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*“Premier, I appreciate you not wanting to answer the sensitive question of raising the gas tax by $0.04 in your province,” Kusmiercyzk concluded.* Global missed out part of the quote at the end. The video is good! If there is affordability crisis why raise the gas tax? https://twitter.com/cspotweet/status/1773389749677592675?s=19


"Taking money from megacorps and giving u rebates in return is inhumane but CONservative taxes u don't get back are humane" Wow thats some seriously delusional mental gymnastics. And her loyal subjects will follow her off the cliff


Now ask her about utilities


Ya. Dan's shit don't stink !


I think Marlaina and the UCPs are inhumane.


You're right Dani, that $0.17 of carbon tax won't go to roads, it'll be refunded back to tax paying citizens every quarter as a rebate.... the provincial tax sure isn't refunded lol


Alberta’s fuel taxes don’t actually go towards roads. It goes into general revenue.




Fed’s bad, UCP good. We got some single source contracts to fill.


I thought it was a 13 cent gas tax? Edit. Okay it was 13 she’s upping it by 4 cents to make it 17. Wow


Other way around. Was 9, going up by 4 to 13 on the 1st.


Ah okay thanks for clarification on this.


But tax gas is inhumane.


And people still laud her as a God.


They played it plus a few other jabs that were taken at her on ched today.


*Four* cents? Her April 1st gas tax hike is $0.13. What are you on about?


It's currently $0.09, it increases to $0.13 on April 1st. It's not an increase OF thirteen cents, though I wouldn't put that past her.


The gas tax was $0.13 from 2015 to early 2022. They are returning it to the previous level after cutting it to provide financial relief.


What? The gas companies just pocketed an extra 23¢ a litre


They’re just getting started.


I believe it’s the final 4 cents of the subsidy to get it to the 13 cents they gave us . It was incremental. Now the subsidy is over . Feds is 3 cents


I'm so glad that the UCP supports "Cap and trade" over a Carbon Tax, like all of Europe, California, and Quebec. Because doing nothing is psychotic,,, oh, maybe the UCP is psychotic???


They're reinstating the provincial tax that helps fund infrastructure that they cut before Christmas to give people a break. The timing is obviously so they can say it's all Trudeau, but it isn't like this is a new tax. I have no idea why so many people on here don't understand that.


> They're reinstating the provincial tax that helps fund infrastructure I think it goes into general revenue, rather than set aside explicitly fro infrastructure maintenance, but I don't disagree with the premise. The fuel tax isn't a bad one necessarily, especially for a province so reliant on royalties from O&G to pay for everything, but their downplaying/ignoring it and focusing on the carbon tax certainly comes off as disingenuous and typically politician in nature.


Is it not inhumane to raise the cost on people? Or does that not apply to the UCP?


Nothing applies to them they are above everyone.


We understand fine. We’re just calling out the hypocrisy. Not that it matters to her voters.


My this logic the liberals could reinstate the GST to 7% and the cons would laud that? They’d finally approve of a Trudeau policy?


At least the carbon tax increase (3.4c/litre) comes with an increase in the rebate.


She's adding a bigger gas tax than the carbon tax. If that isn't hypocrisy I don't know what is lol


And carbon pricing isn't even a *tax* like the gas tax. Unless you burn more gas than average, you get all of that money you paid back! And if you don't burn much gas, you get free money! No wonder she hates it.


Oil lobbyist lobbying like a good little soldier


Yap. And honestly there's nothing more cringe than watching a bunch of poor people simp for her, the wealthy, and the fossil fuel industry... perpetually believing they're just *one more conservative government* away from breaking out of poverty. Shit's depressing.


"If we tax them too much they'll leave and take the jobs away" No they fuckin won't lol


Actually, I've had this argument a number of times. "If you tax the rich you won't eliminate the poor, you'll eliminate the rich!" Threaten me with a good time, why dont'cha! The ultra-wealthy are a *massive* burden on society. They're a problem anywhere they go. If they want to leave and become some other country's problem, I'm 100% in support of that. The vacuum that opens up behind them will be filled by the next generation of business folk just fine. As Canadians we promise to be careful not to let the the door hit their ass on the way out. :)


Yup. If a business leaves Canada because they are taxed higher and make only $50million of profit instead of $75million in profit, fucking good. I bet a smaller business will open up and gladly take the $50mill in profit that is now opened up from a corporation leaving


Absolutely. Almost without exception, large enterprises specialize in efficiency - reducing the difference between cost and revenue. It's seen as a noble persuit. But in the end that means paying people less, and charging customers more. Everything else is an externality. Small businesses, on the other hand, thrive on creating loyal customers. Normally this is acheived through value proposition and reliability. The term "soulless corporation" is universally understood around the world. The term "mom n'pop shop" is, too. I'm personally kind of tired of being surrounded by vultures who want to give me nothing and take all my money. I'm ready to be part of something new.


Well said


"They'll pack up the oilsands and move them to Texas!"


However, if inequality rises too much then the government has to step in *and take away 'houseless' tents so they go somewhere less visible.*


But those driving hummers around don't want to pay for other peoples . . . *what was the question. /s*


Don't forget that the only people affected by the carbon tax are corporations. BC has had the carbon tax in place for years and it saves regular people money. How is it not a win win win. Individuals do better, the environment does better, corporations can't pollute for free.


Regular people, but not the lowest income people. People who are on disability and income assistance have to claim it as income, and it comes out of their monthly cheques from the BC ministry. So it will help some poor people, but not the poorest of the poor. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I only know by word of mouth from someone who is on disability.


>Sort by: best| No see that tax is noninflationary, only the carbon tax causes inflation, for reasons


But that's the point; she knows most people aren't aware of what's going on. So she can tell them what she wants them to think And they will uncritically believe it. ​ It's not that difficult. [Especially since (somehow) average people are completely unaware of their own bank accounts.](https://www.chroniclejournal.com/opinion/carbon-pricing-is-widely-misunderstood-nearly-half-of-canadians-don-t-know-that-it-s/article_bf8310f4-c313-11ee-baaf-0f26defa4319.html)


It would be so easy to be a conservative politician


It's why they say you can run a head of cabbage in rural alberta. so long as it flies under the conservative banner, it will win. ​ Conservatives have a ton of money behind them because they speak for monied interests almost directly. Liberals speak for monied interests too. But more in an indirect way, so their work is a bit harder.


It's great political cover is what it is.


Sorry, I'm confused. Didn't she also put the provincial fuel tax back out at the same time carbon tax went up? Seems like she's targeting the rural right-wing conservatives who don't read the news and trying to tell them the entire price hike isn't partly her fault. I only say this as someone in a rural town who had to remind people afraid of news outlets about it lol. It seriously feels like this province (like the states) is going backward in time. They know this next generation of voters is going to cripple them. EDIT: fixed some typos


The reason she is increasing the cost at the pumps on April 1st is because the conservatives have been fear mongering about how damaging a carbon tax will be for working people. They keep saying people don't need more taxes and are struggling already. However, the carbon tax doesn't impact individuals. If anything most people will actually save money. 99% of the impact of the carbon tax impacts large corporations and doesn't trickle down. So if the tax went into effect and people realized nothing changed for them. It would expose them for being grifters. However, nothing is stopping her from artificially making gas more expensive on the same day and letting people misconstrue it for the carbon tax and therefore feel the conservatives were right.


I agree that she is inflating the gas prices because she literally thinks Albertans are drooling morons and will immediately think it’s Trudeau’s fault… which is great that our premier looks at us all like cattle, super humanizing. However, I disagree that the carbon tax doesn’t directly affect individuals. The cost of transport and production is going to continue to climb, and the investment into cleaner solutions currently outweighs the tax by many times. Think of a trucking company. In order to reduce their emissions they would have to replace their fleet… that’s basically a full business turnover. So, instead, they are raising prices to offset the rise in cost. Is ALL of the price increase related to the carbon tax? Hell to the no, the majority of it is greed and taking advantage of perception. But the cost increase is being passed down for sure.


I think we can agree on that. I think the discussion left in the middle is how much will that mean per item. As far as I am aware. Even if 100% of the tax was passed down. We're talking less than a cent for a lot of things. And we can say "any increase is unwanted." But I also think people aren't really calculating the impact. For instance, an accountant in BC did a great job graphing out how the changes impacted his life when BC imposed the carbon tax. Driving 20 000 kilometers last year. The carbon tax cost him $230 more than before. However, he was also in the tax bracket that was able to add the full cost to his rebate. And since the province also lowered it's income tax rate when implementing the carbon tax. He walked away with more saved than before the tax came into effect. It had a net positive impact in him. And on hundreds of thousands of people who already live carbon neutral. So even if we belabor the fine points of the tax trickle down. The impact to individuals is a lot less than people want you to think it is.


but picking on trans kids is not. fuck this cretin.


Oil companies not paying their taxes to the province is ok Oil companies receiving millions to clean up their wells is also ok Groceries stores gauging consumers is always ok Giving a private school that a board an MLA daughter sits on is no problem Giving contracts to friends is just being kind /s <- I think that’s obvious but just in case lol


Incentivizing billion dollar companies to invest in green technologies that will both lead to a better sustainable future while not compromising those companies ability to participate in the economy or continue to make billions of dollars . Bad. People are so confused about the Carbon tax. The while point of the Carbon tax is that without it. Polluting the environment is free. Why are we okay with that. We're not even outlawing destroying the planet. We're just saying. "You need to pay a tax if you want to dump toxic waste in the cities drinking water." That tax gets used to attempt to correct fight the damage. And it makes an accountant at Evil Oil and Gas say: "Hey if we stopped dumping our waste into the cities water supply. And instead invest in in a waste purifier. The whole cost of purchase and maintenance of the purifier is less than the Tax we would pay on the dumping." That's it. People are so fueled with propaganda that they think the carbon tax means a trickle down tax on them. And it just doesn't. Companies aren't going to be losing money to this new tax. And then passing it down to you. Companies are going to pivot away from carbon emissions in order to not have to pay the tax. If the price of goods goes up. It's not the tax, it's greed.


UCP MLAs today got triggered by Irwin's protect all trans kids sticker, they wanted her to remove it! They are the biggest snowflakes!!!


I have noticed that those that lean right usually are they get upset by the smallest things like really upset and throw tempertantrums, it's a bit ridiculous when a growen adult will throw a tempertantrum with the mere mention of the prime minister or trans rights,


Bunch of snowflakes.


They hate facts and basic human rights.


But UCP take away pride crosswalks ? wtf Dani? Que David Parker dancing with his seven brides ffs


Fuck off, Marlaina!! Justin put his tax up by 23% with rebates, you put your tax up 44% with no rebates.


Removing nurse/patient ratios from long term care is inhumane.


Making the planet inhospitable to life is literally inhumane.


Attacking transgender kids is inhumane, gutting public healthcare and education are inhumane - making efforts for climate sustainability and climate justice are precisely humane. Conservative/Corporate rule over Albertans and Canadians must be pulled down. Stand on guard for Canada and defend human rights and democracy.


You know what's inhumane? Forcing schools to out queer kids. You know what else is inhumane? Gutting healthcare to the point where we have no doctors. Additionally, see allowing the unchecked price gouging for *necessary* services See also, misappropriating government funds for the benefit of corporate interest.


Alberta’s inflation leads the nation now. Combatting inflation is no longer a federal issue, it’s a provincial issue.  So why hasn’t Marlaina axed her own tax increase?  It’s so disingenuous for her to be whining about the cost of living crisis at this HOC committee while her government is to blame.  At least I get my carbon tax rebate, as do 80% of Canadians. What I don’t get is a provincial tax rebate for all the taxes I pay provincially that go into the mismanaged provincial treasury. I don’t want my taxes paying for Marlaina’s stupid pet projects - APP, provincial police, municipal political parties, bullying trans kids. Maybe I can just refuse to pay it, the same way Saskatchewan’s Moe is approaching the federal carbon tax. 


The irony is that a carbon tax helps to reduce inflation by putting a downward pressure on consumption


Because it's hers. It's only a problem is Ottawa did it.


So is supporting the oil and gas industry with tax dollars and bailing them out of their orphaned wells. Oh and the .09 cent tax increase as of April 1. That is equal to more than the carbon tax. But all those academics are just wrong. And going against medical and scientific evidence for vaccines and health related issues.


And stealing our pensions, and imposing her ideology on our municipalities, attacking our kids, gutting our education system, gutting our health care....I am sure I am missing 20 or 30 more things


I know a grad student that's renting and her rent is being raised significantly by her landlord. "Because of the carbon tax." Hilarity? She pays her own utilities. People in Alberta just spew "carbon tax" when they can't think of anything else to say.


Right?? Does anyone on the right read or watch unbiased news? Naw, they would have to open their minds to do that.


I think sending medically fragile people to rundown motels as a "care plan" is inhumane.


Alberta gas tax of $0.13/litre being reintroduced April 1. That's going to hurt a lot more than the $0.03 carbon tax increase. Look! Over there!


17 cents apparently. It was 13 but she is raising it by 4 cents


That's not correct. Current provincial tax is 9 cents and it's returning to the full 13 cents on April 1.


What's inhumane is having to suffer this pathetic fucking slug as our Premier.


Slugs serve a purpose. Smith is like a turd, but the kind of turd that is the result of eating nothing but other turds.


But a 4.5 cent gas tax is totally cool. And no rebate on that 4.5 cents. The hypocrisy is screaming.


she literally has a larger tax on gas on april 1


Make sure you respond with this to all the numpties that will be posting stupid memes on FB


Or better, avoid FB altogether. Helps the blood pressure, as does quitting Xtwitter.


What’s inhumane is our highest energy prices in the country. 🤡


No one lies more than Danielle Smith... never has there been a more vile human at the helm of this province. The sinister nature of what she does is shocking, and the majority of Albertans inability to see it is totally perplexing to me.


Would someone please share what the UCP has done to help out with the cost of living in Alberta? I just can’t think of anything.


They cut minimum wage /s


But the inhumane fees on the electricity bill are fine eh?


You know what’s inhumane? Reducing or keeping stagnant AISH benefits in this economy. Exorbitant utility bills. Near criminal food costs. What a fucking tool.


Throwing people off AISH because the staff handling AISH don't believe that those receiving actually need it. Likely going to be touted in press as "we've found efficiencies to improve the budget and will have a surplus of X billions next year!


There are so many inefficiencies in the Alberta govt, they’d be able to incense the benefits for everyone on AISH if they cut out all the unnecessary committees.


EV tax was inhumane.


What about the poor oil and gas billionaires? I hope they will be OK.


They’re really suffering in this economical climate /s


She should clean her room


This bitch doesnt even know she cant be president... i doubt she understands at all how the carbon tax works


Inhumane but dying waiting in the ER is fine.


Them poor shareholders


“Why won’t anyone think of the shareholders?!”


Shut up Marlaina


how about gas tax and companies boosting the price by $.20 before the province boosts it $.13?


So 3 cent rebated carbon tax increase and a 4 cent Alberta gas tax increase at the same time? ...but it's the rebated 3 cents that's inhumane?


Bonnyville Alberta. March, 28, 2024. 7:45 am on my way to work gas prices $1.27 ($1.30) some places. 12:10 pm headed home for lunch gas prices $1.49($1.52) someplace


I am a former Bonnyvillian. I feel so badly for any leftie up there, surrounded by rednecks. I had to nag the former mayor about his delay in masking in town. That’s when I realized that moving back to town was a mistake. I rode out covid and moved to YEG last June. Whole different mindset, being all NDP led. I wish you luck up there, happy Easter.🐣🐥🥚


Happy Easter, had to run out this morning....gas is up another cent so that's cool.....boss constantly bitches about the city going NDP but I mean....doesn't sound ALLLL that bad anymore....


Canceling our PROMISED Provincial income cut was criminal and inhumane, also Marlaina !


UCP treatment of children forcing them to be outed to their parents who will beat and disown them is inhumane. UCP selling off the environment and the future of humanity tot he highest bidder is inhumane UCP forcing 40 children into a single classroom including special needs children and forcing one under paid teach to "teach" them all just to save some taxes for their billionaire friends is inhumane. UCP cutting budgets of healthcare industries so that people die in waiting rooms and they can advocate for for profit healthcare is inhumane.


Given her stance on the LGBT folks I don't think she has a right to say what is/isn't humane


Yet adding the 13c/L back on to fuel is A OK


So, the carbon tax is progressive; lower earners get money back. It is affordable. On the other hand, mortgaging our future for cheap gas now is not affordable.


Gas in Royal Oak in Calgary was 1.34 last week. Today it’s 1.54. Then it’s gonna go up for the carbon tax, and for the fuel tax, and everyone’s gonna blame Turdeau. Funny how that works.


I believe scapegoat applies here.


The only good thing Kenney ever did was announce that he would be investigating why gas prices in Calgary and Edmonton were higher than everywhere else in Province and the prices tanked over that weekend. We’re getting fleeced here yet again and this time nobody’s going to call their bluff.


...just as she's raising taxes on that very same carbon. You can make this crap up!


She’s so full of it. I like how she criticizes and whines over the carbon tax but does not hesitate to increase her own tax on carbon products on the same day and at a higher rate. Does she think we’re that stupid ffs? Hypocrisy at its best with the UCP. No breaks for Berta under this regime


What an insane premier


Oh the humanity! But the provincial gas tax increase is…kind and loving? Or the way every gas station just jacked their prices knowing come April 1 the UCP mouth-breathers will blame Trudeau. I hate this province.


Sure Global. But I guess that Alberta gas tax is what a handy?


That's rich... pretending like she cares about humanity.


nothings to be said about the inhumane practice of underfunding social services, health care, Education, AISH, and using motels as care homes.


https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/rural-municipalities-owed-250m-in-taxes-by-oil-and-gas-companies-8372575 Those rich dirtbags don’t even pay. It’s not just municipalities. Owner/operators have to wait months for pay sometimes and it’s not unusual for smaller companies to just try and stiff third party services all together. Why do we protect the ones pushing us down?


The ab UCP governments doesn't even pay their share of share of municipal taxes.


Fucking hypocrites


Good old Danny, playing up confusion and hoping people blame the Federal government rather than look at the facts. She has really learned well from her Republican masters.


I get a rebate which is more than I’ve received from any government since Ralph bux and this has been more than that. Fuck off Smith!


How do we get this idiot recalled?


Shut the fuck up, Marlaina.


Reinstated the 13c fuel tax (removed for the election) nobody bats an eye. Carbon Tax goes up 3 cents, Conservatives lose their collective shit. Lol


I hate this woman.


Why are attempts to fix problems “inhumane” but infinite corporate greed is perfectly fine?  Speaking for myself, I’m sure sick and tired of always having corporations reaching into my pocket and making cost of living unaffordable.


Wait till she sees the effects of runaway climate change.


what’s inhumane is her existence


If that's inhumane, where does putting a paralyzed stroke patient in a non-accessible motel room and feeding him mcdonalds rank on this scale.


but electricity increases are ok, not to mention gasoline tax




Man, I don’t know how much the Oil and Gas bribes she has waiting for her after office are…. but MAN, they must be huge for this level of bootlicking.


Inhumane? How about Reinstating the caps on electricity delivery fees thats what's fucking everyone the most


So she has a problem with high gas prices or just the carbon tax? Why not go after the greedy oil companies instead of a refundable tax credit if she's so concerned? The price just shot up 20 cents out of nowhere but she doesn't seem to care about that, just the 3 cents coming on April 1st


She doesn’t have a problem with any of it, she just knows how to dogwhistle conservative rubes.


Hey what about removing caps on energy and insurance???? Fuck us right?


Yet removing rate caps from insurance and energy bills is not ?!?!


What’s your plan then? None? Okay then please be quiet.


Not good for the people living paycheque to paycheque.


In more significant financial news for Albertan Families, the province is raising and reimplementing its gas tax from 9 cents to 13 cents a litre and also cancelling your income taxe break which is more significant than both of these fuel tax increase. Just to keep things in perspective.


I still find it incredibly insane that an oil lobbyist somehow became a Premier and has been doing nothing but screwing Albertans actively.


The comments in here focus on gasoline. The carbon tax is also on natural gas. Effective April 1, the carbon tax on natural gas will be $4/GJ and the commodity will be $1/GJ. Additionally, taxes designed to change behaviour work when the demand is elastic. Home heating demand is not elastic. Heating with natural gas is still 1/5 the cost of heating with electricity.


How about Province Tax that has been passed to the people. Regarding carbon tax people are getting some money back, nothing from provincial gas tax.


You Danielle Smith, and the UCP, added your own, even bigger tax today. The fuel tax was a larger increase today than your tax. You timed your fuel tax to correspond to the carbon tax increase so that you could use politics and your tax to blame Justin. The inhumane thing is that you took the carbon tax and said hey, let’s add a second tax to Albertans


What does the fascist lizard in a bitch suit know about being human?


Excellent description-I visualized her pulling the zipper down on her bitch suit, lizard head coming out…🦎


...followed by that creepy hissing sound Hannibal lecter makes.


Well she sees how much money is on the table and wants it so she can give it to her friends in the form of subsidies that will then turn around and give her some back in the form of gifts " that are no longer considered bribes" she sees trouble on the horizon for her re election so she is trying to fill her bank account either with money or favors to be paid out once she loses she may even claim the tax is from the federal government in a few months when she thinks people aren't paying attention. She just wants all the money possible she wants your retirement she wants the carbon tax she wants the money for Healthcare she wants it all to just go to where she wants it to go so O&G or investment firms or her friends buying up alberta health services bit by bit so she can be on all the bored of directors she can and take profits from all the industries once she leaves office. As many do nothing jobs for herself and her friends as she can get so everybody is taken care of.


So … that would mean the UCP deregulating utilities and the price skyrocketing for families is… ?


Is that why they timed the provincial restart of taxes the same day as the carbon tax increase?


She thinks that the carbon tax is bad, but she puts on a fuel tax with her provincial government. Two face or what.


You know what’s inhumane? Not doing something about climate change because shareholders might be effected


What's inhumane is the way the UCP treats the handicapped community. Rachel Notley indexed the AISH benefit to the CPI, and gave them a long-overdue increase. But of course, when Kenney and the UCP came in, they de-indexed it again. For FOUR YEARS. It wasn't indexed again until Smith was looking for votes, and she put in a 6% increase - ignoring those years under Kenney when no increases happened. As a result, they LOST money to inflation. The UCP is the ONLY Alberta government to reduce benefits to the handicapped... and they're still below the poverty line to this day.


UPC April 1st = 13¢/L no rebate Federal carbon tax increase April 1st = 2.67¢/L rebate 3 or 4 times a year Remember the federal government is going to make us all poor and only the UPC can save us....


Insert Inigo Montoya graphic here. Just foolish as hell.


Being inhumane is Marlaina's expertise.


Perhaps we should ask the oil companies to put their carbon in the Leduc Travelodge???


Well, how about countering the carbon tax increase with a provincial derived tax cut if this is so inhumane? What a joke this ucp gov is. I miss the old Conservatives party that didn't pander to identity politics their base clutches their pearls about.


Marlaina does seem a wee bit sociopathic


However Marlaina still added on her portion. Fire the idiot


As if that pinhead knows the meaning of the word


No family doctors = Everything is fine Increasing the carbon tax that most of us get rebates on anyway = Inhumane Oh Marlaina and the Unethical Clown Posse. You never disappoint.


Lies, lies, lies


But it’s is ok to reinstate the gas tax. People of Alberta that support the UCP deserve everything that comes their way.


With the UCP, never mind expert options . It’s about forming their facts from their opinions instead of forming their opinions from actual facts


What about the gas tax? And the GST?


She is so full of shit.


She has no credibility on humanity.


So, what is it when a government removes caps on insurance and utilities?


Came here to say this. Increase in carbon pricing will cost the average Albertan a SMALL fraction of the price increase in utilities (electricity) in this province over the last couple of years. What is the UCP doing about this? NOTHING. As a matter of fact, they’re taking active steps to limit inversement in renewable energy projects which an appear to be our only hope to provide relief with the cost of power.




That's not the proper usage of "it begs the question".




I wonder if that is why she is lifting the gas tax relief for April 1?