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No. They’re not full seal. You’ll shoot your eye out. Read the beginner guide


No. They must be sufficiently impact rated to be allowed on any airsoft field otherwise you risk getting your eyes shot out. [https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/wiki/faq/beginner\_guide/#wiki\_5.\_what\_eyepro.2Flower\_face\_projection\_should\_i\_invest\_in.3F](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/wiki/faq/beginner_guide/#wiki_5._what_eyepro.2Flower_face_projection_should_i_invest_in.3F)


not safe. You could lose a tooth or two as well


I'm talking about just eyes


Nope. If there is >6mm gap anywhere between my face and goggles, it's a no go for me. I tried several pairs to find the right goggles. can always buy a new pair of goggles, can't get a new set of eyeballs. To get out on the field until I got a fitting pair of goggles I got a full face mask.


I wouldn't. Get something that forms a full seal around the eye, ideally with foam, not rubber. Also, buy lens defogger spray. I started bringing a bottle of defogger to airsoft games and I can't go back to playing without it.


Glasses should be MIL-PRF rated and have a tight seal. These definitely aren’t tight seal and 99% chance aren’t MIL-PRF Try something like Pyramex Venture III, they are glasses but have a very tight fit around the eye and the ear so they do not shift around. Or V2G which are full seal glasses. Both are MIL-PRF rated


Those look like basic safety glasses. I wouldn't trust those things for airsoft. A good set of ballistic goggles isn't that expensive and will protect your eyes and last a good deal longer than those things.


Fr, pair of ess ice on sale costed only 26 bucks to me this spring


I would, get some balistic rated anti-fog goggles, they're expensive but sleeeek. Eyes tend to cost a lot more than goggles. Be sure that your safety-glasses have the necessary ballistic safety rating like ANSI and so on.


Check the ballistic rating


No those won’t do :/ They need to be impact rated, and also cover your eyes better. Never cheap out on Eye protection. I strongly recommend asking people in your local airsoft store what they would recommend. They will give you a wide selection of examples to choose from, and help you if you have questions. 😁👍


It’s “full seal” around the edges, or trash them.


NO. You need full seal goggles. Also, since those are most likely safety glasses to be used in work shops / construction areas etc that means they're not guaranteed for repeat hits. Most if not all commercial eye pro safety certifications are for a single hit and dictate that eye pro is to be replaced after any impact event.