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The year is 2030. You wake up and pour yourself some coffee, thinking about that ufo video you saw on Reddit last night. You’re sure it’s real. You decide to get back on Reddit to keep up with the news. You see a headline on your favorite ufo sub; “Members of congress are calling for another closed door hearing with Grusch”. You get yourself ready and leave for work.


Coulthart: "I've been told that Grusch will provide the congress NEW information that he has heard directly from first-hand witnesses" 1072 upvotes.


Some Twitter account that is unknown as of today but has a following in 2030 - "Something big on the horizon. Working hard behind the scenes. Expect new revelations within the week!"


What a joke. People are so desperate they'll latch onto anything.




"Humanity isn't ready for the truth," scream people who already know the truth


This made me so fucking depressed


We can forget about ever knowing any detail if Trump was to succeed this time and steal the elections (he's been orchestrating it for a while now, starting with Georgia), he will take those secrets and sell them to our enemies for profit.


Trump living rent free in your head i see


I'd say the cost was more than a free rent when I know people who were affected by his frauds, and people who died because of his incompetence. He owes many people, and prison is the least he deserves to begin paying his debts.


lol maybe you want to put this entire current administration in prison as well then right? Especially since they are paying the Taliban 40 million a week to hunt ISSIS all while they are holding 3 Americans in prison and only turning in a few nobodies because they are in bed with ISSiS too. On top of paying ISIS in Libya because they don’t want to admit to being fooled by ISIS leaders and taking the wrong side.


Trump first: He'd been wanting to nuke any country since before he was the lamest most incompetent president in the history of America. It's either an imperfect administration with Biden, or a perfect dictatorship (meaning he will rape your mom/wife/daughters and you will have to let him), and everyone knows dictators are just cowards who have followers to take the blame for them.


He’s literally the only president in the last 20 years to have no military conflict during his presidency. You sound ignorant I imagine you aren’t even sure what bathroom to use. In fact Trump has said numerous times he wants to rid the world of nuclear weapons. You keep letting the mainstream media think for you though. Kind of like your refusal to acknowledge just how incompetent the current administration is.




You are literally making shit up.


NO, I dont, ther are recordings and testimonies of Trump saying all those crazy stupid things and more. If someone makes shit up is Trump. He lies about evident facts. He breaks every promise he makes. He says one thing and does the other. Just like a late German leader who sent his troops to die even when his own military advisors told him the war was lost. Trump's brain is like the folders of his business plan he presented on Jan of 2017: Blank pages, he has no idea how to run a successful business and made his money defrauding the people of NY and all America. He makes up stuff about himself, and he says he'll defend it in court only to run away like a panicked child. One thing is sure: What Trump says today, he will deny tomorrow. In the entire globe, such a person is known as a coward. If you're going to elect a dictator, at least pick a real man, not a bozo with a micropenis complex.




Trump didn't have to start a war to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans. All he had to do was to be his idiot self. And just like Hitler, who dodged the Austrian army and then took credit for other soldier's heroic actions, Trump dodged the American military and has been a constant failure. Even his own plan to steal the elections in January 6th failed, for the simple reason that he can't win an election without stealing it. If Trump has any world record is in being the most pathetic.


Yeah, go touch grass


Sounds like you bend over often.


This is what annoyed me about the whole anti trump thing. People treated him worse over tweets than they did bush over warcrimes. Ye trumps not a great guy, no shit. But the rest are fucking terrifying!! I'm not american or pro trump. I just wish the energy spent trying to stop trump tweeting was put into stopping the war in the middle east




go outside and smell some flowers dude, maybe a nature walk or something


I do every day. For you, it won't matter where you go because you're obviously stepping on a load of crap.


cos i'm not terrified of the orange fat incompetent guy from the apprentice?


Stop watching CNN or somethin


Stop bending over for the Orange bozo.






Removed: R5 - No Politics going off topic.


You’d think adding in the trademark emoji would give it away as satire no?




Removed: R5 - No Politics going off topic.


Removed: R5 - No Politics going off topic.


Jfc 😂🤦‍♂️


Trump's thinks he's Jesus, so a true Trumper would say DFT 😆😂🤦🏻‍♂️




Yeah because you said it then it has to be true. He brought in every single person who gave him the documents, photographs, among other things to testify in a SKIF. This way no one can be charged with violating their security clearance or breaking national security laws. I fail to see how Grush or any of these disinformation agents have anything to do with the reality of the situation at hand. There is obviously a NHI and it’s even more obvious that a very select few have the knowledge of what it is exactly. Whatever it is I would believe about half of whatever any government employee or agency says about it.


I love how entitled people on reddit are over uap. "ROSS COULTHARD WONT JEAPORDIZE THE LIFES OF HIS SOURCES TO TELL ME ABOUT FLYING SAUCERS. FUCK HIM" "GRUSCH WON'T SPEND LIFE IN PRISON TO BREECH HIS NDA TO TELL ME ABOUT SPACE SHIPS, THAT GUY SUCKS. ME HOWEVER, I POST ON REDDIT DAILY ABOUT UFOS. GOTTA DO YOUR BIT" if these people did 0.1% of what grusch an the others have achieved I wouldn't mind. But watching a fucking armchair neckbeard calling for blood cos someone won't break nda for them while they do nothing but whine on reddit.... I wouldnt break my NDA for those. I wouldn't break a sweat for those.


Don't quote me on it, but IIRC it's being held until after the election. Edit: Found this thread from ~2 weeks ago:  https://www.reddit.com/r/UAP/comments/1d0evsi/spoke_with_ryan_graves/


But why? This topic being used as a political football makes it seem even less real. Id imagine if another intelligent lifeform was among us Biden would probably want to disclose such a massive discovery before the election.


Honestly that was my opinion at first, so I get the sentiment. I was hoping it would be a major election issue.  But the political volatility right now makes it such a mess. I don't think anyone is willing to pull the trigger and open Pandora's box.  Obviously easy for the everyday layman to say "I'd do it. I'd tell the truth day one", but there's a reason it's been hidden for almost a hundred years, and they've been gaslighting us the whole time.  Is it a good reason? Up for debate. But there are a lot of good people who could've spilled the beans over the decades, and they didn't. For fear? Afraid for their families? Careers? 


No, people we're saying Obama would disclose before we got Trump or Clinton. People were excited after the Podesta email leaks implied Clinton staff was interested in Disclosure...and then nothing happened... And now here we are again with amnesia.  I wonder if people though Bush Jr or B. Clinton was gonna disclose but held off for the election lmao Just spill the beans already. Waiting for dates is what cults do.


Heres why the political football pisses me off. I could see both sides fighting each other to be the one side to disclose it so it never gets disclosed. It's like it shouldn't be political at all. It should be apolitical. If it needs to be done it should be both sides in a room with leaders on each side talking about briefings on the topic and making an announcement together.


Yep, and we thought Carter was going to get to the bottom of it back when he was president too. JFK was before my time, but some people (not me) speculate him wanting to disclose had something to do with his assassination.


But we didn't have Grusch then. We also didn't have WW3 looming on the horizon.  Not saying he's the savior of disclosure, but he's a powerful piece to the puzzle we didn't have before.


WW3 is always looming if you're an American... We had the powerful piece of admission in 2017 that classified videos exist and have been leaked... Nothing but thumb-twiddling since then. Nobody has stepped up to say "its not human". Nobody has demonstrated a saucer in flight for the world to marvel at.  Everyone with brain cells can see that the USA has been sitting on this and dragging it out since WW2.  Grusch is the last and ultimate civil attempt to end the Cover-up before everyone quits using dollars and salutes the flag with a middle finger. The last hope for peaceful, controlled Disclosure...


Bring on catastrophic disclosure. 


Initiate Project Pandemonium


I don’t think we want it turned into a political issue. It’s been bipartisan so far. And it’s been good. But the minute it starts to become one, nothing will get done


I mean, let's argue that it has been politicized. That may be exactly why we haven't gone anywhere since Grusch came out.  Maybe most politicians aren't backing the disclosure movement because they fear they would lose their respective election.  Everything is bureaucracy in the government. 


So the options welcoming aliens are either a criminal psycho reaper or a dizzy shittypants Roomba walker


I think there could be some “bad news” like catastrophic weather events to come, or corruption (financial/business) with tech, or even just, we don’t dominate the other beings, or The Bible is not what you thought it was - things a lot of Americans don’t want to hear, and the right will try to put it on Biden somehow, like this happened on his watch - and he kind of has enough on his plate right now in managing our place in all the world tensions. Plus it’s such a ripe area for fear and paranoia conspiracy theories which would be pushed in full force. Maybe too much before an election that will already have enough of that to deal with. It could also affect the economy and stock market in weird ways and might be unfair to spring before an election. I have no idea if the election really is the reason, but it makes sense the more I think about it. Like let’s get stable snd calm and then let’s get it out. Hopefully.


Among other things, I've heard it said that antigravity tech would render fossil fuels redundant and there'd be an ensuing economic disaster, if the secret got out about said tech... As for Boeing etc. - and I guess whoever follows through with the death threats for anyone who squeals (whether human or NHI) - well it's live by sword die by the sword.


What do you mean by "even less real"? It's real. Period. We're just waiting for details. But the matter itself is real and is our reality.


Makes it feel more real than if there was nothing there, though.


I don't think it's about the president or politicians. I believe it’s the intel community. I personally believe the resistance, cover-ups, and denial of the phenomenon stem from them using it for counterintelligence since WWII. They might be aware of the existence of these crafts but likely don't know much more than the general public. Or they know a lot more and want to keep it secret for the same reasons anyway. If the intelligence community uses this as a cover for advanced weapon development, it's plausible they would warn politicians in closed briefings to back off because exposing their cover up would mean exposing everything else they are trying to keep the rest of the world from knowing. If that is the case then those politicians couldn’t very well have a press conference and explain the situation and why they can’t move forward on the issue. This would explain the delays and lack of disclosure, and the ongoing secrecy. That would explain why every time these politicians start working towards a disclosure, they always seem to just give up with not much of a reason given. It just simply fades away from the public’s attention until the next video is leaked. Then the process starts all over again. Thats just a theory. I obviously have no way of knowing how true it is if at all. But it would explain a lot.


Ahhh, now that is a viable reason (from my perspective) - *of course* this would come out during an election year and *of course* neither of them wanna fuck with it - I mean let’s be real, Trump literally cratered a very *popular* senate deal on immigration in the last several months *only* because it would make Bidens reelection harder. We aren’t playing “soft” ball here… it would make sense to me if they saw this whole thing as a “do not touch right now” (similar perhaps to how Republicans see the abortion topic rn, ffs) But overall it’s FRUSTRATING for consumers


you imagine the opposite of this 60 years old reality


Look at it from the perspective of Lockheed Martin. 45 will not disclose. Biden will allow. There are literally trillions of dollars at play here. Biden is above all things an old school diplomat. Fine with slow drip disclosure. And he's a little busy. There are 22 actives wars going on at the moment. And oh, our next epidemic has arrived.


Would he though? I mean, he’s taken how long to address the widely popular immigration ordeal? It makes total sense to me that he would balk at this topic - honestly, what presidential elect wouldn’t - it’s a top national security concern which comes *way* head of our right to know *anything* (as it should) but it’s not any less annoying lol


Do you think it is an obvious obfuscation? Because I mean this is a complete about face from what he said at the beginning of the year. So like, what intel has come in since? Or, what has/had him nervous? I’m not surprised I guess, but I am disappointed. You don’t get larger buy in by crying wolf for a full on year - that’s literally how conspiracies are formed.. but idk I’m not an expert


Do you mean intentional obfuscation?  I don't necessarily think it's "intentional" but the wrong word could mean death for these people. I truly do believe that the MIC has only kept it a secret with brute force, threatening and actually killing people who "blow the whistle".  As for an actual answer on Grusch's op ed, I don't know how to feel other than I trust they are working on it behind the scenes.


Yeah same, I don’t think Grusch is intentionally obfuscating anything - I think what’s more likely is that he wants to get this out but keeps coming up against brick walls or met with firewalls claiming national security. Which is completely disappointing but also understandable UGH


If y'all don't quit falling for this stuff I'M GONNA GRIFT


Gonna have to wait on this election


Most likely. Remember, DOPSR is composed of actual people. With careers subject to political volatility.


Perhaps it is part being left because as soon as nhi’s are admitted to exist, the next question and expectation will involve the next party trick, ie have we got alien tech then? And do we know how to use it?. If they admit that nhi’s exist and there have been downed craft it’s obvious that governments have tech. What is embarrassing is partially admitting you have the tech but you can’t operate it, giving other countries the heads up on where that country is in the way of development leading to the loss of a big backup plan or even a tool that is already in use and blamed on nhi’s regardless, which is very handy if you ask me.


For those downvoting - if this has or is talked about too much here - what is the latest, at least?


This is not a place to be concerned with up or down votes. There are so many random bad reasons people vote either way on this sub. So many bone-hard convictions about things in different directions. Frankly the majority of the population here are not worth your time. Focus on the interesting comments you get instead and ignore most of it.


I dont think he has more than he said in the hearing. He has said that people told him about non human biologics and retrieved spacecrafts. But without having seeing them himself nor having any pictures to prove it the newspapers probably think he doesnt have enough for publishing an op-ed by him.


Grusch said during Congressional hearing that he didn't see bodies but he can't answer publicly if he saw craft.


Grusch has nothing. He never has.


Stupid post. Why do you ask why it's taking so long for Grush? His Op-Ed wasn't cleared for release. His hands are tied. Ask the gov. body responsible for the clearance instead.


Let's continue to make excuses for this bureaucrat.


Are you implying he should release it without approval?


Approval is for bureaucrats. People need to stop calling this attention-seeker a Whistle-blower. Julian Assange, Manning and Ed Snowden are Whistle-blowers. Grusch is a time-wasting cog in the system. If he HAD proof of anything - which he doesn't - he could have released it to the public a hundred different ways, without claiming responsibility, via his grifting buddies or the rest of the UFO community. He could have released it on the Dark Web or via a Drop Box, using Tor. He has nothing and has given nothing and never will. Why do people still endure this and defend this guy?


That's a naive and childish thinking. What he's doing is the way to go. He is beating them at their own game. He is moving the disclosure movement forward, without ending up in jail or worse.


Call me crazy but didn't Grusch do his part? He went through proper channels to tell both the public and Congress what he was legally allowed to disclose.  We need new folks to come into the spotlight and follow suit. Just hammer the public with testimony from first hand witnesses. I love Grusch and what he's done but what else does he really have to offer? 


Supposedly he got clearance from DOPSR to discuss his first hand experience in the op ed.


Grusch is just playing games. He's most concerned with the internal issues he has dealing with his employment and pension. He could quite easily share everything he knows to at least get it out in the open. The govt would do what it has always done and continues to do, deny it all, with plenty of talking heads eager to repeat the govt position. The fact he isn't disclosing anything and repeating generalities, then hiding behind national security (for example as his reason why he can say there were crash retrievals, but it is a national security concern as to how many)! Makes no legal or rational sense at all. Don't expect you'll hear much of anything compelling from Grusch anytime soon.


I agree with this comment more than most per whistleblowers who follow legal processes to report about something illegal, in general. I reject the idea of legal reporting through approved channels for reporting totally illegal programs and actions. If it's illegal, come out with it to the American people directly through our representatives. And if there are classification issues with regard to the illegal actions being reported through our representatives to the American people, then the classification should be de facto removed given the illegal nature and we should hear the lot of it without any slow drip feed disclosure over 25 to 50 years or more.


Yeah, I would imagine that he's in a difficult situation financially, though I don't know that for certain. No employer in his field will probably hire him without his security clearances and because he's a public figure now. I thought I read that he left the SOL group, so don't know what's going on with him now. He left before he qualified for a pension, so he's screwed in that way.


Absolutely. Grusch will never provide anything but opinions and promises. Time waster and attention-seeker.


Yep, grusch is just BSing.


As usual.


Don’t believe he has anything outside of he said she said reports. Plus it’s likely all a slow unveiling anyway. Society would literally collapse if it was disclosed like ripping the band aid. Look at Covid and masks. NHI would be 100000x worse. Think it’s part of the slow drip campaigns. Sightings etc, nothing officially, more interest drummed up, more public surveys opened to existence, then advancements with AI. We find remnants of biological life on Mars, then biological readings with JWTS in deep space, then come the radio and communication waves of intelligence, step by step till it’s just another Tuesday of news.


Why do you all think the US is the only country that can reveal anything. You’re all so Geo-ignorant. It’s a big earth with a lot of fucking people and no one is talking. I’ll let you all decide what that means.


Look into sponsors. Also high level security clearances take a long time. Even longer after you leak “classified” information “the right way” doesn’t matter if you were the Secretary of State or the president. And he was neither.


How do you disclose information you don't have? This is including any associated agencies. Yes, it's purposeful. Why would 'Aliens' be beholden to this one government, when there's 195 different countries, but they for some reason have to wait for 'murica to say it's okay, because they're so much more advanced than 'Aliens' - 'murica scary!


No I didn’t read rest of your post cuz I know you’re probably complaining. OP and the rest of you constantly complaining about disclosure. Find a hobby, touch some grass, get into sports or video gaming, have children and start a family like I did. Thanks to bureaucracy this will be a marathon not a race. Blame the politicians not prioritizing this and not the whistleblowers risking everything. Rant over


Why do at think his op Ed will be anything earth shattering or anything we don’t already know?


Well, he said that he knows how to locate UFOs within our atmosphere and he would share that in his op-ed. That's what I'm most interested in to be honest.


Supposedly the op ed will include details of his first hand experience with the program


The idea that Grusch is waiting until after the election because he doesn't want it to become a political/election issue really doesn't make sense to me. Grusch already publicly testified at the HOC hearing, you have people like Rep. Burchett talking about it on the news all the time. Elizondo and Mellon et al created a new [political lobbying group](https://www.uapdisclosurefund.org/#our-mission) that is currently pushing for a new UAPDA for the FY25 NDAA. If it's going to be a political/campaign issue I feel like that ship has already sailed. It also doesn't seem to effect Grusch at all if it's a political issue. If he presents some new, verifiable information on NHI/UAP, the issue being politicized will not effect that information. If he's worried the information will not hold up to the additional scrutiny it might receive if the issue becomes politicized, well that's not very good. If he's trying to control the narrative by waiting to release it until it will have the most impact in the news cycle like some advertising company, that's not a good look either. I don't know if he's just stalling or trying to time the release for some reason, but I'm not really buying the wanting it not to be politicized/election excuse.


He is not the holdup. DOPSR is. The op-ed has not been approved for release. Keep in mind this is still an ongoing investigation by the Inspector General's office. The stalling is from the government itself. They have a whole lot of butt-covering to do. Keep in mind over 2 trillion dollars is unaccounted for. Laws were broken.


Grusch told Rep. Burlison it was being held up in DOPSR like 3 or 4 months ago but Ryan Graves [recently said](https://new.reddit.com/r/UAP/comments/1d0evsi/spoke_with_ryan_graves/) it's currently not being published because of the election. The DoD IG or Justice Dept may still be investigating Grusch's PPD-19 complaint regarding whistleblower reprisals, but FOIA emails show the IC IG told AARO last year that the investigation was already closed and they were free to interview Grusch and ask him about anything they wanted to, so that also doesn't seem to be a blocker.


This stuff is incredibly sensitive and I think the slower it comes out the better


I heavily disagree. Just rip off the bandaid already. It’s been slow enough and I’d like disclosure before I’m dead.


It’s not a matter of ripping off the bandaid, it’s a matter of survival


You don't know that.


Of course not. However, if you listen to the main players in this game, if you listen to the ancient accounts, if you’ve researched predictive programming and the CIA/insider involvement in that, you’ll place the pieces of the puzzle together that suggest the realistic possibility of a very catastrophic outcome if too much is said too soon.


Well yeah if you start with the conclusion lol. everything a psyop of course.


To each their own


Is it possible to take this idea for a walk? Really curious about your perspective.


Well, leading off with Tom DeLonge, while he may be a bit of a controversial figure because of his background as a musician, he is the one who brought people like Elizondo, Mellon, and Grusch to the public forefront of this through TTSA. Him, Grusch, Vallee, Alex Jones, and Coulhart seem to be more or less committed to the idea that these are interdimensional, which would seem to mean that they can enter from other timelines/points in time, which is why they’re referred to as “The Others”, since they don’t seem to be alien to Earth at all. So, assuming they’re right and these things come from outside of time, people like Coulhart have played with the idea of these things hating our nukes for a reason, since if effects them too (DeLonge says the same thing). Now, what if we’d been given warnings (John Mack and CIA and KGB documents regarding weaponry)? Perhaps time works in a way that if we know that something happens then maybe it doesn’t go that way, as explored by Elizondo and Coulhart on Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal. The Why Files did an interesting video on The Vertical Plane, which can point you in the right direction as to where they may be going with this. That’s all I feel comfortable saying about this. I don’t know if this is true and I could be way off, but I just listen to what those leading disclosure discuss.


Catastrophic for anyone who's "done deals with the devil"...


Not discounting that


Stop making excuses for him.


Or what?


Or accept he's a time wasting attention seeker.


This is a complex issue, it’s not as easy as you think it is. There’s a lot of work behind the scenes that’s being done.


More excuses.


Ah okay ✅


Seriously, if he has something, he should give it to someone else to leak. He's full of it.


Maintaining a state of “truth just over the horizon” is probably the most important part of being a UAP entertainer like David. The fact that you’re asking this question tells me he’s doing a good enough job to allow you to continue to suspend disbelief and stay in the “disclosure” storyworld. But your impatience tells me he needs to either breadcrumb some more ambiguous claims framed as “more coming very soon!” or come up with a “reset the clock” narrative device. I trust David because he’s proven a really talented performer in the UAP pseudoscience entertainment space. I don’t think his character has peaked yet.


Yeah but like when will he deliver… he’s been playing this up for *months*


why he should deliver at all? Is someone paying him? This is not your random rich VIP that you complain about


He was the one that came out and said he had the goods. Now he’s gone all quiet. I think it’s fair to ask why someone with such a bombshell hasn’t made with the necessary follow up.


well its whistleblowing against a trillion dollar organization with millions of employees, the biggest empire of all times ridiculous that I have you to explain you that. What are you doing to complain against witnesses a part writing reddit comments of course.


Feeble excuse.


What nonsense of a word salad did you just spew?  Look man I have to be real with you, you can either adjust your world view to a soon to be new reality that some of us have already had experience, or you van stay in denial. Much like the people who think dinosaur bones are fake or the Earth is only a few thousand years old.  Once the science comes out you can choose what to believe.


Yes, he should wait until the science comes out. Any day now…


Lmao, and you accused him of spewing nonsense. This is a perfect example of how gullible and unacquainted with history so many of the members of this sub are. Manic to post how close we are. Even more manic to deride anyone who thinks otherwise. How much do you wanna bet they'll be singing this same tune years from now?


That's all most of them are. Personalities. I hate the lot of them.


I think the op-ed was a mistake from the beginning. He doesn't really work as a literary figure. He works best on camera, interacting with other people, slowly drawing them in as his ideas get increasingly bizarre.


"But wait, theres more! Visit my website (which generates $ through advertising) and sign up for exclusive access (which generates more $ when I sell your info to data brokers) and be sure to follow me on thegargantuanlistofappsandsocialmedia (which generates even more $ through engagement and advertising on those platforms), and check out my Patreon where YOu CaN jOiN tHe FiGHt fOr diScLOsUrE (if you give me $) and get TOp SEcReT CLeAraNCe (with a premium sub$cription) to my most secret files ever! You alone will be in possession of secret knowledge, and you can finally prove to your family that all the years you spent sweating in your basement weren't for nothing, you really did figure it all out!"


Why he should work for you so Fast? Are you paying him? Thanks


He, like all others, will never produce anything


And you, like all others, have no proof to your claim. Just more denials.


You mean like Grusch has no proof?


It takes a long time for a good writer to create a good story.