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There is no tactic or equipment below the XXth's use, so long as it's useful


This. Although on its face, artillery might see out of flavor for the Alpha Legion, that just means they won't see it coming. Nothing could be more Alpha Legion than attacking in a way their prey isn't expecting.


This makes me feel better about building a Leviathan Dread as an alpha legion mini


Yes, absolutely! Rapier Batteries have an amazing synergy with the Alpha Legion if you equip them with the Graviton Cannons. Ever checked the rules of dangerous Terrain? It reduces the movement and charge distance of units that start within it! And Graviton Guns leave behind nice big 5" templates of dangerous Terrain where they fired at. This is amazing as it stacks with stuff like the Alpha Legion Trait of always counting 2" further away and Shroud Bombs giving you yet another option to restrict your opponent from getting close!


Wow, I thought it was a no brainer going with the high damage laser one, but I'll definitely go grav! Thanks


Happy cake day my dude!!! Btw is this 30k or 40K? I don’t know enough to remember which one has cannons.


I will have to keep this in mind if I ever get into 30K lol!!


All legions had equipment across the board. Get whatever you want.


This exactly. And all of them could generally use all tactics. But the Alpha Legion specialised in learning everyone's tactics and copying them or adapting them to their own doctrines.


In 'Renegades' novel based in 40k, they talked about rolling out Fellblade tanks, a bunch of Land Raiders, and other tanks. It was a massive armored column to take the governor by force, and that took place early in the novel.


There's a quote I think of when it comes to things like this I've long ago forgotten the context, or who said, or who they said it to, but it still serves to remind me what ANY of the Astartes Legions are about, even the ones that seem hyper specialised. I think it's between a Space Marine Librarian and some kind of null, or similar event that cancels out their psychic power. The null boasts that the Space Marine's magic is gone, and that they are depowered and no longer have connection to their precious warp. "Nonetheless, I remain a Space Marine" says the Librarian, and proceeds to tear the opponent apart with superhuman strength, transhuman skill, and horrific weaponry. This is how all the Legions operate. Even the close-combat obsessed World Eaters have Devastator Squads, the quick and high-flying Raven Guard have Terminators, and the Alpha Legion have tanks and siege breaking equipment. They might not prefer to use it, but they can and they will.


I recommendlooking up the Harrowing. A tactic used to demoralize and shatter an enemy. Artillery is a great tool to this. (When I play 30k, I usually bring some form of artillery or heavy ground support like [IW] Iron Havocs or [UM] Fulmentarus terminators to help break a front to allow my forces to breach into their back line.)


The Alpha Legion uses all equipment and all tactics as it suits them. Have vindicators and whirlwinds. Use them. The Legion makes use of Armoured spearheads, infiltration, massed cults, grinding attritional warfare, massed infantry assault. Airborne assault from storm birds, thunderhawks or dreadclaw drop pods. It's also used mechanised assaults via Rhinos and Land Raiders. Super Heavies would be used if available. They will also shift tactics mid battle. So if you want to field Artillery by all means do so. I know my own Alpha Legion is primarily fielded as Legionnaires, Havocs, and Chosen at present, and I field them as a gun line. I'm tempted to pick up some Terminators and dread claw drop pods.