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How much was your fare? That nonstop is running between $8 and $11K for the rest of the year, so I'm guessing PE fare +$1200 is an absolute steal compared to the business fare.


$2700 base fare per ticket so this would put us at $3900 or $7800 for me and my wife with the upgrade.


Do it. Lie flat seats are the best and it’s an insanely long flight for you to kick yourself. If you have the means and it’s comfortable to be comfortable, I recommend it. Edit: Its easy to spend someone else’s money. It may drop and then you’ll feel like you have a double win. I’m conservative today in my upgrade offers I guess. Your gamble is really will others take it before you see a lower offer.


I think I decided to give it a couple weeks to see if it drops down. We’re still a little bit out from the trip.


That’s only 1200 one way for the upgrade, right? Still a fuckin deal.


Dumb question probably but what do you mean when you say “that nonstop is running between $8 and $11k the rest of the year”?


If you look on Google flights, the business fares on that particular nonstop flight from DFW to HND are between $8,000 and $11,000 on every day between now and the end of the year.


Ahhh I see! I thought you meant $8 and so I was like where is that I’m going to buy tickets right now for that price lol


Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait. Pull trigger. No wait.


That is crawl over broken glass while pleasuring the pilots level of a good deal.


Found the AA Marketing exec! lol.


My experience is it will go down, however their is no guarantee. I’ve paid 750 for transpacific on AA. Keep in mind AA flagship business is a huge upgrade from premium economy, but it’s still the worst business class to take to Japan.


Eh... I did Polaris to Osaka last year. Seats were like coffins, the food was inedible, and the FAs couldn't have given two shits (yes, this can happen on any airline....)


Polaris is far from the best, still an upgrade from flagship.


Hard disagree, but to each their own. I'd take DL or AA any day over Polaris.


How are the seats like coffins and AA are not ? They are bigger in Polaris.


We were in the middle two seats. Maybe the walls were higher or the doors were smaller? It felt really claustrophobic and I actually had to calm myself down when we boarded because I kept thinking "how am I going to do 14 hours trapped in here?"


That’s impossible, Polaris doesn’t have doors.


Not a physical door - the opening where you climb into the seat? Anyway, this is a personal preference thing and I didn't enjoy my experience. Glad you like it.


Pull that trigger


in this day/age, how has someone not already hacked the AA algorithm for all of us? THAT would be something worth paying a subscription for. Don’t they still run the system off TI-994A computers? joking, but only slightly


Can it go lower, maybe. Can it go higher, maybe. The only real question here is, is it something you’re comfortable paying? Any other questions are just speculation.


Lowest they’ll charge is around $300-$400, but will it go down to that? Absolutely no idea


I wouldn’t do it for that price. I did long haul to Japan going there in business on AA metal and the return in Prem Economy on AA. Prem Economy was just fine, especially if you’re in the bulkhead. If you do end up going for business, make sure you order the Japanese meal!


Wait, let someone else buy it, watch the price go up, regret it later. Or wait, watch the price go down to $750, ask this sub if it’s worth it. Or wait until the price gets to $350, buy it then and be excited. Or buy it now and don’t look back.


I will 100% do it if it drops to $750 no question


I think you missed his bigger point. But it’s a gamble in my mind for you to wait. Could go lower of course but also he’s saying it could go up and you’ll be upset.


I think it’s worth it to buy it now fwiw


If you paid < 1k for PE, imho this is a steal. But everybody has price points.


Nah I paid about $2700 for each PE ticket one way.


Do it NOW


I’m sitting in Tōkyō about to fly back to DFW and it is worth it!


I’m not paying $1200 for a nap.


What’s the upgrade in question? $1,200 for PE one way or $1,200 for business one way?


$1200 for business one way.


What’s the mixed cabin price on your dates for: - DFW-HND (business) + any connections - HND-DFW (economy) + any connections The reason I ask is once it was cheaper for me to just outright buy business one way and I earned more LPs and miles that way since the increased price all counted as part of the ticket and not an upgrade.


Would you regret more if it goes cheaper after you bought it, or if you miss your chance because it sells out


I think I settled with I’d rather wait to see if it drops. If I don’t get it no biggie. This is the only leg of this trip that’s not business class.




The good thing is if you do pull the trigger, you won’t be able to see how much the price comes down (or goes up). Just went through this myself and bought at $580 (LHR to ORD, business class from economy). I keep going into the app to check on the outbound pricing (still at $1,800 - no thanks), and am happy I don’t get to see to what the current offer is for the upgrade I already purchased.


It really depends on whether an extra ~$90/hour (each) is worth it to you. I personally wouldn't do it, because PE is generally adequate for my needs and the upgrade alone costs more than what a business class award ticket to Tokyo often goes for. But none of us can tell you how to best spend your money.


Well when is it…?


What about using miles and cash for the upgrade? Is that an option?


I could use miles but I’d like to blow them on a round trip to Europe later this year.