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Find a meteorite, bring a cardboard box in case you find a flawless certus bud. Productive trees has an easy to make saw to get the sawdust


what does cardboard box do


Cardboard boxes allow you pick up machines and chests. Very handy to have, just click it on and it will cover the item, then break it. Place wherever you like and iirc shift click to remove the box


It allows you to move flawless budding certus blocks without degrading them. Much easier to farm at your base than at the meteor. That said you only need 4 blocks to start MA seeds or bees.


I think they're inside meteorites


Yep, the newer versions instead of having certus throughout the strata have it ONLY present in skystone meteors.


If you make an inscriber and make an AE villager with it (very easy with the easy villagers mod) you can trade for a compass at level two or three. That should point you to a meteorite. Also the structure compass but that’s much more expensive.


Certus quartz no longer spawns as an ore and can now only be found in meteors. It now acts like amethyst.


this can’t be true, i remember needing 100s, if not 1000s, for ae1, is there a way to duplicate officially of produce more of it? edit: by official i mean methods to do it inside the mod only, not Bees or MA


They added recipes for making more budding certus quartz after you have found some in a meteor. https://guide.appliedenergistics.org/1.20.1/items-blocks-machines/budding_certus


The flawless ones can regrow infinitely them and with growth Acceleration you can speed it up


Not just speed it up but automate it as well quite easily. You will have thousands very quickly with this. Just make sure you properly grab the flawless one or you will regret it...


You can quantum chamber a bunch of meteors with infinite buds and speed the hell out of them using growth accelerators, makes more than enough certus for me and I go through thousands at a time


Ae2 also has built in guides on how to harvest the stuff now, kinda like creates ponder mixed with a book


Specifically AE meteorites


you can create combes for it or do it my way and use easy villager


I found them certus in the mining dim and then just made essence to make the inscriber presses. I also used Refined storage for a while till I got auto crafting to make 1m storage drives