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If they are out of warranty, I don‘t think they’ll replace them for free. I think you are out of luck.


Mine were replaced nearly 3 years after purchase. There was a 3 year repair program for the original pros for a specific crackling issue.


The quality program doesn't cover the device after 3 years since the original purchase date. [See the bottom of this page](https://support.apple.com/airpods-pro-service-program-sound-issues).


Yeah that’s why I said nearly 3 years after. It was a few days away from it being 3 years


Yeah. Once the warranty is over, no company gives you exchange.


Not true, it depends on the failure, some issues are still applicable even outside of warranty, I for example got a battery replacement for free for a MacBook Pro outside of warranty some years ago


I have a MacBook Air M2 rn. So will they give me a battery replacement even after the warranty is over?


It depends, in my case I got it for free because the battery got inflated and according to the service desk that was a failure on the battery so they exchanged for free Just to clarify, I went to an official Apple Store looking to pay for the replacement cause the machine was already almost 3 years old, book my appointment, they checked the machine and that’s when they told that the battery wasn’t supposed to do that (inflate) and that the new battery would be free of charge


That's amazing. Thanks for the detailed information.


Yeah they wanted me to pay over full price to replace both earbuds. That’s after making me go to the store and run tests. Just to have the guy basically say it’s cheaper to get a new pair at Best Buy on sale. Thats eventually what I did….


If you’re in the EU then that’s not true.


I am not in EU so that's why I said that. In my country they don't take after the warranty is over.


Yeah, but maybe it helps someone else.


Warranties end, even in the mythical EU


Yeah but here it’s 2-3 years by law.


In the EU the warranty term is not up to the manufacturer to decide, but what can be reasonably expected from a product in that category / price range. So 3 years for a product like this. 5 years for a dishwasher, etc. If the manufacturer says 1 year, that’s fine, but you’re still entitled to 3 years.


Re-read what I wrote and what you did. Does your response make sense?


Apple used to be far more generous and just with things like this


A long time ago, the Genius Bar had a "get to yes" policy that allowed a lot of leeway when offering free repairs/replacements. I once replaced a cracked iPod nano for free for customer who had just spent a year serving in the Iraq war. The iPod had been damaged while shipped to the posting in the Green Zone by his brother right after he started his tour of duty, so he had it for nearly a year and hadn't been able to use it.


Yes, 20 years ago it was a different kind of company. Now it’s just “No, that’s the policy. Buy a new one. It’s your fault you aren’t shelling out an extra $200 on our already overpriced items.” My iPad Pro completely died after a year and a half due to a faulty logic board and they only knocked 25% off the original purchase price to replace it. Considering their profit margins it’s just evil greed at this point.


My experience was vastly different with an iMac well out of warranty so I guess it really just depends 


No, I don’t have Apple care and my warranty was expired, Apple replaced my airpod pro2 completely for free as one of them wasn’t working. Is definitely worth a shot to call them up and take them in


Warranty was extended for certain issues.


Yep they won't even do the recall on the pro 1s. They just wanted me to pay for replacement


I'm in the UK, which I suspect may have meant I got a better deal that you might get from Apple if you're in, for example, the US. But that being said: I bought my AirPods Pro 2nd gen about the same time as you. After a while the right one started squealing when I put it in. I presumed it was because I went out running with them in when it was raining. I could put up with this, though, so didn't do anything about it. Then a couple of months ago I tried to use them on a flight, and the squealing wasn't only present when I put them in, it was full time. When I got back to the UK I went to my local Apple store expecting to be charged for a replacement right AirPod because I was out of warranty, but the guy I dealt with tested both and found them both to be faulty, and then replaced both free of charged because I was still covered by "consumer legislation": i.e., the law here says that my AirPods should last for longer than the warranty Apple issues with them. I think the guy was doing me a favour to be honest, but I thought it was worth mentioning in case you are based somewhere with similar consumer protections.


Maybe it’s a UK thing, I had a similar case while living in Scotland, the battery of my MacBook Pro puffed out, took it to the Apple Store looking to pay for the replacement and the guy at the service desk told me that it would be free of charge cause the battery wasn’t supposed to do that, the laptop was way beyond warranty already


It’s a Europe thing.


This happened to me a while ago with my AirPod Pros. I was having problems with sound distortion, and I took them in and they did tests and confirmed they were dodgy. The guy said I was out of warranty, as I bought them in late 2019, but as I bought them direct from Apple, was covered by the Consumers Protection Act (I think that’s what it’s called). I was just under the 5 year mark which meant I could still qualify. He spoke to his manager and I ended up getting two brand new AirPods for free. Happy days. Also just for reference I’m in the UK so may be different elsewhere!


By any chance, did you do all that within two years of purchasing your AirPods?


Yes. Purchased 23 September 2022, replaced at the Apple Store 17 June 2024


Good, that gives me hope for mine. Thanks for the reply!


Makes me wonder what would have happened if I stopped by an Apple Store when I was in the UK to have mine looked at. US store absolutely refused to service them for free.


Apple warranties and recalls are worldwide, I purchased my MacBook Pro in Mexico and got a free battery replacement for free in Scotland after they determined that it wasn’t normal that the battery puffed out like it did


I suspect because you're covered by US consumer law (assuming you're out of warranty) that you would have got the same argument in the UK.


You’re probably right. I was wondering if the employees in the UK would have had more discretion because the UK laws are more consumer friendly. Either way. It doesn’t matter. It probably would have been a waste of time that was better utilized spending time with family or seeing things I can’t back home.


EU law stablishes the 2 year warranty minimum. Not sure what the UK is doing with it now after Brexit.


One year manufacturer warranty regardless of purchase origin. Purchased within EU directly from Apple, then they can usually be flexible with consumer law to give you coverage for a second year. It’s basically Apples take on consumer law legislation which is a bit more generous than other retailers (where you can only claim on consumer law if you register a fault within 6 months of purchase).


UK law gives a 6 year period IIRC, although after a while the burden of proof shifts from the manufacturer to the consumer. But anyway, it’s in excess of the EU minimum


They won’t replace for free. It’s like $79(?) unless you have AppleCare - this is exactly why they sell it.


$89 to replace




My AirPods 3 have fallen on the road so much that they are full of scratches and dents, yet, everything works fine. They have also been drenched in rain 3-4 times. AirPods have the best build quality.


Gen 2's are a product that is notorious for having issues, like most bluetooth headphones from that era. Remember, the Gen 2's are actually a 5 year old product now, which is a long time in technology. You'll find much better build quality in the Gen 3's and Pro's - my Pro's have been through the wash twice and are still as good as when I bought them (which was on launch day).


I’ve had two pairs. Basically the second pair was bc I wanted to upgrade but the old pair I gave them away and they’re still working fine. There are good alternatives but AirPods are by no means a bad product 🤷🏻‍♂️


Suck on them trust me bro works everytime /srs


Honestly worked a charm on my og AirPods no diddy


Absolutely no diddy we don’t want him anywhere here




I used to have a tooth brush to clean the mic and speaker area every now and then. Works like magic.


Havent done this on my pros, but it was always the magic fix for any apple headphones and my Airpods 1/2.


Tho actually fixed my right AirPod that had this annoying humming noise out of nowhere


If the warranty is gone, you’ll have to pay to get a replacement. That being said, it’s not unheard of for an Apple Store rep to do you a favor if it’s very obviously something that is a defect and not user-inflicted damage, so you can try your luck. But for all intents and purposes, just assume you’ll need to pay, because that is 99% the outcome.


what’s the replacement cost? what constitutes a replacement? i threw mine in the wash and was planning on purchasing a new pair.


They just sell you a single AirPod Price depends on which AirPods model obviously


[https://support.apple.com/airpods/repair](https://support.apple.com/airpods/repair) You can check prices here


I replace my APP 1 twice in warranty, and once out of warranty… you can try…


I find it’s dependent on how knowledgeable and senior the tech who intakes you. I find some are better than others. I had a Mac display replaced for free. Not sure what he was doing but a lot of typing on that iPad mini then said, well text you when it gets returned. No cost. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Clean the microphone


There was a known issue with the Gen 1 where this happened. Models up to a certain point even had a service bulletin for a free repair. When mine developed this issue, I was told that mine were not included in the manufacturing date for the repair. So even though Apple acknowledged the issue, issued a service bulletin on it, they still refused to do it for free. They wanted $90 per bud to fix it. I told them at that rate, I may as well buy a new set and left. So best of luck to you, but I wouldn’t be too hopeful.


This happened to me. I was able to contact apple support and was told mine don’t fall under the date.


Same with me


Get them tested in store. Mine got replaced out of warranty


I have the same issue with my right earbud.


Mine had the same fault. Replaced them 2 times already and pretty sure “repaired” ones are the same. Luckily mine were in warranty though. Very concerning how popular this fault appears.


What version are they?


You can talk to someone at the Apple Store and they can give you recommendations but there’s not much that you’re actually entitled to once you’re out of warranty without Apple care


Just to confirm, I've had this issue before as well on my airpods pro 1st gen. In my experience, it was in fact water damage, either from sweat or condensation, etc. sorry op


Near to zero chance for free.


I would go and check the apple store. I had gone once to get my MBP fixed, because the display had some bubbles. The laptop was 4 years old and I had no warranty apple care whatsoever. They just said it had some fault and replaced the display for free. There is a high chance that they will charge you, but a small chance that they might fix it for a reasonable cost. If you have an apple store close by worth setting up an appointment.


If you’re in the UK then under UK consumer rights law, specifically the Consumer Rights Act 2015, you are generally covered for up to six years after the purchase of a product like AirPods. You can make a claim for a faulty product for up to six years from the date of purchase under the Consumer Rights Act 2015. However, after the initial six months, the burden of proof shifts to you to demonstrate that the fault was present at the time of purchase or that the product did not last a reasonable amount of time considering its price and use.


Correct. But outside of known repair programme issues (even recently expired ones), Apple will not usually accept fault. They will however expand that six month month period up to two years.


This was a major issue with the Generation 1 AirPods Pro. I was able to go in and exchange my pair for free; they have a test that the run on them in the back of the store (worker said some kind of vacuum chamber mic test). This is the first I’ve heard of microphone issues on the 2nd Generation, but as you described it, this are the exact same symptoms. I would talk to Apple support for sure, maybe there is a replacement program out there EDIT: Making myself clear here, I went through 2 replacements of G1 AirPod Pros. They may still replace them out even if out of warranty. Just talk to them




Quality programme for AirPods. Note that it only ran on AirPod Pros manufactured before October 2021 and applied for up to three years after purchase.


This is exactly what happened to me!! Went to go use my AirPods one day, and got met with this horrendous screeching sound in my left AirPod Pro 1st gen. Unfortunately I lost the AirPods before I could take them in to get them replaced under warranty.


It’s really up to the individual you talk to at Apple. You can get really helpful ones and not so helpful.


Check eBay for a used single pro 2 ear bud.


Not likely. Once the warranty ends, you’re responsible for all costs.


Thanks y’all for all your replies! I definitely am glad that there are other people experiencing the same issues and since the first gen also had struggles with the noise cancellation microphones, which were even acknowledged by Apple, I think I’m gonna try my luck at my nearest Apple Store. Idk maybe they’ll do something about it. If they don’t, I guess I just need to buy the 3rd gen next year.


I had that issue with my first air pods pro after my warranty ended. I replaced them with pro 2s and kept the original ones as backup to only use in regular mode. Think you’re most likely shit out of luck, but doesn’t hurt to see what Apple says


It doesn’t hurt to go and ask. Explain what happened and be polite. You’ll be surprised how well Apple treats their customers. (Speaking from experience)


They replaced mine for free. Just always say you updated them to the latest software and since then it’s happened. They’ve replaced mine each time. Just time your chat with them for just after a new software version has released for AirPods


My question though is how long do you think they should last? I have added in 2yrs on their AirPods for my decisions not the 5-7 yrs per laptop


Apple didn’t become a trillion dollar company by running a charity I wish you would get them replaced, but it’s a fat chance


Check for any repair programs that may be out there. Hit them up online and get the tech to agree that you’re covered. Boom free repair.


I wont lie i worked in applecare a few years back - if you bitch enough to the right management and threaten lawsuits, apple is known to cave to save PR. Not saying you SHOULD mind you but I’ve seen it myself.


I’ve had mine for just over a year, never had Apple care or anything. My left airpod stopped working and I Took them into an Apple authorised dealer and they just gave me a new pair for free. I would just go in. Most it will be is 79


unless its a recall then nope


People love saying “it’s not possible” for some reason, but I had the exact same issue as you, was out of warranty, and Apple replaced mine, and no they didn’t charge me anything. For what it’s worth, I was only about a month and a half outside of warranty, but they did it nonetheless. In another unrelated case, I took in an iPad once that wasn’t keeping a charge, and it was almost two YEARS out of warranty, and they replaced it also for free. I’m not saying that will always be the case, but just the same, all the people saying they “definitely won’t do it” can’t really say that either, because no one knows until they try. And in both cases, I didn’t even ask, I was fully expecting to pay, but they took care of it. One thing people don’t understand is that Apple understands as well as any company how valuable a satisfied customer is, there’s a concept in business called the lifetime value of a customer, and they are almost certainly ok with occasionally throwing a bone or two to keep the customer happy and coming back in the future, because they will just write it off on the books anyway.


Apple probably won’t replace them, but that particular issue is normally caused by the ear tips being damaged and the noise canceling mic creating feedback . Before you go buy another pair of AirPods, try replacing just the tips and see if that fixes the issue.


I had a set of gen 3, left air pod started cutting in an out ? Not sure if it was due to connectivity issues or speaker issues but my warranty was out. To say the least I ended up just buying Sony's and haven't had issues at all.


What does "basically out of warranty" mean?




If they are out if warranty apple will not replace them. However, if they are working fine without noise cancellation, continue using them in “normal” mode. Maybe try using third party foam tips to improve the passive noise control.


I had the same issue. Went to the Apple Store (India) and even spoke to the global Customer Care. They Noped me. The replacement cost is so high, I might as well get new Airpods in that price.


Geniuses are often generous if you’re nice and if you’re honest. I got my AirPods Pros replaced twice for free - the second time was well after the warranty had expired. It never hurts to try.


Yeah…that’s not how it works lol. We cannot simply replace your AirPods because of honesty. Like we appreciate that but due to it being Out of Warranty, the system will literally not allow us to replace them for free. Also, if the store has to cover the cost, we would have to go to our managers to override the replacement fee and “honesty” is not a reason tbh. Before, I’ve seen a case where it has been 5 days to 1 week out of warranty then the issue occurred, but if it’s been 6 months to a year, yeah there’s no chance.


So I had an issue as well with my right EarPod (loud humming) and they would not pass the fit test , and I found a post that actually fixed it. Suck the grill on the affected AirPod Mine were fine without NC or the other mode on but loud humming in right pod when those modes were on Also does the affected one fail the fit test ? Trying sucking on the grill that faces you when you first open the case while AirPods are in them. It took about 4 sucks , a little hard , but it unclogged whatever got in the grill (earwax maybe) And try the fit test. If it worked then fit test will pass


Buy a replacement earbud from eBay or Amazon


0% chance. I had an iPod back in the day that started having issues during the warranty period and I called them ONE DAY after my warranty period ended and they told me I was SOL.


I have the same problem in the right ear on originals, once warranty goes, you either call them Airpods with better audio quality or throw them out


Yeah I will just keep them as good sounding AirPods without anc until the third gen drops


Consumer law works wonders in Australia  Had a logic board, screen and power supply replaced free in an iMac 2015 model I purchased from eBay and it started acting up  Apple replaced those parts well out of warranty going through fair trading  Had original invoices from first owner and Apple were extremely good with their service.  Depends on where you live I suppose but I couldn’t fault it under consumer law - my reasoning been an iMac cost a lot of money - it should last 10 years minimum  That was enough for fair trading to smack Apple on the ass for warranty work.  Irrespective with enough push and knowing your consumer rights you can usually get warranty work done - being polite goes a long way to getting help and service as well With that said Australia is hell bent on consumer law which is good for me - not so much so for Apple :) 


In same situation lol, it’s awful, my 2nd pair doing this. Got the galaxy buds 2 pro and haven’t looked back.


yeah they better


It’s earwax gumming them up, clean them really good and I blow on the top mess to force more material out. It’s worked for me.


mine were out of warranty and had a similar high pitched sound coming from right AirPods. Went it with the expectation of having to pay for a new one but left with brand new AirPods and not having to pay! This was in Cologne, Germany btw


As good as Apple customer service is you’re out of luck here I’m afraid


They replaced mine past the warranty period. That's a known recall IIRRC.


0% Apple is very profit oriented. They want you to buy new


Well I think you are wrong if they can fix it they will and if they can replace it they will. 0% is very solid statement in my opinion.


Meanwhile samsung replaced my galaxy buds like 4x no questions asked out of warranty and even upgraded them for free


says a lot about the product if you needed to send it back 4 times


apple won’t be any help, been through this. buy apple products from amazon for actual support




Amazon offers 2 years warranty on products when Apple offers 1 year


First time hearing about this and I cannot find any information on their site stating this. Can you please link to their return policy that shows this?