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Postimi ose komenti juaj thyen rregullin nr. 11. Përdor “bisedën ë lirë” për pyetjet e thjeshta. Sigurohuni që po respektoni rregullat e komunitetit kur postoni. Dërgoni një mesazh moderatoreve të r/albania nëse mendoni se është një gabim. ---- Your post or comment breaks rule nr. 11. Use the free talk thread. Make sure you respect the rules of the community when posting. Message the mods of r/albania if you think this is a mistake.


Yeah tbh. I can't get out of the house if I haven't given the weekly payment to our local mafia yakuza boss for fear of having my kidneys removed.




Albania is one of the saffest countries in EU, what really can kill you in Albania is drivers 😂😂. If ur too gay , u might get mocked or joked on , but i never heard someone getting killed or shit like that bcs of it. I would not show affection in public tbh, bcs ppl aren't used to it, even between heterosexual wich is not a problem, but 50 years of communism did that to ppl, the new generarions are much different , they dont care ,but id avoid that aswell. Politics, noone gives a shit, also we dont have stupid american problems of having nothing to do and caring about genders, since we have bigger problems since we are a developing country.


Mafia nothing to worry about. Difference. in most of my comments - right or wrong - I can defend what I say till the other person gives up 😜. This is one of these things that I really believe in but I'm not 100% sure of it. **Others will argue that I never know what I'm talking about but that's a different kettle of fish** This, in my view, is complicated. I think it is one of the most complicated things for me to understand! Probably you've seen the photograph of a huge block of flats where each balcony has a massive dish to see the world through the TV screen. You see old people dressed like 30-somethings, you see women dressed in the latest fashion Plenty of older people regret not having had the freedom in their youth to fuck around, basically - even though that's not the term they use. (I might be wrong, young men are the only pricks) And yet, there are huge self-imposed close-minded ideas that lurk just beneath the surface. I think the country is like a teenage boy, who has a slight idea of how he should act but still has no fucking idea who he is. If I am right: LGBT, parents of disabled people, interracial marriages... they would all be 100% free in Albania if 50 years of communism didn't cause generational trauma where a parent is scared to fight for their disabled kid for example In Koplik, where I grew up, I knew a few disabled people existed, only one of them ran around Koplik, and they even accepted him in public school (I'm sure his life was no picnic). Others were kept hidden. Of course, I heard people talk behind his back but, so what? Political Politics in Albania want power. That's it. They have no ideology. So because they don't give a fuck, I think our backward ideas have nothing to stick to. Imagine if no one gave a fuck what JK rolling twisted? Instead, every political party had to answer "What is a woman". In Albania, it would be "Give me your vote and I hereby declare you whatever you want" A gay marriage happened in Albania (I didn't follow it). Why? Most likely to get some votes. And the protests against it were weak,


O bro tkam zili që gjithmonë shkrun kaq shumë. Veç në rastesh ndarje kam ba kaq romane lol


OK! (I like writing, so I write. **No one is obligated to read a single word**)




prap ti me gjera pa kuptim? jepi lal


pse prapë?


prap sdo pergjigjesh? ok


pse prape thashe, dmth kur ishte hera tjeter qe te cova gjera pa kuptim?


> prap sdo pergjigjesh? ok


ciles pyetje? asaj qe thote prape ti me gjera pa kuptim?