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Easier way is modular routers. Here is the link to a nice image/explanation and is much faster than any other method I tested. Just scroll down to the portion on modular routers and have at it https://wiki.enigmatica.net/enigmatica6/gameplay/how-to.../powah-automating-the-energizing-orb


while that might be nice for more complex automation, by that point in the game, I have setup ME autocrafting. i like this setup for its cost, ease of setup, and how early game it is.


You can also just toss a pattern provider directly next to the orb and tick the recipe blocking button. As long as you have something to extract from the orb, the pattern provider handles the smart input and only pushes new materials when the orb is empty.


[Just use Pattern Provider to input, and interface with any fast pipe to extract result](https://ibb.co/TKNW4z1) Make sure pattern provider is set to blocking mode, and use any 1tick pipe - Pipez:item\_pipe with ultimate upgrade, or integrated dynamics item importer (or any other alternatives) You will need just pattern provider and cable (you can even extract items to same pattern provider)


Where are the rods?


they are hidden behind the top hopper