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That analysis isn’t even where the kid said it was.


its literally just a interplay of light and shadow. there are so many light sources even behind that fence itself. and that "shadow" moves at the same time the kid walks backwards. all these so called experts are a joke


Yeah because most people don’t have the attention span or interest to research this case and actually look for the video versions of where the witness actually said it was.


The shadow needs a surface but it didn’t have one? How do you explain the shadow existing in empty space? The expert also talked about how actual shadows should have opacity of 100% in their software while it was 33%.


Can anyone point out when in the video we’re supposed to see the alien?? I don’t see anything. Does anyone have a screenshot to share? I believe but never seen any solid proof and all this buzz lately is just the same as ever. No proof


Top right corner above the fence. Just looks like big shadow, but there you can see movement thru the slats too. Thought it was crap too, til I saw this and the forensic experts analysis..


Movement? Like by the multiple light sources moving about?


Very possible. But the forensic expert said the shadow only had an opacity of 33%. I guess an actual shadow, would have 100% according to his software? I thought it was just shadows too, til I watched his breakdown. It still may be, but I dunno, those dudes were scared shitless of something. There are couple other decent vid analysis’ that point out some other interesting things. Cant remember user though..


What would the shadow up there even be projecting upon? It's an empty space.


Exactly. I refused to believe in shadow being malarkey til I saw this, and saw the professional analysis on it. This with the numerous other shadow being stories told throughout the yrs by credible observers has changed my mind pretty good. There’s something there. And the way it moves is wild. And it’s prob around 8-9 ft tall just like the kid said..


Don’t shadows need a surface to be shadows on?


Didn’t this take place almost a year ago ?


Yep. Guess People been obsessed behind the scenes. Gotta say, this video forensic dude really changed my mind..And that “shadow” ain’t just a shadow..


I mean it sounds pretty significant if we are still posting and talking about it. It’s obvious disclosure is coming soon. Soo why would you doubt this happened lol ?


I didn’t doubt it happened. I believed the kid from the drop. But the shadow figure behind the fence, and vid of them in the tractor was a bit tough to make out, but I believe that aspect now too.


>It’s obvious disclosure is coming soon. Oh yah?


Yes plz :) try to value truth over peace of mind. Its the brave and courageous thing to do to face our reality. I for one am happy to come out of the cave into just another larger cave lmfao! XD Ill walk out of as many caves as it takes! :3


are we to trust some unknown expert that claims he has 100% proof its alien? i highly doubt it


Think about how shadows work. Nothing above the fence for a shadow to appear on.


Wasn’t there a person on YouTube that pointed out you could see fingers coming through the fence? It looked pretty convincing. However, I never see anyone else bring it up. This would add even more credibility to this shadow figure actually being real.


Yep. Literally just watched it….Looking for on my history. Showed an eye too..


you're all so gullible those were clearly edited in.


There is about 15 different videos I've seen with people outlining figures,shadows etc and in everyone of them you could make something out that vaugly resembles some kind of being but honestly it just looks like regular ev r yday stuff tree branch,shadow,heavy equipment and it just keeps getting posted with different people outlining different stuff but I still don't see any beings


Same I mean that may be what they saw but nothing is clear or else it would be all over the news 24/7.


There is an interesting gif that shows something invisible to normal light approaching them, behind the fence. It came out when someone "important" i think said something about aliens or ufos? being invisible to human eye. Then it seems a reddit user used filters and you could see something on the fence. I don't know if it was proven fake or not but it as better than the blurry abstract shit people post when talking about this incident 💀 If someone has it please post it here 😓


Let me know if this is helpful, I paused it at just the right moment. ![gif](giphy|mRlMSo4G0fQSzDP5xY|downsized)


Look by the tractor. It’s either standing next to the tractor or in the tractor. U can’t miss it


Yes we do, here’s an alien from Las Vegas encounter. https://www.reddit.com/user/Wapiti_s15/comments/1acug81/head/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=UFOs&utm_content=t1_kjwr7kv Zoomed out a little more; https://www.reddit.com/user/Wapiti_s15/comments/19e8vuq/heyo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=UFOs&utm_content=t1_kjw2y8s And the GIF, make sure you watch it in FULLSCREEN, left side halfway up, the head turns and then as the camera pans down it pops up and you can see the eyes. Wish I could find the original videos but they have all been archived (cleanup I would imagine). https://imgur.io/a/yrNmU0b YouTube - this is odd - https://youtu.be/eL-fYcPaRrQ YouTube - this is one of the better ones - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P9eLGPcmyvA&feature=youtu.be https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/144xue8/the_las_vegas_case_is_no_joke_footage_found_of_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf - excellent recap at the time of event.


I really appreciate the reply on this but man that’s just a blob on a photo. Like I’m sure it was scary and different in real life but there’s no way we can convince the masses this is real without a clearer photo my friend. Like undeniable, no questioning, no zooming in, watching thermal footage, night vision, extra stuff to see it. Just a clear as day photo like you’re looking at a photo of a Bear in the woods from National Geographic.


Yeah that doesn’t look like anything. We all want it to, but unfortunately it just does not


I’m with you, I get it, will take time - thanks for being nice about it and not absurd :)


The motion is like, if you were taller than that fence, you walk up, place your hand atop the fence and peek over. When you see the hand, the motion, it will naturally lead your eyes to the head.


This latest interview makes me skeptical; Angel has moved on from aliens to demons, and is telling a story about a crucifix floating upside down and being thrown to the floor. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8qAuljBL38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8qAuljBL38)


Seems very consistent with Valle’s work on this. The whole concept of angels and demons is in line with his theory that these ET’s aren’t extra terrestrial but have been with us throughout history.


Hence the change in terminology from aliens and ETs to NHI. The more I read and listen/watch YT videos, the more apparent it's becoming that these are not beings from a far distant planet. These beings are right here, just beyond what our eyes can see.


Exactly. Discrediting someone who’s seen an NHI just because they said the word “demon” is short sighted as if the word “alien” or “ET” sounds any less absurd. Absurdity is the commonality in all these NHI sightings.


Doesnt this seem to be a common trend in the alien world lately? Almost everyone involved in UAP's has dropped some sort of line of Good and Evil and more like demons and Angels. I find it so odd that this keeps coming into the Alien dialogue. it is either some sort of disinformation or is that what is actually happening. I kept thinking about this and oddly enough I remembered an Alex Jones rant from Rogan in which he describes what the elite "believe" and its almost word for word what people have been subtly adding to the alien story.


There’s a fantastic series on YouTube called “the nephelim looked like clowns” which walks through the depictions of inter-dimensional beings throughout all ancient cultures up to the present day. He notes that the machine elves/DMT entities that quite literally look like jesters/clowns may have once been physically present and terrorizing early humanity. The same images he discusses are sometimes brought up regarding ancient aliens. I personally agree that the phenomena is both physical and non physical and that regardless of the terms used, modern concepts of aliens and inter-dimensional beings are all likely derived from the same beings that the ancient people viewed as angels/demons


Understanding conspiracy?


Yes, that’s the channel


What did he say the elite believe?


mostly nonsense but here you go. [https://youtu.be/hvNx6DbVENM?si=L9zpo\_Na0KqowqTZ](https://youtu.be/hvNx6DbVENM?si=L9zpo_Na0KqowqTZ)




My experiences and my own family's experiences have been correlated with sleep paralysis demons. Most likely the two are connected and the its really just our poverty of speech attempting to describe all of the same linked phenomenon.


Sleep paralysis demons are a very interesting phenomena to me. I've heard it dismissed 100s of times as your subconcious filling in the blank to why you can't move your body. But thats not entirely true. When you attempted to lucid dream directly from the waking state. One of the first moves is a meditation technique to let your body enter paralysis while keeping your mind awake. When you do that, you can easily get sucked into the witch/demon presence. I find that odd because you arent waking up paralyzed, you are inducing it. Yet there they are.


During my sleep paralisis i have had a series of "dreams" about some demons or demon and something related to my family. The odd thing is, these dreams have their own logical sequence and I really hope not but, what happens "there" is also affecting my (our) regular life. I really hope it to be something about my shitty subconciousness or something ...


I've noticed a lot of Christians hold this belief that they are demons. My theory is that it gives them comfort being able to explain something within their existing worldview instead of entertaining the idea that their worldview is incomplete or lacking information.


If the phenomenon is based in metaphysics, then its likely we are all arriving at the same truth from different worldviews. To think that anyone outside of those "already in the know" has more of a grasp of what is going on is lying to themselves. If these things exist on another plane of existence, then all of spacetime and materialism is dead. I believe the scientific community will cope the hardest, not the religious or spiritual. But hey its reddit and everyone likes to shit on religion any chance they get.


Way to inject a straw man on 60% of the worlds population. Secular people see shadows under paralysis and think they are demons, too. Nothing comfortable about it. But you’re too deep in your atheism to recognize this, so much in fact your think people feel comfort from accepting that a demon violated them.


1) I'm not an atheist. 2) How is this a straw man? 3) If you understood human psychology you would know that people are more comfortable with what they know vs. what they don't know. Have you ever heard the phrase "Better to deal with the devil you know, then then devil you don't"?


Clearly you’ve never had sleep paralysis, and clearly you’re secular. People like you make this community stink. Libs of Reddit. It took me months of sleepless nights and crazy shit happening for me to accept that it was even going on. By the time I come to terms with the sleep paralysis, it was already gone. Tell me more about your useless degree in psychology…. That you don’t even really have.


If you’re really a free thinker go watch Tucker talk about the spiritual aliens on JRE. It’s real, and your worldview is one missing information. probably makes you feel better thinking you were made by aliens from another planet because then everything is morally relative. Like why did you even say that, it seems like you have confirmation bias so you just blurt out the first thing that pops into your head not realizing 1. it’s a straw man argument and 2. the limits of your own capacity and worldview.


> it is either some sort of disinformation or is that what is actually happening. Or…the people perpetuating this horse manure are full of it.


Sure but they are all full of shit together saying the same things.


That’s the thing, we don’t have to believe any of it. The believers and zealots rule and control the narrative. Doesn’t matter if we believe it, the zealots are more motivated to make it happen.


Every now and then I think back to when Alex said politicians were taking drugs to stop their hearts and talk to interdimensional entities and wonder if he just gets away with saying real shit because of his platform and presentation.


Most of that stuff is crap. Those stories sound like some people spend too much time watching Tubi movies and Alien documentaries. There are so many movies with so many outrageous claims, all that crap can't be legit. i don't even bother anymore with Tubi documentaries


Well, I think it makes sense if you consider the cultural aspect of things. And if he has sought guidance from the Catholic church, a priest may have influenced his perception of the event. He is hispanic, so this seems to track pretty consistently with cultural views and superstitions.


Sounds like the hitchhiker effect possibly? The theory being that after an encounter all sorts of things will start to go bump in the night. Then it’s just a matter of personal interpretation. Historically on this topic, it’s been the hitchhiker effect and contactees recounting of these high strangeness events, that is then used by media etc to discredit the varsity of the original contact event.


I believe it. They’re inter dimensional.


I posted a couple of responses on YouTube after the recent Newsnation video as I feel the story has changed a little. Basically there are some subtle differences with the accounts/behaviour/reactions of the boy and family. The original account: Something crashed near their home and following that they saw tall figures in their back yard. Those figures were then trying to operate the machinery/vehicles in the back yard and were filmed by the family, quite calmly (with an extremely blurry phone video) while the beings were sitting In the vehicles. New account: A Being was Growling at the boy in a threatening way. He was too scared to film Was paralysed (Even though they returned calmly with family to see as captured on film) Crucifix floating upside down. The being is a demon Priests saying that it's a fallen angel. While I do also believe in Demons and spirits and Ufology my critical thinking alarm was going off big time after the new accounts


How would you process this? I don't think it's too far out there to think a family dealing with beings landing in their backyard might turn to religion to try to cope with the shit they went through. If you are raised from birth to believe that there are beings that you cannot see and life is a daily struggle constantly being tested by the supreme force of evil an his minions who are always trying to tempt you into sin and test your faith.... and that these entities are absolutely fucking real, can take over people's bodies a la poltergeist, an you nee to pray to the good entities in the sky every day and night... Is it really out of the realm of possibility that when confronted with the fact that a bunch of them were in your backyard that they might just process that in the lense of their religion? I'd find it super sketchy *if they didn't!* Latin catholics are hardcore into the supernatural aspect of christianity.I don't know what your background is but if you grew up surrounded by ~~hardcore~~ average latin catholics, you would totally believe this in a heartbeat. They can be soooo superstitious and believe very much in the otherworldly aspects of christianity and how spirits are around us at all times and demons walk the earth disguise as humans an you have to be wary of that fact. Or, take my abuelita (please!) ^**hahahahaha** She was so concerned for her grandchildren and great grandchildren that her only concern for them was that they get baptised ***ASAP***! SHe worries that if we were to die in a car wreck or something that we wouldn't be able to get into heaven an would be stuck in limbo I got sick as an infant and was already baptised. She was babysitting me one day when I was sick and we happened to live 1/2 mile from a monastery. She bundled me up and walked me over to the monastery and got me baptised again even after my mom kept pointing at the framed pic on the wall of me being lifted up by at like a month old. But religion makes people believe in some fantastical shit. My abuela would totally have been going on and on about how they were demons and we need God's strength to get through all the media and trespassers and other challenges from the outside world... But you still gotta process internally wat the fuck you experienced. That's some mind altering shit. People don't believe you, what the hell can crash and disappear like that?!?! What was that shadow being thing? That had to be a demon! Is there some specific way that they should deal with this that would make it okay in your eyes? Do you think Angel set this up with the cops cam, neighbors cam, and news cams?


We believe in aliens, could believe Jesus and other deities were possibly extra terrestrial/ dimensional? Bible is basically a “redacted” and edited document designed for the public.


Lue Elizondo said if people knew what he knew “they’d be a lot more spiritual” Bob Monroe saw beings of other dimensions that feed off of emotional energy aka loosh as he called it Jacque Vallee posits that aliens are just a modern interpretation of angels, demons, fairies Jim Semivan calls them Djinn and approaches the subject with utmost caution …


Yep that’s when I closed the video lol


Yeah that’s where I became highly skeptical…


I've noticed a lot of Christians hold this belief that they are demons. My theory is that it gives them comfort being able to explain something within their existing worldview instead of entertaining the idea that their worldview is incomplete or lacking information. Saying they're demons helps them process the traumatic experience into a framework that can somewhat understand instead of being completely unknown. Edit: i mean I guess one doesn't even bring up demons unless they're religious in the first place. But I guess I'm just trying to explain why it's a common explanation.


That’s because almost everyone who has that kind of NHI experience, experiences some sort of paranormal phenomenon during or after, etc. The two phenomenons are linked somehow, and since it’s terrifying most people associate it with evil


Commenting on BRAND NEW NewsNation updates on the Las Vegas 'alien' incident with crime scene analyst and personal admissions...honestly as someone who believes that these beings are extra dimensional and are angels and demons I believe them be to me this video adds more credibility to the situation.


I agree. He started losing credibility with me with that story.


Me too. Where is the crucifix? If it were me I would have that crucifix analysed. Are you telling me he didn't take a photo of the floating thing? Unless the phenomena is aware. - Alien/Demon Ok, he doesn't have his phone at reach. Quick, make that crucifix float.


There is a link between Draco’s and demonic activity. It’s called the Catholic Church LOL


From everything I have heard, these beings use your devoutness against you. He is Hispanic and no doubt Catholic, so that's the way he is interpreting it. I'm sure his family has also influenced his opinion. Whatever we choose to call it, it is definitely not human.


oh only that last interview? i was skeptical from the start. a whole bunch of pareidolia stuff going on in a pixelated video. funny how many people saw completely different things in different spots in the video, jsut further gives proof to me that this is a pure form of pareidolia.


You should go watch the latest Tucker Carlson with Joe Rogan on this very topic.


It's Tucker Carlson. No one should watch him ever.


I agree and whenever carlson or rogan are brought in to give information I immediately disregard their information because it ruins credibility. There is no reason to believe ANYTHING they offer up because their primary goal is money and they have been known to say anything to achieve it.


exactly. It seems to keep going that direction for some reason. Either disinformation or we are actually dealing with something different. When you hear the alex Jones rant, you realize he said 7 years ago what a lot of UAP researchers are starting to say. I don't necessarily believe this, but it is an odd coincident. [https://youtu.be/hvNx6DbVENM?si=L9zpo\_Na0KqowqTZ](https://youtu.be/hvNx6DbVENM?si=L9zpo_Na0KqowqTZ)


Said alot of stuff way ahead of the time. 5:30


lol yeah that'd be a great source of valid info hahahah. Rogan and Fucker Carlson, jesus christ


Well if aliens doesn’t sell, maybe demons will?


Three brand new videos via NewsNation from the last hour or so. The first one, posted above, is IMO the best. Crime scene analyst Scott Roeder is considered one of the best crime scene analysts in the country, with over thirty-three years of experience and fifteen cases under his belt. He considers himself a UFO skeptic, but decided to tackle this high-profile case, determining that there is clearly something present here. Next, first-hand witness Angel details some paranormal activity that's occurred in his house since the encounter: https://youtu.be/Y8qAuljBL38?si=XJT1kHehLrgcRGiw Last, Angel talks about how traumatized and paranoid he's felt since the incident, and that his family's property is repeatedly being trespassed on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWvALHiDTzo&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWvALHiDTzo&t=4s) Bonus--ironically while looking for Scott Roeder, crime scene analyst, I first found Scott Roder, also an analyst, with this video with Ross Coulthart on his Crime Scene YT channel from a month ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DhCUgKwG3k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DhCUgKwG3k)


What’s the tl;dr???


Thanks for the post! Looks like your first link was meant to be this one. [https://youtu.be/Y8qAuljBL38](https://youtu.be/Y8qAuljBL38)


You’re right, thanks for catching that, posted the same one twice. I recognize you from r/alienbodies ! Hopefully you got your 3D printout.


A user did get them [printed.](https://imgur.com/6YAkHZu) The red one is true to size, then another user cleaned up the model and made a better smaller version.


That’s awesome, glad to hear it. I think I connected you to the first user.


The user you recommended has an articulating [model](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1bsnef8/hoax_i_think_i_would_know_if_i_was_fake/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that is really cool! VerbalCant, the user doing the DNA analysis, printed these.


Awesome! I pointed you towards MysteriousPin at first but have noticed VerbalCant plenty, really cool there was an update.


Could the phenomenon which manifested inside the home after the event. Be used to steer the conversation in a particular direction?


You will enjoy https://youtu.be/eALnTMuB4MM?si=Hy91l9JWy3hNBsyG


Can you give time stamp where they talk about the vegas thing in the Coulthart interview? I cant find where they discuss it, thanks.


I saw this video many times and can't see anything unusual there. Even if there indeed was something unusual - the quality is too low to make any conclusion.




They're looking past it at the equipment in the yard. Are the suggesting this was not visible to the naked eye but picked up on camera? I also do not see anything definitive. I don't like that he overlaid an alien body. It's as if he went in already having made up his mind.


He overlaid it because that’s what he would do in a crime scene analysis and it shows you how the aliens moves. If only that but how tall it is too.


Oh no, news nation should have interviewed the people on the video to see where whatever it is they saw was. Im still not convinced.




Hurts to say but they lost a bit of my credibility there.


I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school. — Fight club.


Condom is the glass slipper of our generation. You slip one on when you meet a stranger. You dance all night... then you throw it away. The condom, I mean, not the stranger.


Oops, I usually throw the stranger away


So you usually keep the condom?!




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


with a little dick


Going back to this incident, was there ever any investigations done on the property to determine if there ever was something that landed? Searching for footprints or anything? Debris around?


yes homeland security put cameras up and there were people there taking soil samples. neighbors said they saw black suvs entering and hella people in suits there often. obviously that information would never come out


I call bs. If the alien was behind — where he says it is — why doesn’t the family acknowledge it by looking there? An alien there should draw attention, but they’re oblivious to it, as if it were just a shadow.


Ooof. How many people are in jail because of this guy? Puts his other forensic work in serious question if he thinks auto-focus combined with motion blur and compression artifacts are really a big invisible alien.




Could the “leg behind the slats” just be a shadow from the fence or the guys right hand, flashlight in the left? Doesn’t much explain the “head” though.


GET TO THE CHOPPAHHH Freaking Predator is real?!?!


His explanation is extremely poor. A round peg can fit into a square hole, it doesn't mean the peg is actually square. That's his logic is flawed and he makes wild assumptions. It might be interesting to some but a million miles from proof.


Oh my fuck, not again lmao


Yeh it comes in cycles next up is another vague balloon, then it mh370 and the so called "portal" again. And then we go to the mummified alien corpses...


Lmfao I’m out


Let’s connect the dots. The forensics expert says there’s something behind the fence but it may be partially cloaked. The boys and their dad enter but they remain unaware of the “cloaked”being to their right. In Angel’s original posted video about the event, he said that he did see a being behind a tractor. CUT TO: Months later inside the house. A cross pops off the wall, turns upside down, and the little Jesus figure pops off. Could this be supernatural, hmm, maybe…or could it be a cloaked being trying to freak out the family…maybe getting them to vacate the property, at least for awhile. Pretty good trick, right? Highly effective. So why would a cloaked being do it? Here’s where it gets fun… Suppose the alleged crash in the backyard was pilot error. Pure stupidity. Suppose the UAP crew are not the brightest bulbs in the alien chandelier. Just because an advanced race has technology, it doesn’t mean that the operators of this tech are any brighter than a young army recruit, Uber driver, or a train conductor. Just like us. They didn’t invent any of the tech they get to use like an Uber driver who didn’t invent the car. Long story short—they’re lunk heads. Their UAP is their version of the SS Minnow and they left someone behind. The house is the only common LZ for a rescue. A cloaked being needs to clear the house. He floats religious symbols around the living room but still the family doesn’t leave. These dumbasses left an alien Gilligan behind.


>The house is the only common LZ for a rescue. >A cloaked being needs to clear the house. He floats religious symbols around the living room but still the family doesn’t leave. This is actually an interesting idea to think about. It's a large Hispanic family, and someone is always home. Perhaps some large component, if not the whole ship, is cloaked and needs to be removed, but there are too many pesky humans around. By the way, I love the SS Minnow reference. Take my upvote.


I don’t see it


They literally overlay a wireframe of the "being" on top of the video in this segment. It's blurry and inconclusive, but it \*is\* pretty weird and if you don't see the shadow they're talking about, you're blind.




The video (all of them) are vague at best BUT if this is a hoax planned by the family, to time it with the actual "meteor" is remarkable and genius as fk. That in itself contradicts "Occhams Razor" by several magnitudes.


if i'm not mistakend that kid is obsessed with ufos, so its not that far fetched he made the family scared once he saw that meteor drop. i dont trust him


This story is even more wild when you consider the possibility of this same entity, being the same type that was supposedly seen in the Miami mall. The description is similar to what’s seen here.


LMFAO there was no "entity" at the Miami mall. Wake up.


Oh wow that’s a great point!


They just got the story this has been out on YouTube for a few weeks. I forget whose channel he was on first but news nation should not get the credit.


Quirk Zone YouTube Channel


this sub is definitely full of government shills, since the first hour of this story breaking people all seemed to say it’s a hoax without providing anything that suggests it’s a hoax, it might be, but to state it as fact is absurd


nah dog that aint it. theres nothing behind the fence. Shadows. [https://files.catbox.moe/105vxh.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/105vxh.mp4) he did a video where you see something moving behind the angels and dads heads. that one I do believe [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xXdEkR6hcA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xXdEkR6hcA)


I'm not sure. It would have REALLY helped if the family had taken photos or video of the yard during daylight, especially behind the fence, so that we could have compared the scenes in an overlay. Remember the description of the claimed aliens: Very tall, and very thin. That would match with the shape seen behind the fence. It's so utterly borderline that I am unable to tell whether there is "a something" there or nothing at all - just a trick of light and shadow. The witnesses (or purported witnesses) didn't say anything about the shape behind the fence, so it's not something they concocted, it was only noticed in the video after the fact.


Precisely why it will never happen


Oh boy, this is why they laugh at us. Cringy evidence like this...


I don't know man. The first time I saw that shadow move behind the fence it really creeped me out. That looks real to me. The NHI or whatever they are can become cloaked and they move FAST. I am starting to believe the eye witnesses now.


This was awesome and I love how the guest was honest, educated and intelligent. Love everything about this video! War Vegas Aliens!!


Clown world


News Nation is so pathethic


Can anyone link the YouTube channel of that forensic specialist?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xXdEkR6hcA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xXdEkR6hcA) [https://www.youtube.com/@ScottRoder](https://www.youtube.com/@ScottRoder)


15 cases and 33 years experience…..doing what? That doesn’t sound impressive, it sounds like the buzzword someone would use if they were trying to scam people out of money. The kid being nervous and trespassing on the property is super logical too, I’d be nervous as hell if the internet didn’t listen when I said we were just joking and now it’s to the point where instead of having a laugh people are showing up and trespassing to try to “find the alien body” I need to just leave this subreddit cause the only thing in here is a few reasonable people pointing out the insane mental health issues that are rampant in this community. If you believe in aliens, please stop believing everything any random person says just because they say they have experience. Do some due diligence, or else this will eat away at your mental health


She said 1500 Lmao


Lol I listened to all of the vlogs and interviews with Angel (the kid who called the police) and I can say with 99% certainty that he's full of shit. EDIT: This was initially really interesting and chilling story with the thing falling from the sky, the 911 call and the whole family witnessing something weird. But the more I listened to him talk, the more it was clear he was making shit up. He claims all their phones started glitching after the incident and he saw the videos later "transform" in front of his eyes so the clearer footage of aliens he had is no more. He also said he encountered some lady who told him he's going to see 8ft tall creatures months before it happened. The aliens were also drawing pictures next to his porch....aside from all of that, the supposed circles on the parking lot the family said were left by the craft, are actually visible on google maps satellite images, which predates the incident, and they look like regular tire marks anyway. If you're still on the fence, just listen to [this interview with Angel yourself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bglHsqujebk). His UFO tiktok account is also super cringe, constantly posting videos with red outlines claiming the alien is there...multiple videos with different outlines that were contradicting each other and promising he has more footage to come...


Watched this when it first hit Reddit. Then saw it was from tik tok yeah instant bullshit.


God....I'm getting flashbacks to the time this sub was using the same screenshot to draw lines on an imaginary creature.


This one was always some kind of a farce


this is so stupid. so many light sources and flashlights, bounced light etc. waste of time


That dudes explanation was so uneven. It is weird looking though, watching the lower fence on the right dim and brighten with the hazy figure


Anyone have the raw or original video


This video is super old


So the family is focused on their big back yard area where there were Loaders and some construction equipment parked, that’s why all 3 of them are looking start ahead. They apparently saw something or one of these tall beings hiding on or by one the Loaders straight ahead of their view, which is why all them got genuinely spooked and turned around. But what a lot of people never noticed was something moving behind the fence literally right next to them. If you find a full clear video of it you can see the being and its movements through the slots in the fence. And what this guy is pointing out is that you can actually see the tall being’s head above the fence line as well. But he had to enhance the video to really see it better. It’s like this thing had some kind of cloaking ability where it made itself like a shadow and see-through. But I watched the raw video and it’s there. I was never able to see anything directly into the backyard where they were looking or on the Loader. But there is definitely something moving behind the fence, literally 2 feet to the right of them. [video of the movement seen through the slots in the fence.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/FBLHkYfBbE) [more evidence of the cloaked tall, being behind the fence. And more evidence showing multiple different peoples cameras showing a blue light (craft) falling from the sky into the yard.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/F9hCYQ2hjR)


Just in time to further discredit serious discussion on UAPs


We’re living in a post truth world, I’m skeptical of this.


What a bad video. This case is dead.


alien lands in backyard but you don’t capture clear evidence of it LMAO


Would have been helpful if the video was longer and not repeatedly looped. Made it very difficult to understand of the individuals which add context and the object of interest as well. It shows up in a few frames so really can’t say how anomalous it is.


I’ve found two faces that appear briefly above the fence. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/s/f1hbWE98lN


There are people clearly disregarding observable incontinuities in the video. It’s not a shadow figure. It’s just a shadow of someone on the other side of the fence. 1. If you notice as they are walking through the gate, the wall to their left on the other side of the gate is brightly lit… that means that there is a light source coming from their right on the other side of the fence. 2. In the video, when they slow it down right as the figure moves into the frame, you can see another smaller shadow (shaped somewhat like an arm) in the area at the top of the same wall near where the branches almost touch the wall. Whatever caused the shadow on the other side of the fence is the same source of the one on the wall- because at the video plays in slow motion (if it doesn’t, just use your finger to drag it to the left and right slowly), then you can see the two shadows moving in perfect synchronization. Not only is it not a shadow entity, but it is a person using a light to cast a shadow- and they are successful at doing so because of the light and the additional shadow that follows the same motion as the entity. It took me all of two seconds of analyzing that video to catch the other shadow. That guy is no “crime scene analysis expert”, he’s an actor.


For reference, it is clearly visible and played forward and backwards around the 2:00 mark.


CIA GTFO. Funny that you mention synchronization.




https://youtu.be/aOssjCPSpYY?si=-f3RtGUeUf4kUzD3 my encounter in infared




I found this on my security camera date and time stamp I have no idea but it's odd


Should have left a trail of Reese's Pieces to a trail cam. 😆


Roder has investigated many high profile cases that we have all seen or heard of. Idaho massacre is one of them. Trust his word.


I had a lot of respect for news nation, why are they giving this kid anymore attention? He’s been lying from the beginning. Now it’s demons and floating crosses? Cmon now. That’s not even imaginative


This sub makes me so... just sad sometimes. Embarrassing.




I flagged this case as a bullshit distraction from the beginning, because it happened right as Grusch was coming out, but what really bothers me about it is: Why is the "raw" body cam video so compressed? A number of people think something is in this video, and the original claim was that it was two tall aliens that landed in this guy's backyard. Why has nobody, including NewsNation and these accredited forensic crime scene analysts who even went so far as to model the potential beings in the frame, been able to obtain a less artifacted copy of the video for analysis? Is this typical of all police body cam videos? Las Vegas is not exactly a tiny hamlet with a poorly-funded police force. My shitty Go Pro takes clearer video while I'm running through the woods in near darkness and, I promise you, I can't afford a decent one. I would expect malfeasance from the police, but there are no aliens in chokeholds; no criminal liability on their part to be covered up here. Why is the video quality so poor?


Damn Vegas alien news? Is something important happening in DC this week?


If they "walked" through the yard they must have had legs, and mass,and if they were really as massive as the witness claimed they would leave some kind of trail or footprint presumably, especially if one had an injured leg, it would heavily favor the opposite leg which means that side of the track would be very indented into the earth and clear to see with even a flashlight for long after the event. Crime scene investigator would have probably notice that if physically present. A shame the family didn't take photographs of the ground near where the creatures were presumed to be walking around.


Wouldn’t that depend the ground structure and what if anything they were wearing. Also what if it was something like the whole face peeler thing. Could have been floating? Just feels the same to me.


Whatever happened to the hard video evidence that was being shopped around when this happened? Is this it?


Oh for fuck sake, news nation is becoming that meme where step by step dude makes a clown of himself. Guy is now saying it was a religious experience. The longer we cling to obviously bullshit cases the dumber we all look. Knock it off.


If we can’t let go of events that are fairly clearly unprovable or questionable, we’ll never gain the respect of the scientific community.


Scientific community gave up a long time ago on videos of balloons and reports from fame seekers. It shudders every time someone calls the dentist McDowell “a leading scientist”, when people claim psi is real etc.


Did anyone else notice the shadow moved the same as the guy walking?


Theories of the Third Kind did an episode on this. They debunked a couple things and their story is really just full of holes and seems to be for attention. The ring on their lawn where they said a craft was for example, used to have a pool the exact size of the ring right in that spot. Hm


This case follows the historical standard. Including the black SUVs after the sighting.


am i the only one who this they should had helped? fuck you acting scared for?? yeah they aliens but i bet you they bleed like us im sure if they where focus on scaring you in order to prey on you... you would had known specially with the cloaking tec they have


If u pay close attention to the kid with the light dead centered of the video. Notice how nobody looks in the direction of the “alien” on the right side of the screen. That’s because in the moment having peripheral view they rule out the “alien” to the right near the fence as a shadow caused by the teenager carrying a light past a fence. That’s why you don’t see the “alien” once the light is passed the fence, cuz there’s nothing there to cast the shadow, the reason you see shadows behind the fence that looks like something walking, is because that teenager holding the light is walking forward so shadows move at the same pace as he is walking.also fences have vertical and horizontal structures which aren’t clearly visible on the low resolution video. Remember when the original video came out the “alien” was by the tractor and now it’s right there… follow the light dead center and the shadows.


No alien just a wierd flashlight effect and a news anchor "wanting"/"manipulating" the narrative


i got two words for ya: SHADOW… BIOME…


I saw it by the fence and one in the tractor


This shit again?


Aliens forsure landed on that backyard.