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there finally trying to get back at us after all the times we called them addicts for calling us addicts😭😭💀


Tell em good luck with what shit.


It’s gonna get banned, but not because of big alcohol. Can’t wait for the day it’s federally legal though so big alcohol can get a proper firm kick to the balls.  I’ve never seen a thca drink or some kinda d8, hhc, thcp (+ any other type of cannabinoid popular rn) tear a family apart like liquor.


You do realize that if they ban this industry, the federal government would be sued for 100's of billions of dollars in financial damages. Someone could also challenge the legislation in the court of appeals and drag it out for years. I'm not worried if they can't stop medical or recreational cannabis what makes you think they have the man power to stop an industry that's bigger than medical and recreational cannabis combined.




500 Americans die every day due to alcohol. But sure ok man.


They’re mad that someone who might’ve bought alcohol instead are buying cannabis products. 2,000 people could die a day and they’d happily dance on their graves while drinking martinis. This has never been about health issues / protecting kids or whatever shit excuse they feed the public. They aren’t making enough money and that makes them mad. It’s really no more complicated than that.


I drank alcohol for 30 years. I’ve done THC products for the last three. I know which one had a much more negative effect on my life and it sure as fuck wasn’t the weed.    Hell, when I quit drinking and started doing edibles in the first five months, I lost 80 pounds without doing a single minute of exercise. Just from the calorie reduction from the amount of booze I was drinking daily.    Now three years out from stopping drinking and starting Delta eight, I’m 135 pounds lighter, my waist is 16 inches smaller, and I don’t feel like shit every day. Still haven’t set foot in a gym lol. And I don’t become a violent angry asshole when I’m stoned like I did when I was drunk.


>And I don’t become a violent angry asshole when I’m stoned like I did when I was drunk. This is the biggest part and I can relate lol. It’s crazy how alcohol makes you feel when you drink too much. Not to mention the poor sleep, anxiety, hangovers, ect. It’s a worse drug in every way.


Lmao. The people selling literal poison are complaining about a natural plant. Gettttttt fucked.


We should ban alcohol instead. I'd give anything to go back 35 years and have my parents be potheads instead of alcoholics.


Typical business weasel tactics, part of the money influence game


I've never understood this. why don't they just invest in hemp products? they already have the capital and the distribution, they could start cornering the market right away. like oil companies could have turned green energy into massive fucking profits if they'd jumped in whole hog


Which is weird considering every liquor store I’ve been to in my area is selling mellow fellow and cake and all that other boof.


My question as well. "These drinks need regulated for public safety." Versus ["Dispite this, were selling em'."](https://www.cannabisbusinesstimes.com/news/total-wine-takes-another-step-into-hemp-derived-thc-infused-beverage-market-with-bayou-hemp-8th-wonder/)


Kava is more applicable


If I'm reading this right, the Wine Wholesalers of America actually want the best for the industry and are worried about bunk unregulated products being distributed to people and posing health concerns. I'm all for that man it makes me sick to see the shit hanging on shelves in gas stations like it's probably synthetic opiates in that gummy. The article didn't mention of THCV being banned, which would make sense, since it's one of the least synthetic popular noids on the market (high yield strains of 15% thcv found in (Pacific islands?) for those who don't know) but I'm expecting it to be one on the banned list since T-H-C-V just sounds so aggressive and scary, right? But imo the whole synthetic//natural is all BS to make us feel better about consumables. Yeah butter is really good but I don't ever think margarine has made me feel like shit. Just me. Y'all know the dispensary distillate is made in a lab too? Unless you're getting rosin or hash then it's probably been pushed around in some vials and tubes. Really sucks that all these oils are getting hate because it's probably the most ethical thing for the smoke shop selling synthetic things to admit that it's a synthetic thing, but then the word synthetic gives a whole scare to everyone and these noids have hate now. Blah


You went full circle my guy…


I think I may be valid


You went from an “Im all for it” to “it's all chemicals and okay”, what were you even trying to say? I got the general overview of the contents to be fair, but I didn't really get much else :/


I guess I'm not exactly sure how I really feel on the issue completely, because while I know opiates are poison and high fructose corn syrup makes my stomach queezy I really couldn't think of many other examples of processed food or consumables that seem like they pose a serious threat. Most of all our everything we eat is run through processing and crap so I just don't really know why noids are gonna get a bad wrap just because it's processed. Regulation though I'm all for. Somebody shouldn't really be able to sell a bag of gummies and just say it's %5000 THCH without reputable analysises, and while many companies still do tests for their products so their customers will trust them, it really should be made a law so that bullshit crap doesn't end up in alt noid gummies


All I can think of is the whole root in nature and it being a plant. Otherwise I feel there's a level of pretentiousness, and then those concerned about safety with residual solvents and such. I agree, except the legal testing has had its issues as well. Labs being paid off, reports being flat out faked, and just general corruption/poor practices are constant issues in the legal side.


Well it could be considered not fair that cannabis doesn’t have to follow the same type of rules as alcohol. Alcohol has regulation. Cannabis does not. Alcohol has expenses and things to pay for cannabis does not.


What are you going on about?


Comprehensive regulatory reform. We need similar laws that alcohol has for certain recreational and over-the-counter products. Ideally we would also make some updates at the same time but that’s hard. And I’m sure the alcohol industry would like a more streamlined system. It would be cheaper for government and business and encompass multiple industries.


Why? Because it’s “not fair” otherwise? We don’t *need* anything simply because alcohol has already been through the wringer.


No that’s not the reason we need it. We need it public safety. And yes, to the alcohol industry it could be perceived as unfair considering they are also a recreational intoxicant that would otherwise have larger market share. Business competition. So naturally they will fight it because otherwise the cannabis industry has an unfair advantage and without regulation it would further take regulated safe recreational market share away from compliant companies and give it unregulated, partly illegal, unsafe, untaxed, small business with rampant employee rights violations


Except the government damn sure doesn't know the nuance to cannabinoids yet, hence why they haven't even clearly scheduled thca.


Closest they’ve gotten is schedule 1 number 31 is all the different tetrahydrocannabinol including D8 and so on. Plus the hemp exclusion. CBD is also categorized in a different schedule Schedule one number 58 is marijuana extracts which all these different cannabinoids fall under when in concentrated form. But this goes back to how we regulate. This marijuana and hemp versus cannabis sativa L question. The idea that marijuana and hemp are somehow different is asinine.


In total agreeance, but the idea we should keep in mind the mishandling of individual cannabinoids. HHC isn't suddenly horrible because it's hydrolyzed THC for instance, just needs to be produced and purified in a certain manner to be safe. I've seen a few government bodies already take action sadly.


Bullshit. Wine Corp is mad because wine isn't in style like it used to be. The younger generations aren't into alcohol, they're into plants. I know this because I used to blog about wine every week. The interest in all things wine has been decreasing for awhile. Also, wine magazines are going out of print due to lack of sales. Then, there's older adults like me, headed towards middle age who discovered THC cuts your alcohol consumption by 85% and this is a positive. When I smoke a little too much weed, I fall asleep. If I drink too much, I have a hangover and nausea. Looking back, I wish I didn't wait until I was 44yo to smoke weed. I smoke due to insomnia but I used to drink vodka like a professional. In the past three years, my alcohol consumption has decreased by a lot. I'll keep my restful sleep and the alcohol industry can KMA.


I agree wine is not as popular as it used to be. But THC does take away from other more popular alcoholic choices But I find interesting, and we all seem to be failing to remember is that most big alcohol companies are already partnered in the cannabis industry. And small companies are learning to do it as well. Big alcohol will take over a portion of the market here no matter what we do.


I agree. I just don't like the alcohol industry pretending forms of THC are so dangerous for the average adult. Alcohol kills individuals daily, not sure why they think anyone wants their body count. Nobody wants that.


Nah they can keep the sin tax lol


Cannabis will have an excise tax. And hopefully after some years of the administration getting streamlined, the excess funds will be earmarked for public school 🤞


Legal cannabis is over-regulated and over-taxed to the point that companies making great product can't survive (CA legal industry). Much tighter regulation than alcohol, closer to pharma, except lots of business restrictions that prevent ease of distribution and sales. What you are describing is the "Hemp" intoxicant market, which is basically the black market wearing a fake mustache disguise, pushing untested trash products in hype packaging at gas stations and smoke shops. These products are cheap because of all the corners being cut, not being regulated and taxed like real weed, and being synthetic or converted. It is much more expensive to take top tier weed and extract it and refine it to make a clean product, than it is to take bottom tier trash and run it through bleaching clays and convert it to whatever synthetic noid is hype right now.


Yeah, CA has a very high cannabis tax. But they also have the wealth bracket to support it. Furthermore, they’re paying for a lot of infrastructure for this industry that they shouldn’t be or at least the burden should be shared. CA specifically is doing something wildly inappropriate as a result. Which they partnering with places like Oregon and Arizona to try to regulate interstate commerce on the West Coast. States regulating other states is a big no no under the constitution We needed federal regulatory framework 10 years ago. But we’re working on it now and that’s what’s important. Stay focused on actual meaningful and effective reform.