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Buy a Powerball ticket fellow traveler!


About how it felt


Had this happen to me PHL to SEA. I was over the moon.


As well as over the entire North American landmass


That’s actually a fun joke


You know what, I really appreciate that, kind Internet stranger. It’s been a day, for sure. Thank you, and tailwinds to you wherever you’re heading.


You got me there, traveler.


Better than AA during IRROPS, amirite? ::snaredrum::


Dang that’s a good one. This was SFO to ORD


Nice haul!


Probably an ORD crew. Amazing peeps!


I had it happen on a 777 LAX-MIA one time - possibly my best domestic upgrade ever.


I've got one that's similar. Flew to LGA Saturday morning, cleared the standby list. Got an aisle seat, nice. Start boarding only to realize my aisle seat is an exit row, even better. Then no one else showed up so I had the row to myself.


Wow, can’t recall having ever seen that before. I did have one occasion where my wife and I were literally the only people in the FC/BC cabin of a 737 from PVR-DFW. And economy was completely full! I’ll never understand how that happened; what a waste!


Wow! I thought every seat next to the exit door had to be filled or at least more than one.


I'm not as familiar with the regs regarding air operations but I found [this](https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/2022-05/PL_115-254_Sec_323_Safety_of_Unoccupied_Exit_Rows.pdf) from the FAA. Page 6


Very cool! Thanks for sharing


People miss their flights all the time, the max no-show number for first class on my previous flight was 7, yes, 7 first class missed their flights, nothing going on for TSA, nothing about traffic or weather.


I also believe first class passengers that fly regularly are more likely to change something at the last second than folks that don’t fly regularly.


Saw this happen on a flight from DFW to HNL. Flight was full in premium cabins but 2 seats stayed open in J when the door closed and a couple came flying up. Thats a 9 hour upgrade!


I was just upgraded: waitlist showed 0 available seats, I was 2nd on the list. Never believe what the app says.


A good ole’ battlefield upgrade. The best kind of upgrade.


I got downgraded after boarding on Saturday because the gate agent messed something up and gave it to me.


Get your $300


How's that


In recent months, I’ve had two upgrades hit after I was seated & just as boarding door was closed. 😂🤣In both cases, my first notification was via app (I kept checking & refreshing my boarding pass since I was right on bubble)! Once upgrade came through, I showed the new seat assignment to flight attendant & move up to First! Definitely got a few jealous looks taking that ‘winners walk’ up the plane. 😂🤣🤷‍♂️


Had that happen to me quite a number of times (on trans con flights) but never over the intercom. Every time it happened, they just walked up to me with a new boarding pass and "booted" me to business. I had never complained and had never asked a single question why. Just moved and said thank you.


I once was number six with one open FC seat showing in the app as boarding started. GA called my name. Gave me a new boarding pass for FC. “How’d that happen?” I asked. She said a party of five just cancelled at the last minute. Score!!


Happened to me once; I had a decent seat and was settling in when the gate agent came on board and handed me a new boarding pass.


It has been almost a calendar year since I had any upgrade and I'm EP. This is astonishing to me that other people have this luck.


very route dependent. 650k LP and i'm either first or 12th on the list lols


I'm finding that


I’m a mere platinum peasant. AGS to DFW upgraded to first two weeks ago Now this today. I’d say I get it 1 of 15 large flights. The little ERJ700 flights don’t count.


Are you based out of DFW and regularly making runs to other hubs? I’m only PP and am 4/5 so far this year out of ORD. I have a flight to LAX later this week and that one has already cleared.


Ord. I am thinking I am going to be better off in a different carrier.


It has to be the routes you fly, even when I was working up from being a newly minted gold last year I’d still grab an upgrade every now and then (on a 6am out of SAT, or the last flight home from STL). On the flip side, I think I was 80th on the list out of DCA when I flew home from there in November, and that was after I’d cleared PP. the other two people in the MCE seats with me had CK tags on their bags.


Ahhhh the luck of you getting upgraded while a nonrev gets the Econ seat lol


I've had the gate agent call my cell phone while I was seated to tell me to move up to first class.


That’s top quality customer service


Happened to me once so far. Even though I was on a non rev ticket with United, I got the last FC seat open for the IAD to YYZ flight. Granted it was delayed for over 3 hours and I was comfortable where I was sitting at being the seat next to me was empty now, I’m glad I got the last minute upgrade. The gate agent came onboard to give me my new boarding pass and asked if I wanted to move up to First Class


Happened to me and my wife on LAS-PHL last October. We were 2 and 3 pre-boarding and I kept refreshing my trip info in the app once I saw there had been two open seats in FC entire time we were boarding. I didn't win any money gambling, but I managed to score the FC upgrade!


They called on my cell two weeks ago for ORD-LAX while i was in my seat. Asked if i wanted to take 1st class and moved up. They were boarding the last group. Of course i said yes.


Happened to me and my partner on the 5:15 AM from SAT —> MIA on Monday never been so grateful for an upgrade.


This was SFO to ORD 545 Monday morning


I got upgraded once after I had boarded and settled in. Found out when a lady said I had her seat. I offered to just let her sit up front because I didn’t want to bother moving. The FA and people sitting around were amazed when she acted like I was trying some scam and insisted I move. Both me and the FA just shrugged.


You fly a lot when you turn that down 😂


lol. Every week


Love this !! American always do it for me when I fly with my baby especially.