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Technically, there’s no “wrong” answer. You’re entitled to keep the money but you’re also free to just give a refund - it’s simply personal opinion on what is the decent thing to do. I’ve found as hosts, there will absolutely be times where you are at a guests mercy and appreciate them being sympathetic to you, so be mindful when you are in the position of control.


That’s very true!


I tend to give refunds for urgent situations because that's what I would want.


I try to also, but it's hard not to get jaded sometimes, when it's clear that some of the "urgent situations" are actually lies, just to get out of paying. I've refunded them occasionally for peace of mind, though.


You do customer service for too many years , even sobbing tears won’t move you . It’s awful , but I’ve had customers just lie to my face so many times and screw me out of hundreds of dollars . I’m just a bitch now . It’s sad


I once had someone lie to me, and after I made an irreversible decision to help them out, they told me they lied and laughed in my face. Really made me have to work hard to not be a dick after that.


Agree. I’m sorry but if I was leaving to go see a friend who was in critical condition I don’t think asking for a one night refund would be on my list of shit to worry about right now. I’d just message say I’m leaving early d/t xyz feel free to rent it out or clean it early cause I’m gone. If they offer me something great but it’s not something I’m asking for. This just reads like a scam because people are shitty.


I’d be aware of both, but I’m very conscious of what money I have and I try my best to maintain where I can. While $200 isn’t a lot in general, for one night this would be quite a lot for me and it would compound my anxiety. I’d bring it up and be hopeful for the financial relief. Probably on my way to the hospital. If they can accommodate, amazing.. if not, I’d move on pretty quickly. But, I wouldn’t rule out a scam either. There are a surprisingly large number of people that aren’t at all afraid to make up things like their mom’s having cancer or something.


That is definitely fair, but as a frequent guest I wouldn’t even think to ask about a refund if I had to leave early due to external circumstances. I honestly just don’t think putting that on the host would cross my mind. It doesn’t feel related to me.


>honestly just don’t think putting that on the host would cross my mind. It doesn’t feel related to me. I agree with this. If I was dealing with an emergency like this, the last thing on my mind would be seeking a refund or even worrying enough to explain why I needed a refund to the host.


I wouldn’t ask either. It was contracted from the outset. I spose if it occurred to someone though, it wouldn’t hurt to ask.


I would, hat in hand, ask very humbly for anything the host would give. And not get upset if they didn't offer anything.


I would have then refer to their travel insurance for a refund


Split it, give them half and u keep half.


This is what I offered in a similar situation.


You got a $1000 booking for the last night or a future booking?


As if kindness is a bank account we can draw on. In my favor or not, I stick to the cancellation policy both parties agreed to..More often than not, I'm on the losing end. I'm still paying back the covid era loan I took out to honor my cancellation policies.


You are welcome to do that for your listings- that’s why I said either option is technically correct 😁 I personally believe that you cant expect compassion without being compassionate as a general rule of thumb in all things.


Perhaps people shouldn’t buy properties exclusively for airbnb…


What makes you think I did?


You obviously don't understand the comment.


That’s a very fair and compassionate answer.


As a host we appreciate the guests understanding us but we can't demand them to check in late or check out late without paying them. The only we can ask them is nice review in case of short comings. On the other hand, you are suggesting guests can ask for money for favor. It is not fair.


Exactly - you want a nice review even if you screw up. Are they obligated to do that? No. Are they free to give you a 1 star review and ruin your rating? Absolutely. But I would bet you all but beg for them not to, EVEN though they have the right to. You’re missing the point entirely.


I’ve had dozens of folks leave a day early for one reason or another and not one has asked for a refund. If they did and they met my minimum stay requirement, since I’m a softy on refund requests, I probably would have refunded. Kind of a mystery that I’ve had so many leave early over the years and not a single ask for a refund.


My extended family and I left a week long beachfront rental 2 days early because it was 100% supposed to storm those last two days. Tensions were already high and no one wanted to spend the last two days cooped up with each other so we just left and it never occurred to us to ask for a refund.


Totally agree. I would never consider asking for a refund if I had to leave early.


We left an arbnb in Slidell, Louisiana a day early due to an incoming hurricane. The host was encouraging us to leave and gave a full refund of that day. Yes we left. They wanted to batten down the hatches before it hit.


This happened to us several years ago when we had to leave 2 days early due to Hurricane Michael. We had been there 5 days already and I was ready to go home anyway. It never occurred to me to ask for a refund.


We have sometimes booked an extra day just so we can leave late and not have to worry about lugging our luggage around our last day. Especially when our kids were little it was nice to be able to come put them down for a nap while we packed and then leave when we are ready. Especially if we have chores to do before check out. I hate trying to get 3 little kids ready, finish packing, and have to eat breakfast and clean up before 10am. We also book a day earlier so we can get started right away the next morning instead of traveling and waiting half the day for check in time. The only problem is that some hosts have tried to cancel our reservation for not checking in the 1st night.


Half refund? You might both be happy.


I’d try this, even if funds are tight. You are in the hospitality business, it is being hospitable. Giving gifts like this is memorable.


Second this


This is what we decided on, half way happy for both parties!


You did not. You offered them 50% off a *future* stay if it does not book and if it books you will refund minus fees. That is not giving them a full refund lmao.


We had to leave our ski trip a day early this past winter. I did not ask for a refund, just explained my son was not feeling well. We didn’t get a refund (didn’t expect one. I knew the rules). But the host offered us a free day should we book with them again. That may be a good option for you to offer.


I love this idea


I dunno if that's karma since you really didn't offer anything that cost you a dime. It's more LUCK. For both parties.


The only reason


Karma, in this case, will collect the day this host has a repair they make a claim with their property insurance over who subsequently laughs in their face and tells them, “You’re on your own, kid!”


I would have refunded. Takes more time for you to come here and ask what to do and then draft up an email. It’s 200$ not 2k


I’d give them the benefit of the doubt and give them a refund. Maybe karma will come back and bless you later. Maybe not. But if it was you asking and it was a legit reason, it’s the kind thing to do




I would not ask for a refund, nor would I grant one.


That’s a cringe reply. It sounds like something an admin from office space wrote. “I’ll need to have that stapler….”


This is one of those judgement calls—I try to put myself in the guests shoes when determining these requests. Does it feel like a fake excuse or does it seem like an honest emergency? What would you expect of a host if that happened to you? You are entitled to keep their money, but if you can afford to refund, sometimes it’s the right thing to do.


It’s an odd thing for them ask for in my opinion. I wouldn’t even think of asking for a refund if I were in their shoes unless I was staying at a major hotel chain, not someone’s rental property.


Life happens split it with the guest


To me this is the answer. If you believe them & can afford it, then split the night with them.


I shot wedding photography for years & encountered this of the fiance who was in a motorcycle accident, claiming the wedding was cancelled/postponed. I refunded. About a year or two later, I encountered the same exact thing. Needless to say, my suspicions were raised.


A friend of my sons was killed on his motorcycle the day of the wedding shower. Such a nice kid.


Yeah I know someone who’s brother was killed in a motorcycle accident the night of her wedding


Its totally weird to ask. I would wonder if they are telling the truth. If I was in that situation I wouldnt be thinking about getting the money back at all. If it happened before check in, I might ask, knowing they could rebook


If I’m renting and decide to go home due to an emergency, I’m also willing to eat the money. Especially $200. That’s not a big enough deal to make an issue. That would be my choice not the person I’m renting from.


As far as I'm concerned, cancelling early, you should pretty much expect to forfeit your money. We left a hotel a day early to get out of the path of a hurricane. I didn't ask for a refund, didn't expect to get one. I knew my decision made for our safety had a cost. (They did end up giving us a refund so that was a pleasant surprise).


Was there evacuation orders given?


No. We were towards the outer edge but heavy rains were forecast and we wanted to get through the mountains before the rain came.


little hurricane never hurt anyone.


I got burned doing the 50% off on a future booking. Actually, I offered 100% of what I had gotten from their last second cancellation in the middle of winter. They then booked in the middle of summer, were nice as could be during their stay, and finally left a terrible review because they were shocked that a summer booking was more expensive than a winter booking. AirBnB took the review down for Irrelevant Statements, but they probably could have gotten away with it if they hadn't specifically said that it was the higher cost that made them angry. Don't let an angry guest back into you place, is the lesson I learned.


They booked it.. they pay for it.


You’re really sweet to do that, and yes Karma found you. Yay! In these cases, I usually offer to apply a free day to their next booking. You’re awesome!


Had to book my first air BNB recently bc my elderly mom was having brain surgery 1.5 hours away, check in time 5:30am and she had to take a shower just prior. Found a sweet, no-refunds place that looked perfect for the fam to relax and just enjoy each other the night before potentially fatal surgery. The day after booking, we got news that they discovered another health issue that needed to be dealt with first so surgery was postponed. Eek! I contacted the owner immediately and she was so kind. I did have to call air BNB but she'd already put in the cancellation approval. I was sooo grateful! Unfortunately, by the we time got surgery rescheduled, she didn't have availability but we did find another place. Just wanted to drop in a real life emergency story and thank those who deal with them graciously! Btw, surgery went great!


I would offer them my standard... They can cancel and if I can rent the property I'll refund whatever the deltas are... Wrap it up in a nice compassionate bow.


Half off and call it a day


Offer $100


We offer an airbnb experience. No is a reasonable response. Lots of businesses can’t afford the lost income. Additionally, generous refunds make the business who doesn’t give one look bad and leads to possibly bad reviews. Your generosity, empathy can actually hurt others businesses. That being said, we don’t give refunds but generally allow them to reschedule at a later date and ask them to not include this in any review. Been doing this for 30 years (long before Airbnb) and heard all the excuses. At least 1/2 are cheapskate liars (the frequency of food poisoning is staggering).


I’m skeptical about the motorcycle story being true. I instantly thought the weather or trip didn’t work out and they were looking for a way to get their money back. Yes, I’m naturally jaded.


I always buy trip insurance if I can’t afford the cost of an unplanned cancellation. You have a business with only one resource, the property. If a guest leaves early that’s a choice. You are not responsible for their choice. If you go to a restaurant and order a meal and then you get called away you still have to pay.


I'd mention in your review that your guests had to leave early due to a friend's tragic accident. Wish them all well, etc. If they are lying It will be difficult to use that accident again.


They “said” they got a call from the hospital? It’s their issue not yours


How would you like to be treated?


Them to pay me for staying there


Then go with that


I'd give 100% credit toward a future stay. Some folks will lie to get a refund, my experience is the more details they give the more likely that the story is true. By that measure, they're probably telling the truth; any small gesture you give will be greatly appreciated.


As a host, I would probably refund. Compassion goes a long way, but also this is not my main source of income. As a guest, I would never ask for a refund. I would explain why I am leaving but would expect nothing. Shit happens


Ladybugsanon never said you weren’t compassionate or kind. She was speaking in general terms and explaining her ethos on life which for some reason you took very personally.


I'm in the process of starting my STR business. Does Airbnb not offer cancelation insurance?


When we go to Key West the owners always suggest trip insurance. They don’t refund.


They do.


This is the way.


What kind of place are you offering where you get a thousand bucks per night? DANG! Good on ya.


They said they got a $1000 booking, I don't think it was for the one night.


I see you've already rebooted, but my concern would've been getting cleaners in and turning it over in time for new people to check in, especially if I hadn't scheduled them to clean that day.


Your idea of a future discount is smart. There was a mutually agreed upon contract.


We bought an annual travel insurance policy partly for exactly this kind of situation. It is a great relief to know that any time we’re 100 miles or more from home, we’re covered for all kinds of emergencies. To your host-specific situation, I think your response was just right.


Smart move.


I’m late, just want to say congratulations and great way of handling this!


Karma must have made them very happy!


That was super kind of you


That seems like a reasonable response. The offer of a future discount is a nice touch, and your message was kind and in no way pushy. It really sounds like you're more worried about them than upset about a cancellation. You come across as a caring human and not just a business. I'd totally come back if a host offered me that


Thank you so much for the kind words. I’m always a people first person and I’m new to this business and trying to also protect our interest. But ultimately we all need to be kind to each other and make this a better world.


50% off a future stay is being kind lol


This is so nice that you did this!!


This type of question actually needs to ultimately be resolved logically, once and for all. The guest pays for ACCESS and USE for the duration of time covered by their payment subject to guest & host abiding by the terms of the stay (House & Airbnb rules). The guest can stay in the unit with the permitted number of occupants for the duration that they paid for. Guest can check in early, if permitted. Guest can check out early, no permission required. Guest can check out late, if permitted. Guest can choose not to check in AT ALL. Provided host has granted access & use of the unit/room that is identical to the listing in every material respect for the duration paid, host has met their responsibility to guest. This whole vibe of splitting the cost for checking out early, etc is incongruous. Host has not leased out the place for the time that the current guest has access and use. That opportunity cost is borne by the host who is compensated by the guest’s payment. Ask the guest to reach out to Airbnb if they want a refund. If Airbnb calls you, tell them to follow their refund process or the host’s selected refund policy. No sentiments required.


I would not refund...that's what travel insurance is for.


Travel insurance would not help a guest in this instance.


Everyone parrots this statement with no understanding of how travel insurance works, lol.


In that case, why should the host?


They don’t offer “no excuse” policies anymore?


I bought travel insurance when Covid was a thing thinking it would give me an out if I tested positive. Well I did test positive and then I was informed this was not a reason to get a refund because I already suspected I would test positive and booked anyway. I never bought insurance again, but I do book changeable flights.


Wait you told them you thought you would test positive lol


They made me do mental gymnastics to admit it but let’s focus on the moral of the story 😂, which is that insurance doesn’t cover for all reasons


I'd do it but I'm also not needing high occupancy for this to be worthwhile. 


i would decline it, courteously.


It sounds really made up. If it’s the truth, they shouldn’t care about the money.


Their friend had an accident so you should be "out" money? You are the one who should lose money, not them?This is a business, not a church.


Kinda feeling this. their circumstances are not your problem or responsibility




would u be happy with a refund if this happened to u? the answer is likely yes. refund them it’ll do more for ur business in the long run anyways.


You aren't a host. You don't know how often people come up with a "story". It's a business. Not a charity. You have no idea how business works. A reservation is a reservation. If you don't want it, don't do it.


I wouldn't. It's their choice to leave. You can always offer to refund if you rebook the time they're giving up by cancelling (though it sounds doubtful in this situation, it is often the sop they need to make not being refunded more palatable).


For me if it's a couple days I'll just initiate the refund. The positive reviews are worth more than a nickel and dime in the long run.


I had booked a two week stay at an Airbnb and on day 2 I found out my best friend of 30 years had died back home across the country from where I was. I asked the host if I could cancel the second week so I could leave immediately to go home bur would still pay for the first week She refused and I barely had the money to get home to my close family and friends after the death. I couldn’t believe anyone would be that greedy. I was her first booking and def not hogging up a busy calendar. I know it’s hard with so many scammers but I literally called her in tears that I needed to get home asap and she just didn’t give AF. Her name was Chloe from Big Bear and I will never forget how cruel she was at one of the darkest times of my life.


You basically asked a complete stranger to give you money. You were the greedy one. You could have paid for insurance and you didn't.


shame on her.


I definitely would have given them the refund for the one night. Helps with the review..


The answer should be no unless you can rent it out for that night, because it was reserved for them and you'll be out that much if you refund. You can get a better review for refunding "due to an emergency" though. Or offer half the price of a night as a refund so you share the cost of it.


I say, sorry to hear that! If you cancel when you’re leaving to free up the day and it rebooks I’ll send you whatever I can make back.


No. 'I'm sorry to hear about your friends emergency, our cancellation policy clearly states xyz.'


ur not sorry tho. show some compassion or don’t say ur sorry.


Compassion doesn't have to mean you lose money.


ur parents clearly didn’t raise u right. treat people how u want to be treated. it will benefit ur business in the long run anyhow.


I think splitting the difference would be extremely generous of you


You might be willing to offer them half back since they booked the room and you would be unable to get another booking, but thats up to you.


I love this. I just bought a car and had my posting up for 2 months prior. Also, money is tight. As soon as I pull into my driveway, I get a booking that literally covers my down payment within 5 dollars. The problem is they're problematic guests, and my poker face isn't so hot.


It’s 200. I would refund it.


Tell them to contact AIRBNB. Their scenario is covered by air insure


I wouldn't. It's not even a family member!


oh geez ur messed up.


Lol takes one to know one. Happy middle finger day!


Would give them half the refund as a courtesy and give full refund of it books that night.


I think if they were the ones who had the accident I would be more willing to refund them


I wouldn’t for that reason, and it’s just one night for them, they should be considerate to you. I did have a guest who got laid off and I gave her back a whole week out of the 3 she booked. It was about $350 and it hurt because I barely break even and I didn’t fill the dates but it felt like the decent thing to do


No refunds without request way in advance


hope no one cuts u a break ever in ur life.


I have been charged for leaving a hotel early. Sad that something happened to them but they are still responsible for the reservation




Nope. Ignore the excuse. Medical excuses are always bullshit, they are just what guests feed you because they calculate that is what is most likely to get them what they want.


It’s why you get trip insurance. No refunds. That’s the chance you take.


It’s called traveler’s insurance


I had something similar happen when on the second morning of her stay my guest said she had a “family emergency” and couldn’t stay the second night. She said she’d had a lovely time and didn’t explicitly ask for a refund. I offered my commiserations. Then a few days later Airbnb contacted me saying she’d made a complaint that my place was unclean and wanted a refund. A pic of the base of the shampoo rack was supplied, with some rust on it. Back at my house I found loads of things like casserole dishes and books taken off the shelves where she’d had a really good poke around to find pictures to take. I got myself a new shampoo rack, didn’t refund her and she gave a 3-star review. I suggested in my own review that she be honest with hosts if there is something genuinely wrong with a stay. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Does a hotel charge if you leave a night early? No. Do the right thing for people. It'll come back around.


I’m confused, you took the new booking but won’t give the original people their money back, just a discount for a future stay?


If they can get it cleaned and re rented for the night they'd refund, less whatever fees.


That’s what I originally read, then misread the part about the discount. My brain didn’t see the “not” so I read if it rebooked, the would only get the discount.


I mean, *I* would refund them.


Great response!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼


they booked you cant find another gust short notice. if they can find someone to pay the $200 great if not its their loss.


Should do a half refund and not bea giant asshole.


If you refund them, tell them not to mention it on any reviews they give of your place. Don’t want to start a bad precedent.


I don’t understand why they would even ask. It’s like asking your mortgage company for a refund for a few days because you were urgently called out of town. We all have inefficiencies in life like this and we can’t expect hosts to solve their problems and your problems too.


Do you have a min number of nights over a holiday?


Honestly, I would have given the $200 refund. Business is eb and flow.


You should have refund policy in print in advance. I think a 50% refund would be good but that’s just me.


Is one night going to make or break you? Just return it. I have two Airbnbs and I would 100% return it. An unforeseeable event happened that caused them to leave a day early. Don't be greedy. I'm sure you'll be fine without it


Why do you think you are asked to select a cancellation policy? Why do you think guests are informed of it? When adversity strikes in *your* life, do you contact AirBnb guests and ask *them* to pay for it??


How is this even a question you need to post on reddit? Maybe just try letting compassion guide you instead of greed. Its $200. Let it flow


yes store credit or coupon code is the fair solution!


Hotels wouldn’t refund why should you? I think what you ended up doing was nice.


I had something like this recently - the guest was a day late because she had “been in an accident “ I expressed my sympathies and said let me know what your travel insurance needs for your claim ! I agree with offering a refund if the date books out however this was not possible in this case - of course she didn’t make a claim as I’m sure there was no accident and she turned out to be one of the worst guests I’ld ever had !


Don't do it. Hotels don't do it and why should you?  Them booking it and leaving stripped you of one day when it would have been picked  up by another.  Try getting a refund at any hotel or motel in the world if this happened to you. I refunded 2 times and one time a guest said her father died so I refunded. Just for giggles I followed her  for 2 years on facebook until I saw her father at her wedding. Ha ha .....never again !


I'm sorry their friend got into an accident but I'm glad you got another booking to replace the income


I had a similar incident, but as a guest. I had to leave 2 days early for an emergency. Did not ask for a refund because I read the policy. My host did rebook the last night of our stay and refunded me for that night. To be honest, I notified my host so they would have the info. It seems odd to me that a guest would nifty host of an emergency and ask for a refund. Refund never entered my mind.


It’s always medical emergency. Let Airbnb handle it. That’s why you pay service fee.


A cancellation is a cancellation. Thank you for staying, hopefully we can accommodate you in the future.


You did not see karma happen. You did not get back what you gave as you gave nothing. What you saw was your investment making money. There isn't anything wrong with that, but its not karma. May you never know true karma is if this is how you handled the situation.


I’ve seen too many times where people just end up lying about stuff. Sometimes they feel like the more outrageous the lie, the more believable it is. In this cSe, its completely your call, however most places I’ve seen especially in busy tourist areas, will not give refunds for leaving early or last minute cancellations. They have wait lists and can fill the vacancies, but it still doesn’t mean they will refund early check-out.


I think your solution is smart business and reasonably compassionate


You could have just gave the refund


That was a nice response


It's a tuffy. Not sure. I mean that's a serious situation they are in. I wouldn't make exceptions left and right, but this sounds very real to me. Personally, I'd take the loss and give them their money back and put it into good karma bank.


You’re too nice, I wouldn’t have refunded. I do t even know if the story is real. I would have probably asked for some sort of proof and I would have a cancellation policy in place maybe even offer cancellation insurance.


Keep the response short. Nobody reads anything after they see it's a no. Better yet pretend like you are a bot and respond like its auto-generated.


I love the answer you gave, I would have likely done something similar, refunded half the amount and kept it at that. You being willing to refund the full amount contingent on getting another booking is very generous.


Sounds fair. Also I’d imagine they ASKED about the possibility of a $200 refund and would have also understood that THEY were the ones breaking their contract for an emergency and $200 isn’t gonna break the bank .


Make em pay you got bills don’t you and complain to Airbnb about the couch they messed up also 😂


I would say refund half that night, explain you need the money, they would understand, and if you happen to have them again, give them a discounted night?


That’s a really good response. I think I’ll save it for my own future use should I need it.


If it were you in this position, what would you hope the owner would do? I’d hope for some compassion and then I’d leave a stellar review. In my opinion, that stellar review would pay dividends longer term…plus it’s just the kind thing to do.