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I'm with you, my favorite version also... Do you like the Brothers Quay too? I worked at an art house theater back in the late 80s and we screened a bunch of their stuff including STREET OF CROCODILES, just amazing 🤩😍 and they're more or less disciples of Svankmajer.


I love them!! And thats super cool. I am only 17 and get jealous of a lot of the older fans of this type of stuff that were in the scene. I find less appreciation for it or even speaking of it and every one my age has TikTok brain and cannot get into it like I can lol. I am in love with these types of artists and Im glad theres at-least people on reddit that dont think I'm talking about crazy nonsense stuff. 😅


Good for you, and I'm happy to help out, but don't feel too badly because both of them had what I'd have to call cult followings even back then when it was new, but I totally understand it gets harder to find theaters that screen actual film especially classic stuff like this. If you're not in a few major cities it's probably not happening, but it was like that back then also.


Absolutely frikken love this version! Not always the one I'm in the mood to watch though


Thats so valid I have to prepare myself every time lol. Always notice something new and/or disturbing


Really freaks my flatmate out - I find the stop motion mesmerising but there's so many bits that give me the ick! White Rabbits nails in his feet at the beginning particularly... Sometimes I'm just after the comfort of Disney! I found myself watching their Looking Glass film the other day and found it not quite as unwatchable as I remembered


This one is tied with the 1985 TV Miniseries as my favorite. Two very different approaches to the original material.


I happened upon this years ago, it's so morbidly fascinating! Always carried a sense of unease, child like perspective and an element of danger. I still get weird feelings in my mouth when I picture her finding nails in the jam!


It used to be on netflix around 2011 when they first started doing the streaming service and I was probably like 5 at the time when I randomly found it on there and have just loved it since. My name is alison and I had blonde bangs just like hers as a child and she was basically my twin, so I always thought it was super immersive and magical. And weirdly alluring lol.


My absolute favorite!!! This one, American McGee’s Alice and the 1985 miniseries are my absolute favorite adaptations of Alice.


I adore this version. My friend introduced it to me and it's our thing when we get together.


Thank you!! Everyone I show this to hates it!


Yes, it is a great version.


Omg, this one TERRIFIES me but also has left an imprint on me lol. My friend and I still mimic that face the white rabbit has the first time she sees him when he whips his head around.


omg me and my friends do that too LOL


Agreed, it’s this and the 1933 film for me.