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Saaaame! Dopamine hit! Slap the ask!


I love setting my limit above ask and it saying. Are you sure it’s over the market price. Ya b. I’m trying to bring this up not down. Give me my shares at 5 or 5.10. I don’t care lol. Love you dirty apes!


If all 4 million apes just bought 10 shares each at $100 all at 2:30PM I wonder what the effect would be? If 13% of the float was bought at $100 per share I'm sure it would make waves.


i wish i could have that many. I remember being so hyped about breaking out of the xxx club, only to be rammed back into it by the reverset split shenanigans. Unfortunantly my 2.5% raise didnt cover the 50% increase in food/fuel/housing cost over the past few years and i cant keep buying anymore, so ill hold my measly 300 shares.


be smart, live life cautiously and pay your bills, eat good food




$72 pre-split, which I believe is about $396 depending on the chart. $720 in others. Just look at whatever chart you like and go back to 2021 and check the high. At the time $125 was the next projected target, followed by $180 if memory serves. On a $396 chart, that would be $687-$990. Maf - $396 chart high divided by old chart high of $72 is 5.5. So multiply old targets of 125-180 by 5.5 to get current $396 chart comparisons. Used my crayons. But yes, I concur with your opinion, $12 is cake. Similar here, bought the whole range, currently cost avg is $14. I may aspire for $12. lol. And no I’m not price anchoring, just reflecting on old targets as they compare to today’s charts. Good luck fellow Ape astronauts! See you on the moon!


Millions and millions are doing the same! F you mayo boy.


Wait, you guys still have money?


negative money 🤣


I have 170 so mad props to you.


![gif](giphy|lfBKXBz4ut56BDYOHf|downsized) We're slaying shorts simply by staying zen and averaging down. What a paradox that benefits apes, as long as we trust.💓💎🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀


My avg is now 2.31. It was 21 at some stage




You can make your own chart pinning each buy and see what it looks like. Maybe it will draw an APE.


I'm more than triple "116" at $22, and I'm sure I'm the runt of the Bunch. That is, the Bunch holding since 21. Been buying what I can afford when I can and it's very little. But over time, it's added up. The range of people in AMC is huge!


30k buy order coming in discounted phantom shares love it!


how much diid it cost you to bring down your cost average vs. what you lost in losing shares and share price? I was at 14 cost basis dollars with somewhere around 3k shares btw ape and amc. Now I have like 700 to 800 total shares and a 52k loss. I'd have to drop 15k more to get back to a ton of shares... and technically be down 67k just to get back to not losing on my investment.


currently down 122K


Good luck


I’ve consistently had around 1000k shares and anywhere from 5-100 calls at any given time in the last 3 yrs.


Sometimes im tempted to do the unthinkable at take out a loan good god i just can’t stop😢


no fuck that don’t do that!!!! be smart




I got 10k


I prob got like 90 split between 3 different apps and I keep transferring wallets every few months


Congratulations on losing 60% of your money, we at citadel appreciate your donation. I will have Mr Griffin send out a mailer to show our appreciation.