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Pretty sure everyone’s missing the facts there’s a NATO summit in Washington DC right now. Seems like that might be a more important thing for the PM to attend than a Stampede Breakfast.


You're asking people who care more about Hawk Tuah girl to know that a NATO Summit is on.


As much as I dislike this guy, this is the same Province that hates him and then goes and votes for a Premier that is actively screwing theit health care and then blaming it on him lol What I hate more than JT is blind sheep


Don't forget the unapologetic propaganda war room that's advertising blatant falsehoods across the country with our provincial tax dollars. I'm still stunned that's a thing.


Oh no, it's been sort-of shut down and folded into one of the ministries, due to the federal "don't lie about how you're helping the environment" law. We have yet to see if provincial ministries are allowed to lie about the environment under this new law. Wait, who am I kidding, they already lie about what they do.


We let our politicians get too complacent. I'm not a fan of the overarching federal govt, but they're still leagues better at handling things than the dumpsterfire that's been Kenney and Smith.


Exactly. They're trying to opt out of national dental care because they just want the money. I'm just flabbergasted why they aren't critical with Smith for wanting this. If Trudeau tried to take away dental care from them they would be up in arms about it. It's just as you said, blind sheep.


Remember everything is JTs fault. Like the other levels of government don’t have any responsibilities. What aren’t we blaming every level of government for the major problems we really face.


Because most people are illiterate when it comes to the constitution and who has what powers. It’s easy to tell people who don’t know better that yeah, it’s the feds fault for lack of housing when the feds tried to inject funds to the municipalities to build housing only for your province to quickly ban the feds from talking directly to the municipalities cause some how it usurps their power when in reality the feds were about to make the provincial government look really fucking good.


My brother is an electrician in Ontario - has 100% coverage - and goes every 4 months. Some of his coworkers have not seen a dentist in 10 years.


Canadians should have some basic level of dental / eye care. Especially with the rising costs of everything this would help families out immensely. Alberta wants to opt out, why? Because UCP wants to slap their brand on it. Just like with the CPP.


>Alberta wants to opt out, why? Because UCP wants to slap their brand on it. You can't slap a brand on something that doesn't exist. The AB dental plan is, "get a good paying job with dental coverage paid for by the employer via health insurance. Oh by the way, please ignore our ties to the healthcare insurance companies. Definitely no conflict of interest."


They want the money from the federal plan, they don't want the plan.


Telus/Suncore dental


Mmm sweet sweet bitumen filings.


Most of the ex-Wild Rosers have like 3 teeth, so not a lot of skin in the game for them... or gums as it were.


Came here to find a post like this! 👍


Exactly!! How can anyone take these idiots seriously? They hate Trudeau so they vote for conservatives just like all the nitwits before them.


We actually didn’t vote for her. She won the leadership of her party. By leaving the big city and going to rural alberta which has always been a conservative stronghold.


I know I know. I was more so referring to people who voted to be screwed. You are collateral damage. Sorry.


He should Talk Tuah the voters. Amirite? /s


Damn! Are you a political Guru?


There is literally nothing he could do to appease these people. At this point it's just people hating to be cool like in school.


These are the same people who were throwing rocks at him during speeches a few years ago in Ontario. And people lined up to say “it was only gravel” It was still rocks, and not fucking okay. All the conservatives I know really thought there was no problem with this behaviour.


They peaked in high school and haven't left that mentality.


This is Alberta: a generation of dipshits has been salivating for their own Trudeau to hate since they were born. Having a Trudeau in office to hate unconditionally is the wettest of dreams for these dipshits. Who cares about how bad they’re being screwed by their own provincial government when they can FINALLY hate their own Trudeau


Imagine trying this in the US. You'd be ventilated on the spot. Even in Canada if you started throwing shit at a conservative politician you would absolutely go to jail.


Pretty sure there was a guy with a fuck Harper flag and he caught charges, may have been dismissed in the end.


Half the people i know who hate trudeau love trump and want NATO dissolved anyways. Not saying they're aware of the summit, just saying they aren't exactly the most upstanding people generally.


They are stupid.


People who think the world would be better without NATO are like the people who think they'd have "lots more money if they didn't have to pay for health care or someone else's kids to go to school" So that tracks.


You need to get better friends.


ever implied they were friends. you can know of them.


Or expecting them to know *literally anything* that requires a degree of intelligence to keep track of.


If only people actually cared about what is going on in the world and Canada than women spitting on a man’s junk


Shows you how big their world is doesn't it?


They probably think NATO is the North Atlantic Trade Organization and that it's tied to the WEF or some shit.


Being part of NATO is the only reason we're not Ukraine right now.


Yup - and if he went he would get blasted about CaRbOn TaX to fly there and and how he’s at Stampede and not fixing the other issues


Doesn't matter. He's obviously there in spirit living rent-free in all those empty heads.


Yeah and it's not like PP is allowed at those meetings, you know, no security clearance. Might as well flip pancakes.


Ok you sound INSANE RIGHT NOW. Literally the whole universe revolves around Alberta. s/


I had to scroll down WAY too far to find this. Thank you for your voice of reason!


The NATO summit is definitely more important but let’s be honest…. there is very little downside to not participating in Stampede. George Chahal is the only Liberal MP in the city. He won by 2900 votes so I doubt it puts him in significant danger.


LOL but sTaMpEdE


The annoying thing is the same people would be complaining as to why he is at the stampede and not the Nato summit had he gone. The hatred towards Trudeau is frustrating because voters start pinning everything they dont like on him even provincial initiatives...


I’m not a fan of Trudeau, we can do better, but it’s hilarious the number of people who obviously hate him and yet seem concerned that he isn’t here. Talk about living rent free.


He was there last year, those flags were around then too.


If there wasn’t a NATO summit he probably would have been there. His skin isn’t as thin as others in parliament.


I mean trying to stop world war 3 should have some precedence over cowboy cosplay


Cowboy cosplay is so *chef's kiss*


Every year but mid-Covid iirc.


Yup, he's been coming since before he was elected leader. I saw him at one in 2012.


Don’t bring facts into this lol


If Trudeau attended these morons would be screaming that he shouldn’t be flipping pancakes and instead running the country or some other shit. They just like to whine and scream because their personality is that deep


They're like cats. "Pet me. Love me. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TOUCHING ME GO AWAY!!!"


Even then that's an insult to cats hahah


He was literally there last year


And people were mad.


She looks like a catch. Imagine having a politician living in your head so bad you go purchase a shitty flag, jump on a table and make a spectacle of yourself. Willing to bet if you ask this person specifically what Trudeau has done to negatively impact her day to day life she couldn't come up with a single thing.


I'm sure they'll argue that before he was elected, housing was affordable. Oh sure, it hasn't been remotely affordable since the 90s, but it's always fun to blame current_federal_leader for the fact that municipalities haven't allowed low-cost high-density residential rezoning for >30 years.


Hey guys, hold up. Before we go out partying tonight, I need to grab my F@ck Trudeau flag! - someone without a personality


I can't stand Trudeau (or Pierre or Jagmeet for that matter). Having said that, I can't stand those stickers that say "Fuck Trudeau". I really want to make a bunch of rainbow coloured stickers that just say "*I Want To*" and then just go around slapping them on every jacked up pickup truck, right above the Fuck Trudeau sticker. Let those uncultured asshats freak out over that.


Some Ottawans had those signs made during the convoy. It was a pretty good laugh


Yet it's red necks that use them, in my opinion it's a tell tale sign of their age or level of maturity and intelligence.


neighbour's kid had a fuck trudeau sticker, fuck notley, peeing calvin, and monster energy sticking on the back of his truck, and a russian federation flag with a weed flag flying outside. i just roll my eyes at the guy and find every chance to ignore him/pretend he doesn't exist. that entire outside personality is a mid 2000's internet troll as a person.


They meant some Ottawans made the "I want to" stickers... If I recall correctly, it wasn't until Freedumb Convoy 2: Biker boogaloo. The original convoy there weren't many eff Trudeau bumper stickers yet, just flags.


What an incredible idea, if I had money I'd help fund it.


I wonder how much money was funneled overseas to buy all those flags and stickers. God knows a lot of people probably got their credit card info stolen too when buying last minute from sketchy websites the days before a rally. Given how susceptible they seem to be to misinformation, you have to imagine they'd be easy pickings for identify and data theft.


"Fuck Trudeau" just means "fuck everyone and everything" It's virtue signaling for the anti-woke crowd. And I mean this as a guy who does not like Trudeau. I had to deal with 10 years of Harper, And yet, I never had a flag or bumper sticker calling him out...


> I had to deal with 10 years of Harper, And yet, I never had a flag or bumper sticker calling him out... ...and the one guy who did have a 'Fuck Harper' sign was fined $500.


There are laws against indecency that apply, like I couldn't just paint a giant "FUCK" on the side of my house without getting massive fines daily until it was removed. I could even be arrested. But somehow Fuck Trudeau stickers and flags get a pass?


The worst we saw in BC is people added a Harper sticker to stop signs so they said 'stop Harper' this was after the muzzling of scientists.... Seems pretty tame compared to what is being displayed bow


Harper stickers stuck to stop signs was much more creative


Yea. The "Stop Harper" stickers were all about getting a message out, not forming an identity. Putting that shit on your truck is all about displaying it for people to see and associate it with you. If you slap a sticker on a stop sign, people see it, but it's not associated with you unless you explicitly tell someone about it. ... and a large number of people with the Fuck Trudeau signage practically *cover* themselves, their vehicles and their homes with that bullshit. It's like they wallpaper their house with it. Like wtf? It's so fucking trashy.


>It's virtue signaling for the anti-woke crowd. Like all confederate flags, etc, it's *vice* signaling.


Good point. Hadn't heard that before. Like the folks who took pride in the "basket of deplorables" moniker.


For me, similarly, "Fuck Trudeau!" doesn't mean a criticism that he is necessarily a bad politician, but rather what the movement is really about is being upset he isn't a right-wing politician. I think this becomes apparent when you compare non-right-wing critics of him with right-wing ones. For the former, they're mad at stuff like at his failure to implement voting reform. For the latter, it is stuff like not being a climate change denialist and not going full Alberta-style with oil extraction. At the worst end of that spectrum, it's "Fuck Trudeau!" because he hasn't adopted an anti-LGBT stance, either way, to everyone else, a lot of the right-wing "Fuck Trudeau!" stuff makes them go, "Yikes!"


I don't think I will ever not be absolutely pissed off at Harper for the incalculable loss of environmental data we suffered during his leadership, as well as the muzzling of scientists and their media communications.


Being in a cult is their personality


Alberta could have set up a fund like Norway did many years ago and be set for generations. Instead they spend the money as fast as they can pump it out of the ground. Then when oil prices tank they come running back to the feds asking for handouts.


These are also the same people that were protesting the carbon tax meanwhile majority of those are driving lifted gas guzzling trucks 😂 these people make no sense


*someone whose personality revolves around that flag


So edgy and also self censored…


I’m curious what happens when Trudeau loses and none of their issues are corrected by Pierre. There will be a lot of “I feel… that things are better” devoid of any substance.


They will blame him still and act like it’s all his problem. The real problem is many people in the Conservative realm, believe only they can fix it and they CAN buy a bigger & better Bandaid 🤷‍♂️


Seriously people still blame *Notley* in Alberta for everything under the sun.


*Bob Rae has entered the chat in Ontario...*


"we lost political control for 4 out of the last 40 years, we'll never recover!". Proving their own incompetence.


People in Alberta all gather and hold fuck Trudeau flags and their number 1 complaint is the immigration numbers. Not realizing that Trudeau's government increased immigration targets because of pressure from Doug Ford and Daniella Smith. It was literally the conservative premieres that petitioned the federal government to bring in more people. Yet somehow Smith will get reflected by all those people for the next 2 decades. Being the actual architect of hardship in the province. But all the blame will be placed at the foot of which ever scapegoat they can be convinced was the problem.


A la the UCP they’ll blame him for decades. The only thing these clowns are better at than chanting profane and empty slogans is total lack of accountability when their chosen idiots are in power.


People still blame Notley for Alberta's current state of affairs.


they won't care. The vibes will shift overnight and Tory partisans will gaslight themselves into thinking everythings good now.


Just look at how Postmedia covers Danielle Smith and Doug Ford's governments, and that's how they'll treat a future Conservative government. They'll downplay/ignore the bad, or rationalize it as necessary to fix an issue created by a predecessor.  


After years of blaming anything and everything on Trudeau, they'll flip to "these are complex geopolitical issues, you can't expect one politician to be responsible for everything"


These people have been blaming the NDP for everything when they were in power for a couple years. They don't have a clue or give a fuck.


won't matter, these morons can't even understand how government decisions affect their lives. Do you think any trump supporters ask themselves how the trump presidency made their life better? This is about their team winning and the other team losing, and that's it.


They were complaining about Trudeau ruining the country long before there were problems that we could legitimately blame on him.


They’ll still blame him. The UCP in Alberta are still blaming the NDP (a party that hasn’t been in power for over 5 years now (an entire election cycle in fact!)


I don't like Trudeau. But I don't like people with "Fuck Trudeau" signs a lot more.


I know this is a funny post, but in all seriousness, a NATO summit is way more important than a Cowboy Cosplay Fair.


Cowboy cosplay fair ☠️ 


But that girl that said that thing on the internet is going to be there! It's a big deal! /s


Are they also going to give 5 more minutes to the woman who took her tits out at the Oilers game?


Saw a comedian recently who said "Fuck Trudeau is Albertan for 'I can't read' "


“We don’t want Trudeau here!” “How dare he not show up for the stampede!” Alberta probably


With what seems like most of Alberta wanting to Fuck him, he is probably not interested in a Stampede gang bang or to be spit roasted.


I just want him to speak moist to me in a cowboy hat 🥺


These people need a hobby. Cringe is not a hobby.


Hate is a hobby for these people.


More of a lifestyle, really.


“I made hating a politician my identity.” Dork ass losers


Rodeo clowns gonna rodeo clown. I got ma edumecations in the dirt n'hay eh. Ma teefs are betta than tha horses, all good.


I mean, I also don't want to go to the stampede.... 


Fuck Danielle Smith


NATO summit is going on. People can google why vaccines are bad but can't google that?


I doubt they can google anything. The NATO summit isn't getting much coverage in the facebook groups they get their news from.


It does, but the message is that JT didn't pay enough or spend enogh ... Forgetting the fact that Harper is the one that gutted half the military spending and care towards vets. It's a special place that berta province of ours... Special place ..


Swear word ✔ On a Flag ✔ Unhinged idiots ✔✔


I don't visit the Stampede, and I was born and raised in Calgary. Overcrowded, overhyped and overpriced.


I thought Albertans didn't want him there, why are you complaining, you got your wish.


Remember the time that ONE guy had a F@ck Harper thing on his window and the collective outrage from conservatives about “respect for our elected leaders and language like that should not be displayed publicly” yeah the hypocrisy is real thiiiiick


I don’t like Trudeau one bit. It rubs me the wrong way. I have not voted for liberals since he came to power and I’m not about to begin (I also don’t vote conservative if you are wondering). However I think those flags are just wrong. The moment you start insulting people, even someone like Trudeau, it’s game over. What would you say to the lady with the crazy face holding the flag? How can we move forward if their ideology is non-existent. I’m just getting tired of all this crap.


I am looking forward to see who all these losers blame for the issues in their lives when he’s gone, sure as hell not themselves of course because that would be too adult for them.


They are still blaming Notley for shit. It will simply change to “He fucked everything so bad that we are still feeling the effects.” Hell they still blame Trudeau Sr for shit and that was 40 years ago.


It’s crazy about the Notely thing, I know so many people that say she caused mass unemployment in the oilfield yet they all had jobs and don’t know anyone who lost their job……


They also point to her chasing investment away. But, no investment left. None. Fear of orange, that is all it is.


Likely because he’s at the NATO Summit. Loved how PP tried to make it look like JT was afraid to come when he knew where he was.


Because stampede sucks


Because the NATO summit is more important than a rodeo of deplorables and wannabe MAGA cultists


Boring, dumb, crude, unoriginal, tacky, vapid. Critique policies or keep mouth out of political matters. Otherwise, it’s just dumb theater. You know she struggled in high school social studies, so yeehaw?


Nato summit or cowboy cosplay convention Tough choice


Who gives a shit. Why are people so obsessed with that clown?


Gutter trash


Nothing says poser like a white cowboy hat with tassels on it Edit: the iPhone headphones are a nice tough too


The inbred flag


Because he's got more important things to do than go visit a bunch o back woods rednecks who want to kill him


As a previous frequenter of The Stampede, it changed in the last ten years. It’s just a cesspool now of wannabe MAGA white trash people getting drunk, high, and having a bunch of tent sex.


Pierre Poilievre blames Trudeau for every cost under the sun, yet his main assistant is the head lobbyist for Loblaws, and we’re supposedly about to hand this clown a majority government, yet we call Americans stupid lol?


I, as someone who hopes Trudeau does go, love these flags. It shows me who to stay away from and which houses in my neighbourhood to not interact with. Braindead slugs who probably don't even vote.


Ugh Canadians cosplaying as Americans? Fuckin nauseating 🤢


Ten bucks says this person doesn’t vote


Fuck Trudeau. Build the wall. Lock her up. If you go past three syllables, the smooth brains lose the thread.


I would bet that if you asked most of those folks why they're so enraged about Trudeau, most wouldn't be able to reply. They certainly aren't going to admit they just repeat what they see on social media.


Because Albertans are fucking stupid. - Fellow Albertan


Cause he's at a NATO summit? Discussing whats going on w/ Ukraine and Russia? I mean... People need to take their own heads out of their asses and see the bigger picture FFS


Same reason I don’t, it’s full of drunk assholes who think being a cowboy means wearing a hat and acting like douchebag.


Leave it to the cons to put a maple leaf in the word fk after btching about flags all June


Yikes. Portion of Alberta is absolutely unhinged since the pandemic. Sad to see...


This shit is so shameful. No matter how you feel about a politician doing this seems so embarrassing and trashy.


Too many rednecks


I've seen my fair share of these stupid flags in my small hick town... I hate that they made it their personality


JHC. When he was first elected the odd bumper sticker or window decal popped up, no biggie. Covid comes and Albertan Conservatives blame all the woes of the world on him. Now it’s a sea of F Trudeau and every single fucking excuse to shit on and wave this political back patting BS at any event for any reason. Put your imagined political outrage away for a fucking day and live your lives, enjoy yourselves. How bad can his policies be for you if you can afford a day at the stampede, yet still that fucking flag has to come with you. Give it a fucking rest, vote when it’s time I’m no fan, I never voted for the guy or his party but man I’m so sick of this pretend political validation from a bunch of people who can’t see past their own noses


And the only thing the other guy is going to do is eliminate the carbon tax and slash social spending across the board. None of which will solve anything, and only make matters worse. It's the corporations feeding at the trough that's the problem.


You're asking people who don't know what NATO is or why it's important. These people are so indoctrinated that hating Trudeau is genetic now. No true thought goes into it because they lack critical thinking skills.


He’s sick of all the hillbillies who seem to want to have sex with him?


I was going to vote for Trudeau, but I saw one of those thoughtful signs on a truck and decided not to…. Seriously though, what does somebody hope to accomplish by putting those signs on their property? Does that really influence anybody? I’m not a fan of Trudeau but that kind of stupid shit doesn’t make me want to vote conservative.


Because the majority of Alberta seems to be incapable of distinguishing between triggered conservative propaganda and real life. I’ve never voted for JT, but the amount of ridiculous and laughable stuff you guys blame Trudeau for is unhinged. With all the problems your province is facing, I’d be more worried about the damage the UCP are doing


Hmmm, what seems more important as the countries leader? NATO summit or redneck horsey show?


I live in Alberta, and can confirm, lots of idiots here


Justin Trudeau: attends key NATO summit with the discussion being around how to stop a third world war. Conservatives: WHY DIDNT HE COME TO MY MUSIC FESTIVAL SO I COULD TELL HIM HE SHOULD DIE IN FIRE TO HIS FACE!?!?!?!?


Why won’t Poilievre visit Pride?


People using money to purchase something that publicly shows how much they want to have sex with the PM … good choice!


Probably has better things to do like most of us


I wish I could use a nato summit to get out of going to the stampede.


What kind of fucking loser buys political merchandise?


It would be funny if the camera panned over to him sitting there holding a sign that said "No Thank You!".


So many two-faced, doublespeak haters posting: Loudmouth wankers: "Oh why hasn't Trudeau visited the Stampeeeeeeede?? Boo!!!!" Also: "We hate Trudeau!" "Why?" "It's Albertan!" Mindless sheep.


Why Won’t I Visit the Stampede


I’m not a Trudeau fan either, but this is just stupid. At least this distinguishes who the people with half a brain are in the crowd.


There’s a NATO meeting. That’s kind of a priority for a western nation to attend.


Why is everyone so hyped about the cowboy cosplay fair?


Why: He is currently Dignitary invited to a far larger Rodeo https://www.nato.int/nato-welcome/




Because u guys are a bunch of dicks


When he goes to Alberta at any time, let alone the stampede he'd greeted with the vitriol of the right wing base, including being accused of only looking for photo ops. When he doesn't go (he is meeting with NATO right now), he is also greeted with ring wing vitriol about being afraid of showing his face. This division is courtesy of your federal conservatives...


Dude would probably get battered and deep fried at the Stampede. I mean the Dutch ate their Prime Minister once.


What does everyone want to fuck him? I think he’d be a pretty terrible lay. Probably hates giving oral but expects it to be given to him on demand. He’s probably a tighty whitey kind of guy. And he probably uses anatomically terms when he’s trying to talk dirty. The only way I’d consider doing anything with him is if he agreed to a ball gag. Otherwise, I’m out. I don’t say this very often, but you can do better, Alberta. I bet Doug Ford’s a riot and he’d probably be really grateful for the attention.


Because that whole room of people WANT TO FUCK HIM!!! That’s a lot of horny cow people.


He's at work.


Looks like Alberta is Canada's Texas, and that's not meant as a compliment.


These people are just silly. Premiers have more control over their lives than the prime minister.




Looks like a bunch of maga wannabe idiots. Not sure why I expected a little more class from Canada....


Are all the ppl with f Trudeau merch going to keep it once he isn't in politics anymore? In like 10 years, are they still going to have the stickers on their vehicles?


I like these signs because it's a quick way of knowing that you're dealing with someone of low intelligence and low class.


I swear the average Albertabaman IQ is south of 90. Freaking eedeeots.


Instead of enjoying the stampede they’re all on politics mode. Sad!


Because Albertans have no class, they lost all their character with their parents generation. 


People have no class anymore


What are these people going to do with themselves after he's gone?


Like, I know people think he's hot, but, why does everyone seem to want to fuck him?


I don't know what to make of these people. Bringing politics everywhere in family events is grotesque. I get being frustrated with the current administration, but this isn't productive. It screams "I don't want to discuss anything, I just want to yell like an adolescent because I have money problems and I'm frustrated". It's a sad and paradoxical state of mind, being an adult blaming others for your misfortune, when clearly you worship individual liberties over equality.


Ok but really why is this event so important? It's not even a National cultural event. It's Albertans pretending to be snow -texans with sub par BBQ.  I get it  that it's big in Alberta but you can't expect the whole country to treat this as a national event of significant importance. 


This is disgusting and doesn't represent most of Albertans, Trudeau was at the NATO summit which is obviously more important then tbe stampede but the media omitting these facts shows their goal it's so sad.


Those flags are just dumb and really highlight the mentality of many PP supporters. My sense is many others want no part of those types.....


I didn't vote for him, and I won't. However, people who openly hate him and put stickers on their bumpers are a walking echo chamber. Ask them a few questions why, and they'll sound like a buzzword dictionary.


I too want to fuck Trudeau…. Sexually… in the nude…. With my body


My favourite is the idiots working on the TransMountain Pipeline (many Albertan) - being grossly overpaid - with Fuck Trudeau stickers on their douche trucks - the morons too dumb to understand he literally bought the pipeline (and lost a shit ton of support doing so) and they are only making their money thanks to him.