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It’s funny cause apparently a Harvard study says they live among us. So there is a chance they are either 1.reading this thread or 2. Chiming in


if i found out an alien read one of my posts, i would be fulfilled


That would be crazy


I found one!


That's just a weeb


I found one!


Ain't saying I'm one (wink wink)




We just like u 4real. 


All I’m saying is I agree with you that *Mars Attacks!* should return, but I think it shouldn’t get a reboot. Instead it should get a continuation set during the Cold War or Modern Day, of course helmed again by Tim Burton.


OP is an alien collecting information about the human perspective on how aliens may perceive humans.


I hope they like me back


Hello Alien here, you all sofisticated apes for us. Good day got some probing to do.


I'm chiming in to say that they think lowly of us. Most definitely if they have something positive it's akin to talking about how useful immigrants are for certain jobs.


Yeah, entire countries with average IQs of 45-80. Some peoples with a penchant for violence. Very few trying to improve as far as health, IQ, tech. I’m thinking they are more like ‘see that? Don’t do that’ when they look at us


Earth is probably their unplug vacation, get away from the crazy amounts of work and tech they have to deal with. Just a camoflauge device and primitive earth tech for a week, how refreshing


Maybe its like an anti vacation. Normally their environment is so stable. So they come to us for their crazy ghetto adventures.


They drive by with their kids in the ship and say ‘see that? Stay in school or that will be you one day’


Humanity: a cautionary tale.


I've often wondered if the Greys are actually their equivalent of high-school students, and they have to complete an assignment of examining a human being in order to get a passing grade. The ones who crash their spacecraft are joyriders who took their parent-being's family run-around vehicle without permission, just to go and have a laugh at those silly furless apes!


It doesn’t say they live here for sure, it suggests. Speculates. And it’s great but not true 100%


“Harvard study” is extremely misleading. An actual study involves more than speculation.


Both are true. Some are human star-seeds that KNOW they’re from elsewhere and undoubtedly some are legit “aliens” that are both reading and commenting on this. If the rumors that Google’s Ai was developed with higher mind technology ARE TRUE, then they can read the internet. And who doesn’t poke around on Reddit if you actually go on here? Furthermore, said Ai can translate any language into a native one for them. So feel fulfilled! Nanu Nanu


Nanu Nanu and Shaz-bot to you! Excuse me whilst I go and drink my drink by using my finger. Fun fact - Robin Williams got the part of Mork because when he was asked to sit down, he bent over and put his head on the chair instead of his rear-end. When asked why he did that, he said that an alien might never have seen a chair before, so they wouldn't know how to use it! Another fun-fact - a lot of his "nonsense" or "gibberish" words were actually swear words in Yiddish! He got away with that for quite a long time, until someone who was fluent in the language called him out on it.


What supposed alien tech was used for Google's AI? Also Google is doing pretty poorly compared to OpenAI.....


Lol whut. Star seeds?


Just don’t go to r/starseed , it’s uh.. well yeah. Like a dancing with psychosis under the starry midnight sky while on mushrooms


People claiming that there were sent from other planets in past lifes to fix humanity. Ya know, those folk with ego reaching stars


Funny how everyone remembers a glamorous past life as a king or "star seed" and not the statistically likely reality of being a serf shoveling shit all day, barely eating enough to survive and dying from preventable diseases...


Some claim to remember more ordinary lifes, they arent famous tho. With exception of that kid that claimed to be pilot during ww2


what’s the study? can you link it?


Pretty sure they roll up the windows and lock the doors of their spacecraft when they pass by earth


That's why when people report seeing ufo's, there's nothing visible thru the windows and glass its bulletproof for a reason


Drive through zoo


Probably similar to how we perceive great apes.


Makes sense, since we are a great ape. Soon to be cyber apes with ape AI. It’s probably a pretty fun show really.


I would love to see it referred to as “Ape AI”😭


AI, Ape Intelligence.


I read it like that: Ape I








It must be fascinating to watch, but it’s pretty scary inside the zoo.


I believe Aliens think we are less than apes. We are the only species that intentionally destroys in environment for imaginary money, let's people starve to death, denies health care for people. We are not as intelligent as we think are.


the only species we know about that does that


That means we're special!


I would argue they are the ones behind our hubris and disregard for each other/the environment. If a species happened to exist before us with means of interstellar travel, what reason would you have for NOT neutering their progress and stopping them from becoming equals. Personally I see it very plausible that Aliens are the factor behind all our hatred and stupidity.


They aren't flying here on rocket fuel. They AT LEAST have fusion. There's no military application to fusion reactors so why not share it if they care about the environment so much? People ascribe the weirdest motivations to supposed ETs. Bascially they want them to be better versions of us. They very likely are the apex predators of their planet at one stage and ravaged their planet like us. Hell, a lot of the lore about alien abductions is they need DNA from us to and our environment to harden themselves from environmental degradation and repairing their own biosphere but we're supposed to view them as Eco Angels? Bizarre.


God this is such dismissive and naïve thinking, sorry to say, but wow how can you just blame all of humanity’s atrocities on the influence of something that you can’t even be sure is real. Do yourself a favor and be at least a little realistic, we are primitive creatures influenced by greed. Nothing more.


Sounds pretty typical for a human to blame their faults on anything but themselves.


What are you talking about? Ever heard of "invasive species" - isolated environments are generally at equilibrium but there numerous examples of animals (for various reasons) experiencing a population explosion and overharvesting and changing their environments. Often into a "new normal" equilibrium after a period of tumult.


So as destroyers sent by a galactic emperor?


The question is...before or after I roast one of them on a spit?


HUUUH? ..cmon man, orangutans are like, our cousins from a crazy mama, friend not food😭


And how do we perceive them exactly?


In the same way we'd look at a hunter-gatherer tribe we discovered on another planet.


What's crazy to me is that there's a very non-zero chance they're further from us than we are from the earliest hunter-gatherer's (1.8M years by google.)


Yes think about have in a FLASH humans went from horse and buggy to landing on the moon. It keeps going faster and faster 


I think they have a crush on us


I always pictured us being to aliens how puppies and kittens are to us. I mean let's face it - we're definitely better looking than most kinds. Now I'm wondering if puppies and kittens realize they're cuter than us 😳


Oh believe me, they KNOW. Like, look at Sphinx cat..or literally any(except for tuxedo, u not ugly but I don’t like u) cat and say it isn’t such a cutie😭 Btw..you ever think we preference cats and dogs like how we do mates? Short fur, long fur..no fur.. Temperamental..docile and sweet, uppity and spicy..I think i’m seeing trend here.




Oh 😳 No 😅 Stahhp 😊 That can't be it \*swings feet thinking about my alien admirer\* 🥰


Xanthorp-35 👽totally asked Thipyri-576 if you were single 😌. Like omg my human, X liiiiike yoooou. 🥰


OMFG NO THEY DIDN'T ROBO 😅 It's not like their saucer could even fit my garage 😏 (p.s. It totally could and my parents aren't home😳)


Dies from cringe


I'm going to die from getting probed 😫 I mean, they're totally going to read my mind and know that I've never done it before 😞 Even if they can't, I'm such an obvious probe virgin. I'M A VIRPROBGIN 😭




Yeah I agree, we're hot 🦍


Seriously though, why wouldn't they be fascinated with us the way we'd be fascinated with alien life?




We are hot space orcs who occasionally say something clever.


What are you doing step alien


What you gonna do when the alien exit's the ufo and hand's you a single rose and starts looking at the floor and swinging there feet


What’s a good hybrid name?


hrey or guman






You misinterpreted - it said we will crush you..


This is probably the right answer, we're cute


In my humble opinion, I think aliens neither think highly nor lowly of us. We are a growing society, basically infants in the eyes of aliens. Different aliens probably have different opinions of us. Some may see us as we see dolphins—ruthless and aggressive. Others may view us as we see octopi—intelligent and curious. This is all speculation though. I have never encountered a real alien, so it’s totally fine if you disagree with me.


Never met an alian *that you know about*.


I share this sentiment. If stories are to be believed, there are multiple species of alien here, so I have to assume that different groups have different attitudes. Although I believe their thoughts are indifferent, this probably means they don’t see the value in our life the way we do. Maybe it’s because they understand consciousness, and the human body is merely a disposable shell…well, except the organs and our adrenaline….


Such an interesting question though. To know what they think of us, we have to know what they value! Our curiosity is probably at least intriguing


We still find aggressive social species fascinating - even if they think we're dolphins (weird choice but I'll roll with it, they definitely do some sketchy shit) and study them. Also individuals are a separate issue from societies as well.


Ever see an octopus kill a fish ? I'd rather be eaten by a dolphin.


With discern, care, empathy, hatred, and ambivalence.


“…yeah and if that wasn’t bad enough, their main food source is this shit called ‘Ketchup.’ We genetically engineered all life forms for them and they scoffed, mocked our creation and reconcentrated it into this monstrosity. Please, can we just restart again? Do I need to go on?”


I think they see us as batshit crazy war like proto apes. Which is just what we are.


Apes with machine guns


Ohh no, crazy no. Cruel. Violence amongs humans is not caused by emotions as often as among other species on Earth as we would think. Violence with logical justification tho... We might look like cold hearted killing machines, not far off i would say


I don't think they care about us, I think they mostly care about universal order.


You're assuming Aliens have the same emotions and cultural sensibilities we do. Maybe they have no concept of disgust or commendation.


Disgust is essential to survival. It’s recognising when food has gone of and the urge to get away from something that’s potentially carrying disease.  It evolved as we did but I can’t see a species surviving without the basic “eww that’s gross” response hardwired into it 


Again, assuming their environmental pressures are similar to ours, and that they have a subconscious similar to our that subliminates base emotions into abstract social labels.


Most likely don't give a shit about humanity


Depends on race either benevolently or absolutely despise us and see us as food


Apparently they basically aren't interested in us at all until we do something stupid like detonate a nuke and then they get very angry indeed. They try to ignore what we are doing - a good example is the submarine rush we did to the big construction ship deep in the ocean. It does it's very best to avoid all our submarines (etc.) but when deliberately surprised by a large force it just reduced our billion dollar fleet to atoms in a matter of seconds and went on about it's day. We should probably just stop poking them with sticks (which is roughly what we are doing with all our primitive technology)..


Was this from the green text about their fabrication / mining center? I found it pretty fascinating and dovetail with other stories, or is this another source?


We did what now?


4chan story . F'in big , mobile USO in the ocean . Navy doin some high level Black Ops stuff. The operation is a complete disaster. Conclusion : We have something worse than the covenant in our oceans , but better than the flood .


Well I mean think about how we react to an insect stinging us. We destroy it. Probably about the same thing happens if we try to threaten them.


The fact that they haven’t wiped us out of existence is a testament to how patient they are cause if I were them I would have turned the planet into mist a long ass time ago


seems a bit heavy handed


I bet it's like a reverse North Sentinel Island situation where a tiny technologically advanced population is surrounded by a world full of dangerous primitives that they have no good reason to interact with openly much less as equals, so they leave us alone as much as possible. Just like we do with the stone age tribe on that island.


With great interest. With respect to the Fermi Paradox, I think they are very curious about HOW TF we are here lol. I absolutely believe that outside the observable universe there is some life. I I believe they are curious on how we came to be.




What do humans think of humanity?


The ones based on Earth perceive us as our misguided younger brothers, yet guiding us and looking out for our welfare. The ones that visit, come and go, straddle curiosity with not giving a rats us about us, to be honest. They have their own uninteresting agendas harmless to humans. The best description would be "indifference".


We are destroying our planet and kill each other over nothing, we are zoo animals at best.


They lock their doors when they drive passed Earth. We're just a truckstop at the rural, far end of the galaxy.


I could be completely wrong, but imagine 'aliens' that have potentially visited us are unable to be aggressive, in a sort bottom of the food chain, vegetarian style creature - but if they had no other natural predator they evolved. Now, their exploration and scientific desire took over and found us - a species that is the apex of their planet but also killed each other on the daily. Maybe they are terrified of us? No wonder they wouldn't want to come down and say hello... Who knows..


They view us as the surface dwellers because they live in the earth. Probably gonna harvest us soon if we keep peeing in the water


I think the perspectives can be mixed of course, same way us humans have differing opinions. I want to believe there are alien races who look more at the good in humanity. The inspirations we have, the endless culture, our relationships. I'm sure some of them must find us fascinating.


We are the dreamers


Mad at us for stealing their crystal skulls


Humans are all trailer trash 😆


i think some see us as a species with potential and something to protect while others see an opportunity for control and exploitation


We would first have to understand their concepts and perceptions to understand how they relate us to being something.


Relative to what? I'm pretty sure they know that we are smarter than a cow, or that we have potential, it's just that compared to them a human isn't THAT much smarter than a cow, even though to us there is a big difference.


Very highly. While out Our physicality is likely more formidable than theirs, they wouldn’t be impressed by that & it would be overall irrelevant due to their advanced nature which renders the physical body useless. HOWEVER, where humans shine is in the boundless potential of our soul/consciousness. Our capacity to “feel” is undoubtedly something rare among the universe & our consciousness/soul is eternal. We just currently live in climate & social setting that has cut us off from understanding ourselves fully… but best believe they already know what we are


If we didn't have something they coveted they wouldn't be trying to splice our DNA into theirs the way the lore suggests....




I’d say pretty low.


how do you think a farmer perceives his cattle


Probably the same way we view dogs. The intelligence gap allows them to feel entitled to do whatever they want with us.


Confused warlike hairless apes. mostly harmless, except to themselves


I think if they’re so much more advanced, they must have advanced socially and they probably look at us with empathy and appreciation.


Like cattle 🐄


Highly cuz they not judging us on based on who we are now but what we can become


Highly. After all, we have music by The Beatles!




Probably how we think of homo erectus.


Probably neither because that inserts our style of worldview on something outside it. Who is to say they view things on a hierarchical scale at all?


Like we look at Gorillas. With affection, but also with a lot of caution, as we have potential for violence if we feel threatened. But there's also a sense that we were once more like them, and they see our future potential, with a few more tens of thousands of years development.


I don't think we will be getting any invitations to the galactic table anytime soon.


before or after they watched Indiana Jones 4?


I don't know. Maybe we can't really anthropomorphize (sp) another intelligent species.


Either indifferent or we’re viewed as their children. The latter is probably more terrifying.


As their children? They are some deadbeats then.


Depends on the cooking style


alien: arrives to earth to taste our soup, he doesn't like it alien: "pathetic, your cooking skills are a disgrace, never try to contact us again"


Purely depends on them. Individually? Well, depends even more. One might find us fascinating, one cute, one might be grossed out. If we talk about the spongy 'they', it might depend on how their society works. There's some basic level of reason that can be called universally shareable, I think. If they, other than us currently, have managed to establish this existential 'common sense' as the foundation of their society and civilization, they might look at us with fascination, seeing potency and immense adaptability on one side, and on the other with deep concern and empathy, for they see us struggling to break free from a long established system that builds on greed, exploitation, misinformation and abuse. If they're really civilized, in the literal meaning of the world, they might be discussing the justification of an intervention right now, if not already the steps to take.


Lowly so many people are cheap, lazy, unmotivated, disrespectful, inconsiderate and hateful. littering our world with garbage and chemicals taking nature and everyone around them for granted just for an extra dollar in their pocket... Humans have hardly improved over the past thousand years. The lies and deceit keeps people from coming together as one and really thriving... We have a lot to do before we actually get accepted by anything off planet. The bad outweighs the good..


I think that its hard to say what "Aliens" would think of us. What if there is not one kind - and if there are more then one kind visiting or even living here they probably have a variety of opinions on human beings. I think if they are more advanced then us, they wouldn't think in black and white like that. Or atleast I would hope not. I would hope they may be more accepting of the fact that all human beings are different and see our neuro diversity here. What we should be afraid of, are Aliens who do think in black and white like a lot of humans do. Because chances are they will not only see us as lowly - but dangerous, toxic and abusive destructive forces to our environment, planet, other species and to each other. We could be seen as a threat to them and outside worlds/species. We would probably be eradicated so there is no chances of us spreading our toxic nature elsewhere in the universe too. I think a more advanced species would take on a higher level thought process that would keep them from interfering with humanity too much, in terms of rendering us extinct just because a few of us are shit heads.. They would probably see our struggles, our wars and the diversity among those who are trying to do good in this world and those who are war hungry and destructive - and everything in between. They might see the good, bad and grey areas. That species interference might look more like them quietly "saving" us from each other.. saving the rest of our planet and its species, maybe its own species, from humans that just dont fucking care.. such as \*shutting down nuclear missiles\* as they have supposedly done.. that seems more like a higher level thought process to me. Small and simple shows of their power and presence. But not completely interfering in our lives. idk its hard to say. Hard to say if they are even out there and if they are, how involved they are or have been up to this point. Maybe we are worth something to them regardless of our behavior's. We could be a fucking farm for all we know. But i hope we arent. I hope we are more like a zoo of rare animals that is being observed and watched over for our own benefit.. simply because they too see and understand the beauty and benefits of all life in our universe.. and that everything in the universe plays its own significant part in its incredible symphony. I hope they treasure life.


I think they are anxiously waiting for us to evolve. Everything in the universe is consciousness. Consciousness that wants to come together.


If they are intelligent enough to find us they think we are absolute vile morons.


If you stare at the nose long enough the face starts to move.


They perceive us like the zoo animals that we are. They get a kick out of how we destroy ourselves with wars and insane ideas we have adopted that go against natural law. They’re trying to figure out on why we insist on destroying our planet and ourselves.


If the beings are outside this dimension then they probably view us like we view a character on a television set.


With the fascination of a science experiment that they created




mars attacks mentioned!!


With fascination is my guess. Or maybe cute, like puppies. Maybe they love us. Or perhaps we’re part of some grand plan.


As one of the greatest Alien Tv show they have, ever made


Rated 1/5 Star, Humans are a bunch of dickheads. made me woke up in a whole fucking steaming mood everyday. also why did you use my Tinder PFP in here


"alien side note: could you humans stop sending out signals? most of us are in a deep sleep phase and you do NOT want to deal with cranky reptilians!"


Hell, my perception of humanity is low and I'm human myself. :|


I don't know but it's 230 am and that photo scared the fuck out of me.


I was about to say, "They look at us like we'd look at ants", but ants have their shit together so that fell apart pretty quickly.


They don’t have a soul. They are trying to harness the human soul to achieve immortality and transcend the multiverse. That’s why they are watching us.


You know when you have a good crap and flush, but no matter what you do there's a couple of spots stuck to the side of the bowl you try to "piss" off in vain at a future visit? Somewhere below that.


Man even we don’t perceive of us highly


Lowly I believe we are an experiment which went far beyond their expectations and now they fear what they have created and if given the same technology we would be an infestation of not only our dimension but also others.


“You are bugs.”


Humans more closely resemble a virus.


Why aren’t people downvoting this cliche crap. Start getting in depth of real ufo cases


I’ve heard highly but becoming impatient because we can’t get our shit together. I’ve read and heard our psychic abilities are feared and respected


They tolerate us


I would like to think they don’t lump us all in as one. But when I think on an awesome planet it would have a united humanity. We would operate under the tenets that every person deserves health care, food, and shelter. And we would deliver those things. Instead we continue to elect the wealthiest people to rule. And wealthy people tend to be greedy and cheap bastards.


There is probably an off world travel advisory about this planet.


Likely a resource to be used in any way they see fit. Kind of like us with everything we decide is below us.


If they see the likes of Islam, probably think that we’re nuts.


Probably much more like human incubators that they are able to use as they like whenever they like. Literally trading technology for our biology.


I don't think they process information like humans do so they're evaluation of us probably won't fit into our human way of thinking. They probably differentiate the usefulness of other intelligent beings by their ability to assist them or the danger that they may pose to them. They are probably fascinated with our history and our primitive nature like our constant fighting and endless wars, these aspects are probably very interesting to them. I have a theory that intelligent and advanced beings from far away will have evolved through some sort of stress that caused their evolution to produce a thinking being instead of a passive animal like a sloth. I think that most intelligent beings evolved because they were constantly under evolutionary stress while struggling to survive, this causes the elimination of the unintelligent members and promotes the proliferation of the intelligent survivors. I say this because many people think that advanced aliens would be extremely put off by our primitive nature but I think this will be accepted by them because they may have had a similar history in their distant past.


Considering they haven't stopped and introduced themselves tells a lot.


We are a resource to them. Our precious dna allows them to reproduce.


It is extremely low to the point where they won't understand us at all.


Probably the same way we look at ants


Or the same way ants looks at humans


They perceive us Like food, this is why we’re growing in size - aliens are fattening their dinner up for display at their food markets. I’ve seen it, 100kg human costs roughly $1500. Red heads sell for a premium cost as they taste spicy.


Pretty sure if they pay any attention to the stupid orange felon cult in America, their opinion of humanity isnt very high.


Everyday this sub is just random questions lol Idk man, like probably low. We literally kill each other over money, pretty dumb right?


Insert *Pathetic* meme




We don't have a clue. Have they been on earth forever and watched us evolve and repeatedly screw up, or are they from somewhere else and don't even begin to rationalize like us?






They are not aliens… merely custodians of the simulation


Oddly enough, you will find the following words ring true. We give them meaning. Much as a wife does to a husband. Or the earth to the moon. Without the other half of things, it’s just incomplete. See humans over the centuries formulate gods and depend for meaning. See those same humans turn to science for truth. Now how funny, that science converge on the original ideas of gods in the rumors of unexplainable phenomenon or simulation theory. Without them, mankind is a lost flock, without humans they are exposed and without discovery. They advance our souls and hold a mirror 🪞 to our ignorance. We hold everything native and soulful that they lost.


The same way we think of a herd of cows


Hysterical. Because we try to fit ourselves in a small box we cant fit.


As Malcom in the Middle puts it: "Trust me, Dad, they're all looking down on us".


Like a virus that if not contained would spread like syphilis across the universe.


I think different aliens have different opinions. But overall I think they've prevented us from destroying ourselves a couple times, either so we can continue to develop, or so we don't mess up their good time using Earth. I usually feel positively towards NHI, but I tend to believe love is stronger than fear, and that this force of nature would affect NHI and the development of them and their advanced societies.


They probably equate quantum physics to a baby taking his first steps . Considering the tech they posses and their inter dimensional travel probably lowly


With the fascination of a science experiment that they created