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He was talking about reality as a whole. What does this mean to you?




Damn this unfortunately feels accurate to me.




My eyes have only been able to see things for what they are and it's not been pretty at all, especially so in the recent years. Feels like there has been a struggle going on for control over this reality and we are approaching the crescendo.




Haven't like 90% of male chimpanzees killed another chimpanzee? That yells anything but "not prone to violence"




Dude, are you really one of them who thinks humans are singular Consciousnesses instead of individuals?




Animals murder animals every day. Gorilla will kill each other over territory all the time




Infanticide is common in gorillas as well as rival male relationships ending in violence and death wtf are you on about. The only dif between us and animals is we have a social layer that increases the reasons for violence all animals have the capacity for violence, even cows and chickens


Well my friend there are a few of us still out there but you are all too accurate with your analogy. They are pure, void of influences and propagandas. Your description of how it could be warmed my heart but I fear we are not able to return to that without some great destruction of our current path and a lot of sorrow. It's going to take an intervention from something greater than us to do it any other way.


The shadows of the prisoners are their perceived reality, some prisoners don't want to leave their chains because they fear unfamiliarity. I think he encourages us to step outside the cave, into the sun, and aim to understand a higher level of truth that exists in all us but first we have to realize we're prisoners to only our own perceived limitations. The chains that hold us back can be broken by looking inward, and learning to see ourselves in a different light. We should all try to step outside the cave and be conductors of our own individual realities rather than allowing the noise around us to determine how we interact with ourselves and others in nature.


You could say we've been deceived. Just as predicted.


You can be true to yourself and adhere to actions in line with that. You can't control the "map" the landscape, which cave you're placed in at birth. There is an external algorithm acting on you.


this made me glad im not alone. i wonder how it's really supposed to be. the scariest thing is that now that i know...what are the people who lit the fire going to say to me.. how will they treat me.


Gotta synchronizes your avatar's molecules and atoms with vibrations try hemispheric synchronization with meditation to find your spirit. Even if its just a flame of a match it can grow.




It worked for me, also.... Sword of truth was what Mikhael used to slay the devil. Words of truth echo into time, and cut deepest into evil.




I dive right into the truth. You aren't alone. Believe me.


It is all part of the game. We are here for this, specifically, at this time. We are learning what it means to suffer, but also to experience joy and love. We are here to experience reality for Source and to overcome physical limitations with the higher force. It feels real and all important while we are here. It has to or it won't work. We are characters and this body is not you. As a species, humans are tired of pain and suffering. Most of us have nothing to survive with, or are barely living. It's not supposed to be this way, but this is the choice we made for ourselves as a species. We have free will, so Source would never interfere unless asked. And we have all been led to not believe in Source/God. I do not mean any religion, either. He is regardless. This book is amazing. It's the first book of its type I've ever bought, and I felt compelled to. There is so much more than we are taught to believe. Kyle Hill did a video recently on how our brains experience reality top-down: meaning we run the simulation of this reality in our heads with full control over our own reality, but we uses our senses to reinforce the consensus. We used to think our senses gave us the information, and we build the world up from there. But we don't. Science shows we simulate our reality. physical matter is temporary and illusory. Everything we know is just energy and information.


Or maybe there is nothing special about homo sapiens other than our intelligence, opposable thumbs and propensity towards tool making. We beat out other sapient tool makers. Could just as well be them in our place. Maybe we are the universe experiencing itself. Either way we are a technologically looooooong way from finding out, if we don't eradicate ourselves first. Which isn't long from now at the rate we are going.


I don't think being human necessarily makes us special, inherently. Some will tell you human beings inherit this earth (both religious people and those heavy into NHI research. I can't vouch for that personally, though it makes sense if some organization actually is trying to make hybrids. That way they have enough human DNA to also inherit. Anyhow, that is aside from everything.) I think we are the thing behind the human being. We constantly come to the conclusion that there is us and then an inner us. How decisions are decided several seconds before "we" decide we made a decision, these sorts of experiments. I believe consciousness is fundamental, and these bodies are our hosts. I came to this conclusion very roughly, slowly over many years, and with existential crisis. We come into a body (this is a whole thing, another topic) and wire ourselves into the flesh, the neurons. It's an agreement, a union. Without us -- the insight, creativity, and spirit -- humans would just be other great apes. Conscious but only up to a point. This also doesn't mean I believe other creatures can't also access the source field. Perhaps there are some forms we could take besides humans that we would consider lesser as a human. I'm not even going to touch all of the theories about how human DNA has changed and our evolution was guided or not, yadda yadda. I have no opinion on that. I actually think we are closer to understanding the mind and consciousness than most people think. The knowledge is very very old, just pushed aside. It doesn't help that these teachings are largely in single languages that most of the world doesn't speak. Studies are coming out that experiment upon consciousness.


What if two plus two was four. Fuck.


"I'm 14 and this is deep"




Removed: R10 - No Mind-Altering Substances.


He was


Wait, do you think people think he was actually talking about a cave?


I can’t speak for OP, but I’m sure they didn’t think it was a straight story about some folks in a cave. However, in my academic experience, the allegory of the cave was never deeply explored and the way that it was taught made me view it as an early philosophical concept that is taken for granted and that we’ve sort of achieved. For example, the narrative deconstruction that occurs in post modernism is akin to the person that comes back to the cave and says “all is not as it seems.” I thought we had risen above narratives of modernism. We had seen past the shadows. And this aligned with the western idea of “post history” that had come about after the Cold War. But I, like OP I assume, never thought Plato was talking about reality or what I view as my own self.


Plato's allegory of the cave was about the nature of our consciousness of our existence as a whole. Plato believed that the material universe was a lesser state of existence that our perfect selves peeked into, and it is an idea that we take for granted in modern philosophy, because the religions emerging around the time he lived eventually reached the same ideas over the following several centuries. However, for the greeks, they very much believed in the soul, but their various pantheons were in disagreement about the notion of a perfected higher existence. To many polytheistic tribes of the Mediterranean world, the chaos and confusion that exists in the material world wasn't merely excused as the material world being a lesser state of being itself, but a built in fact of the universe that even the gods themselves only proliferated. Modern religious metaphysics is grounded in the notion that existence is perfect, even if the universe is not. Plato's exploration of this is almost anachronistic for his era, and something you'd expect from someone who lived several centuries in the future. Now, today the idea lives on in simulation theory, or the brain in a jar thought experiment, but what I'd call the profound notion we've reached today in philosophy, is what our refusal to recognize the obviousness of our mortality says about our civilization; How a four thousand year effort in denial of the simple fact that we die, and that fact is not an imperfection that needs to be explained can be directly linked to our civilization's denial of the importance of our own survival, and may actually be pushing us toward the brink of extinction.


Thanks, ConstableAssButt


Very allegorical.


I’ll tell ya, a lot of these early philosophical concepts are still the leading edge of thought! Plato’s only like 2500 years ago. Also the allegory of the cave for me took on what seems to be its “full meaning” after taking very high doses of psychedelics.


Bro literally called it an allegory and OP took it literally


Funny, I don’t recall the part of the allegory where the man outside of the cave laughed at his cohorts that were still chained up.


Technically he was right: - Light = the Sun - We are chained = we are biologically living people we can’t alter our nature, we are chained to physics and our limits - We are blind = we don’t know everything about science life - We see shadows = we see an impression on the wall of the reality but understand only a small fraction of it. - We are in a cave = we are on earth


Technically he was right: The two dimensional surface area of our universe curves time in the presence of mass and energy. This produces the illusion that, within our small frame of reference, the Earth forever rushes outwards to catch anything in a free-fall. The reality is, as far as we can tell, the more mass+energy something has, the more it curves time, aka gravity. Gravity is the shadows on the wall.


What is there to do but laugh?




He was talking about reality


what if plato was just just writing for [Spelunker Magazine](https://magazinesfromthepast.fandom.com/wiki/Spelunker)


I've had a literal life-changing, near death experience in a cave and wondered when I came out if he was being more literal. Go into the darkness of your own heart and soul, and have the realization that the shadows of the physical world are only a fraction of your existence.


I've experienced a medically induced coma after a NDE, suffering a TBI and you are absolutely correct in your last sentence. nothing compares


What was Play-Doh talking about again?


That was literally the point. Took a bit but you got there. Congrats.


The scariest thing is when you consider our brains operate like the cave allegory. The conscious part of you is a prisoner to the subconscious but it believes it is free because it has to for the system to work 😱. Not unlike the social contract. So it’s shadows all the way down rather than turtles.


I don’t get the turtles part 😅


old myth about how a turtle carries the world on its back. someone asked who carries the turtle? and the wise man said, it is turtles all the way down.


“See the TURTLE of enormous girth! On his shell he holds the earth. His thought is slow but always kind; he holds us all within his mind. On his back all vows are made; he sees the truth buy mayn’t aid. He loves the land and loves the sea, and even loves a child like me.”


R U a turtle 🐢?


I took the allegory like this: in our heads we’re in total darkness. Like the prisoners in Plato's Cave allegory who interpret shadows as reality, our eyes and brain deceive us. Think about how the light enters our eyes. The little bit of light enters our brain, and it interprets converting them into electric signals, right? Shadows in the back of mind. So they capture and process only sensory information, constructing a version of reality based on limited input. This suggests that our perception of the world, though seemingly concrete, is probably only partial representation of true reality…the cave is our bodies our brains. We’re trapped in here. Unless…


Nice nuanced take. In fact most sensory systems work this way. Radar, echo location, lidar, etc. Pinging a small fraction of information off of a larger body to detect fluctuations in consistency.




What else would he be talking about? I thought the whole point was that he was talking about reality as a whole. Vision is a very overwhelming and immersive sense, but it is far from the only thing "out there".


As opposed to a literal cave?


He was


We live in a cave. We experience life through the projection of illusions and we’re happily blissfully unaware of the truth. We don’t know what the truth is and we don’t want anyone to wake us up to the truth. The truth is fine just where it is and you can keep it. Send out the clowns 🤡 ![gif](giphy|iofbYa67AbBg4|downsized)


He unequivocally was. Basically you're being misled as to what reality is. This is not the land of the forms. This is the projection sphere of a higher dimensional existence into a lower dimensional more dense one. 


The guy in the pic has got the DeNiro look down pat.


Every time you leave a Plato cave, you’re in another bigger more complicated Plato cave smh.


What happens when you understand that you are in the cave, but your chains don’t go far enough to see what’s next? Do we just accept our position? Make the best of it? Yes he was talking about reality as a whole. The true infinite nature of our existence seems too simple to be true, but so F@$&#?% scientifically difficult to prove it’s considered made up spiritual BS. If we could view our own full-spectrum electromagnetic fields around our bodies, and other objects, it would make more sense. Like a radioactive pebble; it looks like just a pebble but we have technology that can show us the particles and waves coming off of it.


it seems the way to get out of this charade is to become like buddah or some such. just basically ignore "life" a perfect setup if to trap you. why risk forfitting life that you love all the good food sex and thrills just to sit and meditate for the off chance that it's all some elaborate scheme to inprison you


It was an allegory. It’s in the title.


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I got the crappy reality cell this time around. Hopefully in the next incarnation I get a better cell with a better view.


It was alluded by Luiz alazondo that NHI live among us now and in the past. He even said you'd be surprised which historical figures were actually NHI. I believe Plato was one of them.


He was.


Wait. Isn’t that the whole point of the allegory?


I was literally contemplating these recently. As someone who not only had actually read the works but also knows this as the allegory of medals. He was talking about classes too in the same breath. A lot of interpretations here but I do not think he was thinking of total reality in terms if simulation theory. Rather, actually, speaking of the modern man still being stuck in a cave in terms of being fed the lies they are told. Socrates…not Plato, as Plato is merely reciting Socrates words in the Plato’s republic, wanted the average man to wake up from the cave to see the time military industrial complex. Sadly we still haven’t…


This is getting ridiculous, Plato was not talking about aliens whatsoever. Jeez q


No but its a valuable abstraction that can be used as tool which applies to our modern construct of reality, and thus transitively any manner of rational ruminations. Aliens, simulation, dreams, fuck man you get the idea right? There is no irrefutable capability for truth in general much less reality. You know your faculties are not infallible. You know they are not omnipotent either. We misinterpret many things and we can only perceive an abysmally small fraction of what we think there is. There is NO reality, just perception. The idea of a reality you might try to argue is an abstract concept made by man to model and convey information. Its not a truth able to be experienced. What do you think Plato was talking about, that can't include deception




We are chained to our beliefs.


The exercise is relative in nature. It can be applied to any sort of limited, stunted state of being.


I think he may have meant literal shadows..


Today this make sense more then ever before!


We all realize he was using a metaphor that we can all understand to explain something that no one can understand, right?




Plato was good selling used jeans in the 80s and 90s


I’m so confused on what is going on


We can only perceive about 4% of our reality, so we are quite blind.


Honestly if perception of reality is anything to go by, it’s Caves all the way down…


This is a great meme, lol. And Plato was definitely talking about the subjectivity of reality.


Bro is just trolling us💀


Uh... He was... That's the whole point.


He was talking about reality as a hole


Yes, the full allegory involves one person escaping the chains. Coming back to tell the others that there is a sun much brighter than the little flickers on the wall, and shadows are just the absence of things not the things themselves! Like symbols. We learned about reality through symbols, without realizing matter is the absence of spirit. Matter is spirit slowed down. Spirit = flame of infinity I'm speaking loosely, I am still learning.


It was about reality, would it have ever not been? Op, did you think it was about a literal cave, or an event like what a single degree of separation away? I'm a bit lost on what the "small" version of this thought experiment would have been forgive me lol


I actually should have explained more. I didn't take it literally. I was wondering if he was talking about ignorance of humanity in general or was it something meta like referring to this world as a simulation/illusion. It can be both at the same time but I wonder if he knew the real truth (about aliens and such)


I've seen a more general statement on any form of perception. How one's perception can be limited by any number of factors from biological- we can only experience sonmany dimenions of measurment and only have so many senses to intersct with them society- social, political, class, technilogical, and financial systems can and do provide various perception vantagepoints Interpretation- two minds with the same vantage point and samensensory tools might come to wildly different conclusions about what they're experiencing Basically at any sensory vantagepoint what we may be, nay likley, experiencing may be analogous to misinterpreting shadows as the source. This idea can be expanded and contracted as needed. We see through a glass darkly


Fuck all of you tbh, every time solid evi gets posted its all a joke Bruh got something provoking in the least &yall are out the wood work to be worthless again. Fuck ya. Issa psyop.


I’m having a hard time understanding what this says


| Issa psyop mfer talks like jar jar binks


A bot spewing nonsense that sounds inflammatory to drum up karma. I downvote, and move on.


Suck my bot nuts, if you don't understand what I said just scroll around the sub. Anyone here for data will eventually become exactly this jaded. Every provoking post & it's a comment section full of joking idiots. This entire platform is psuedo control over your data intake. I'm at the jaded stage so suck these robotic balls.


Well the shadows of hookers and coke i play with are quite nice so I don't see a problem, thanks


Plato's Cave, Zhuangzi's Butterfly, the Matrix. They're all the same. They're not talking about the Reality that surrounds you, they're talking about the Reality that IT IS you, up there in your Mind.


Stop with unnecessary worrying and live your life. There are no aliens, no ET, no simulation. It's just plain old universe, physics and chemistry.


What if Plato was talking about the wild fairytales you all tell each other about aliens and what their motivations might be?