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Spend the time waiting by building a wire fenced perimeter with keep out hazard signs.


Thats actually something I would do because Im primarily a builder, cool idea


o rly? Well you can go full Chernobyl then. With mass grave site, education center, memorial statue; ad hoc emergency housing for the families; abandoned tower blocks with bonfires in oil drums and upturned tricycles.


What about the one room mental hospital you need when you realize no one is left alive for that education center and emergency housing?


There's always testifacates from somewhere you can pick up and plonk down. But yes, abandoned building vibe.


Need to run the Mekanism command to remove radiation and potential radiation sickness.  Never build a fission reactor near anything else. I only run one long enough to make a few wasted radioactive bees. There are to many other power option that are easier and safer to use. 


Nah. I have mine in the basement. Nothing bad ever happened from having a bomb under your feet, right?


Actually they dont blow up no damage to the terrain they just have a meltdown


I'm not sure how you manage to blow one up, unless you're not very careful. Before I leave a reactor unsupervised, I carefully calibrate the coolant ratio so that it consumes the coolant just slightly slower than it fills so the reactor can never run dry. My current reactor runs from 4 ultimate pipes pumping out of sinks. EDIT: The primary point of this reactor is Polonium pellets, so I'm not overly concerned about it not being overly fast.


Only way I’ve blown one up is when I used it for power as well. In ATM8 I had a fission feeding steam into a big tank as a buffer then the tank fed a turbine. Well the turbine couldn’t churn through the steam fast enough and eventually the reactors internal steam tank capped out and caused a meltdown.


I remember playing the skybase version and I managed to blow up the same reactor three times with each time going back to previous backup😅 One time I didn't build a bigger induction matrix, then not enough fuel I think, and last time I tried to see my production limit go high so I went up and above and went with a ridiculously high number and it overheated then exploded😂


Tbf you dobt really need ANY safety measures for a reactor that just produces ressources for crafting. I just dont use condensors in my turbine so its basically burning the water. Set it to "Dump excess" and it also never runs full on steam and causes the heated water in the reactor to fill up. And with kitchen sinks you have infinite cold water aswell. This method is basically just "start and forget". I'll just let the fissile fuel to be autocrafted and the reactor is on always on. If there is fuel in it, it crafts. If there is nothing, nothing happens aswell. I'm running this on a server since two months, chunkloaded and never had any issues.


I've had my reactors fed with the eternal water block, so long as my fluorite doesn't run out for fissile fuel it won't shut off or explode, with a trashbin for the steam as I have no need for it.


You lose your radiation effect on death. However, if you reenter the area without proper protection (hazmat, meka module) you gonna regain the effect. However, the radiation in the area will decrease, I think it takes 9h or so? Time is visible with meka module.


Hey at least you aren't stupid like me a break your solar neutron activator with polonium in it. 89 hours of radiation right there


I did that the other day. Was trying to break the block behind it… 😬


I took off my reach armor cuz I kept getting dangerously close to breaking stuff with nuclear radiation in it. Almost broke a barrel with 19k waste earlier today. Luckily I missed


Mekanism mekasuit has a hazmat suit module, else, make a hazmat suit.


ATM has a backup mod that runs. I'd just restore the backup from before it blew. Dealing with radiation is a giant hassle.


I have had my fission reactor meltdown a couple of times because i broke the coollant intake pipe without knowing when i did base work and i also always make the hazmat suit just incase just before i create the fission reactor so radiation never really bothered me i would just wear my hazmat suit until the radiation dissipates over time, in the past i did use the command to remove the radiation but that was when they didnt have a timer on the geiger counter telling you how long it takes to have the radiation dissipate


Do anyone know where I can find those backups? I struggled a couple of days ago, because some of my files got corrupted.. :c


I'm running ATM9 with Curseforge so mine are located in C:\\Users\\\\curseforge\\minecraft\\Instances\\All the Mods 9 - ATM9\\simplebackups


If you have commands enabled,you can delete the radiation. If you have wasted radioactive bees, those eat radiation. Beyond that, get a hazard suit, that blocks it


The bees do not eat it. They don’t make it go away faster. They just pollinate off of it. 


Certainly felt to me like they ate it in other packs to the point that I set up automation to increase radioactivity in a compact machine


They might consume but not remove?


Put on a hazmat suit and wait. By using an eternal water Block from evilcraft (if available) placed directly on the input you will never have a Problem with coolant. As long as you void or use the steam and nuclear waste it should never explode


Simplebackups is your best friend here, that or 'open world to LAN' with cheats enabled


Get it running on [cc-mek-scada](https://github.com/MikaylaFischler/cc-mek-scada/) and it won't happen again! Here's the youtube channel if you want to check out what it looks like: https://www.youtube.com/@cc-mek-scada


Ah yes, my day job in a game. At this point, we might as well add all the monitoring systems in as well to harden the site against cybersecurity attacks.


It's insane that someone has made SCADA in Minecraft. I hate dealing w/ it in real life. But you don't need to go that far. I think there are five alarms. Four of them can be handled w/ redstone links. Tiny redstone is in the pack so you can create a simple circuit for the fifth alarm. Then you just turn it on and walk away.


A bunch of cheat commands to clear it… if you have the armour you can put the upgrade to not get rad sickness and keep playing while everything around you dies…


If you can survive long enough to craft some radiation proof gear (say a hazmat suit) then you can just bring it to your respawn point, die, and put it on after. Radiation poisoning should be cleansed on death


Same here yesterday dawg haha. Build a Geiger counter and see how long it’ll be before you can rebuild or wear a hazmat suit


Simple backups SHOULD be running. Just leave the game and load in your latest backup before the explosion


I'd advise building a fission reactor inside a compact machine. Personally I've never used it for power, just to get the bees sorted, and I use the bigger reactors mod to make one for power.


Had mine exploder over a trip. When i came back and checked to see what my radiation levels where they where 8.7 mill. I dint know they went that high :/


I made one and blew it up on purpose just because I was curious. Pretty fun process, but I like Extreme Reactors more.


Do they explode? I was searching a valid energy option because i saw with observables that my nitro thermo generator monster is causing quite the lag


Not sure, I’ve heard one video say they don’t on YouTube and haven’t found much more.


Tem o trage de proteção do mekanism contra radiação é bem barato de fazer


Should have made a meksuit with rad protection


Just put a hazmat suit on and then you can work in your base again


/mek radiation removeAll


Kill a bunch of Radioactive Bees in the area to try and get Wasted Radioactive Bees? I don’t know whether them “eating” the radiation will drop it faster, though. We built our reactor on Abydos for this exact reason 😅


I blew a reactor once but mine was draconic in a stone block mod so nothing remained


You can wear a radiation suit or the addons for meksuit, i think both require processing of nuclear waste tho


You earned yourself a little cry. There are server commands to remove the radiation, but yeah you just gotta wait it out. Wasted radioactive bees will help speed up the process. But only a little