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I had forgot about this creepy fuker


Don't you turn your fucking back on a clown when he's talking to you!


Dat creepy fuker






The feds are definitely upvoting this.


No, we’re not.




Me during Bigfoot scene in MoC.


About tree fiddy


Percent psy op bastards = ((total population of the subreddit) - 1 (me)) / (total population of the subreddit) * 100


Does that mean I’m a psyops agent and I don’t even know?






While it's healthy to be suspicious, the disclosure movement and believers in general has never been a group that has been short of dubious individuals and bogus claims. Basically until we stop promoting blatant hoaxes and fallacious claims I don't see why they would bother with a small forum like this when we're perfectly capable of discrediting ourselves.


Mfers on here were really believing a dude who put an alien statue outside his door the other week. It was the most obvious hoax and people were still buying into it.


Came to say the same.


Idk, I disagree. The culture is how you sway opinion. Places like Twitter, reddit, etc are where the public speaks to each other. It's now where things are discussed. No one talks on the phone anymore and reddit is the only main hub where you can specifically talk to people about only aliens if you want. I think most people are naturally very skeptical. They don't want to be caught being made a fool of. So yes, I think there are lots of feds on reddit, not only pushing that real stuff is fake, but also pushing that fake stuff is real. That's why the "community" looks like it believes a lot of bullshit. They are pushing fake shit up, and real shit down, that way everything is confusing and no one can really get a grip on what is real or not. I disagree that most people on here will just "believe anything." Most people I know would try to come up with every rational explanation possible before even saying "idk" and idk anyone who just automatically believes anything outright. It only takes a couple people on r/ aliens all day to sew confusion.


I think the pushing fake stuff as real is the more prevalent action. For one thing, it's a lot easier to do.


Well, you have a point of seeding disinformation. But it feels like a lot of people scream bots whenever a theory or view is heavily contradicted. But that could be bots as well. So, hard to know. But it feels like we as a community is pretty split between the ones who are skeptical, but want to believe. And those who claim so many things to be true, with no real interest in discussion. And trolls of course.


I think this is a logical take but when you have a legitimately interesting post that needs some discussion, you’ll very likely see a comment claiming how it’s clearly _______! and mocking OP. Fair enough I guess but then you notice it’s got 175 upvotes and it’s in a sub named “Aliens”, that to me is really suspicious. You can tally the upvotes from the denial/mocking comments to the legitimate/interested comments and the negative ones will greatly outnumber. That’s brigading.


You're dead right and it's very easy to make fun of people sticking their neck out from innocent curiosity, which is absolutely something we should encourage but not at the expense of what little credibility this movement has left.


I don't know what everyone's fussing about, just look for the glowing usernames


Obvious fed.


Anything that’s suspect but confirms one’s beliefs: “it’s real and anyone who says otherwise is lying” It’s so disingenuous and it makes it hard to have a discussion in good faith


While most would agree, i just want to say that we’ll never learn more if we’re too quick to judge. This is a personal lesson i’ve learned maybe but i think its important to embrace the false claims just like the more defensible and curious ones. Everyone deserves to have their story heard


We are actually trying to convince you the fake stuff is real. It's proven far more effective at concealing what we want to.


Lol - I’ve yet to see that. Although - on second thought - the Las Vegas NHI encounter could be used as an example. I thought it was kinda weird people were convinced it’s real when the evidence was shoddy at best


LV, Peruvian “miners”, all the Grusch/Congress malarkey... We’ve moved past them discouraging discussing UAP to focusing our discussions to a handful of limited incidents.


The Las Vegas aliens were real. There's a video I found that shows an actual alien standing there that I can see with my own eyes. So, the only other alternative to that would be that they had an animatronic moving alien in their backyard.


Or a person in a suit lol


I can't figure out if this sub is a LARP or not


I love the total complete irony of the government agent paranoia, while other politicians buy the votes of conspiracy theorists by faking interest in aliens


Right? I don't believe any theories discussed by ufologists but I think it is fun to check what's going on regarding UFOs sights.


All of them but you.


I think its much much less than the number of people trying to make something out of nothing.


Agreed. To be fair though it only takes a few people to seed doubt and dissent in a community to destabilize it. And that’s all they really need. A little bit of doubt.


Alternatively, there are many people in this community that accuse anyone disagreeing with them of being a disinformation agent...which is about the most ignorant thing to do


Its exactly the sort of splitting that seeding a bit of doubt does to a community. So mission accomplished for them I guess.


How about you objectively analyze the evidence instead of accusing anyone disagreeing with your pre-determined conclusion of being a 'government agent'


Not disagreeing its the wrong way to think. But I'm also saying this is all in the playbook because most humans don't actually think rationally and the IC knows it. You being dismissive of people you feel are less rational than you instead of being compassionate towards them is the same sort of human nature the spooks leverage lol.


I love the instant transition between "anyone that disagrees with me is a government agent" in to "people who believe things for no good reason deserve compassion"


Because they do. They are obviously not thinking straight, and its not necessarily something they can easily correct, or even know to. Also, maybe double check you're responding to the same person. You seem to be implying I'm saying things I'm not.


bro dont doubt cuz u know the gov be doin some shady af shit no cap




to prove im not a fed ill show u my titties if ur hot :)




MAYBE IM JUST HIGH BUT both ur comments made me laugh out loud lmfao




ur name mean hot sunny soup


Hmm.. but If I can't be sure of that, and neither can you be... so that means you're the one paradoxically making something out of the nothing made from what's believed to be something... but why? ;p


None. This is a reddit community about aliens, the least influential and threatening thing possible to the cia/FBI


This sub is the equivalent of the midwestern suburb mom with tape over their phone camera. You know, because the government is so concerned with how she washes dishes


>None. This is a reddit community about aliens, the least influential and threatening thing possible to the cia/FBI A good metaphor to use would be that of a kid that gets patted on the head with a 'well done champ' and handed a participation medal.


Typical psy-op response 👀


They for sure are


For real. Even the idea that there are planted government agents in what is effectively an autistic LARPing community, already places way more importance on this specific sub than it should ever have.


I think they would more try to shape the discussion whatever that may be and deviate it to the way they want it to be understood. All groups will have been infiltrated, that is just doctrine.


There is one guy in mind that I’ve been eyeing. He has a fair bit of karma and is a relatively new-ish acc, like 2-3 years, and is commenting on EVERY single post that has the slightest bit of community discussion….EVERYTHING he says tries to convince everyone into doubt on the topic or subject at hand…and we’re talking 95% of his tens of thousands of karma coming from number and frequency of comments alone. Not a SINGLE comment of something being pro-proof of a legitimate alien let alone a real ETI UFO/UAP…super sus


you can’t just give us this information without name dropping the fellow


I sent you a DM.


DM me too daddy


I am also curious. I’ve encountered a fella or two who fits this description


I’ve been trying to look for this person’s profile for the past 45 min but it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack rn. The recent posts I’ve been in where I’ve seen him have a bunch of comments now and a lot of deleted comments towards the bottom end of the comment section. Just keep an eye out for someone on newish posts disproving instantly and nonchalantly as to convey a sense of “no one needs to question this because it’s obviously a fake” attitude. Click on their profile and look for IIRC one or zero post history, a shit ton of karma, and A CRAZY amount of comments pertaining to ONLY the ufos and aliens subreddit. And I mean scrolling for like 10 minutes and only seeing those subreddits commented on. Good luck everyone, definitely would not be surprised of some dirty hands being all over this place…


\> Someone posts a pic of a paper mache alien \> Guy says it's fake \> "GOVERNMENT DISINFORMATION AGENT!!!"


The best way to keep the mainstream public from paying attention to what anyone says here, would be to maintain the stereotypical image of the Awkward UFO Conspiracy Kook, people know the trope well from TV etc and it's generally seen as comical and unattractive. In general people shy away from marginalised groups, so it would be an effective form of social engineering to encourage woo and conspiracy and other general tin foil stuff.




I think it’s mostly people convincing themselves that fake stuff is real


Less than the percentage of basement dwellers trying to convince us obviously fake shit is real.


0. "Feds" are not concerned with what weirdos on Reddit think. "Feds" have no idea what's going on with UFOs either. You are NOT living in the middle of a bad sci-fi movie.


Second this. Lol, feds have bigger things to worry about than redditors’ reptilian theories.


Yeh, we tend to prefer spending our time trying to cover up the reptilian presence in government.


Yeah there would be absolutely no value to chiming in on the n-teenth “what do you think greys smell like” thread or whatever. Plus there are plenty of commenters here that genuinely believe and push garbage ass stories that would be a nice distraction from any of the legit strings that are appearing.


You should look into the Reddit Eglin incident


We have found bot comments on Reddit that matched exactly lines being said on Twitter & Facebook critiquing what people saw or any various videos. They came out during the airplane abduction videos which made me believe it was real when before I didn’t. These accounts were new too.


So, I have read how Eglin AFB is one of the top contributers to Reddit, and that they have a huge server farm onsite. But alas, I don't think they wake up until a sub hits a certain number of users. The number suggested in another forum said 10,000. So, right now? We are safe.




You and I are the only non-feds. I checked. You can tell me your secrets.


0%. People are stupid enough without feds interfering with this sub.


I think it's quite possible that the folks who write clever and hilarious comments are sometimes feds. Ridicule was their strategy in the past. Now that the culture has changed I could see them turning to humor. I think people who actually disect evidence and critically engage with posts are most likely normal people.


Well yeah because if something is funny it won’t be taken seriously


Thats a pretty interesting theory


Watch closely, any time there is big news, the top comment is admittedly really funny, but also kinda destabilizes the seriousness of any conversation thereafter, which would serve anybody trying to defuse interest. Debates and contradicting data would draw too many people in. The feds and, in my estimation, the NHI's themselves want to keep things toned down. They probably have good reasons for it too. But I still want it out in the open.


"People making joke on reddit are FEDS because ????"




Trump was REALLY fucking funny before I realized that people would actually vote for him


You’re absolutely correct. Funny how the “debunkers” claim they’re in the minority when it’s quite obviously the other way around.


What evidence would absolutely convince you? I am 100% convinced we are not alone. I am also 100% sure something curious is happening in government in terms of interest and coverups. I don’t know what to believe about recovered biologics and craft. I don’t know if government officially admitting they have these things would change that. Government will not admit recovery or expose tech in development. I honestly don’t know what it will take in terms of evidence.


They have an entire army of indoctrinated internet brown shirts to abuse and degrade everyone. Multi pronged offensive is definitely their style. Comedy, podcasts, videos, TV shows, news, magazines, even MUFON now. Many sources to co trol narrative, identify threats to their narrative and co trol conversation


We don't need the feds even if we see undeniable proof we are perfectly capable of calling it fake ourselves


That’s something a fed would say


Get him!


Now if only we could find some undeniable proof




I know, but assuming even just one post here is real how many feds do you think are trying to persuade us into thinking its fake


I do not think there are any feds in reddit mostly because even if we believe any footage or evidence it wont change a thing in the world and among common folk and that is what they care about. They perfectly know that this is impossibe to happen until a goverment officially states that aliens are real.




I'm sure that all was 100% factual and accurate data


What is the point of saying this before you’ve even seen it?


Right, we are controlled through media, ads, TV, movies, music and the justice system to impose social norms that the majority of people will follow. opposing sides of each hot topic ensure that our population will fight with ourselve, and dismiss anyone who thinks about C through Z as a retarded conspiracy theorist. Even more so than people who believe A instead of B. You being downvoted suggests to me that they are doing a better job at it than this community thinks.


Thats a fair point, but i would imagine they need someway of stopping it from going viral if it were real


Oh God i can recall a lot of footage over the past 7 decades going viral but that does not change anything does it now?


I'm just 'if you hear hooves' sorta reading. Good chance they're out there. Few good videos or pictures with declassified documents. Just waiting for something. Not exactly sure what yet.


Do you really think that we are that important??


Yes…yes they do think this sub, and for that matter, all alien and UFO related subs are highly important and influential and the full government is trying to steer the community away from the truth. Paranoid city….


Hot take: The government isn't coming in here to dissuade you all of thinking a real video is fake. They're posting fake stuff that you all agree is real and then you all attack *anyone* who tries to be rational and prove *or* debunk the video using logic, reason, science, and common sense. The community itself has become its own worst enemy in the eyes of public opinion. You all look so crazy defending a flying squid kite or a stuffed rubber alien toy from the 90s that no one will believe us when we finally do get a real video. One of the biggest disinformation agents I've ever seen in these subs (and he still posts although he has been banned from some subs) had 99% of people in here lapping up every post he made and agreeing with him. They're not here to debunk real videos. They're here to sew dissent, divide, and turn on us on each other so we can't agree on what's real. There's no need to debunk any real information bc you all attack anyone that applies the least bit of critical thinking and skeptism.


How do you know that the people who attack skeptism arent the feds


It‘s only me and my colleague Walter.


Walter needs to get back in the RV






I reckon you're a fed, posting this to create divisiveness so that the community will in fight, instead of focusing on the truth.


What percentage of this sub is schizophrenics enabling each others paranoia?


I think you will probably find that the “feds” have more important things to do than convince you that the shakey video of a plane flying over an airport is fake… you know like… terrorism and international espionage. Stuff that matters.


Yeah, I don't think this is where the three-letter agencies are wasting their manpower.


95% and it’s just different feds trying to trick other feds into who’s tricking who and then they trick us and the tricks don’t stop until everyone is tricked.


If there is a secret advanced military aircraft program, the military would likely prefer that you did believe any of these aircraft that are seen are alien. If there is no such program, why would the “Feds” or anyone care what people believe about ufo’s. If there is a program that is using tech from crashed alien craft, it is taking a big big long time to produce anything. So, 0% is a safe bet.


A huge portion. Check the born date on accounts anytime you see some fishy shit.


Or convincing us that all this fake stuff is real?


Less than one percent. Actual Feds? I’m pretty sure they care very little about what’s going on this forum. Not with the cat being basically out of the bag, so to speak.


Zero % lol








Probably less than the percentage of feds coming here to rile you guys up.


Less than 0.01% , and I'm being really generous. (do the math, that is like 77 feds from all the 771k users here. You don't need much effort to convince people that trash flying in the sky are Alien horses peeling people's faces. Not that much glow in here.


All of us.


None! That’s absurd. A governmental entity would never do us wrong.


0% percent or am I also a Fed for calling BS at 99% of the things here?


Feds, hire me so i can get off the foodstamps but also let me keep my foodstamps too please


What about convincing folks that fake stuff is real?


See how many are saying “none” in these comments and you have your answer




paid by the government to do so ? maybe like 2 users total. government employees on their own time, who have maybe SOME knowledge of some stuff ? maybe a few here and there.


There's probably a twenty person team managing a bunch of accounts




0%. You have too much faith in "fed"


ok fed


Prolly like 0%.


Username checks out.


If you think the higher ups care at all what we say on this sub.. I have a bridge to sell you.


They got bots for that.




None. most of you are just gullible


They seem to pop up around the time videos or images do that have a lot of social media traction. So, some days 0%. Other days it seems like half the posts are from negative outsiders with agendas.


Literally none lol, they don't need to, it's the internet. No one cares what anyone here believes. Why would they?


I'd say they are just lurking if anything


I'm not a fed


Neither am I, Agent #13746292


0%. feds don't have to bother with that when there's plenty of people with wild beliefs willing to push fake shit all day.




Honestly? 0%


I’m a fed It me


I'm too busy watching you jerk off to ridicule you on an ayylmao sub


Stop watching and come help me bro


I don't think you're feds, I think you are the aliens.


Take me to your leader 🖖


I would say 0 to 5%the feds are too busy with other crap than alien stuff. me I like this stuff. real or not we need to know these things. is there aliens yes or no. do they have proof. stuff like that. I doubt that with the world on fire right now I doubt the feds care about alien conversations on youtube and reddit.


I’ve seen an alien before and the one I talked about it and got a ton of upvotes. It got my account swarmed and I was harassed telling me that I’m on drugs and that I’m delusional. This was after other people saw the same things and we were openly talking about it without shame. This has only happened once so far and it was when my comment had a few hundred upvotes. I know jokes are expected but I was suddenly made fun of by tons 9+ year old accounts with ~1k post karma but somehow thousands upon thousands of comment karma. Basically anything that accurately describes an alien and gets peoples attention will get their attention. Also it didn’t work I still talk about it after that whole ordeal because the gaslighting is pathetic.


Ah.. just the feds trying to see if they are caught by asking this question


Or trying to convince people that fake stuff is real


It only takes a few guys. They interject doubt and that’s all that’s needed for the majority to disregard. “It’s been debunked”


I think they like the waters so muddied that we can’t see the Forrest for the trees


Well I'm a fed so there's at least 1 of us here convincing the rest that it's all fake. Yall are all so silly for thinking there might be little green men visiting our planet 🤣


Easy, if it goes against your narrative hes a fed.


Zero. But I think a large percentage have delusions of grandeur if they really think there are "feds" here trying to c9nvince you of anything. You're not that important.


Probably 0%


0% there are enough negative Nancy's and disbelievers to fill that void.


Most likely 0%. The Feds don’t give a shit about this sub and you guys are vain af if you really think they do.


Seeing the quality of the stuff on this sub, solid zero percent


Feds want you to believe it is real not the other way around


shit a good portion of them. THey downvote all your stuff to get it removed bc they r so threatened by conversation.


My completely random % is 20%


A noticeable amount. My guess is somewhere around 30% actual feds and then another 30% of people parroting them


I cant tell if youre joking and now ik worried for your health 😅


This is Reddit so the standard issue user is already a useful idiot throwing the % on its head.


do they care? there was one user that was super glowy over in the true crime subs though. Making a bunch of unhinged fangirl edits for BK/Idaho student murders. So freaking weird. It can’t be a real person there’s no way. Just a bored glowy who hates him for being evil, goofing off passive aggressively that’s my stupid take on it.


Percent of the sub not many. Percentage of active posters (maybe with multiple accounts). . 25 or so? I sometimes wonder if there's a bot reacting to some phrases that trigger it to put something vague and condescending as a response. With a descent size database you could update to the new news it seems pretty possible to shame enough people away to be worth 1 guys job to influence a percent of a million people who actually care away from the topic




paltry seed mysterious humorous stocking middle pet hunt abundant alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think they're mostly trying to convince the sub that fake stuff is real.


You mean, how many agents watch this subreddit? Not sure. They Probably have a small social media team with around the clock monitoring. . . Definitely, they have Mods or real Admins working on the inside.


Here is my take… 5% Starlink. 40% single light source/random/doorbells of aircraft. 45% SHORT CG fake videos/Disinformation. 10% legit/seam fake but are legit.


0%. No one gives an absolute shit about this subreddit, I’m sorry. This is main character syndrome