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That pastor . I don’t know his name but you know who I’m talking about.






Whoah!!! Keep my family vacation videos out of this.


Yes. Fuck. Lol


It is absolutely mind boggling how people flock to this man. It is just insane to me. It's what makes me think about the NPC theory. That most people are empty, hollow, soulless avatars. I get it, religion, indoctrination, etc. But to fill a 50,000 seat arena just to watch and listen to this fucking clearly psychotic weirdo, and hang on his every word? Like I said it just blows my mind.


I worked in mental health with an adult who was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and who has bipolar. He would stay up pacing and chain smoking all night watching predatory christian infomercials. He was sure the end of the world was coming, he would give them the little amount of money he recieved from the government. The mentally ill or cognitively impaired are their target audience because they're the easiest to control and manipulate/take advantage of. The normal people who go... yeah they're probably npc's.


There was a kid preacher back in the 70s and his parents made him do it. Then he grew up and was doing preaching gigs as an adult. It was super shady and a documentary crew heard tactics used to get more money outta people. He would even say that he was a non believer lol which is fair. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjoe


I totally understand how and why mentally Ill people are drawn to men and woman like this, and religion in general. But, thank you for clarifying that yes, not everyone who seemingly worships this freak is mentally unwell. Like Peter Popoff (butchered his last name the miracle water guy, the one James randy caught) The dude and his wife were caught in 4k, ultra HD. The amazing randy was able to pick up and record the audio of Peter's wife, reading off names and condions of audience members, he would than "heal" them. These sad, desperate mfers FILLED OUT "prayer cards" before entering the stadium. Writing down their names, address, what disease or illness they had, what they wanted, if it was money, a cure, etc etc...yeah that's how he did it. He wasn't even cold reading. He had a year piece in. During this particular show his wife finds a card filled out by a older African american woman who was dying of cancer. She laughed as she gave the physical description of her. "Its the N word with the big tits, I better not see you touch her I know how much you love big tits" later after the show they found the prayer cards they threw away along side hundreds of personal checks written out to Peter, they were all worth $1 to $5. The mfer couldn't be bothered to cash those. My point, even after being caught red handed like this, he had the balls and audacity to make a comeback. And to late night TV infomercials. And he succeeded. Filling giant basketball sized arenas and mega churches all across north america. For what ever reason a large majority of the live audience is black. It just makes my blood boil


He's not even hiding it


I agree this guy is demonic or an alien he’s somehow was a pastor how do you look up to someone who seems like they’d toss you in a room under the stairs lol 😂


That ma is demonic..he gives me the heebie jeebies. The death stare he gives is TERRIFYING.


It’s those eyes lol I could’ve sworn bro is related to my sleep paralysis demon


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he is NOT besties with Jesus. I would not want to meet him in the dark..ugh.


Trust me it doesn’t even seem like he’s hiding it bro vibes is straight up evil I cant sense any good intentions when I hear him talk


The devil


Scary Andy Griffith


As a pretty serious Christian mystic, that guy is for sure possessed at the very least. The eyes are so evil. You need little discernment to see it.


Alien or not, my instincts tell me the dude is evil and rotten to the core. Cave man brain say; stay away!


Kenneth Copeland


Lmao. Yes. Him. I just googled the name. It’s him. lol


I heard that if you say his name three times in front of a mirror he’ll appear in front of you




He’s got his own private airport in the DFW area. A friend of mine wasn’t from the area and accidentally stubbled upon that airport, looking to rent a plane to do some site seeing. He drove up to the gate and rang the buzzer. They told him to get off the property or they’d call the cops….lol. Not very welcoming


He's demon possessed, that's similar but different.


Kenneth Copeland? He's a scary looking dude that looks demonic to even some of my most conservative church friends.




Fuck. Kenneth Copeland. If not alien, then he's got to be a demon!


!!!! Yes!!!!! I know exactly who you mean. The way he lunges over that car door to scold the reporter … you could see his forked tongue want to slap her


He’s a scary motherfucker I tell you what ![gif](giphy|rqSwByt7bBkwuIbUyZ)


That pastor is my Roman Empire. Daily at least.


He's clearly a demon.


Oh, he's not an alien bruh, your looking at the eyes of Azmodeus, Prince of the 7th Hell...I understand why you'd think that though


I shouldn’t have googled that https://mythology.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Asmodeus-France.jpg


too accurate where did you hear this reference from or did you just make it up yourself?? It’s so on point


Vantablack haired dude with the shifty eyes I think think his earth name is Copeland dude gives me the ick !


Naah he’s not an alien. He’s a daemon.


Ha demonic is what I go for with him..


Joel Olsteen… was who I was thinking of when you said that!!


Joel Olsteen looks like Martin Short pretending to be Tim Allen.




My wife knew him in when he was in grade school. Says he was an ordinary Orange County spoiled little rich asshole.


That’s just what a long term opiate addiction looks like


I dunno man I did heroin for 10 years and I never turned into a demon lizard. I just turned into a junkie


Marc Zuckerberg, obviously.


I still can’t get over the fact that he said “when I was human, I mean, I AM human…” then got reeeaal nervous for a minute


He said that purposely, it was no mistake. He knows people compare him to robots and lizards, he not so secretly appreciates the comparison.


Wait, what?!




Looks like he just flubbed his words and got embarrassed. A very... human thing to do.


![gif](giphy|cFgb5p5e1My3K) Sounds like something a bot would say.


I say stupid shit like that all the time and mix my words up. Dude still gives me the heebie-jeebies but not for that reason.


Wtffff when was this said


Source? I know the android jokes have been around for awhile and he's played into them at some points.


That man’s peepers make me uneasy. Always have. Always will.


Dude literally looks like a lizard


we will be fighting nodes of the ai that he transfers himself into like 100 years from now "and in todays news, ai pest exterminators were called to a un building where 100 zuckerberg nodes were discovered to be hiding."


Or a Mandroid.


Non-human? Yes. Alien? No. I think he's an android of some sort.


Alien or not, the man can smoke some meats.


He’s not an alien he’s a cyborg


I mean if we're going by looks; Greer, Grusch, Charles, Bush, Rogan, etc.


youre just big head shaming!




Nasa Administrator Bill Nelson, Reptilian


He has the same empty look as Kenneth copeland


I can’t believe more people haven’t caught onto this😎


Plus that totally sounds like a name an Alien would select out of the “big book of earthling names.”


It actually looks like his skin mask doesn't fit right and they always get the eyes wrong.


Mr. Bean, no further questions


Saw a TikTok the other day that pointed out that in every episode opening of Mr Bean he falls from a light in the sky and the reason why he is so silly is because he’s really an alien trying to mimic human behaviour.


There is an episode of the mr bean cartoon where a ufo full of mr beans comes to earth.




There's no speculation.. This is fact.


I mean the show starts with him getting beamed down to earth...




He's amazing


He's amazing in Black Adder as well. A truely amazing actor! Mr. Bean's new show is pretty awesome as well!


I have a theory that Steven Greer is a reptilian who’s trying to persuade us that all aliens are good so that him and his overlords can cary out whatever nefarious agenda that may exist. Dude has a bulked up lizard look for sure


I have the same theory!


Dr Gemma Regan is a member of UFO Research Queensland as well as a psychic and paranormal investigator who has a radio show covering all areas (in her 'real' life she's a scientist and anthropologist).... anyway, she went to one of Steven Greer's lectures and met him. Says he was arrogant, condescending and rude (calling her 'missy' thinking she's a dumb housewife, not a highly educated doctor and researcher). She says he had the worst energy... aura was all off, bad vibes... so she grabbed him in a bearhug to get a better 'reading' and is adamant he is NOT HUMAN. Definitely reptilian!! 🦖


I was maybe a lil high one time watching one of his movies and thought maybe he was a “good one”


Tilda Swinton


She did play an alien in this zombie movie. As an alien who also knew how to weild a katana. She fights zombies while waiting for her spaceship to pick her up


Came here to say same!


Bowie. I was really into The Man Who Fell to Earth


David Bowie had so much fun when he was here, truly he enjoyed that day pass lol


Check out VALIS by Philip K Dick. He claims Bowie was an alien in that. Super fun


What! Thanks you for the rec ♥️


People are bringing up obvious reptilians and here you are with one of the angelic type aliens, good deal


The ideas put forth in Starman have been discussed thoroughly in this subreddit many times as if they were brand new thoughts


Bowie was one of the good ones. 💜


![gif](giphy|QXUx7eBiFHYtbQCkV6) He is the one


Nah, he’s just a closeted gay man who willingly sacrificed the possibility of that ever being his reality to sell-out for his dream of being an action star.




A reptilian probably has him on a short leash because he's a loosh well. Probably left him on his own that day with Oprah and he didn't know what to do with all the extra emotional energy coursing through him


As a Scientologist, he agrees.


Somebody mundane looking and very very normal like Jason Bateman.


This! I read something the other day that floated the idea there are already more than a billion walking among us, have been for centuries. In that case, they’d look just like us…we would have grown up conditioned to recognize them as human and while perhaps on a deep level maybe we *might* feel something different about one, I feel Iike we’d laugh to learn they were our butcher baker candlestickmaker the whole time and we never grocked it.


If there are already a billion among us, isn’t it logical to assume that most wouldn’t even know they are hybrids?


Correct. Those people are kept ignorant same as your human population. Chock it up to centuries of poor political management, corruption, genuine forgetting, and loss of information through warfare. We were like that, completely unaware of what we were this life, until we reached out, at which point it felt like we woke up from a dream, or maybe simply started to lucid dream again. (This was a gradual process, and quite obtuse)


What if it's us....and we just don't know it cuz our memory was wiped?


Dr. Steven Greer


He do got big alien stretched over meat suit vibes.


Dude looks straight up reptile. He freaks me out.


Kardashians are Reptilian


All the surgery is to keep the skin disguise in place.


Nah, but they probably sleep with them.


Now THIS is funny. I've entertained the idea too, like, who says if they're here, among us, why couldn't they be famous? I'm going with Mitch McConnell. That thing ain't human.


You know I've read conspiracy theories that aliens attacked good Ole Mitch


He appears to be a highly evolved tortoise. So yeah, Reptilian if there ever was one.




TFW you mistakenly trust a fart


Gary. Busey.


Wanna talk about buttered sausage?


Tom Cruise is an alien 100%. And don’t just mean his weird Scientology thing either.


Christopher Walken.


Unidentified Walken Object?


Bezos is some sort of emotionless AI drone. Dude doesn’t even know how to process hearing music.


When you worship, covet, and selfishly hoard the swinging financial carrot your entire life, that gutted, empty, unending void of fulfillment will turn any man toward the same realization. You see, no matter the path, every being of any selfish sensibility is bound to be whispered a chilling truth, your greatest fear that was always meant to be — that cartoon carrot never existed in the first place, and as your hands pass through the holographic panes, finding sour, rusty memories, you at long last understand that the lock has been twisted — shackling you into the very same realm of mental mediocrity with the rest of our kind. The only fear that motivates a wealthy man is the infinite, invisible, inescapability of life.




Probably half of the politicians in DC


For real though They lost their humanity decades ago.


Kushner is a reptilian for sure.


I was going to post Kushner and Devos. I get the willy's everytime I so much as hear their names


Definitely! Dude looks like something trying to look human and not quite hitting the mark.


Bjork. Either by looks or by talent. She operates on a different frequency than the rest of us.


Nah, she's just Icelandic.


Every time my wife's bjork comes on the Bluetooth speaker it takes me a second to adapt to the new frequency of alien weirdness


The Mars Volta. The rest of us are aliens and they’re the last humans


The most random place to see a comment that mentions one of my favorite bands. You may be correct.🍻


Mitch McConnell


I was going to suggest Mitch as well. Also, that news anchor that hissed at someone on camera.






Along with all the other "God's"


Jared Leto


Rick Scott


Danny fucking Carey


Well he's def NHI, he's Octopus


I agree. Definitely an Octopus.


Love to see this


You know he might be. Looks like pleadian. I guess the pleadians just like rock music


Danny just has a touch of those sweet Tism powers… Autistics are real life X-Men.


Elon Musk


Elon looks like the little chest dude from MIB all grown up.


See I thought so as well, but reading his Twitter post I concluded he's just some dumb rich guy now.


![gif](giphy|iI5slsPoBRFgk|downsized) Michael Jackson was Lizard person. Just look at his face and those Slithery Dance moves. No human can move like that!


Lizzid people


I gotta disagree on that one. Ain't no alien coming to earth, and then 2nd guessing it's skin color lol


Nah man that was just his mask slowly melting over time.


George Michael. The man was so ethereal with large beautiful golden brown eyes, long but strong lean body, and the most perfect skin. Some people said he looked like a Greek god ( his dad is Greek Cypriot). I'm not sure about what alien race he would've belonged to, but one of the benevolent, psychic ones imo. When he was younger he had a lot of energy on stage dancing and singing with no vocoder or lip syncing.


Tilda Swinton. One look and you know I'm right. https://images.app.goo.gl/gbNTsCSgDBwTf2eQ7


Pretty sure both David Bowie and Tilda Swenton are from the same planet.




Bill Nelson of NASA [Bill Nelson on UAP Phenomena](https://www.youtube.com/live/bR0PaotZxD0?feature=shared)


The head of NASA, if I'm thinking of the correct person. Huge uncanny valley effect when I look at him. No way he's human


Madge, especially these days. ![gif](giphy|wBGlkiUf7975Z2HRgk|downsized)


Not being an alien, but it's pretty obvious Neil DeGrassi Tyson is part of the cover up solely because he doesn't think NHI would be interested in Earth. No science educator can really believe that.


Donald trump nobody with skin that orange can be human.


Michael Jackson aka Agent M from men in black


Elon Musk.


I don't think any celebrities are aliens but I think.an awful lot of our politicians are. The celebrities are all hybrids between the rich and the.poor.


This janitor who worked at my high school my freshman year. I've never felt such visceral fear, revulsion, and needing to avoid as I did with that man. My friend and I used to call him "Perv"; he'd look at us like he was mentally undressing us. Once, she was at a grocery store with her parents and saw him in the parking lot. He gave her the same predatory look. Weirdly enough, nobody else ever mentioned him or complained about him. And, at the end of that year when yearbooks were issued, I went to look up who he was and what his name was. (All staff pictures were included in our yearbooks.) Funnily enough, he was not in there!! And we didn't see him the next year. Did we dream him? Did only we see him, was he not visible to the rest of the school? I'm only maybe 1% serious about his being not human 🤪🤪; chances are great, he was just run of the mill, pervy, gross guy, possibly a pedo, of which back in those days, there was very little awareness or discussion. But in all honesty, I can say that nobody else has ever given me that visceral gut feeling of dread and revulsion.




None. I think its ridiculous to think they are that ingrained in our society. Pleiadians were made up by billy meyers, a known liar. After that a ton of bullshit artists in the 70s and 80s made a big stupid lore that newage people clung to like it was proven fact. I know some of you think they were around alot longer than meyers , but thats all heresay and in my opinion, bs lore added after the fact to try and give meyers bs stories credibility because a bunch of other liars made thier bs lore lies off of his. Id also like to point out that "reptilian" aliens were made popular by an absolute lunatic in the early 80s who swore on live tv that he was abducted by and MADE SUPREME GENERAL for the reptilian space fleet, where he then spent over 150 years being a human general, for an alien race of essentially speciest space lizard conquerors. Then he got bored of all the killing and returned home to live a normal life. Im not kidding at all. A tv show embarrassed the shit out of him by bringing him on to tell his story and at the same time another lunatic with a very different story using the same elements. So one guy said the reptilians were violent space conquerors and the other said they were benevolent and greys were the evil ones. Over the 20 min segment you can see them start to argue over the differences in their stories, then they start to tie their lies together to make a cohesive blanket of bullshit. It looked like two fifth graders who got caught lying but absolutely refuse to admit it . I wish i could remember his name, ill look for the video again in a bit and post link if i find it.


I’m in absolute, complete agreement with you! My God, I never thought someone would actually recognize the bs the same way I do!


Eddie Van Halen was an alien. No one can play guitar like him!


Jon Taffer




Paul Gosar. Motherfucker even moves like a snake


Jacqueline Onassis.


Just curious why do you think RHCP are aliens?


It's such a stupid reason but I'll tell you. I was sitting in the parking lot when I was in the navy watching a video about a Russian book of aliens. In the book they talked about pleadians. Then I was listening to RHCP sand the song Can't stop by then. Came on and as I was listening to it at the end of the song, he sings com and far from space to teach you of the pleiades. Then I watched the music video, and I felt like he was hinting at worm holes and yeah I was sold after haha.




Nicola Tesla


Steven M. Greer. If lizard people turn out to be real he’s at the top of my list. He’s very reptiley


shy disagreeable absorbed shame disarm recognise future reply chubby cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Zuck and Madonna


Dennis Rodman


The Podestas


Keith Richard's..because, well, DAMN !!


Christopher walken




NBA commissioner Adam Silver is a Tall White. There is no question.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtkdXLKecBYpuhi) venusians


You know men in black when the guys head opens up and there's a little guy driving? I imagine that's trump.


Taylor Swift is a Gray. Possibly an android. No expressions, just flat-affect terror.


None...I won't even fight on that hill... let alone die on it


Have you seen Kenneth Copeland


Not sure about aliens, but Jim Carey is a shape shifter.


If you were an Alien your mission would be to Socially condition primitive Humans into a more advanced and peaceful direction that would benefit both your people in the long run and humanity itself. Where would you hide out in Human Society? Politician? No since you really have no power in that you have to work with Congress and Parliament members collectively. Business and finance? No in that your only power is over that of the corporation and whatever product you put out. Music? Famous Rock star. No your influence would only extend to those that were fans and possibly a generation no more. No.. Your choices would be. Science and OR Religious figure. So my candidates for being an Alien. Dr. Carl Sagan Albert Einstein  Stephan Hawking.


Well apparently crippled aliens like to touch younger women


Nancy Pelosi looks like a lizard sometimes. I saw an interview with her yesterday where she almost transformed .


Fabio is a nordic ambassador


Bill Clinton hands down


That’s what she said!


Michael Bublé


Lol nah my cousins went to school with Mikey boy. He was just a music and theatre geek. Nothing alien about him. Edit: for those who keep messaging me asking what school it was Cariboo Hill Secondary in Burnaby, BC back in the late 80's/early 90's. They weren't friends he was just well known and well liked in the school.