versions of the song sung by their Marceline VAs


Unpopular opinion? I actually hate the food chain ep, and the only thing that made me slightly appreciate it was a YouTube video explaining how it basically encapsulated the entire theme of the show in one episode. I love all the other guest animator episodes


I like the original song but the Marceline version is really good. Actually it’s the version I’m more familiar with.


One time I tried king worm, and it was actually too much, the auditory glitches were driving me insane




Food Chain is without a doubt the best of these "guest" episodes. It's not even a contest.


For me personally it is the worst, because I don't like this animation style and the story was kinda weak imo. For some people it's "Chips and Ice Cream" or "Sad Face", some people really dislike Tree Trunks or LSP episodes, some would say that Goblin King episodes were too gross. For some the worst are the episodes where Finn did something questionable, like Frost and Fire or Breezy (and for some those episodes are great, cause they show amazing character development of Finn, showing that he is a child who grows with his own problems). And for some it's another episodes, for example I have this one friend who really, really hates the episode with spiders (he's arachnophobe). "Worst" is a subjective term. Everyone has his own cup of tee, I guess


This is such a good comment! My husband despises the “Graybles” episodes. He recently watched the entire series for the first time and the second he saw/heard Cuber, he said “ugh I hate this guy” and was glad the episode was over. He wasn’t happy to learn that there were 4 more episodes…I like them!


Grables is a favorite in my household because it’s Emo Phillips and that guy is hilarious.


We love the Graybles too. We thought we were so smart figuring out the theme to one episode, thinking it was about fingers. And the dude just goes "you thought it was about fingers, didn't you, you fucking idiots?"


Five telepathy glands, maybe!


"Don't bother trying to guess tonight's theme. Applesauce to a theme! I don't want to die!"


The best graybles episode by far 😂


The best and I like how DARK 1000+ future is, being chase by bunch of Jake’s descendants after accidentally killing the bride of a space wedding? Jesus christ


Honestly I love all the graybles, I'm just a big fan of short story forms of episodes and cuber honestly doesn't bother me that much lol I think he's kinda cute. I know A LOT of people hate the graybles tho and I really don't know why.....😅


bro who hating on Chips and Ice Cream I’m throwing hands


I really like this episode. Sometimes I sing to myself that song when no one's around


Sorry it's me, they just repeat the sentence so many times, I get that's the point of the episode but it's still really annoying 😭


Chips :/ Chips Chips Chipsss :|


ICE crEEEEAAAAM! I liked chips and ice cream. It was weird and unique.


Same, especially how they re-enact their play but after they are free.


It was like a strange prediction, or like a plan. Like, when we finally get free I'm gonna sing! Lol


It’s a broadway smash!


That's the episode I describe when telling friends about the craziness of AT. And the laid-backedness of Jake the dog.


me. i dont like it


I loathe repetition. It is the polar opposite of entertainment.


Web Weirdos (the episode with the spiders) is the only episode I intentionally skip. Not because of arachnophobia (they're only cartoons), but because the episode leans heavily into the "bickering couple" trope. No matter what I'm watching, I always find that trope to be tedious and unwatchable. Thus, Web Weirdos receives my nomination for Worst Episode.


for me the way they're drawn and the uh... birth scene is the worst part.


The one I skip is Princess Monster Wife. Too disturbing and creepy.


HOLY MATH I blocked that one out. Truly horrible.


I always skip that one too!


I hate "another way" I constantly skip that one. But also hate the episode mentioned lol I don't think I ever watched it. Tbh chips and ice cream made me cry lol, I hated it at first but the end is beautiful and it's so cool how BMO decoded their language


I get the point you're trying to make but I don't think this one is that nuanced. This episode is bad. They completely whiffed


I can't stand Sad Face, but I gotta know, who plays the carnival barker? Sounds like John Mulaney doing a voice


Ew tea!? Haha JK


i hate the daddy sad heads but i do think there’s some funny bits in the episode. like finn & jake planking ice king, or the bit about the gross shower hair “that’s your favorite food in the world” but yeah, one of the episodes i can happily skip.


I never get why people hate Tree Trunks. I think she's one of my favorite characters. She's voiced by a real life old lady who genuinely has no idea what is happening in the show!


I love Tree Trunks! The way she talks cracks me up. There are definitely a few LSP episodes that are more annoying than funny though.


She didn't recognize PB as royalty but she fell right for that faud KOO. That's one of the reasons. Cheating on her housband with aliens and gaslighting him. That's another. She was also hitting on a teenager. I'm due for a rewatch so I don't remember all of it but I'm sure there's a lot more.






She's a pedophile cheating fascist lol. She's constantly sexually harassing a 14 year old boy, has no regard for safety putting herself, Finn and Jake in danger. She cheated on Mr pig and gaslit him into thinking everything's ok. "Oh yeah, these are my alien husbands". Polyamory is fine, but you gotta have informed consent from all parties. She falls for KOO's promises and helps to get him elected. Her behavior is annoying, immoral, or unhelpful in every episode. I think a lot of people hear the old lady voice, think of their grandma and let her get away with anything. But if that were an old man hitting on a 14 year old girl more people would get why she's so awful.


For me, it's the juxtaposition of the sweet old lady mannerisms and her narcissism that makes Tree Trunks an interesting character. And that no one in Ooo (except PB, another narcissist) sees her as a manipulative misanthrope shows how well written she is. I wouldn't want to be friends of course. But since this is fiction, I appreciate how unpredictable things can get when Tree Trunks shows up. Plus I find it hilarious when she delivers serious, threatening, or ominous lines with her slow disarming drawl.


And how it actively shows other characters being bored by her threats is hilarious to me


This comment expresses how I feel about her perfectly. :)


She's a fictional character and all of the things you described are what make her an entertaining character. She does all that stuff, but she's also a tiny elephant with an old lady voice in a world made of candy. Darth Vader is a horrible person but I still love him as a fictional character. Idk, it's not that serious.


I find her dull. "Bakes apple pie" is not a character trait.


Tell that to Shirley


Oh yes! They do! But not in the prime timeline. "You do not get to have baking as an identity!" (Is that what we're talking about? r/community?)


You're streets ahead.


I mean it’s definitely not the best and the animation style isn’t either, but I like them messing around with episodes like this that use completely different animation. Also the end is funny, the entire plot of the episode is short and stupid in a good way, and it’s mainly about ice king and f and j So yeah it’s probably one of, if not the worst but that’s because they are all too good to be compared to it. I personally kinda like it though I think.


this was the only episode that i not only skipped on my rewatches, but i outright deleted from my hard drive. it's awful. everything about it is unbearable. I usually don't like criticizing animation styles, but this is just ugly. the proportions are so stupid, and the face (Wrinkles?) are really awful looking. especially on Finn. The plot makes no sense, half the episode is spent on shit that has nothing to do with a water park, or pranks. it's been a while since i've seen it, and i refuse to watch it again. so the plot is kind of fuzzy for me. and finally, on this list, this entire episode is completely irrelevant to any episodes before, or after it. It is 100% filler. and awful filler, at that. a horribly animated, poorly written, completely fucking worthless, filler. TL;DR: it sucks. plain and simple.


Lol I really appreciate your bold convictions here, and I agree completely. The animation style stresses me out! For me though it’s Jake more than Finn- the shape of his face and mouth just make me feel kinda uncomfy. I’ve tried to suffer through it a few times but I always find the jokes are kinda dumb/ more simple in a way? But that might just be my discomfort with the style bleeding through into my general perception haha It’s similar to the Uncle Grandpa episode of Steven Universe- the usual vibe of the show is just absent. I don’t feel that way about a single other episode ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I actually liked the episode. I enjoyed the art style and I thought it was kinda funny.


We are in the minority on this one. The lifeguards kill me every time. And all the banned photos at the end… haha


The slug episode exists


Ya that one is incredibly annoying and gross to me, mainly just bc I thoroughly don't like the slug at aaaaaaall. I do like water Park prank, it's just more f and j shenanigans just drawn in a different style - I don't get the hate for it


I don't know how to pick the worst episode of any show that I like as much as Adventure Time. An episode I loved one day could be an episode I don't enjoy on another day. it's a mood thing.


Yes, yes it was


I appreciate the creativity exploring different art styles and some of them look great, for instance i really enjoy how the food chain episode looks but the stories arent particularly interesting. This episode looks like a terrible birthday card


What the fuck am I looking at


Obviously a bunch of sad testicles


That one fucking slug episode


Hot take: i absolutely loved this episode.


This sub is wildly rude sometimes- my partner and I love this episode too. The animation style is different and we respect the artists work, we also thought the story genuinely WAS interesting! I’m surprised to see it so hated here?


Yup! Was the animation style my favorite? Nope but it doesn’t need to be either. It wasn’t bad at all, it’s just a different style and was well done. I also enjoyed the story! It was just a more chill episode IMO.




It’s just the animation and everything else about it that’s bad, I agree though


This one because if irc they spent 90% of it in that puddle with the sticky things and they did literally nothing but say random stuff and I got super annoyed and bored


Waterpark prank felt like an official meatcanyon almost


When I saw this episode I truly though they changed the animation


Not worst because I didn't like it, but worst because it creeps me the FUCK out: "no one can hear you" . Omfg. Theres a lot of deer in my area and i can never look at them the same


i don’t mind it. i like weird animation and the story reminded me of something silly they’d do for season 1. it’s isn’t great but i don’t get the hate. the biggest offense is that it’s just kinda boring


People out here calling perfectly good episodes trash. Did you all just forget about "the glitch"?


I liked the glitch episode too


no it’s still the episode where he gets his gf to almost die in fighting against the ice king so he can keep having wet dreams of her.


I loved this one. I was dying laughing the entire time.


I never disliked it lol. Not my favorite but I still like it.




Daddy sad heads stick to you when you splash in their puddles and then they make you depressed and won't fall off until you try and be happy Jingle jingle


This is the worst episode, I almost wanna say that's a fact because of how much I hate this episode 😮‍💨


I would say I hated it, but it's the only episode I skipped without watching all the way through on my first watch.


The episode wherealot of people are being tuned to finn for telling the bear that pretending to be him isn't cool, then there's just any episodes where finn or Jake get (in a sense) bullied. Spoiler! >!I like the prank episodes with Jake, but I wish finn was able to get him back without being sabotaged, like at least go along with it, jake.!<


This episode rules lol I enjoyed it when it came out and have a good laugh every time I rewatch the series.


Worst adventure time episode in existence. It hurts my eyes and makes me want to throw up 🤢


Fight me but I love this one and all the guest animation episodes (although food chain clears). I don’t know why but I’ve always disliked Fionna and Cake and Fionna.


It was kinda gross but I still liked it, look at how cute PB is


This one. Not because of the art style, but because it seems like whoever made it had no understabding of the show, or had seen like a couple S1 episodes


I hated the jiggler. Weird creature, and it just made zero sense. Tbh it also made me kinda uncomfortable to watch


The ice king glitch was worse


Yes!!! I skip it everytime I rewatch the series


Honestly, I hate the Food Chain episode. It's fucking weird and the artstyle isn't really that different from the usual


im so sorry


It absolutely is one the weakest but I do think the one that gnomes kidnap Finn and Jake does jack shit about is the worse for me, it makes Jake this hateable character when he's supposed to be a goofball




Its the worst for me because I don’t like the animation and the storyline is weak and the only episode I skip in rewatches


What was this episode


Water park prank




Any of the alternate animation style episodes were the worst. The only one I can tolerate is the circle of life one. All the others are total trash and I skip them every time I do a rewatch.


The life cycle episode was boring.


Yeah pretty much


not worse than james 2


The food chain.




Like, name the ep or don't even mention it? What are you trying to get - attention? Take a walk instead next time, like, find an interesting hobby or something Ya, Diary's def not my fave by any stretch but I don't hate it to the point of skipping it


The early ones that were just about rough housing. Specifically The Barn.


Episodes where they change the art style sucks


If you love the animation style you should play a game called "Loot Rascals". Really neat Game, but kinda frustrating at the same time.


I don’t even know what I’m looking at. Was this some kind of special? How did I miss this.


I kinda dig art style But that doesn’t save it from it being the worst


This one




to me the worst episode is Memories of boom boom mountain,, i really hate that episode,, Chips and Ice cream too is boring but at least now i troll my friends with it just saying "chips chips Ice cream" and annoy the hell of them


between this one and “chips and ice cream”. the latter has a cool concept, but not for an adventure time ep.


This one and the snail/slug one are my least favorites


Bro i binge watch the entirety of adventure time and this is the only episode i actually could not watch. Like the human man tadpole things are disgusting to look at.


Omg I'm scrolling though but why is nobody saying anything about the jiggler episode. That sh*t gave me nightmares!! The kidnapped a child, Jake was okay with just tossing him out and the only reason they didn't kill this animal is because Finn had some sort of moral compass to take him home to his mother. It was even more terrifying with the sound effects of a computer high pitch frequency while they "plugged up the holes" with glass eyes and "mint condition" eye patch collections






I have a weird appreciation for this episode but it's definitely because I was a lifeguard for 18 years. I'm not at all surprised most people don't like it.


honestly dont even remember it




What's that saying? The most offensive thing art can be is boring? This episode didn't make me feel good, but it made me feel *something.*




That’s your favorite snack of all time!!!


Wtf happened to him!?


I skip it everytime no matter what


First episode of AT that i seen was "chips and ice-cream", i thought couple years that whole AT such a bullshit like this


Oh damn that sucks I am so sorry


Yes. I’m pretty sure this episode has not been watched on my Max account. The art style made me too uncomfortable




Why do I have no memory of this episode?


I love Beemo but I could not get into the film noir episode


I remember not being able to watch one or two episodes in the whole series and this I am pretty sure was one of them. I honestly didn't understand most of the alternate artstyle episodes but was able to watch most of them.


Bunbun - the whole character is useless and so is this episode.


Chips and Ice Cream was a point in the series where I reconsidered watching the rest of the series entirely


Episode definitely stressed me tf out


Sad face


Surprised nobody said Bad Jubies yet


So glad i somehow managed to miss this one


Was this an experimental episode or something?


Omfg thanks for reminding me THIS existed. I despise this episode with every fiber of my being.




The episode had 0 plot relevance or progression, and it was purely filler. It maybe had a little bit of "hey there's multiple dimensions" but like, it didn't bring us any closer to the ending or add any details


All the guest animated eps are non-canonical. If you only like episodes that progress the plot, why even watch adventure time? Yes, it has a great plot, but it's a character driven show not plot driven. If plot is the only reason you watch AT, well, I'm sorry to hear that. I feel like you're missing out


Maybe because it’s been so long since I’ve seen adventure time. I don’t remember this episode or even what season it’s from. Hell, if I didn’t recognize Jake, PB and Finn. I’d have asked what show is this because it doesn’t look like adventure time.


Any episode with tree trunks


No it’s lsp episode season one and tree trunks episode season one


This one was pretty bad, also I don’t like the circle of life one where they are like worms and then turn to birds with the weird singing. Weird episode. But better than this one tbh lol




Yeah, the art and story were awful, and the characters felt wrong. No world building, no development. This episode is a skip for me.


Yes, no hate on the people who animated this episode but this is always the episode I skip because of how different the art style is


I couldn’t even watch it. I’ve prob seen the show more than 5 times but can never watch that episode. Too cursed


I think this episode is definitely the worst. At no point in my life have I ever wanted to watch this episode when I rewatch adventure time. The art style just doesn't work.


I feel like all of the guest animated episodes kind of suck


Definitely my least favorite i think


The episode were Finn and Jake snuck into marcalines home


I don't recognize it, but I kind of recognize the art style, and I think this might be the one episode that I got a minute into and then went "nah, fuck this, I can skip it, it's non-canon to me and I don't need to see it" and moved onto something else.


We don’t talk about that episode




Neither this episode, nor the food chain episode, interested me in the slightest. The animation was cool, but the episodes themselves were so disconnected from the rest of the show that I couldn’t really get myself to care. The one with LSP and the big ass storm, however, I was sold on. That one was a good episode.


It was one of the worst ones, yeah


Some of the earlier episodes from s1-3 are kinda cringe, but that kinda went with the chaos that the show was in that period. This episode definitely takes the cake as the worst for me


I liked it, it was silly


I don’t even understand why they changed the style for this one episode. It looks ugly and It would have been easier to invest in the story if we didn’t have the absolute jarring animation style.


This episode is so bad people often include a caveat of "except that one" when asking what the worst show people think is in the series.


Worst episode was the one when Jake’s tail is a morose circus clown.


The only episode from the whole franchise that I haven’t watched, and don’t care or plan to watch it, the art style is off-putting enough.




Personally I liked it




You very much do know without asking it was


Nothing was worse than the minecraft episode. The showrunners even admitted it was just done for easy cash before the show ended. But yeah this one was pretty bad too.