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Read (or listen) to Bob’s book “Dreamland” where he gets into much more detail about what they were doing to try and figure the thing out. If he’s lying then it’s truly incredible. He describes using GC-AED to determine that the fuel source was an unknown element and it’s obvious to me he’s familiar with sample prep as well as the function and output of the machine (and I use a GC-MS which is is Somali nearly every day). Those details you’re looking for are 100% in the book. The thing that is not in the book that still bothers me is the education stuff. That’s still the biggest hole in the whole situation in my opinion. Though it’s fairly evident that he has the knowledge you would get from having the degrees he says he has in my opinion and George Knapp believes him.


Somali = similar*




I'll give that a go, yeah


Just to add a bit to the other guy, he also owns his own lab equipment supply company called Lazar Scientific


I came here to say exactly that. The book has way more details than you'll see anywhere else. In some parts he describes exactly what lab equipment he used and what kind of results they were expecting or trying to get.


Here’s what I’ve pieced together so far: Bob has two masters degrees. -One in Electronics (from Caltech) -One in Physics on Magnetohydrodynamics (from MIT) 1976 - Bob's parents relocated from New York to California. Bob enrolled part-time at Pierce Junior College. Simultaneously, Bob secured a job at Fairchild Electronics, initially working as a technician to repair circuit boards. Over time, Bob advanced in his career, becoming a test engineer and eventually designing circuit and logic boards. Despite a growing interest in physics and personal projects involving lasers, plasma containment, and magnetohydrodynamics, Bob continued to pursue work in electronics. Bob studied electronics at Caltech, as it was recommended by the people at Fairchild. Summer of 1982 - Bob had a strong desire for career advancement and decided to send a cover letter and resume to Los Alamos National Laboratory. Bob secured an interview in September, presumably via Kirk Mayer. Bob began working at Los Alamos as an electronics technician. Bob began to realize his work at Los Alamos in electronics was only loosely connected to his passion for physics and the work he truly aspired to do. Despite his scientific ambitions, Bob was apprehensive he might not achieve his goals and could end up in an unrelated career. Bob transitioned to work as a physicist in the Meson physics facility at Los Alamos. Bob took what he thought was a step in the right direction, and via the folks at Meson in Los Alamos Labs, he was sent to MIT to further his education. Bob was hired to work as a senior staff physicist at S4


You forgot the part where he ran a brothel and the part where he bought a rocket engine and strapped it to a Honda to convince the plebs that he's a super genius


How do you not understand that strapping a rocket to a honda is the coolest shit ever


Never said it wasn't cool. But it's certainly not any kind of evidence that he was qualified to be hired by the government to reverse engineer UAP


I'm not sure I trust your assertion that he was trying to gain credibility by sharing that story, I think he shared it cause it's awesome


I don't really care why he shared it. People in the community are constantly using it as an example of how smart he is and to add credibility to his busted ass education story


Yeah that's dumb to say it qualifies him as anything but a person who can build a rocket car


It is however a good way to receive the Darwin Award


If you don't know what you're doing, sure!


The jet engine thing annoys me so much now. They make it sound like he integrated a turbine engine into a honda, which would actually be a pretty badass thing to do. Really he cut a hole in the trunk to put in one of those propane engines that Colin Furze used to strap to bicycles. Edit: For reference here's what he actually did. [https://imgur.com/a/pLQ6syc](https://imgur.com/a/pLQ6syc)


Using a rocket powered Honda as an example to make someone look bad is an interesting choice. *we got us a crow in the pumpkin patch*


"Using a rocket powered..." yeah you just proved my point.


I don't follow


His car wasnt rocket powered. Your're specifically saying "rocket powered" because you think it sounds impressive and will boost Bobs credibility. It doesnt.


Ok, my bad-- *jet* powered Honda. And I don't think it says anything about his credibility one way or another re: his supposed knowledge of NHI tech. I don't understand why you've brought it up at all, it's not like it makes him look *less* credible...


It actually says A LOT about Lazar. He deliberately mischaracterizes his achievements knowing that it'll deceive people like you. Also he straight up lies about what his "jet car" can do. They used to have plans for them in magazines. They aren't mysterious so we know the performance he could have gotten from it and well... he's a liar. Also the newspaper article about his jet car says he's a physicist... because he publicly lied about that too. So yeah.. the jet car thing does not prove his genius, it does the opposite. He's just a deceptive liar.


Okay so he wasn't only a genius, he was just a straight-up badass.


As far as I can tell Bob’s degrees at Cal and MIT are only self claims and records can’t be produced that he actually attended classes at either. If this is in fact true I can’t take anything he says for truth. In my opinion I have always felt he gives off pathological lier type vibes. I do want to believe him though but it’s tough. My memory is bad but I seem to remember someone investigating his employment where he claims to have interacted with the craft and now records could be found but there was some records of him doing some janitorial type work there. Does anyone else remember see this claim?


I'll be honest, if we take whatever he did in the past including apparent addiction to being a pimp from the (video)[] (and your comment) out of the equation and just take what he said at face value, the point I raised is enough to doubt his claims, even before we go into his character What I'm saying is his history for me is irrelevant, until he is able to speak clearly about what he really did. Based on his movie and Joe Rogan interview, It'd be more believable if he simply said he worked as a janitor there. What he says is admittedly fascinating I just wish he didn't make it so hard for people like me to fully believe him


You should really check out Lazar’s book. My previous comment has bits taken from that and several interviews he’s done over the years. I don’t think Bob was a radiation badge checker or a janitor; I think he truly worked in the capacity he said he did. See the short video in my post via: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/Dj0JJUR3xg Most people overlook the incredible work Bob Oechsler did in the 90s. There’s clearly a lot that’s come out since 2017 that tame Bob’s once outlandish claims, and it’s now objectively more likely than people on this sub think. Consider the claims from Grusch alone; particularly about the number of craft we supposedly have! It’s more than Lazar claimed he saw. Even just this week, Rizwan Virk on Joe Rogan further confirmed there are people working in reverse engineering programs. Then you have the Wilson Memo and so much more.


Speaking of radiation, I think he should also raise this issue more prominently too, as far as I know he didn't - is the gravity ball radioactive? if it's not, why not? I imagine it would take a day or so to do run it through all the scanners/detectors we have, even if we already did back when, he should say something anything about it. Safety is taken very seriously in a lab, anywhere tbh Just writing these out I'm more and more convinced that he's bullshitting, but not in the sense that he's doing it for his personal gain, given the information and the comments here, may be he was in fact fed this information or is a second hand witness.. Anyway, I'll read his book, in the coming days, thanks


I'll check it out, thank you and I'm unfamiliar with the names you mentioned, I'll check them out too


I love seeing bots fuck up formatting of data in posts


He was never a pimp


Oh that is interesting. I didn't realise he went I to detail about the instruments he was using. I wonder if GC-AED was that common back in the 80s. I will have to check that book out. Also have you used a GC-AED? I work with ICP-MS, and there was a post a while ago talking about whether element-115 could potentially refer to the mass number rather than the atomic number. In ICP-MS we commonly use the mass number, as that is what is being measured. What are your thoughts? Or did Bob mention this in his book?


I’ve only used GC-MS (electron impact) and IC though we also have an LC-MS and GC’s with chemical ionization. I’m pretty damn sure it was atomic number 115 because he explicitly states that the machine output was not registering it properly (exceeding the maximum range).


That makes sense. It is very unlikely that they wouldn't be able to measure anything above tin lol.


I’ve never heard others of similar education refer to Lazar as an equal. In fact I’ve head the opposite and most of what he says is very surface level and never in depth.


Yeah… I think people overestimate what it means have a masters degree.


How hard would it be for him to conjure up those details for a book that was 30 years in the making? With Google would it be that hard?


Right. In a book you can take the time to check your writing etc. If you can't generally start to recall the same information in a conversation I'm going to have a hard time believing you were there doing what you said. It's easy to tell the difference between someone who can't remember specifics vs one who can't make up specifics.


Listen to any other interview than JRE


Exactly. It's not like he actually wrote the book


Nah he definitely wrote the thing, it’s the same exact style of language he uses while speaking.


I know right... and even if you buy in to the files being deleted, how do you not have 1 fucking Friend or teacher or someone to notice you...


Tbh no one would notice me from HS or 4 years of college, so I believe it :/


Knapp doesn't believe him about his education. He said as much on Joe Rogan's podcast.


Even George has said several times that he doesn't believe Bob's education claims and has asked him to come clean about it (but obviously he believes his story). Does Bob ever explain in the book why 115 was not identified by the time he got there? He's said his team discovered the fuel source but they'd had these things for years or decades, why did none of the scientists figure it out before that?


Excellent point. He also claims that he snuck a piece of element 115 out of the lab. Why not just show it to us? That would prove everything


Bob is a bit of a nutjob, lied on his resume regarding his education, but the government already knew that. He was hired because HE DID lie on the resume. It provided plausible deniability to the government later. They also knew they were getting a propulsion hardo that would be looking at things from a different perspective. He was a perfect hire for them. Plausible deniability later. Read his book. Watch his interviews with Corbell, Knapp, and Rogan. There is zero doubt in my mind that he's the real deal.


What has convinced you he lied about his education? Knapp has always said that if Los Alamos hired him, he must’ve had the education or else it would’ve been discovered in the background check.


We know he lied about what schools he went to. His education background claims have never been backed up by the schools or others attending. He embellished, but he knew enough about propulsion so I think no one checked as crazy as that seems.


How did this unknown element sustain itself on earth for more than a fraction of a second? The best response I’ve heard to this question is “cause alien tech bro”


Best explanation I’ve seen is a combination of “I don’t know” but also alluding to the theoretical island of stability on the periodic table.


It’s a little close to the plot line of Avengers for me to just take someone’s word


I read reviews saying the book doesn't really go into what he did there which is why I didn't buy it


>The thing that is not in the book that still bothers me is the education stuff. That’s still the biggest hole in the whole situation in my opinion. The answer is right there. He's told us many times. He said something along the lines of: >You think I got a job at Los Alamos straight out of high school? Yes, I do. I think he's a smart man that clearly has the ability to do the work but structured schooling just isn't for him. I think it's entirely possible he told the same degree story to the guy who saw his jet car and got him the job on his word, or, he had obtained a fake degree certificate. I'm convinced he worked at S4, doing what though is another story.


Yeah that was George Knapp’s argument that I tend to believe.


He knew when and where they were going to be testing goofy luminous craft (whatever they really were) and took people to go see it on more than one occasion. He is listed as a physicist in the los Alamos phone book but all records of his employment were somehow lost after that. In his court case for doing tech work for the brothel he gave them his pay stubs from a naval intelligence department and wasn't charged with purgery. He was right about gravity being a wave. (Edit to correct: was right bout gravity acting as a wave) Look, it's entirely possible that he's telling the truth as it happened from his perspective **and** that everything he read and was told was fabricated, like a test of some or some kind of a security precaution, or just our governments best guess at the time. He was super embarrassed about the part of the story where his wife was cheating on him and I feel like down playing that part was a mistake because that was the catalyst that set everything in motion. His employers found out about the affair first because their phones were being monitored as a condition of employment and that inevitable domestic instability was allegedly why they stopped calling him in. Which made bobs weird ass panic and go to KLAS news. *Edit to add: if it weren't for Bob its entirely possible that we wouldn't have any idea Area 51 exists today. I would believe that the saga was a CIA operation before I'd believe Lazar just made the whole thing up, there's just too much going on for it to be one mans lie.*


I understand, and holy shit I didn't know he is the reason we know Area 51, but also, about my Original post, disregarding his past, wives/brothels etc. what he actually says has some holes in it that I wish he'd elaborate more on


>. what he actually says has some holes in it that I wish he'd elaborate more on He is evasive and there are issues and that doesn't help. There's no denying that, but he's also human and doesn't owe any body anything so it is what it is. It's all the little things in the perifery adding up that doesn't let me simply dismiss him as a common lier. It may be untrue, but I just can't believe it's his lie alone.


One thing I read in this read is that he heard about this story second-hand, and he's just repeating what was told to him. Who knows, but that sounds plausible. I'm just so frustrated with this guy as someone who is very interested in the subject


Gravity is not a wave. What are you talking about?


Yes it is


No, it isn't. Google it, only Joe Rogan, Bob Lazar and Jeremy Corbell claim it is.


Everything is a wave bro




The guy even says gravitons would be both a wave and a particle. He's just belly aching


You obviously didn't read the article. There are currently two main theories about gravity. The “wave” theory which states that gravity is a wave, and the other is a theory which includes “gravitons”, which are alleged sub-atomic particles which perform as gravity, which by the way, is total nonsense. - Bob Lazar These statements by Lazar are “total nonsense”. There is only ONE currently accepted theory of gravity: General Relativity. In GR, gravity is described as a distortion of spacetime, not as a particle or a wave. There are phenomena known as “gravitational waves” which exist in GR, but this does not seem to be what Lazar is talking about. Lazar says that gravity IS a wave. It isn’t a wave. The “gravitons” which he speaks of are a feature of QUANTUM gravitational theories, and I think they require a little explanation. - actual physicist


Yeah I read that. If there are indeed gravitons, they would be particles *and* waves, like everything else. When did he say "gravitons" are nonsense, was that recent? It may have sounded like nonsense 30 years ago




They probably got confused and meant gravitational waves existing.


I don't see what that has to do with Bob Lazar, 🤔 Bob predicted gravity A and gravity B, he also says gravity is a wave and not a particle. He was wrong about everything and gravitational waves have nothing to do with him.


Scientists still have no idea what gravity is, but there are gravity waves. Ligo proved that


Ligo detects gravitational waves, when massive objects collide they create ripples in space-time. Lazar said that gravity is a wave and not a particle, that prediction is totally unrelated to ligo and gravitational waves.


Didn't Bob talk about how these things "fly" I.e they go belly up and just go towards the target and then years later a video got released by the pentagon of something that came out of the sea operating exactly how Bob said the craft he worked on did?


Yes that's correct. Bob was the first person to claim they fly belly up too.


This is my eyes is the only thing that backs up everything he says.


The hand scanner is a big point for me, you can't make this shit up in the 80's it had to be from a very secret facility


Yeah, it took 30 years, then another few, who knows maybe in ten years time a stable isotope of element 115 will be found and the theory of the island of stability will too.




Just because he says that the one he worked on flies belly first means that 100% of UFOs have to?


Well the video that shows a UFO hovering over the sea DOES fly belly up.


We already know the Pentagon and CIA lied about Lue Elizondo. When it comes down to believing some random guy, or the United States Intelligence Agency, I know which way I'm leaning. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, and the CIA and Pentagon have an abysmal reputation of being dishonest. Anyway, it doesn't even matter. We all know there is something going on. Even if Lazar is lying, it doesn't change the fact that we've been lied to for at least 60 years.


Man, I just finished reading about Lue (?) Elizondo (it's Luis?) What you say about the whole situation, I am in complete agreement with and this is where I'm at, but again, at the end of the day I really wish to believe Bob Lazar. Damn it man.


bob spoke in some detail about a hatch or door that he observed on the craft he studied. he claimed this door was novel and ingenious and that it was the only thing he understood about the craft. he should forget the stories and element 115 and just build this bloody door!


He’s already described it. Its a honey comb design. If you push down from the top, its rigid. But push in from the sides it will collapse. Think of an accordion. Or a 6 pack of beer in those cardboard carriers. Top down it has strength, but you can also collapse it down to nothing form the sides. https://imgur.com/a/7UFSamp


enough with his words and drawings. he should build the damned thing! a tangible working door is the ONLY thing he understood about the craft.


What? This already exists in the real world in many applications. Are you trolling?


these craft traveled from another star system, according to lazar. there is no such door or hatch currently in “the real world” that could preform in deep space. I’ll revise my challenge to lazar: please build a crude facsimile of the door you claimed to understand. thank you!


No, he never claimed to know where they came from. Nor did he claim the hatch worked in space. Nor did he know how to build one. You can understand how something works and not know how to build it on a technical level. Relax with your imbecilic talking points


he was “briefed” that the craft came zeta reticuli. he also claimed that element 115 was rich in the zeta star system. the element 115 in possession of the dark forces at s4 also came from zeta reticuli. and you are the person who claimed the lazar door was being widely used around the world. looks to me like you are the moron.


Bro just stop. You’re logic tree is all over the place. You went from a honeycomb hatch way to zeta reticuli and element 115. Blocked


Bob Lazar gets this attention over and over again from people who have recently got into this subject. Let’s be honest, credible or not, his name must come up when you get into it. Though interestingly the same questions about his story always come up with everyone.


*crows in the pumpkin patch*


Hey friend... Sorry to have to ask this by the way! Thing is I'm not a native speaker and I just can't understand what you mean by that. Care to explain to a fellow human please? Tks




A *crow* is the large-ish, common, black bird that makes a sound like "KAA, KAA!" A pumpkin patch is where people grow *pumpkins*, a large gourd (type of fruit) that is commonly associated with Autumn-- especially Halloween. I was trying to be clever and imply that the person I was replying to is shady, but I don't know if it really works. It's derivative of "Wolf in the henhouse"


Ow thank you so much! Sometimes language is so difficult! The wolf in the henhouse one I understand well and we use it here in my county too, the exact same way and with the same meaning. I'll certainly start to use this one, the crow's, from now on!




Lazar is legit.


There is a documentary coming out this year where Bob worked directly with the team to make a real model of the ship(s) he saw as well as them recreating S4 with all that he remembers, down to the color of the paint on the walls. Here's them talking about it. https://youtu.be/P2iaZ8ZzP4E?si=Ml7YdhihAnp3B3tz and here is the trailer for the documentary https://youtu.be/QMo_7LhqDfk?si=tPsF5p_veMgWHuFR I have no clue how well this will be produced, but what I see looks intriguing.


When is that supposed to come out? I can't wait to watch it. The DeLorean was kind of cringy though


The explanation I got from a source a that lot of people would scoff at but that has a good track record with myself and people I know, is that he is telling someone else's story on their behalf and with their blessing, because the actual person would be in a world of trouble if they told it themselves. Reading between the lines, I think Bob Lazar had some job loosely connected with the place, but made contact with someone there who told him their own story, and Bob got the story out there for him.


Then he could just tell us it's a story from someone else. No, let's lie for all these years, but people are gullible and believe everything. I like this OP. These stories always fall apart when you go in the finer details.


pretty sure he wrote a whole book about it


That’s a very plausible case. Bob is more or less just the *voice* or *messenger* with some first hand encounters himself


I think it likely that Bob is recounting a story told to him by someone else with more direct knowledge. The information transfer probably occurred while he was a low level tech or janitor at S4. Many of the things he described in terms of craft capabilities have checked out over the decades. His lack of precise details of the work environment, people etc and dubious education, reinforce he is repeating what he was told, rather than what he did or saw himself.


I wasn’t sure I believed either until I saw a TR3B up close . Couldn’t believe it. Bob was right about a lot of things. Weird things to come that’s for sure.


One way to tell when people are fabricating is the lack of detail in their version of events. I think Lazar's a fabricator but enough people want to believe him that his longevity has given him an air of credibility he doesn't, in my opinion, deserve.


I cant believe anyone without proof, is the sad truth of it.


I don't believe Bob Lazar, and I do run a lab. I will say, though, that out of the thousand comments I got on my post about my lab on this sub a few months ago, it doesn't matter how much you know, there will be people that try and discredit you. But Bob is a con man.


Honestly I don't want to dismiss him just yet, but I do understand what you're saying, I mean, he describes his experiences like a tourist who only visited a lab, not someone who actually engaged with the work. In my mind if he is in fact a con man, why not indulge into specific science-related details that physicists and chemists on the ground can relate to? Wouldn't that be the perfect, and I daresay easiest path to earning legitimacy? I guess he is yes, a con man, or perhaps a very incompetent con man. If he's not, what could be the reason he's leaving these details out? Anyway, someone replied that I better read his book where he goes in detail about exactly what I'm asking, I'll check that out later and see if that works out in his favor


There was a very detailed reddit thread going through his life and claims. I thought I had it saved. I tried to find it, but no luck. Many of the things he talks about you could find in science magazines at the time. His past is also sketchy. I think he's a very smart man. It could've been a disinformation campaign. There are amazing stories from much more credible people. I don't lose sleep over Bob, but I want to believe.


You could say it reads like a story.


Listen. Put the content of what Bob is saying aside and just listen to him talk and watch his body language. Let me know what your first impressions are.


This is interesting, for first imperssions: I half-listened and half-watched the podcast, he struck me as a shy, hesitant man when it comes to social interactions, and definitely not crazy. I'll watch the whole thing this time and let you know, but idk if that would serve any purpose to answer my initial questions


Ok, just wanted your opinion. To me he sounds like the kid in 3rd grade who always said his uncle works at Nintendo. His suspicious “headaches” and inability to keep his story straight definitely don’t help. 😆 Anyway, up to you whether you want to buy into his story. Personally, I think people like him make a mockery of the whole UAE study community and make it very hard for the world at large to take it seriously.


It's pretty well known that he's running a con. His credentials don't match and he's been caught running other cons. I think the entire alien culture needs to forget about Bob Lazar.


If you had the chance to interview him, what would be your top 3 questions, as someone familiar with a lab?


I don't know what I'd ask him because he's lying about all of it.


He's a fraud and was outed as such decades ago, mainly by Stanton Friedman. No idea why he gets another go-around. His claims are numerous and on record, he has courted attention his whole life, since his teens. His physics is crazy and he did not understand High School physics. He did not attend any high level university and has no qualifications. He was a photo technician in the 80s. His predictions about 115, such as they were, busted. His conception of the the "island of stability" is comedically wrong. He's changed his story, he's taken money - some say quite a bit, he's a sketchy guy, etc. C grade science fiction story ripped off from Star Trek, with touches of Betty Hill and Billy Meier's beam ships. Machined 115 in a lathe to get a triangular piece, discarded the rest. He personally identified the element as 115, oh except he didn't, someone else did, pick a version. The ship has a power source that bombards the 115 with antimatter ... *antimatter*. Think about this claim for even a minute. The ship points a nodal "gun" at a point in space-time and "pulls" the point to the craft. Except no, it's now an Alcubierre drive ... his story is garbage, why does he still have an audience?


He's never changed his story, and George Knapp says he's built his own particle accelerator at his property so he clearly knows about physics


Gullible people, and it's also just a nice story if you are into si fi or aliens.


Bob Lazar is an obvious liar and charlatan. It’s an IQ test for this sub.


To add for the people who need to hear it - *“Bob Lazar is an insider telling the truth”* and *“There is a conspiracy preventing insiders telling the truth”* are mutually exclusive statements. For one to be true the other must be false.




Is Bob the guy that always gets a migraine when he’s trying to keep his lies straight?


haha it does seem like it doesn't it, yes that Bob Lazar, he had migraines on this Joe Rogan podcast too I didn't search for general opinions on Bob Lazar on this sub before writing this up so I can be as objective as possible. It seems the man is understandably controversial but I daresay opinion is more towards the belief that he is telling the truth


I suffer from migraines. I can tell you straightup, when I get stressed out & have anxiety trying to rip my soul in half, that is prime turf for the Migraine Monster to come out to play. People who know nothing of migraines like to make comments like, *"Oh, a MIGRAINE. I see. How CONVENIENT!"* Not really. It's only convenient for those looking for a quick debunk; for the person with the migraine, it's hell. Your vision gets distorted. A giant gong, beaten at intervals closely in time with your heartbeat, goes off in your head until you literally want to jump in front of a car on the freeway. You get nauseated. I mean, coughing up a hairball for Christ, yarking out half of your spleen, *hurling* until you almost forget the pain in your head, but not quite because it is such an *intimate* pain. I mean, *it is in your HEAD,* a'ight? Bob Lazar did not want to do the interview with Joe Rogan. He hates talking about his UFO gig out at S4 because, as he says, "Every time I relent and do interviews about the reverse engineering job, I get trashed all over again!" I watched that Joe Rogan podcast with Lazar. Bob looked a lot like I look when I've been given a migraine by some impossible-to-resolve situation in my life. I *guar-ahn-TEE* you that Bob Lazar had a whopper of a migraine that day. Finally, about the lack of any evidence that Bob Lazar actually attended any of the universities he claimed to attend. Lue Elizondo recently (within the last week or so) admitted that he had most of his records erased too. Plus the Pentagon tried to say there was no Lue Elizondo working in the ATIP program except for the fact that some very credible people have said that he was indeed there and he did indeed run that program for awhile. Lue's life and his family's lives have been threatened. Bob Lazar's first marriage dissolved because the spooks from S4/S2 started calling his wife & telling her that Bob was cheating on her, advising her to cheat back on him to get revenge...just nasty shit that all the FuhBunkerers (Fucked up debunkers) said was "...proof that Bob Lazar is lying because these outlandish claims are the type of thing one hears from delusional psychotics.." Yet Lazar's story, including the erasure of his personal records, FBI raids on his house, and multiple death threats, is pretty much the same as today's whistleblowers, *except that Bob Lazar came out 30 years before anyone knew that whistleblowers in the UFO crash retrieval field were even a thing.* We never would have known about Area 51 if Bob Lazar hadn't exposed it. And the govt denied its existence as vehemently as debunkers deny the existence of any reality behind Bob Lazar's tale. They finally had to admit Area 51 exists, and how exactly did Lazar know about it a full 30 years before the appearance of David Grush? Wait. That is easy to debunk. Bob Lazar got the name *Area 51* from a time traveling Chinese spy balloon. No *aliens,* come ON! 👁️👀👁️😵‍💫🤣


Again, I think his character, migraine/whatever is irrelevant when what he actually says about his experience has holes in it. He needs to clear that up, a peer-review, if you will


I’m pretty skeptical of him but the world needs story tellers, no harm in believing his tales.


yeah. I really want to believe him, mostly because of an experience I had myself, but he himself is making it very hard


There is always harm in believing lies.


Never said all tales, his tales


Then do it !


Need to read the book "Dreamland" ... but to be fair (even if you don't read the book) he has to "dumb" things down for the common person and those details are boring jargon that clutters up the point when doung an interview that needs to be "quick and to the point". And to me (of all the whistle blowers) he is IMHO the most credible - as his story has not changed (as far as I can tell) in the entire time he has been telling and retelling it. A lot of them tend to add things or retract certain aspects over time - he doesn't. My 2 cents.


He left out banal details that aren’t important to the story.


I didn’t believe him once I saw him get on the nerdiest ass motorcycle ever.




I haven’t read all comments but one thing Bob does mention is that he was pissed off at the inconsistency in his work. One week he’d work one day, then wait 2 weeks and work 3 days (or something like that) I don’t he he had the chance to report on the nuances when he didn’t have a chance to experience them, ie as a full time lab worker. I get it, I too want to believe


Believing belongs to religion, does he have proof? 


So why don't you? I do dagummit.


You don't know anything about CIA and energy weapons. Expose the brain to certain frequencies, especially recent events, and the brain is never able to record those in long term memory. Even stuff in long term memory can be removed. So sick to live in a world where nobody understands that the human brains are unprotected easy targets for an unscrupulous adversary. Everyone thinks the brain is a given. A fortress. It is not. It's a public toilet, for scumbags with high tech energy weapons. I think everyone who leaves a secret facility gets the brain treatment, in their own cosy homes.


What, that's.. crazy Wouldn't it be easier to just make people disappear?


You think it's easy to dissappear everyone? People do disappear. Or have car accidents. Or die of cancer. Or simply not remember enough to be a threat. Statistics camouflage.


Havana Syndrome.


Geez do you think it’s that widespread?


It's an entire world out there, built around criminals who are in the club. I said it before: human beings are unable to protect their own reality (memories, understanding of events). Those few brains who can retain, are tortured the jeez out of them, to make sure they don't pose any threats. You've never heard of targeted individuals? Experiment fodder, and money bag operations. Yes, it's widespread.


I’ve heard about them. Long story but at one time I thought I was one. I thought I was being targeted. It started with people breaking into my house and not taking anything. They would pull my surveillance memory when I was gone for the day. I was outside and I lived on a street cars rarely come by. All the sudden cars where zooming by and honking the horn as they pass. This got me in a tizzy. A lot of stuff happened so I moved.


This sounds a lot like paranoid schizophrenia, for the record.


This sounds nothing like paranoid schizophrenia. For the record. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23348-paranoid-schizophrenia


Fears of being spied on or people sneaking into your home are certainly a classic hallmark of paranoid delusions. Also, it seems I touched a nerve with you. Why are you so invested in these alien fairytales that you are going through my comment history? Does it offend your sensibilities that not everybody shares your blind belief?


I caught a man doing it. We had a altercation and he said he was sorry and he had angry issues so got off of him and just told him to get the fk off my property . He was placing things around the outside of my home when my car was in the shop. They were numbers like you put on a house. The doors where all forced open at different times while me and my daughter were sleeping !


Also there were cars that would sit at the stop sign for hours until I came outside and then they would peel off. Weird shit.


I also had a incident with me and my daughter. She was crying saying something happens and she didn’t like it. I was sitting in my chair and a truck pulled up. I could hear this truck in the backroads most of the time. My teeth were chattering and a vessel burst behind my eye. I could barely move


I’m surprised so many people still buy into his story. Dude’s an entertaining storyteller for sure but his story falls apart pretty quickly under scrutiny. Also as a huge Rogan fan, dude has always been susceptible to believing in silly shit like bigfoot. Which he even admits, he can’t put his desire for these things to be real aside.


I think I've become a Rogan fan too after this interview, to a casual viewer what Bob was talking about is completely ridiculous, but Rogan sat there and asked interesting questions and always let him talk. The other, bearded guy who was with them was a little distracting honestly and Rogan's passive expression of annoyance at him was really funny to watch lol later I found the bearded guy is the director of Bob Lazar's movie, and also a big name in the alien/UFO community


Yeah Jeremy Corbell is like the least talented person who somehow gets a ton of ufo attention and produces a lot of content. He seems like a product of the "Security" team the norad whistle-blower mentioned


Corbell is a shameless self promoter. His only claim to fame is he’s convinced people that actually have something to say to hitch on to their wagon.


"I really want to believe Bob Lazar.." As shitty as he is, he's the most entertaining & well spoken guy when it comes to the whole UFO community even though his stories are a little dubious.  I remember getting downvoted to hell in the UFO sub once when I just mentioned his works 😅. That sub just loves to shill on Greer & that prick Delonge. 


There's only so much they can fit into a film length. They can't go into detail about everything as it would make the film far too long so they cut to the main information which is all that's relevant


Isaac Asimov had more scientific understanding and he wrote fiction too.


Based on a few sources, I think I have a unique take on Bob Lazar. 1. He really did work where he said and saw what he saw. 2. All or most of what he saw was actually human tech that they don't understand. 3.Entire narrative of what Bob saw and read was CIA disinformation. They purposely give them wrong info and assumptions. 3. T.Townsend Brown.... It's his crazy tech we have been seeing for 70-80 years. But he didn't give them the theory behind it, and they can't figure it out.


Stanton Friedman said he was full of shit. I agree. Bob is not a credible witness, and his story has just too many holes and weird connections (hand scanner in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, et al). I get why Knapp (and Corbell) ran w it tho


This post is giving me a .., migraine


Bob Lazar wants you to believe him, without you questioning yourself about his claims. Please, see below two very good videos that investigated his claims: https://youtu.be/Jl2356IOTrY?si=LBnUs7U9_OhF7jz_ https://youtu.be/hRbkOGu6Z78?si=X0K_V1wKha-hLQl6


Edit: I watched the first video you linked, thanks. I think overall this video is about exploring who Bob Lazar is, and if we account for that, whatever he said about his UFO experience is bullshit. Honestly it didn't convince me away from trying to convince myself to believe Bob Lazar. Did that make sense.. anyway, Again, this is coming from someone who really wants to believe him but just got snagged on a few details lol, and for me, these details are not about who he is or his character rather I'll check out the 2nd video over the weekend.


I think you already solved the Bob Lazar issue in your post. The problem is his lack of basic scientific approach regarding its job at the area 51... Hypothesis, experiments, conclusions. I myself have a PhD in microbiology and indeed, when you describe/present your work to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic you follow these rules. You give details about the scientific question, describe the material and methods used to solve the problem, test the hypothesis by performing targeted experiments and give some conclusions and take home messages etc... Very likely, the Bob is nothing but a great story teller, but without any scientific approach :D And more generally, that's the problem with the UFO topic, is its lack of data to work with. Because if you only have a 5s video showing a pixel in the sky and stating that it is a UFO and we are not alone... That's wrong... Conclusion: give the data to real scientists who made years of studies and are experts on the subject. Find below an example of a NASA report on UAP: https://smd-cms.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/uap-independent-study-team-final-report.pdf And most of the time, the scientific conclusions are less sensational than the claims...


all right I'll check 'em out


Jeremy corbell ruins bob lazar for me. Cant stand him 😆


One way to tell when people are fabricating is the lack of detail in their version of events. I think Lazar's a fabricator but enough people want to believe him that his longevity has given him an air of credibility he doesn't, in my opinion, deserve.


He's a smart fraudster


Why would they hire an unknown person like Bob Lazar to work on such a project? There are so many well known and brilliant theoretical physicists out there with a great reputation and many contributions to Science who would be the ideal people to understand the unknown physical properties of a gravitational propulsion system and all other technologies involved. Bob Lazar was and remains a nobody.