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What is the NORAD leak?




Edit: removed comment which was incorrect 


It appears multiple times in his post if you read the entirety of it


Apologies, yes he does.  Although, calling it the NORAD leak makes it sound as if it came from there and was only about NORAD,  which it obviously was much more than that. 


Yea, I just chose that as the title as it was really the only defence agency named. He alluded to others, but he was specific in regards to the NORAD info, locations, operations etc etc.


I am also curious


Just as an experiment, I pasted the contents of one of those Wikipedia articles into chatGPT, and asked it to write me an essay on how UAPs work based on the content of the article. I think it's amazing how close it gets to sounding like some of the posts on here recently (once you edit it a bit). You can read it here https://pastebin.com/0Xq2SAUq ##warning## it's complete fabrication


I think his insight on the effects of different craft on the human body are a little beyond this ^ & his responses to questions. The AI just gives a dumbed down version ”employs quantum mechanics, & exotic fields” as the vernacular is not even connectable in our modern scientific framework as we know it yet, so AI wouldn’t make the connections either. He is on the other hand, very detailed in his assessment of how these things work. The information shared is also super interesting in the second link! He seems to have sent many peer reviewed articles related to propulsion systems and the science needed for it to work with other users on the topic. (That’s ofc if the users did actually have communication with him) Adds to credibility imo that it wasn’t a bot, but someone who actually knew their stuff.. But then again he’s not around to ask anymore questions saddly..


To a layman, that user’s comments read pretty credibly


Where is this norad post?




I wonder if it just people trying to use something like "The Demon Core" as an energy source of aircraft. Would explain a lot of those incidents for radiation poisoning.


Isn't that just a regular ol sphere of plutonium? Iirc the only thing special about it was how preposterously unsafe the actions of the people involved were, treating it like a party trick


Beyond the silly behavior, others would still see the potential use - insane amounts of energy. It was a controlled supercritical reaction which didn't result in an explosion. Get better at controlling it, use it as a power source.


> Beyond the silly behavior, others would still see the potential use - insane amounts of energy. It was a controlled supercritical reaction which didn't result in an explosion. Get better at controlling it, use it as a power source. There was in fact an entire decades-long US program to try to run aircraft on nuclear reactors. And yes they would have been spectacularly unstable reactors, indeed just short of an explosion (in order to save weight). Technically possible, but the problem is stopping the radiation from killing everyone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear-powered_aircraft


Something about those early models regarding UFOs and acute radiation poisoning for those who witnessed them.


I think it should be called the HVAC larper.


🤣🤣 they brought him in to fix the heat pump on the alien craft


well- they were still using R22 Freon at the time….


Those damned aliens worsening the greenhouse effect! Need to increase the carbon tax on them.


Read link one. The physics discussions are interesting but the detailed discussions of the two systems offer nothing that would in any way reduce inertia or normal fluid compression, pressure and drag in atmosphere and water. There would be compression and strong heating and tons of energy dissipation. For all that complexity and difficulty it seems like a regular aircraft would be so much more efficient. The second one with apparently a nuclear reactor in it would be extraordinarily dangerous to any biological passengers. These are not at all FTL drives. The third one only vaguely alluded to is far more exotic and interesting as it’s like a true general relativistic warp drive apparently, manipulating spacetime metric. But of course no details given.


All current propulsion systems involve momentum exchange with a reaction mass in a medium such as air & water. These vehicles seem to create a vacuum on a quantum level around the craft essentially making a unique bubble medium of sorts that subvert the known laws of physics i.e inertia reaction, compression, gravity etc with the byproduct being plasma in said vacuum. Given that this is tech light years ahead of what we currently know, I think it should be looked at free of dogmatic scientific modes of thinking as far as physics is concerned, as they‘ve been observed breaking such laws already.. As we find out more about zero point energy, anti grav, & the quantum field, these laws we‘ve held so dearly to our hearts will be shattered & re-written entirely.. And as far as radiation or any other harmful byproducts are concerned, we‘re dealing with unknown elements & unknown biologics. I think it’s interesting that he mentioned some of the craft can be particularly dangerous to humans as there have been reports of these such occurrences happening.. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4121639


Typical narrow minded comment that thinks humans' science and technological knowledge is the only thing in this universe. It's obvious that conventional means of propulsion aren't being used...........


Humans science is pretty good now, thanks to 400 years after Newton. We have predicted and discovered gravitational waves and supernova neutrinos from pure modeling and then it happened for real. Alien physics is still going to look 90% familiar but with some new tricks we don’t understand yet. It will not be completely different. Of course there is something nonconventional but it would eventually make sense to a physicist.


We have come very far, but that’s a drop of knowledge in an ocean, and it’s hard to put a number on something we don’t know anything about imo. I do agree it will eventually make more sense to us though!


Alien physics will be reasonably close to our physics. The depth of our understanding from particle QFT and astrophysics is not insubstantial. It’s the manufacturing which would be alien and much beyond what we can do. We’ll be able to understand decades before doing it ourself. Consider discovering an advanced microchip. Understanding how it works at a basic gate level is so far from being able to make them in an industrial process. There is tons of engineering and science in the chip factory invisible on the chip. We don’t need just a crashed flying saucer. We need a flying saucer factory.


I don't find any of them convincing personally. 


Can you explain further? I’m on the fence about some of it, but I’d love to hear your opinion!