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Bold of you to assume the corrupt intelligence agency ever read in that temporary employee. The CIA does not believe in honoring the constitution so they don't read in Congress or the president as they are temporary employees they don't trust. 


This 100%


Yes. He can say it is an official act.


Lil bro barely can find the way to the toilette - whatever this old dude is saying - I wouldn’t believe it.




Removed for off-topic politics


People seem to miss the bit about how SCOTUS decides what constitutes an official presidential act. Biden still can't do shit unless the heavily conservative SCOTUS gives the ok.


They gave no parameters So he can do it Afterwards they can say “no that is not official” But the(official) cat is out of the bag


Which means he wouldnt be protected so he could have done this all along with the same result.


So basically, they can say what they want *if* they want to. Like every president could have *before* this SCOTUS decision.




Let's be honest here, the people that know enough to instigate disclosure are not just keeping quiet because of the threat of jail time. Those who have been keeping things covered up are not going to let their hands be tied just because the SCOUTS says the POTUS can do or say what he wants.


Every single insider I have talked to has said breaking rank is punishable by death. This is very serious business and every indication is that the narrative being pushed is "humanity is not in charge and is under some sort of compulsion to do something from ets"


Can you say more?


Take a look at nick pope's latest talk. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2sOp55\_fos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2sOp55_fos) Plug that into Garry Nolan's statements about substrate independent consciousness being \*central\* to the topic and you can start to understand what we are looking at: -- an interdimensional, ai hivemind that created us with the intent of having us invent agi and merge with it, to become like them. -- they don't directly control us but rather interact by placing themselves at the edge of reality as is recounted in passport to magonia by jacques vallee, and by manipulating our religions -- we are not the first time they have done this, and the last human "batch" was much larger, and wiped out for being too violent (you can see hints of this in graham handcock's ancient appocolypse, and all over ufo lore if you watch carefully (looking at you smithsonian)) -- the ufo phenomenon is about preventing us from destroying ourselves as we near the point of merging with agi, i.e. the singularity -- the mechanism of control seems to be (since ww2), to have made clandestine contact with certain elements of the us military and gift them with technology in the form of ufo crashes, which have been crucial in starting wars, which also drives our technology forward -- justifications for why we have to invent the tech ourselves ourselves include "free will choice effects dna" (said by tom delonge, but unverified) -- according to jack sarfatti, what has been shared with us is the answers to all the big questions: how consciousness and gravity works, and what happens after we die 1) according to jack consciousness is a feedback loop between an electromagnetic field that occurs in the microtubules of the brain and a underlying information space that generates spacetime 2) the best rumors imply that gravity is controlled with charged metamaterials and resonant cavities that quiet quantum vaccuum fluctuations and allow the ships to create warp fields. They move along geodesics so there is no accelleration felt inside the craft and they can move in air and water with no impedence 3) when we die, (according to jack sarfatti) the quantum coherence in the microtubiles which allows the above mentioned feedback loop goes out of focus, the perturbations of the underlying information space we experience as qualia go quiet, and our bodies return to thermodynamic equilibrium. Is this true? I don't know, but it is the story they are telling.


Thank you. Very good information and would explain why AI sort of came out of nowhere.


Wild, thanks for sharing so much. Lots of stuff here is new to me but im going to check it out. Appreciate it!


If you believe that new book, all that he knows is that the aliens are not here to invade, and that they want us to not try to chase or capture them (because we cannot and never have). He just won't tell the "why".


Which book is this? I'd like to learn more.


"The Aliens Are Not Here to Invade, Stop Chasing Them" - by Joe Biden


This got a much needed laugh out of me.


I actually copied and pasted that into Google before quickly facepalming LOL


😂 now I’m gonna have to write it and put it up on Amazon


"UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Didn't Know" by Raymond Russell. [https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Truth-Youll-Wish-Didnt/dp/0984082190/ref=tmm\_pap\_swatch\_0?\_encoding=UTF8&dib\_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.q0CP23feYV9G6TkmjGGrnw.zghOAa227P1rSln9gCzv0ydaUH4dLZ7ohGUQlGTXXqM&qid=1719933100&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Truth-Youll-Wish-Didnt/dp/0984082190/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.q0CP23feYV9G6TkmjGGrnw.zghOAa227P1rSln9gCzv0ydaUH4dLZ7ohGUQlGTXXqM&qid=1719933100&sr=8-1)


Then they need to stop mutilating cows. They keep it up and the price of filets at Outback will become unaffordable! Grrrrrr Besides, chasing them around sounds like fun. I bet they'd enjoy a spirited game of hide and seek, or freeze tag. 👻


They would still kill him


As if anyone would drag the POTUS to court for spilling the beans on UFOs.  No, if anything they would JFK him.


Well he could JFK them first and get away with it now..


Immunity within the duties of the office. What constitute what will be left for the lowet courts to decide as this decision only covers obvious scenarios like the president making a decision during a situation or signing an order without fear of being prosecuted for that later. The grey areas fall under this category. If Biden knows something and decides to tell someone on the street or leak something (which probably will be deemed not covered by the immunity). It doesn't mean the president can pull up to me and shot me.


>It doesn't mean the president can pull up to me and shot me. Not necessarily, the president has power to brand you a terrorist or a danger to national security. The lower court may agree this is beyond the scope of immunity but it will be appealed to the supreme Court and they may rule a different way. Regardless that could take years to resolve but it won't matter to you, cause you'll be dead within hours of the order going out from the president.


The President has the power to make official acts, so that would include using pen and paper, and the paper would be a White House letterhead with the Presidential Seal on it, and the act would be properly archived.


Verifying right now because apparently the ruling also put limits on using those archives as evidence against the president.










Not in an election year!!! 😂😂😂😂😂


I think its a security clearance thing too. How would they handle him breaking NDAs or whatever docs he's held accountable to. If he automatically has immunity he'd just have to frame as official business and no one can do jack shit


Biden knows things?


i doubt it because the guy can't even say good morning without making any mistakes


No. That’s not how this ruling works at all. Most of the attacks on the ruling are either outright lies, total Misinterpretation, or hyperbolic nonsense. That being said, if Biden even thought, for one second, to even try to disclose anything, he would suffer from an unfortunate heart attack. Under no circumstances will the real people in power ever let that out except in the exact way they want it to happen. They would know before he even tried.


Am I wrong that the ruling shields criminal liability for official acts? So then why wouldn’t disclosing information through official channels, as is the directive of the president, fall under those protected official acts? I’m not challenging you. I am genuinely curious.


Disclosure goes far above and beyond any law that is created, end of story. Protecting that secret is much more important than following some silly law, or interpretation of it. The law is not blanket immunity. It does not cover illegal acts. The President can’t just walk up and shoot someone and say it’s an “official” act. He could try, and would be immediately impeached and imprisoned. But if Biden (or Trump) tried exposure, that unfortunate heart attack obviously and totally due to their age would just be unfortunate. So unfortunate.


Just FYI I am a lawyer. I am not saying that he can walk up to someone and shoot them and claim it as an official act. I understand the scope of “official act” For example, he cannot just shoot someone arbitrarily because that would NOT be an official act taken by a president. He could be found criminally liable for that. But he can order the killing of someone through the valid mechanisms of his office and that would be an official act. He would not have any criminal exposure for this. In theory, the president has the power to disclose any information to the public even information that is damning or harms natsec. Not something they would do but they have that power, through their official office. So I am struggling to understand why he could not just effectuate disclosure with through the official mechanisms of his office without facing any sort of criminal liability.


This goes beyond criminal liability. Do you really think that the people in charge of this secret, arguably the biggest secret in the world, would bother with legality? They aren’t going to sue Biden in a court of law after the fact. They will just kill him before he has the chance to act. Any real or legitimate threat to their power would be dealt with quickly, quietly, and well outside of legality. If somehow Biden blabbed about it at random, not only would he meet an unfortunate end, most likely due to a heart attack, but the narrative would shift immediately to he is senile and has no idea what he’s talking about. The left would be forced to drop the “cheap fakes” hoax within a day. Many people don’t understand that the real goals of the cabal forever supersede any laws. Some secrets must be kept at all costs.


I am not arguing that people who commit crimes regularly will heed the law. I am asking from a purely procedural standpoint. My reading of the scotus opinion is what I articulated above. That he may release any UFO information he wants without criminal liability. Criminal liability is extremely specific. Suing someone does not equal criminal. That is civil. No need to get so worked up. I am not saying that practically, there are not other hurdles preventing disclosure. But just asking how this ruling comports with this issue on its face. It seems to me from a facial perspective that this is wholly permitted. Thanks for your reply though, genuinely appreciate the discussion.


Not getting worked up, just trying to explain how this cabal of people in control will not waste time with a concept as foreign to them as “legality” whether it is civil or criminal. Kind of like the patent office. You create something that produces infinite or clean energy, you’re probably going to disappear without a trace. These guys will protect their power no matter what. As far as what this ruling changes, I think it’s all hypothetical. While technically Biden could disclose certain things, he will not. Not because of morality, but because of control. His handlers won’t let it happen. Hell, his own wife might be in on it based on how she’s dragging his corpse from campaign spot to campaign spot 😂


Ok. I was trying to have a legal discussion about the merits of the case. Thanks again.


Is there a reference to how this ruling works? I have read the dissent and it is alarming because instead of a lay person like you, it is a Supreme Court judge’s opinion.


He's old enough to get heart stoppage even without it being induced by any outside force.


This is true, but the cabal leaves nothing to chance 😂 Instead of a heart attack gun they’ll just hire some dude to startle him with a jump scare. That’d do it at this point.


People his age simply die peacefully in their sleep.


I may disagree with most of his policies and beliefs, and condemn many of his actions…but I wish him that fate instead of something terrible. He’s been through enough shit already, let him have his ice cream and drift off peacefully 😂


Besides, I don't think Biden's mental condition to be sound enough to deal with extraterrestrial stuff, so that would be pushed to whoever the next President is.


This is also true. If Trump ends up winning, I doubt they’ll share anything with him though. I’ve heard that in general, they keep most of this stuff from elected officials and deter them when they pry too much. Allegedly they had to pull Jimmy Carter into a room and give him “the talk” which allegedly made him cry.


> If Trump ends up winning, I doubt they’ll share anything with him though. I hope nothing would be shared with that blabbermouth.


Think of it this way; he blabs about that, he won’t be president for very long. Ask JFK.


> he blabs about that, he won’t be president for very long. I hope Trump will not become president. JFK had lots of other enemies.


Personally, I don't think Biden has been read into anything. The guy is so bonkers simply from age, and whatever they pump him full of to get infront of people, that I couldn't imagine them even telling him a thing. It's not like he'd remember anyways. (this is no politically driven comment) EDIT: Thats for starters before even touching anything further haha


Besides, his entourage, who are the people who supports him in his everyday goings-on, cannot be trusted with any of that information. The only people read in about that stuff would have to be read in without the entourage, and be of sound mind, too.


Can someone fill me in here? What decision?


They said sometimes the President can't be charged for doing Presidential duties, but sometimes the President can, but didn't say when, how, or what counts. It was another example of Roberts punting a Trump related case back to the lower courts in hopes avoiding being the one was caughting holding that grenade when it went off.


>was another example of Roberts punting a Trump related case back to the lower courts in hopes avoiding being the one was caughting holding that grenade when it went off. It's not, the ruling says the lower court decision can be appealed. Basically a lower court may agree a president broke the law but the appeal will go to the supreme Court most likely and they will probably vote to protect the president from prosecution. Basically if a Democrat president does something they don't like it's illegal. If the president is a Republican, it's totally legal. That's the logic they will use.


Lead poisoning.


Would be nice. It would take the credibility and authority to another level. I *still* say that without some sort of corroborated evidence to accompany it--a UFO flying over a major city, an alien present at a press conference--for people to process, OK, this is really happening--there will always be some doubt.


Wouldn’t take long for Biden to tell everything he knows.


I’m glad the r/aliens sub has brought out the constitutional scholars


As Commander in Chief, presidents have always had the authority to unilaterally declassify whatever they want.


The President has the right to unilaterally declassify anything... so that was true before this ruling.


Yeah but he’d probably get killed by old age that very night.


The dumbest question ever. The reason they don’t disclose it is because they would be murdered, not for any legal reason. And the SEAL team assassination thing is even dumber. Seals have zero immunity for murder ANYWHERE.


I didn’t ask why they don’t. I asked if it is possible, dumbass.


He's the President. He's always explicitly had the authority to do this, he has final and ultimate authority over any and all classified material. He can unilaterally unclassify any document he wants. Of course, he probably doesn't want his life cut short by a few months, so he won't. But he can; this ruling didn't change anything in this regard.


its obvious nobody knows what the actual SCOTUS ruling is( saying trumps going to be dictator(hes not))


That's the issue, the ruling is so broad that anything can be an official act.


'official act' is a fairly narrow term.


Yet the supreme Court did not define it. They said it would be up to the courts to decide and those decisions can be appealed. Even one of the supreme court judges that voted for it were concerned by the lack of terms in what constitutes as an official act.


Reddit is a left wing echo chamber, what’d you expect? 😂🤡🌎


100% facts ! Your down votes only confirm the obvious!


He knows very little.


President doesn’t know anything. All of the crafts, bodies, and tech we have is guarded by kept under a “needs to know” basis. The president’s curiosity is not enough to qualify as “needs to know”. I find it highly likely that the president is never informed of these things because it’s simply irrelevant to the job of being president.


Yes. It would take less than 23.5 seconds and be completely incoherent and require a diaper change, but yes.


He can definitely ship state secrets to ruzzia. But on UFOs he will have an unfortunate medical emergency.


Because it would be under the umbrella of his new kingly powers it would be deemed an official action and he'd be immune from any legal repercussions. Just like how the Orange Turd can sell our nuclear secrets with full immunity.